What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,606 Member
    Monday Leg Day, the best way to start a week of fitness!

    Squats, RDL, Leg Press, Leg Extend/Curl
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,606 Member
    Pull Day

    Pullups, BB Rows, BB Shrugs, Cable Rows, Face Pulls, Cable Hammer Curls

    Plus a half hour walking a 150# dog who is still learning to not pull on the leash.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Still in covid protocol so no gym today...nice little 10 mile road ride though.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Oly class! It's been 37C outside but cooler at the gym, though I still had to take off my shirt 5min after the warming up. We're getting ready for my first weightlifting competition this Saturday so we had to work up to our startinh weight and then do that 3 times, with 5-10 second resets between.

    I still have my back injury so I was careful and put my bar on top of some plates to accomodate for my temporary restrained mobility. I did sets of 2 reps at 20, 25 and 30kg. These were full parallel power snatches. Then I did singles at 35 and 40kg, though those were higher, less squatted power snatches.
    40kg was my 1RM based on fear. I'm intimidated by higher weights for my snatch. And it's my starting weight at the competition so once I realised I could do a 40kg power snatch with my back injured, I had to do 3 reps. And I did!
    Since we had 20 min for this and I was done in 15, I decided to try some heavier lifts. The 42,5kg was a success! New 1RM, yay! The 45kg was a bust, I got it up to eye level and failed. But! I think I might be able to pull it off soon!

    So in weightlifting comps you do 2 lifts: a snatch and a clean and jerk. You get 3 tries per lift at whatever weights you choose. So I was thinking 40-42,5-45kg for the snatch and 47,5-50-52,5kg for the c&j. I'll still be able to change the weights on the day itself.

    My c&j is relatively weak because my wrists are weak and my shoulders and arms are not strong enough compared to my legs but we'll see. My 1RM c&j is a 47,5kg and it's a bit old already so these numbers seem fine to me.

    Then we did accessory stuff: 4 sets of 10 bench presses and max reps pull ups. It was a hassle figuring out the right amount of bands at the right height for my horizontally assisted pull ups so my numbers varied widely from 0 to a 7 that I just stopped because it was much too light and I wasn't putting in any effort. The bench press was 30kg for me, divided into 2 sets of 5 each time. Towards the end I was fighting for the 5th rep every time.

    But it was great because I didn't hurt my back more, I got a little less scared at the 40+kg weight for snatches, and my bench and pull ups were solid considering my arms and shoulders and ribs and back and pecks!!! were all still sore from allof yesterday's bench presses and pull up stuff. I'm very happy with my performance today.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,697 Member
    Bike's still at the shop, and the university men's club coach was being paid by our club to coach at tonight's open row session, so I rowed.

    I took out one of the club's recreational singles (more stable than my racing single) in anticipation of being asked to do some uncomfortable corrections. 😆

    I got some useful things to work on, so overall it was a good plan. Total 9125m, in about 90 F (32 C) heat, humid, sunny. Even though I didn't push that hard, I was dripping with sweat. A little Z4, mostly Z3 and below.

    @mtaratoot, that looks like a fun kayak - nice lines!
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Went for a hilly neighborhood walk with the kid. It was hot, kid was slow, but overall a nice change of pace from the elliptical. We did 3.1 miles in just under an hour. Mostly z2, with a bit into z3 on the hills. I could've gone faster, but the kid wasn't feeling it today. Instead, I came home and did my dumbbell/bodyweight routine. It's starting to feel easy in some parts too. Hmm... how to increase without overdoing it? That's the eternal question, isn't it? :D
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @dralicephd slower reps. I'm injured so I can't do everything I normally do so when we did bicep curls the other day as an accessory I used a 7,5kg db and went suuuuuper slow on my reps. I could only do 3 per side at a time and my biceps felt on fire afterwards but it was majestic. If I'd gone higher in weight, I would've hurt myself more. For comparison: usually I do these at a normal pace with 10kg or 12,5kg DBs. Throughout my slow reps I was even thinking of going down to 5kg so I fully had to rely on willpower to get me through.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,509 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Bike's still at the shop, and the university men's club coach was being paid by our club to coach at tonight's open row session, so I rowed.

    I took out one of the club's recreational singles (more stable than my racing single) in anticipation of being asked to do some uncomfortable corrections. 😆

    I got some useful things to work on, so overall it was a good plan. Total 9125m, in about 90 F (32 C) heat, humid, sunny. Even though I didn't push that hard, I was dripping with sweat. A little Z4, mostly Z3 and below.

    @mtaratoot, that looks like a fun kayak - nice lines!

    I actually do like that boat a lot. So it's surprising how long it's been hanging unused in the carport. It's VERY different from my canoes. For one thing it's a lot heavier. It's a pretty beefy layup, and obviously it also has a deck. The canoe does have aluminum hardware. The kayak has a skeg instead of a rudder. I'm not a fan of rudders on kayaks. The bulkheads also add some weight. I am guessing maybe 55 pounds or so. It didn't feel as fast as the canoes do, but when I watched my friend paddle it, it sure looked fast. I just checked my average speed from my device, and it confirms I paddled faster in the kayak. For sure it felt like we made it upstream faster. Of course the other day in the canoe my friend was on a paddle board, and I had to stop to wait for him from time to time.

    The kayak was built in July 2000. My ultralight canoe in July 2016. The glass canoe was built in 1988. They all do different things, and I enjoy paddling each of them. Maybe I should get the ultralight out today for a change.

    I need to replace all the shock cord on the deck of the kayak and possibly the perimeter lines. Always work to do on boats.

    I think I can sit in the canoe for many more hours straight than in the kayak. I have to point my toes out when in the kayak as the deck doesn't let my feet be straight. That puts strain on my hips. The kayak can carry a lot of gear comfortably below deck. The ultralight canoe can also carry a very large load, probably larger. I also can fit a cooler in the canoe. Not so much the kayak. I have to tie things in to the canoe since it doesn't have watertight hatches, and of course they are only so watertight. Even in the hatches, things need to be in drybags.

    Yeah. I'm going to paddle at least one boat today.

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    @mtaratoot, Love the boat pictures. That kayak looks like fun. I have both a kayak and canoe and now have the itch. :)

    Went for a lake swim last night, no wetsuit needed. There are no large motors or jet skis allowed on this lake, so it was very calm. I just worked on my form and stopped a few times to rest as needed. I wear a swim buoy for visibility and safety in open water, so its easy to rest in deep water by just hugging the float. I"m going to plan for 2 lake swims per week through the summer, since it's much more fun than the lap pool.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited July 2022
    Another heater today...hopefully we'll break out of this wave by the weekend as I told my 10 year old I would take him catfish fishing on Saturday. Didn't get out early enough this morning for a ride...it's 10AM and already 98*...95* is pretty much my upper limit threshold. We hit 107* yesterday. We are in the desert, but it doesn't typically break 100* here as we are at a mile high in elevation so it feels really friggin' hot right now.

    I have some pool exercises that I keep in my back pocket from the summer of 2020 when I was pretty busted up so I think I'll break those out this afternoon. It never really feels like good work, but it's moving and better than sitting in my floatie with a beer.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    I've been taking the week off. Headaches for two days and then feeling off. IDK, wife thought she might have Covid again and tested negative. I don't feel terrible, just not well enough to workout.

    Throwin' in the towel for a few days until I feel better. Grateful not feeling worse, though.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,606 Member
    Push Day

    Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Decline Machine Bench Press, Seated OHP, Cable Pushdowns
  • BoundlessBow
    BoundlessBow Posts: 21 Member
    My initial goal was to do work out A from Stronglifts but both squat racks were taken and the gym was unusually busy for 5am. So i made adjustments and did leg day, minus squatting. Leg press, Leg curls, Leg extensions, Standing calf raises and 20 mins of light cardio.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I went to the gym intending to do the gymnastics 'homework', which consisted of a bunch of beat swings, active shoulders hold, banded lat pull downs, adjusted bent over rows and db bicep curls, because the regular workout had double unders (which I can't do because of my ankle), sit ups (which I can't do because of my back, and a bunch of pull ups (which I plain cannot do).

    I did the gymnastics stuff in about 30 min, including the warming up and still had 20 min left despite starting class late so I decided to do clean and jerks. I haven't done clean and jerks in a month or two and before that I've only done them once this year. And I will have to do them saturday, at the weightlifting competition. So I figured I needed to practice them. Usually they're covered in friday's oly class and sunday's oly class covers both snatches and c&js but I can't usually make it to those. I can't do oly class this friday either so I decided to try mimicking what we did on tuesday with snatches and build up to my starting weight c&j.

    This week's been very hard on my shoulders somy shoulders and neck were really feeling very sore. I did a power c&j followed immediately by a hang power c&j at 25kg, 30kg and 35kg, with only a minute rest between sets. Then I had to start rolling my neck and shoulders with a lacrosse ball between sets so I moved on to singles, with 2-3 min rest between. I did 40kg, 45kg and finally also 50kg, a new 1RM. My technique was not as good as it usually is but I was doing them off the floor and my back felt okay so I can now do 50kg deadlifts again, which is better than the starting point of 0kg and the 30kg I struggled with 2 weeks ago, though still far off of anything actualky heavy.

    The c&j actually felt really okay, even at higher weights. I had more trouble with the cleans because of my wrists than with the jerks, though the jerks got my shoulders stiff. I think on saturday I'll try 47,5-51-55kg. It should be doable if I focus on technique and also rest a little. And once my back is fully healed I'll work on 60kg and 65kg, both of which seem doable. I also decided that I want to start doing oly class on fridays so I'll see if I'll do 8am, 6pm or 7pm but I'll start after my vacation so from october onwards. And once my back is healed, I also wanna work on a 50kg snatch and slowly build up to a 130kg deadlift. I was so close to being able to do it.

    I also wore my new sportsleggings today. I have a problem because retail therapy and exercise have become my new coping mechanisms and I'm very much drawn to bright colours so I keep buying pretty leggings. These are turquoise and from adidas's super huge techfit line and they fit perfectly, though you do see all the sweat but who cares. I'm still waiting on another order of sportsleggings from a brand that's very popular on ig so I'm excited about everything sports-related right now.

    Have a great wednesday, everyone
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    @dralicephd slower reps. I'm injured so I can't do everything I normally do so when we did bicep curls the other day as an accessory I used a 7,5kg db and went suuuuuper slow on my reps. I could only do 3 per side at a time and my biceps felt on fire afterwards but it was majestic. If I'd gone higher in weight, I would've hurt myself more. For comparison: usually I do these at a normal pace with 10kg or 12,5kg DBs. Throughout my slow reps I was even thinking of going down to 5kg so I fully had to rely on willpower to get me through.

    Good idea! Ironically, I do this with the parts of my routine that are bodyweight only, so I'm not sure why I didn't think to do this with the dumbbell stuff too. See? This is why I still post here. :D

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,509 Member
    Paddling again. Same route as the previous day, but a different boat. About three miles climbing upstream and then three miles back down.

    This time I took the Wenonah Encounter. It's my lightest boat at 38 pounds. It's 17' long with zero rocker. It has very high sides and is quite seaworthy. I think I'll probably use this boat only when I'm loading up for a multi-day trip or if I'm going somewhere I want to keep big waves out. It is very stable, so isn't quite as much fun as the Advantage (six inches shorter, ten pounds heavier, a couple inches narrower, and sides are a couple inches shorter). I think that will be my go-to boat for now. It's also tougher than the Encounter since it's glass instead of ultralight aramid. They're both tougher than some people think.

    I was commenting to my friend when I had the sea kayak out a couple days ago how I just couldn't sit in it for hours on end like I could the canoes. I assumed it was just having my feet pointed out which affects my hips. My hips have "issues." Otherwise it seemed like the same sitting position. Then I noticed yesterday it's not at all the same position. In the canoe, my butt is up higher, but my feet are still down on the hull. Just that little amount of drop makes all the difference, at least for me.

    I am considering taking my whitewater kayak today out just for grins. I won't be able to get as far upstream. My whitewater kayak is fast by whitewater kayak standards, but it sure wouldn't keep up with the long boats.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,606 Member
    Thursdays are cardio-only days, a break from lifting, so 45 minutes on the elliptical. Thought about going longer (especially since I was digging the program on the TV lol) but my lifting workouts are designed to be 45 minutes long, so figured I'd make the cardio day match.