Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • helena98
    Checking in.

    SW: 196.0
    WK1: 193.4
    WK2: 194.2

    Honestly. Is it too much to hope for a weight loss EACH week? I don't even care if it's only 0.1 pound -- I'm just tired of the lose-gain-lose-gain cycle......
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I'm slow to lose these day but did have a loss, Yah!.....from 141.8 to 141.2! Love the challenges this week Rose:) Carbs are my biggest weakness!!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,945 Member
    Weigh In For Tuesday September 20th: 143 pounds
    Same as last Tuesday which means I maintained the pound I lost the previous week.
    This is an accomplishment as I was out of town from Friday to Monday so didn't log my food and allowed myself treats. I did exercise while away though and I did really watch what I ate yesterday.
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    Starting Weight on September 6, 2011: 158.4lbs
    Goal Weight by November 22, 2011: 143.0lbs

    Week One on September 13, 2011: 156.4lbs
    Week Two on September 20, 2011: 154.8lbs


    Almost a two pound loss! Feeling better now that I can exercise again this week!
  • dbennett1
    dbennett1 Posts: 4 Member
    SW 154
    WK1 153
    WK2 150:happy: -3
  • morgan511
    morgan511 Posts: 17 Member
    Weigh in for today:

    SW: 150
    WK1: 148.8
    WK2: 148.2
    GW: 135

    Down 0.6 lbs =) Not exactly what I was looking for but it will do for now.
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    SW: 176
    W1: 180 (BOO!!)
    W2: 175 (It's not much, but I'll take it!)

    NSV: 0.5" (I finally lost something off my hips, WOOO HOOO!!!!!)
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    9/6 SW: 147.2
    9/13: 145.8
    9/20: 144.4

    another 1.4 loss... maybe if I stay consistent like this I'll hit my goal. Its nowhere NEAR my Friday weight though but considering I completley blew it this weekend, I'm TOTALLY okay with my loss. I'm still not focused like I want to be. I'm going to get to the gym today during my lunch hour... I think if I get back into the swing of doing that.. that I will be okay.
  • vcmete222
    Well, not exactly what I was expecting, but at least I had a loss. Down .4 today.
    Great challenge also! I'm pretty sure cutting carbs will be very helpful for me, now I just gotta stick with it. Thanks!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    9/6 SW: 155
    9/13: 155
    9/20: 154.5

    Down a half lb. this morning and I'll take it!!! TOM has finally left the building so I was hoping for a good number this the new challenges Rose!! Carbs are such a weakness here. Congrats on everyone's loss big or small, and if you didn't lose...this is a marathon, not a sprint as someone said, it's hard to not get discouraged but hang in there and NEVER give up!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, All!

    SW: 195 9/6
    W1: 192 9/13
    W2: 189 9/20 :bigsmile:

    I guess this qualifies as being on a roll...I'll take it after the standstill I was at for forever.

    Working-so this is short-have a great week everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    Been sick with stomach bug since Saturday night. Haven't eaten much or drank much in the last 2 days. So this weigh in probably shouldn't count for me. I'm sure once I am able to eat again it will go up, But gosh that weight sure looks good.

  • gracemleone
    SW: 132 GW: 115
    Week 1: 130
    Week 2: 129
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    This weeks weight 153.8
    Last week was 154.7 so down 0.9 which I am happy about. Exercise has improved and I am back to eating better.

    Sometimes I think when we get near our goal we undermine or jeopardise it not sure why? I am very happy to be this size!!

    Looking forward to this weeks challenges - I will need to do some reading :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So my weight is the same 190--Considering my sweet intake last week, I am very glad it stayed where it was. I am back on track this week!

    I've decided to revise my goal to 179 might as well get below 180!!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Checking in this week at 130...hardly a loss, but considering TOM not terrible I guess...really hoping for some progress next week...
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member

    First.. I actually made it to the gym today.. super proud of myself for going even though I was trying real hard to talk myself out of it and go shopping (even though I do still need to buy black fondant because I hate making black).

    Second.. going to the gym during my lunch hour I see the same people once in a while. I keep to myself though and don't really talk to any of them.. well I hopped on the elliptical next to a girl I've seen a hundred times and when I'm done I go to clean my machine and she goes "you've really lost a lot"

    I don't know why hearing it from a complete stranger makes me feel so good but it does. and who knows maybe I'll get a gym buddy out of it.
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Checking in at 156.6. Was hoping for more of a loss but the weekends really get me! I am looking forward to this weeks challenges.
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    SW MFP June 21st - 208 lbs.
    SW Challenge Sept 6th - 189.2 lbs.
    1st Week Sept 13th - 188.8 lbs.
    2nd Week Spet 20th - 184.8 lbs.
    GW Challenge - 175 lbs.
    GW MFP - 137 lbs.

    This week was much better for myself. I just have to take one day at a time, one meal at a time and keep drinking my water and exercising.
  • Carrie704
    SW - 127
    Week 1 – 125
    Week 2 – 123.8

    down 1.2!!!!!