200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I love how my one post about wanting to donate blood on page 2 has continued all the way to page 12! Haha.

    Crystal: My mom went on Chantix and it was the worst thing ever! She had the mood swings. There wasn't a night she wouldn't end up yelling at someone! I really hope it works out for you. It's time to get healthy!

    --- I got a new fish yesterday, He's a gorgeous red betta and his name is Simon. I'm a little sad he doesn't flare up at my finger like my late betta did.. But this one is far more adventurous with his little tank!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WiggleSarah - I am SO sorry to hear about your friend! {{hugs}}

    Kristine - .2 is still a loss :smile: 10lb might be more achieveable in the 6 weeks.

    RainSarah - Hi!! Sorry you're so rushed!

    Kerry - You ARE a rockstar!!

    Crystal - When i had to say goodbye to my very best friend in the whole world i was SO upset. It was a couple of years ago now, but i still miss her. I have the Twins now, but they'll never replace my Montanna. She was a Rhodesian Ridgeback x Bull Mastiff, and oh GAWD she was my baby! When i got her put down, i swore i'd never bother to get another dog because she was so perfect, no other could ever be like her... I'm glad i got the Pups though, i'd be lost without them. But you never forget your best friend. Eventually you stop being sad, but you will never forget her. Also, when i quit smoking i replaced cigarettes with water and lollypops. It worked!

    My baby :love:

    Nava - EWOK PUPPY!!!!! :heart: I'm so excited for BOTH exhibitions! I can't think of better ways to spend either my hen's party OR my honeymoon!! haha!

    Apryl - Trust me, on the last challenge, i made a comment about "lady grooming" and the conversation lasted weeks!!!!

    Ok, everyone needs to add me on facebook, www.facebook.com/babywormsau.

    I just went onto FB to get a username so that i could put it here for people to add me, and there was a message in my inbox from my ex. The amount of words i would like to use to describe him that i just can't use on here... Anyway, i met my Other Half on a dating site called oasis, and i also met the ex on there previously. He just sent me a message saying "I hate to ask, but are you back on Oasis?" I was very proud of my response: "wtf?? no! I'm getting married in January, why the f*** would i be back on there??"
    I felt that i was being particularly reserved in that response. i feel a little ill having heard from him... stupid a s s hat damn near ruined my life. HOW DARE HE CONSIDER CONTACTING ME!!! WHAT THE FARRRRRRRK?!?!???! ARRRRKJADHFJKADBFEGUFIBXJCKSU:DFHARSUH.


    Anyway. Was too windy to walk the pups yesterday, so they're beyond crazy this morning! But i'm just so tired, and after hearing from ex i'm so not in the mood to do anything. ARGH!!

    Dinner last night at the work thing was AWESOME! But, i fear, undoubtedly PACKED with that evil sodium monster. Pleh. Oh well, chug chug chug the water today!

    Sorry if i missed anyone... i'm just rattled hearing from that THING. Ugh.
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    So I am completely behind on reading everyone's posts, but I am definitely proud of myself! I have been eating horribly for the past week or so (along with not running for a few days) and I think my real wake-up call came when I was inputting my calories and I realized that my favorite meal at taco bell was over 1000 calories!!!! :noway: yikes!! And then I was hungry like an hour later!

    But today, I decided to change things and I feel like I ate a lot better! Not only did I eat healthier, but I ran 2 miles and walked 1! Yay for me!:happy: I feel awesome, although very sore! But I am definitely making progress! Unfortunately, I have to get up at 4:45 tomorrow for my nursing school clinical rotation at the hospital :grumble: . But that's okay! I hope everyone is doing well and I encourage all of you to make those little choices that count!

    PS- I have also decided that I am limiting my desserts to two a week!!:frown: Lord give me strength! LOL! :smile:
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    A mini catch-up:

    Hosanna, I just friend requested you on Facebook! Ugh about hearing from your ex...I bet it felt good to tell him that you are getting married though. :smile:

    Crystal, crossing my fingers for you that the new meds help your breathing...

    Bobbie, I always have a big problem getting blood drawn too. They usually go for taking it out of the back of my hand instead of my arm. One time I had 3 nurses poke around on me before the doctor came to do it! Yuck. I was thinking that about the good weigh-in too...I'm bracing myself for a bad week next week.

    Jessi, I hope you're able to get a good night's sleep tonight!

    Amy, I'm dragging today too. I still need to go run for the night and I'm feeling just blech. I will do it though!

    Qofsheba, I was in the DC area for a wedding this weekend (I used to live in Reston, VA and a friend of ours got married in Oakton), and you're right about the fall weather! It's the same here too...it seemed to just happen overnight!

    Jenn, money stress is the worst. Crossing my fingers for you that your husband can find a great part time job. I'm sorry about your student too; he will be in my thoughts.

    Nava, yes, that was the ideeli dress on Facebook -- thanks! I saw the pictures and was disappointed that I didn't look like I'd lost as much weight as I feel like I've lost, but hey, I got into the dress! One thing that's great about that dress is that it's stretchy, so even as I continue to lose weight I'll be able to wear it. I'm glad that your mom is being civil again, and sorry that Joe has to go back to his apartment. :frown: How long until you both get to move to England?

    Rikki, Five Finger Death Punch rocks! My boyfriend says they should come up with a popcorn/nut snack to sell at concerts and call it "Five Finger Death Munch." :laugh: Also I love Perkins....the closest one to me is about 40 minutes away, but we always eat there when we're in the area.

    Kristina, is Insanity as....well...insane as it looks? It actually looks like fun, but very intimidating...

    Kerry, 10.3 miles? With HILLS? What? You are such a rock star!!

    Kendal, you'll have to posts pictures when you get your Halloween costume!!

    Time to go run for the first time since last Tuesday! Oh man...
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Heather, Amy, Bobbie, Crystal and Pam- Thanks so much!

    Hosanna- Exes suck and that is why they are just that! Don't let him ruffle your feathers, you have a wedding to look forward to!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Pam - YAY we're friends now! I've also stalked Lacey and Nava through your page as well :tongue: And yeah, it felt BRILLIANT to tell him i'm getting married! SUCK ON THAT LOSER!! That's right, you screwed up the best thing that is EVER going to happen to you in your entire miserable life, and now i'm getting married to an AWESOME man who loves me PROPERLY so NER!!! :bigsmile:

    Pam and Amy - I've been feeling so blah since THAT message, but i got off my butt and took the pups out... and did D1W1 of C25K!!! MAJOR sense of achievement, even though i stopped for a rest half way through.

    Jen - Thanks love :smile: i'm glad I have been able to manage it as well as i have today!

    So yeah... just finished the first day of C25K. I ran laps around our community park, which was fun for the dogs, who tore around after me and amused anyone else who came through the park! I had a timer on my phone for 60/90/60etc seconds, which was awesomely helpful. I took a break halfway through - BUT i wasn't intending for it to be a break... i was planning on calling it a day. You know, "well, i've done half of day 1, that's a good start, i'll do better next time" etc... but while i was having a sit under the tree drinking my water, i thought "you know what... NO! I'm going to go back and finish it so i can tell the girls on MFP that i DID IT!!"

    And i did!

    Thanks to you girls, for being my inspiration and my motivation!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pam- yes, insanity is an insane as it sounds.

    Work was super hectic today. Didn't get a chance for lunch. Made baked ziti and had a friend over. Only a bit over my calories. Wouldn't have been if I got a dvd in-- just didn't have time when I got home before she came over, and if I do it right before I bed, I'm too amped up to sleep.

    My numbers, as promised:
    1653 eaten / 143 exercise calories / 310 over. oops? if i had gotten another good long emma walk in, it wouldn't have been as bad.

    last chance for weigh ins! I'm posting tomorrow morning
  • hkallembach
    Kristina: Money savin' before/in/after college is always important. What was your favorite part about The U of M-AA? I sent you a FB friend request.

    Kendal: Please adopt me. You can be the older sister (since we are sort of too close in age for you to be my mother) I never had! :smile: I so want your Hoops and Yoyo calendar!

    Victoria: Nice race! Stupid question, what exactly is trail running for races?

    Jessi: I have a kitty, I love him to death because he is my old friend here.

    Tasha: Family functions are frustrating!

    Annette: I am a doormat for people.

    Natalie: Great motivational idea for money on the wall!

    Amy: Epic dentist story. I hate the dentist until my dying day....too painful on my jaw.

    Kerry: Yay! You are back!

    Crystal: Maybe in the near future we could get together or something. :flowerforyou:

    Hosanna: I sent you a FB friend request!

    Nava: I love the photos! It is nice to know someone else has similar family issues. My shell was given up along time ago! I think? Hopefully?

    Jenn: (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))

    Bobbie: Giving blood/getting blood tests done sounds painful!

    As for me.......

    *mind blows up*
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Jessi - I can only imagine. Yuck! I know it's completely different but that little piece of tissue can be SOOOOO sensitive! I've had my tongue pierced and it had been pierced too far back and to the point of rubbing on that under-the-tongue thingy. I was miserable. I eventually gave up, took it out, and had it re-done. I hope it does get better for you soon

    Apryl - I sure hope I don't turn into the spawn of satan... Lol. I've heard all of the warnings. The two friends I've had that had success with it only had issues with the weird dreams. I've tried cold turkey before and I am the BIGGEST B I T C H in the world. I've also used the patches to some success...temporarily obviously. I'm hoping this'll be the one thing that kicks the nasty habit for good.

    Hosanna - Yea, it's so hard to lose your baby/best friend. I'm sure I'll be sad for a while. I know I'll never forget her. At this point, I feel exactly the same way... No dog will EVER be as good as her. Obviously, it'll be quite a while before getting another dog is even realistically considered, but even just the vague idea makes me sad thinking that no other dog will ever compare. :( Your dog was adorable though. *sigh* So sad.

    I'm sorry to hear about your ex too... I have an ex like that. DRIVES ME FREAKIN' CRAZY! It's never fun to have to deal with that and that is definitely some nerve of him. (Oh...and I've FB stalked you. :wink: )

    Pam - Thanks for the luck! I'll need it!

    Hailie - Yes, it would be fun! And just because you gave up your shell, doesn't mean that you're allowed to blow up.:laugh: *hugs*
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    So yeah... just finished the first day of C25K. I ran laps around our community park, which was fun for the dogs, who tore around after me and amused anyone else who came through the park! I had a timer on my phone for 60/90/60etc seconds, which was awesomely helpful. I took a break halfway through - BUT i wasn't intending for it to be a break... i was planning on calling it a day. You know, "well, i've done half of day 1, that's a good start, i'll do better next time" etc... but while i was having a sit under the tree drinking my water, i thought "you know what... NO! I'm going to go back and finish it so i can tell the girls on MFP that i DID IT!!"

    This is brilliant - well done. Is your phone compatible with the phone app? Most remotely smart phones are, and it's so easy to use.
  • pinbotchick
    Hallie - a road race is on roads/side of the road. A trail race is through the woods, over dirt rocks, grass, and more dangerous. You'll have such fun in AA!!!

    My recent check=ins... 2175 burned Mon, 4306 burned Sun, 2250 burned Sat, and 2310 burned Fri... I did not log cals on Sat or Sun. The bad news is 2800 consumed Mon... I will be back on track and start exercising again tomorrow.. I'm 1/2 hour behind on my ave 60 min a day. I figured out why my Bugg went wonky - the new upgrade (which now works) keeps the bluetooth connected 24/7 which wears the battery down. I now need to charge it twice a week. Sighs.

    Hugs to all. I may FB stalk some of you. I'm getting jealous that you are all after the others and not me... I wish I had time to respond to all. Hugs and prayers were needed. Thoughts are with all.
  • pinbotchick
    I'm a total failure with stalking. I tried - I friend requested a Crystal then 2 more Crystals showed up and I have no idea if I stalked the correct one. I give up!!! PM if you want to be my FB friend to...
  • pinbotchick
    Hosanna - I think I FB friend requested you. It's much easier to stalk from iPhone if you follow who's requesting who (and your pic was the same)...
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Victoria...I haven't even tried stalking anyone on FB for just that reason. How in the world do you know that you have the right person, unless their pic is the same???
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Crystal ~ Yes I LOVE SIck Puppies!!! XFEST is put on by our local radio station 103.9 TheX so I'm not sure if the sister stations in other staets do it as well or not.

    So, I wake up today with all intentions of going to the gym. I step on the scale and it has me up 6 lbs from my WI on Friday. I am just so heartbroken that I go right on back to bed to lay with my husband for a extra hour and a half. If I'm going to gain, I'm going to do it while enjoying my time in bed with my man. I suppose it is finally that beer and fried vegetable basket hitting me right? I just go so furious that it seems so easy for some people.

    I just looked at one of my friends food diary and she eates total crap. Chocolate chip bagels, fries, wings, ice cream, a salad here and there, but you get the point. She has lost 20 lbs and started MFP after I did. WTF am I doing wrong. Yes, I eat out. Yes, I have a beer or two once a week. Every week on MFP has said that I would be a less weight in 5 weeks, and yet.....here I am.

    I don't mean to be so whiney, but come on!! Now I'm in a poopy mood. It's dreary and raining. I have a job i don't like, and I don't want to pay bills.....ever again. There i think I hit all the points for the day.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Victoria, now I just Facebook stalked YOU! :smile:

    Hosanna, your dogs are going to love that you've started running; yay for starting C25K! I've been following a similar running program called "Run Your Butt Off" and only have about 2 more levels to finish before I can run for 30 minutes at a time....that just completely blows my mind. I've never run for that long in my entire life. I'm running super duper slooooooooowly, but it counts! I'd like to be able to sign up for and run a 5K before Christmas....we'll see....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay, here's week #1'S chart. A couple of notes.

    1. If you weighed in late in the week for the first time, and didn't post a second weight, I've put you on my excel sheet, but you won't show up on the weight chart until week #2 (if you weigh in)
    2. If you took a pass this week, you're not on the chart, but I have made note, and it won't go towards the 2-week absence and you're dropped rule
    3. There were a TON of people who joined this challenge, so I sincerely apologize if I missed someone. Please let me know if I'm missed your weight, and I'll make sure to update it on my spreadsheet for future weeks.
    4. We had 11 people not weigh in the first week.The shame!

    So, here's the format:
    Name, Starting Challenge Weight, Week #1 Weight (difference)
    Victoria, 194.5, 194.5 (0)
    Kendal, 214.4, 213.8 (-0.6)
    Lacey, 210, 210.8 (+0.8)
    Amy, 188.4, 188 (-0.4)
    Hailie, 252.6, 249.8 (-2.8)
    gonnadoitjenn, 305.8, 306.4 (+0.6)
    Pam, 215.8, 215.2 (-0.6)
    silver02bullet, 206, 208.2 (+2.2)
    Bobbie, 316.2, 313.8 (-2.4)
    Hosanna, 220.7, 219.4 (-0.7)
    ladyg0915, 275, 270 (-5.0)
    Sarah (rainvc), 234.8, 236 (-1.2)
    Katheryne, 281.8, 280.8 (-1.0)
    jessikerlaine, 279.6, 268.2 (-11.4) <-did I have your starting weight right? dayam!
    Breanna, 213, 215 (+2.0)
    Una, 205, 200 (-5.0)
    Annette, 181, 179 (-2.0)
    Kristene, 221, 220.8 (-0.2)
    Apryl, 177, 175.8 (-1.2)
    NatalieGabriel, 153, 151.8 (-1.2)
    alaskagirl5, 105.6, 105.2 (-0.4)
    earthsember, 217, 217.2 (+0.2)
    Crystal, 216, 216 (0)
    Tasha, 217, 215.2 (-1.8)
    Ashleigh, 255, 255 (0)
    Reginab13, 236.2, 232.4 (-3.8)
    heather (heatherblack84), 237, 235 (-2.0)

    Nice week #1 everyone. We had a lot of healthy week weight losses (1-3 pounds)

    This week's winner? If I have her starting weight right, which I think I do, is jessikerlaine with an 11.4 pound loss. Holy crap, lady! In second place, we have a tie with Una and ladyg0915 with also very large 5 pound losses!

    Congrats on your first week. Stick with it!
  • pinbotchick
    Thanks Pam - you made my day :)

    Rikki - weight loss isn't easy. Is your friends diary accurate? I know it's hard but don't compare yourself to others. You have lost 6 pounds. Are your clothes fitting better? Is your body shape changing? How long haVe you been on MFP? a pound a week is great loss... If you take it off slowly, it is more likely to stay off. You CAN do this!!!

    Bobbie - I really freaked out when the other Crystal's came up - 2 of them had face pics with young babies... Who knows who I friend requested!!! Sometimes I feel to old for this electronic stuff. Glad I'm not alone being lost.

    Have a great Tues everyone!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    and my pic is the same as here. or you can find me friended with several of the other members around here- Kristina, Victoria, Lacey, Amy, Jenn, Pam, Jessi, Hallie, Nava.......

    Hosanna- my ex husband still bothers me occasionally. The last thing he texted me was that he was going to delete my phone number but he hoped we could be fb friends so he can "keep up" with me without bothering me. :indifferent: :mad: stupid d o u c h e.

    Hallie- why for did your mind blowed up? lol I love your short, one sentence response to people. And I printed my Hoops and Yoyo calendar from their website for free. :wink:

    Today is a bad day. It's Snack Day (don don doooonnnnn). We are celebrating a guy's birthday and he specifically requested that I make white chocolate covered pretzels (and lots of other sweets) so I also brought chips and dip to counter act all the sweetness.

    The scale is still beating me up for all the cookies and cupcakes from this weekend.
    Rikki- I am up 3lb from Friday :sad: you are not in the boat alone.

    I did manage to get a 1 mile walk in (30 min....SLOW WALK) with Mr. Reunion and Lexi last night. And since everyone else has posted puppy pictures:

    She was the White Rabbit since I was Alice in Wonderland......lol

    and here's a friendly reminder:
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday...:smile: