
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,035 Member
    Morning ladies
    Oh Pip- mistakes happen...and Kirby will get overit,and im sure you can reschedule. Here is hoping you heal properly.. we all love ya and want that for yoy my dear.
    Its raining until mid morning
    And the hummingbird is finally coming to the feeder,i got a small one for the window,i know they like the rainy drizzling weather.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka’s super power is a mixed blessing

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    It sure is!

    I can get a cut and stop bleeding almost immediately which can be nice ... but I live with the risk of clots. :neutral:

    M in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,557 Member
    (((PIP))) No words to express how sad I am for you that Kirby would make you feel so bad!

    Carol in GA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,702 Member
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Pip, that's too bad. But it's only a human mistake. Hope your shoulder heals quickly.

    I am going out to lunch today. I've been saving up extra calories, so I have 900 extra to spend. Yay! I feel rich!

    Annie in Delaware

    Have fun Annie 👍
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,164 Member
    :)Barbara I frequently spend my alone time doing chores. The joy for me is that I can have TV or music on that suits me without having to wear headphones and be asked questions while I work.

    <3Pip, I am sad for you and Kirby and your disappointment about your trip. We've all done stuff like that.

    :s Jake had to wait extra long for his nuclear imaging yesterday because his blood pressure was too low so they had to give him a saline drip to raise it. Fortunately he had coffee and a snack waiting for him in the car for his hour long drive home. He wanted comfort food later after his ordeal so we went through the drive through at Taco Time and got tostada salads. Yum.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    I’ve always shied away from IF as I get headachy and even nauseous if I go too long without eating, and if my first bite is protein, I get paralyzing heartburn. BUT I do believe I can (and do) go 12 hrs water-only fasting and could do that a couple of days a week. Hmm… “food” for thought :laugh:

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    I stop eating about 9 pm most nights, sometimes earlier.

    During the week, I eat "breakfast" at 11:30 am.

    On my days off, I eat "breakfast" somewhere between 1 pm and 2 pm.

    I'm quite comfortable going 14-17 hours without food, as long as there is at least 7 hours of sleep in the middle somewhere!

    I've never been a breakfast eater. Eating breakfast earlier in the morning just seems to be an "ON" switch and I'm starving all day.

    M in Oz

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,256 Member
    Tina thanks for the Denise Austen tip!

    Annie in Delaware
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Pip, Pip, Hooray! :p<3

    I went to the massage . It felt absolutely wonderful, but half an hour is too short. I've scheduled another one for next week, but for an hour that time. I will have to get the money out of my savings account, but it's worth it. She really seems to have 'the touch'. :D My son was really enthusiastic about her and her face lit up when she realised I was his mother! :laugh:

    Having monkfish kebabs for dinner with salad and a bit of rice. I have done no exercise at all today.

    My friend L is having trouble recovering from her hip replacement. I assume it's just temporary. It's a big operation.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx waiting for DH to get back from the barber's.
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 641 Member
    You're lucky M. Seems that MN nice, isn't nice at all when you sneeze from allergies (into my elbow... always the teacher, thank you very much) and you get a rude look or some "Karen" who yells at you to "PUT ON A MASK!".
    ps... I would LOVE that home office! I do have a lovely view out my kitchen "home office", so I really can't complain much.

    Love the pix, Rita! Looks like WAY too much fun.

    Oh no, Pip... So sorry for all the stress. Sending you HUGE, tender HUGS and as much love as I can. Please eat!

    Had a wonderful dinner with a dear, dear old friend last night. We've worked together for 20 years and she's getting ready to retire next year. We're in different buildings and we make sure to get together at least 3-4 times a year to catch up. We'll continue to do this after she ABANDONES ME!!! LOL It was so much fun to reminisce about all of the kids we've worked with and all of the fun and chaos we've been through! OH MY... the chaos!

    Well, that being said... back to work for me. Have a GREAT DAY ALL!

    Carla, in MN
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    edited May 2022
    You're lucky M. Seems that MN nice, isn't nice at all when you sneeze from allergies (into my elbow... always the teacher, thank you very much) and you get a rude look or some "Karen" who yells at you to "PUT ON A MASK!".
    ps... I would LOVE that home office! I do have a lovely view out my kitchen "home office", so I really can't complain much.

    Love the pix, Rita! Looks like WAY too much fun.

    Oh no, Pip... So sorry for all the stress. Sending you HUGE, tender HUGS and as much love as I can. Please eat!

    Had a wonderful dinner with a dear, dear old friend last night. We've worked together for 20 years and she's getting ready to retire next year. We're in different buildings and we make sure to get together at least 3-4 times a year to catch up. We'll continue to do this after she ABANDONES ME!!! LOL It was so much fun to reminisce about all of the kids we've worked with and all of the fun and chaos we've been through! OH MY... the chaos!

    Well, that being said... back to work for me. Have a GREAT DAY ALL!

    Carla, in MN

    A good portion of us wear masks here. We have to wear them on the bus and some office buildings (like mine) require them too. Of course anything medical requires them. Plus several of us feel more comfortable in a mask inside shops where there are people.

    I take mine off when I'm outside and away from people for a breath of fresh air. Everywhere else I go requires or encourages them.

    But I'm happy I won't have to wear one much for the next 4 days as I'm off work!

    M in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,557 Member
    Carla ~ I assume you are an education position for your work. Many of us here are retired teachers....Barbie, Katla, Dr. Datiebug, Mary, and myself plus others. I was a 5th grade teacher for over 30 yrs.

    Carol in GA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    Worked then stopped at the dollar store. Came home to get dinner ready then the Green Room this afternoon after which I go for my shot of prolia. Depending on what time I get out, I may go to Aldi

    KJ – I can still remember when the kids were little and we went to see MIL and FIL who were retired. I remember FIL saying “now that I’m retired, I’m so busy I don’t know where I found the time to work”. I remember thinking “yea, right”. Now I know what he means!!!!. Denise Austin’s DVD’s don’t seem to be too hard. We really do need a new mattress topper (foam). Don’t know why Vince hasn’t gotten one. Maybe he just hasn’t noticed that we need one, so I’ll mention it to him. Oh, what a sweet baby. He looks so happy, I bet he’s happy all the time

    Barbara – Vince has this thing that goes into the microwave but then you can strap it around your waist. He warms that up and then uses it for the warmth. He’s going to the MD Tuesday to have it lanced. The reason he can’t go sooner is because he’s on a blood thinner and has to stop it a few days beforehand.

    Lisa – good luck at the dentist. That’s always SOOO much fun….

    Pip – so glad things are OK now with you and Kirby

    The only places that require a mask here are hospitals and some doctors.

    Off to the Green Room

    Michele NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,253 Member
    Didn’t sleep well last night. Not sure why. Brain is in stall mode today.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2022
    Barbara — It has been almost a year since I went to Cannon Beach with my daughter and her family. We came home to extreme heat. My hanging fuchsia died from the heat. I replaced it with a red geranium. I liked it so well that I’m planning to get another geranium this year. I like a sunny day at the beach but that was the hottest weather I can remember at the coast or here. 🥵

    Barbie — Sorry that Jake had to wait a long time for his nuclear imaging. I imagine he was happy to get home. ❤️

    Lisa— I hope your dentist appointment goes well. 🙏🏻

    Pip — I’m glad things are better between you & Kirby. I hope your new cruise will be delightful. 😘

    Heather — A massage sounds like a wonderful treat. 😊
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,035 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well cloudy today rained this morning. I worked for 2 hrs throwing out papers and junk.stopped for lunch and will get back at it ..
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,727 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    5/18: Chose well: Joe, readings, BP, PT x 3, CI<CO, CI<250<CO
    Bonus: Crissey Field with Joe and the dogs, BGBS, one load laundry
    Workin’ on it: 143.0, H20x5, active 3:46
    Meaningful May
    19: Reflect on what you feel valued and purposeful: more like people. Still stuck seeking approval of others ;}

    Very low minus tide yesterday morning. Tumble played in strange creeklets in the mudflats as tide receded. Some of them were deep and swift, got worried when Joe said it was like quicksand. Grateful when Tumble responded to “Come!”. Those training games have sure made a difference.

    Knee v. grumpy yesterday. Seems to be worse Wednesdays, could it be all the standing/cooking on Tuesdays? Took an ibuprofen, then later an aspirin. Thunk. Heavy nap for two hours. Thankful Joe took dogs to power line and fed ‘em,
    I was O U T. Woke feeling better enough to do third set of pt exercises.

    Oh pip! So sorry for your pain! Whooshing healing and peace to you both.
    Rebecca your gown and caplet were beautiful. :love: the wedding pics.
    Lisa and Michele, will add your rx and operations history to my blood pressure spreadsheet. PA is happy to see it, but think the gals in the office would be just as happy NOT having to scan it in to the records. ;}
    Michele could Vince tolerate a warm compress on that boil? He’s wise to be tactful with the current treasurer. Our fire district’s treasurer was forgetting things too, incurring late charges etc, Our president suggested to him that the bookkeeper take over routine payments and reporting, leaving the only the “financial” tasks of transferring funds and signing checks to the treasurer. We were all relieved when he accepted.
    Mary you don’t plan to keep the property, either way? How long do you estimate the DIY to take? Market is volatile, the $150K return could be a lot more, or a lot less, when the DIY is done…
    Tracey thanks for the “Zulies”
    Flea what you (and Machka and Tracey) said about our “work sick” culture. And wow, that was a very very close call.
    Barbie holding good thoughts for you and Jake. Had to google “Nuclear Imaging” Amazing what they can do nowadays.
    Tina thanks for the Denise Austin
    Vickie that is a lot of water. Love 4WD.
    Katla delighted to hear of the other osprey’s return.
    Welcome @BeYourBestSelfDeb Debbie from OH, we’re happy you’re here, too!
    Lanette thanks for the Mark Mattson link. You encourage me. I’ve always shied away from IF as I get headachy and even nauseous if I go too long without eating, and if my first bite is protein, I get paralyzing heartburn. BUT I do believe I can (and do) go 12 hrs water-only fasting and could do that a couple of days a week. Hmm… “food” for thought :laugh: Like the idea of your grass hook, is the handle long enough to use while standing up?
    Rita great pics, so glad you had a good time. ‘bout time you had some fun.
    Heather :love: :love: :love: Mrs. Green and the Yippee! eraser.
    Carol, what you said to pip. IMHO pip felt bad enough, didn’t need the silent treatment. Unworthy of him.
    Kelly, what a cutie the new baby is! Look forward to hearing about the water/plant experiments. Have I told you lately how much I want to be one of your childcare kiddos?

    Joe will go into town later this morning, That will be my cue to [shudder] vacuum the house and excavate the laundry mountain. Some treat that alone time is, eh?

    There, caught up. Time to snooze.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    Ooh caplet, I like that word💖👍
    It was one of my perfect days!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,875 Member
    Rita--Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

    Pip--Sending lots of hugs!! Glad that Kirby has come to his senses, anyone can forget something and with all you have been though the last couple months.

    KJ--He does look like a happy little boy. What fun.

    Another HOT day here and then the next couple are only to be in the high 50 and low 60's. Crazy weather for sure.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited May 2022
    I missed the discussion on turning Wi-Fi off when not in use. Can someone clue me in? Is it a security measure?
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,727 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Carla ~ I assume you are an education position for your work. Many of us here are retired teachers....Barbie, Katla, Dr. Datiebug, Mary, and myself plus others. I was a 5th grade teacher for over 30 yrs.

    Carol in GA
