

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    :)Allie, If you work at your cleaning up process a little at a time, it will get done.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,577 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    Oh, such a fright, Barbie. Glad he rallied fairly quickly. Good to call 911. <3

    My elder son has just done his first Audax. Didn't even know he was planning one. Considering he was in hospital last year with heart problems, early signs of diabetes, and obesity, he has done amazingly!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    Welcome to your son!!

    I've been part of the Audax world since 2001 and my husband has been part of it since 2002. We met on one of the longer events in 2003. :)

    I am president of the Audax Tasmania regional group and I spent last night working on our section of the Audax Australia website.

    There's a celebration ride going on June 11th to celebrate the 100th year of the 300 km distance. Regions all over Australia (including Tasmania) and in many countries of the world are holding events. So part of my work on the website was to put info about it up on the website.

    The first 300 kilometer event was held on the 11th of June, 1922 in France: https://www.audax-club-parisien.com/en/our-club/history/

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake cut the grass this morning faster than usual because it was about to rain. A little while later, he felt funny and took his blood pressure and it was lower than usual. He took it three times and it continued to drop to a level that was so low that he had me call 9 1 1. They came immediately and took his blood pressure again, sitting and standing and did an EKG. His blood pressure increased to a point where they concluded that he was OK and the EKG showed no serious problems so they could leave and could come back later if necessary. He is feeling much better now. We were reminded that calling 9 1 1 is a good idea even if you think you're being overly cautious.

    <3 Barbie in rainy NW WA

    My father had issues with that about a year after his heart attack and stent placement. Turned out, his stent was too short and they had to go in and install a longer one.

    And in my husband's case, he experienced the symptoms of a heart attack when he exercised and more blood had to be pumped through.

    Do keep an eye on things! I'm glad he's OK for now, but it might be a good idea to contact his GP and get an echo done.

    And you're right ... it is a good idea to call emergency services in situations like that.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    I need to start logging and making notes of how I feel after eating. I don't know what is going on, but I am getting lots of bloating after eating. The kind that causes my bra to be uncomfortable as I am bloated to the bottom of my breast bone. I thought it was because I ate too much Thursday night, but have been miserable every night after dinner. Logging may help figure out trigger.....any ideas?

    Kylia temporarily in Kentucky

    Peanuts do that to me.

    Also, I had an endoscopy done about 6 months ago and they found that my stomach and duodenum process food very slowly. So if I eat a bit quickly, or have dessert right after dinner, it all packs in there. I bloat and it gets quite painful.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,357 Member
    Worked today then cut the grass. They were SLOW, and I do mean slow, this morning. It started to pick up around 10, but not like normal. I have a feeling they’re going to be slow all weekend. But not my call. I still gave them the same amount of prep. Hey, if it comes down to it, it’ll be that much less I have to do Monday! Then came home and cut the grass (weeds). Transplanted a flower, I want to see how it looks by the pool. But I bet it’ll die, I transplanted it...lol

    Had dinner and then made M&M cookies to take to Steve’s this weekend and to have in the hotel at Denise’s

    Anne DE – (((HUG)))

    Carla – happy anniversary.

    It’s supposed to be nice this weekend so I’ll probably be in the pool. In a way, glad we cut the grass today.

    Reunions: to be honest, I’m really not interested in a high school reunion (if they have one). I’m really not in the mood to spend $$ for hotels, meals, and with the price of gas! I never was really close to the people in high school. Now elementary, that’s a different story. We did have a 25yr reunion, I went to that and it was very interesting and enjoyable. Vince’s high school reunion was the weekend before Jess’ graduation. Can you see him driving to NJ and then to Iowa? So he skipped it. Wish they’d had it at another time

    barbie – thank goodness Jake is OK. I can imagine how scary that is for you, BTDT

    Why is it that sometimes, not always, when I go to add food to my diary, there’s only one thing to choose from?

    No work tomorrow so that means that I can exercise. Yea! The plan is to do a Reebok Stayball DVD. New one so we shall see…

    kylia – almost everything I have at the condo was purchased at a thrift store. I just can’t see paying a lot of money for use one month out of the year

    Michele NC
    who is going to try rebooting her computer and see if that doesn’t solve the MFP logging problem
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    It's been a busy month and exercise has taken a hit!


    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,842 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    The sun is shining. I'm going to try a walk/run this morning. The weather and the seafront first thing are too good to miss. I haven't been out of the house for two days. Not good for me. I so love it by the sea at this time of day.
    I hope my back will play ball! It comes and goes at the moment. It hates having to get things out of the freezer! I'm careful to bend my knees, but it still complains. Slowly does it. I will practice my new, upright posture!

    Hope your anniversary road trip went well, Carla! <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @cityjaneLondon Heather, thanks for transferring that quote I was seeking! same with calories isn't it!

    This is the trick. 21 calories à day too much makes 1 kilo in. year. With up to 1 -2 kilos fluctuation any day, it's virtually impossible to track such a slow gain or loss, in. way that it shows up before. a few months at bet. (three months months later average at half a pound more AVERAGE - or 1/4 kilo, one can suppose it's an increase) but so little after 3 months or a year to be alarming, its only after 2 or 3. or more years that it becomes so. Good point. To LOSE 1 kilo that requires 42 calories less per day or 42 calories more burned off per year. Hard to keep up motivation with such slow results.. and presumably metabolism will continue to decrease. So maybe 50 calories less per day ? or 100 calories to be really radical and lose 2k per year... it would have the disadvantage of being less motivating (no results for 3 months at best !) but the advantage of being more engrained, longer lasting, and a very modest modification.

    Today : 2 small apples (about 1 calories and a big gulp of soy milk).

    Really when I eat dairy in pollen season I get runny nose. Halo ice cream low calorie and with some protein though it may be is not my friend this time of year! achoom ! sniffle sniffle.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    edited May 2022
    Sunday's Cycling


    That's about 160 calories.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I went once. Early on I had no with to go back, then later with Facebook and whatnot I was curious and an old close friend called many of us up and got us to get together to go, rent a hotel suite together and spend a little weekend together. it worked out pretty well considering it was 4 women that had barely seen one another for 35 years sharing a suit.

    That year they had it by the sea about 40 miles from our town and in summer so it was quite doable.
    Usually I think they do it in November on the Friday after thanksgiving and sometimes in our old town, often in a pretty ordinary restaurant. I think in the past they did it in the city also about 40 miles away in a fancy-ish place.

    It's almost impossible for me to go in November. October/November is about the worst time for me to travel. my workload is always high. When I went away for a little week in October for a work related opportunity far far away, in 2019 it was nice but so stressful work-wise. Not to repeat if I can avoid it.

    For the one 5 years previous it had been a November meeting at a very ordinary local restaurant. I couldn't see myself travelling so far for such a thing. After retirement, if I have one, why not ?

    It seems to be dominated in number by the people who were "jocks", the past "mainstream" popular crowd. What was nice is to find some of them, who we really never knew, kind and charming, whereas basically we were not in the same crowds back then. (our class was 369 people so you really couldn't get to know everyone).

    But it seemed that there was some competition, and some sadness, a few guys way too drunk, a few girls and guys eager to hook up for the moment (why not if they are single). One couple did actually become a couple so that's more sweet. Some married guys looking eager or open to hooking up too. The ex class president - who was not very classy back then - drunk and insulting in his way of speaking to past beauty who had gained a lot of weight. I think there was a lot of uneasiness mixed in with the real pleasure of seing one another.

    I didn't remember all and was not connected to many. One girl remembers me really well and it took me a long time to remember her, and I felt bad about that... one in our old circle, who had been pretty straight lace, was quite the drinker. another had had a really really horrible unthinkable relationships experience. (her ex in prison).

    The friend who organised it was very sweet in some ways but also maybe kind of passive agressive.(?) she would speak for others sometimes and get really upset if one rectified their position.

    There must be conscious or unconscious comparing.
    Appartently there was a girl who faked being engaged the one before, came with a fake fiancé and a fake ring...

    Better than to be expected for co-habitating for 48h after 35 years of not seeing one another, but to repeat ?

    When retired, why not ? Before, unlikely with the great distance.

    Happy Sunday to all!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,059 Member
    As to reunions, I never went. High school was a very lonely time for me, I hung out with a few other misfits but never really had friends that I would want to reconnect with. College was better, and I'm still in touch with some of them.

    I dreamed I was sledding through a snow tunnel and got stuck. Frightening.

    Heather I'm so glad your back is getting better. You must be giving it the proper amount of rest and exercise.

    Annie in Delaware

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,416 Member
    Julie - Glad to see you again, and thank you for the logical view on weight gain. Daily weigh-ins are necessary for me for my mental health, but I know that the comparison with yesterday's weight is the least accurate measurement. It's the overall trend that's important.

    Barbie - So glad Jake's OK!

    Nearly 6 a.m., and Corey's still fast asleep. Once it's a little warmer, I'll go outside and get some trimming and pruning done.

    Did laundry all morning yesterday, including hanging towels and such on the clothesline outside. While I was doing that, Corey went and picked up everything for the week that we needed without me--having finally realized that neither of us actually likes shopping with each other has been wonderful. I like to go shopping super early when few people are around. He didn't even leave the house until 10:30. He gets super cranky around too many people, and when he tenses up, so do I. By himself, he can be just as cranky as he wants.

    Am beginning to develop routines that make sense to me, just adding back one more thing at a time. For the first time in my adult life, I'm able to impose my will on my every day life, and in all honesty, sometimes find myself paralyzed and unable to decide because I want to do all things! Interesting slant on how the world works...

    Anyway, time to get moving and get some yardwork done.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    edited May 2022
    Nice Sunday

    Sleep in - of course. But oddly, I got up about half an hour earlier than I have been on weekends lately. In fact, I've had a frightening amount of energy this weekend. I don't know why. Energy is a rare thing for me because I work about 17 hours a day during the week, so I usually have the energy of a sloth on the weekend. But this weekend, I've been working full speed ahead on various things.

    I tidied some things. I've put most of my laundry away. I've caught up several things that needed doing.

    Then we headed out and got my husband his 4th COVID shot. He's high risk.

    We got a short, quick bicycle ride in.

    Then we went out to dinner with our son and daughter-in-law. That was really nice. She's got 3 months left and she's having a girl. :)


    On Friday, I got a referral to a podiatrist again. The X-ray and ultrasound didn't turn up any reasons for the weird pain in my foot, or the numbness. It did, however, confirm that my arthritis has progressed to "advanced arthritis" ... but that shouldn't be related to the other issues.

    I'm dealing with my advanced arthritis first metatarsophalangeal joint by walking lots. :grin:

    M in Oz
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,942 Member
    My 50th high school reunion is also this year. I am on the planning committee. We are charging $50 for one, $80 for a couple. Mingle at 5, dinner at 6, music and dancing from 8 to 11:30. If you only want to come for the after dinner part, you can pay $20 per person at the door - a very affordable option if you just want to drop in. We will have a slide show running of pictures and a memorial table for those who have passed. We lost two in the last two weeks. One had dementia and the other cancer. I am not happy with our venue but the rest of the committee is super excited. It belongs to a friend to one of the members and he is letting us use it for free. The food is costing us about $20 per person and the DJ is $850, I think. We aren’t expecting a crowd, but are hoping for maybe 40 people. We invited other classes as well. We usually don’t get a big response from that, but we will get a few who were particularly close to some of us.