Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    184.4 this morning, which is fine. The baby decided I wasn't allowed to sleep anymore, even though she is being very sleepy herself.

    Might as well use this time to write some postcards to voters. There's a constitutional amendment in Kansas that will be very important coming up in the August primaries.

    Today is Video Vamp, which is a new class for me, but it's a choreographed dance of a popular music video, so I'm excited to see which one. And then poles.

    Today I need to clean up, put the last couple things away that we moved to clean the carpets, go grocery shopping, go to the zero waste store, the gym, and then I get to be a cat in a video game. Tonight is cheeseburgers, last night ended up being leftovers.

    Tag party time:
    @bojaantje3822 I'm sorry about your story, that's absolutely horrible.

    Ooh, I hate leggings that feel like tights! That cheap rip-any-second feeling. Hate that.

    @pamperedlinny I hope you have a good rest this weekend.

    @kenziestabes WOW incredible work! Well done! Happy MFPiversary. I'm sorry to hear you've exacerbated whatever your legs have going on, mojo it gets better soon.

    @justanotherloser007 oof, having that kind of reaction to salt sounds terrible. I'm glad you're dealing with it well.

    @cosmiccurves YASS way to go! In the 80's!

    @The_Fat_Optimist I'm glad that the AIP is making you feel better, is this a long term thing, or do you start adding things back in, eventually? Congratulations on your progress, you're working very hard.

    If I were on MFP for more than the forums, I would friend request everyone in here, but since I'm only here in the forums and don't use MFP for anything else (I log my food on MacroFactor), no friends. So if you've sent me a request and I haven't responded, it's because there's no point to being my MFP friend, I don't post anything outside the forums, lol.

    @seltzer_lover oh no someone is cutting onions in here. WELL DONE. Happy MFPiversary to you, too. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

    @LisaLethal weight loss is made in the kitchen, as you're finding out. :wink: I love the balanced approach you are taking, and you're making good progress! Weight loss is practice for life after weight loss, and the way you're handling the fair(s) is very practical.

    @KeriA Condolences for your MIL. Thinking of you and your family. I'm glad you still had your sister over, sounds like a fun time and much needed.

    @Ineedtolose50lbs I'm sorry to hear COVID got you! Rest up, hydrate, and yes, make sure you're eating something to keep your strength up! Mojo you get well soonest.

    @sargemarcori sometimes dinners we throw together with bits and bobs can be the most satisfying!

    I love that you flipped off your scale and got on with your day :lol: Scales can be lying liars sometimes.

    @tahitig HOORAY YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS! Have fun on your trip! I would like to see a picture of bears if you don't mind!

    Time to get going, have a great Saturday, everyone!
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    @bojaantje3822 Congrats on your competition! And thank you for your kind words. I wasn't expecting that much of a difference either! I've gone down about 2.5 dress sizes, but my figure is pretty hourglass, so I don't expect to go down more than another 2. I'm just glad my boobs aren't lost in my abdominal fat anymore. I also feel like more people need to include face pictures in the before and after. My face is where I see the biggest change.

    @sargemarcori First night with the new duvet was a success! It had the weight I wanted on my body but I didn't wake up sweating!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 248.8 (I got down to 247.6 last month) new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150
    July GW: get into the mid 240’s

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    7/2: 248.8
    7/13: 248.6
    7/15: 247.4 (new low)
    7/22 247.2 (new low)
    7/23 247 (new low)

    🌻 July GOALS! 🌻
    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet Yes
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and walk 6 days a week Yes
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching)
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home Yes
    🟨 Eat at a sensible deficit Yes

    The dinner last night went well. This morning I did some online research on being an executor for my husband.

    @Ineetolose50lbs It can take up to 5 days from exposure to test positive to COVID. We just wait to test unless we have symptoms. Take care.
    @kenziestabes great progress pictures
    @tahiitig enjoy your trip!
    @CupcakeCrusoe thanks for the condolences.
    @bojaantje3822 congrats on your prize
  • AIP4ever
    AIP4ever Posts: 58 Member

    I will stay on the AIP for another 60 days. It's actually fun to try new things and the success I have rigth now (due to the number of lbs I have to lose) is keeping me going.

    I will start to add certain foods back after 60 days, eggs and nuts first, then caffeine (if I still want/need it) lentils and dry beans, gluten-free cereals, oats and go from there. Oh my gosh, I have a plan 😍😍 I never had a plan when it came to eating healthy. Thank you for asking.

    @KeriA Congratulation! I like your goals

    @karilbrandt Sometimes we struggle and backpaddle, it's part of the journey.

    @KeriA I am the boss now, my own hunger games :-) 32 lbs down weight in 331 lbs. I enjoy the AIP meals and trying the new recipes.

    Wishing everybody a successful, and healthy new week.

  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Oh jeez, I turn my back for a minute a week and this thread has exploded! I'm caught up now, I think.

    First, my update:

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 252.8 (11/13/2020)
    CW 7/1/22: 183.2
    7/2: 182.6
    7/9: 184.0
    7/16: 183.8
    7/23: 183.2
    GW for July: Out of the 180s
    GW for 2022: In the 150s

    It's shark week, and I did see 182 on the scale earlier in the week, but my period is a harsh mistress and she declared yesterday to be a maintenance day and sapped all my energy for steps so I'm a little shy of my goal for the week. I think I'm gonna be pretty OK on calories today, although I was fully guesstimating lunch (gyros, so plenty of salt to cause havoc over the next few days). We're still inching steadily downward, so I'll take it. Probably won't make it out of the 180s by the end of the month, but I think I'll be spitting distance of 179 at least.

    I finally got around to actually filling out the passport renewal paperwork, and I'm going to go get photos taken at CVS tomorrow. Hubs and I are aiming to finally take a damn honeymoon trip this winter after being married fully two years LMAO. This Christmas is going to be the best opportunity we have to take a long trip anytime soon, after he finishes his program but before he starts working, since he probably won't be able to take two whole weeks off. I feel like I'm only going to be able to get that much PTO approved all at once for something once-in-a-lifetime like a honeymoon at my current job, so I want to really make it count, and I wouldn't want to travel internationally for less than two weeks no matter the reason. Current plan is Germany; nothing is set in stone yet, but we should probably book things sooner rather than later, before the prices go up. We'll also need to get some proper cold-weather gear, me especially!

    And now, tag party:

    @KeriA I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your trip to Hawaii is as pleasant as possible, given the circumstances. You're still making great progress this month and that's awesome.

    @tahitig AMAZING job, I hope you and your mom have an absolute BLAST and yes, please share pics if you can!

    @justanotherloser007 OMG, your before/after! I know you've shared before but I think last time it was just face pics. Incredible transformation!

    @kenziestabes also an incredible transformation, I love that you recreated the poses down to the approximate time of day LMAO

    @EmA_5512 I do most of my shopping at discount stores like TJ Maxx/Ross/Marshall's. There's also an outlet mall near me where I've picked up a few pieces for relatively cheap.

    I also saw a few folks popped positive for the Rona, I hope you feel better soon!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    My cousin and her family arrived about 20min after I did last night so I haven't had the chance to step on the scale. I was exhausted from my weightlifting thing and traveling over 3,5 hours because my train got delayed so I fell asleep around 9.30pm and slept until 9.30am. I did feel refreshed this morning. We didn't have breakfast until 11.30 because my cousin's daughter is 14 so she slept in. Thanks to this my calories have been very reasonable.

    This morning she saw me in my PJs and commented on my weight loss. I ended up telling her it was 15kg and she was like omgggg I was telling your mum last night it had to be 15+kg!! But she was nice about it and accepted that I said no diets, just a little less food and more exercise.

    Today I wore my nicest shorts out so my confidence was skyhigh. We went shopping and I got some great winter stuff in sizesI didn't expect to fit. Very nice
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    edited July 2022
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 248.8 (I got down to 247.6 last month) new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150 (healthy weight) then reconsider
    July GW: get into the mid 240’s

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    7/2: 248.8
    7/13: 248.6
    7/15: 247.4 (new low)
    7/22 247.2 (new low)
    7/23 247 (new low)
    7/24 246.6 (new low)

    🌻 July GOALS! 🌻
    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet Yes
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and walk 6 days a week Yes
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching)
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home Yes
    🟨 Eat at a sensible deficit Yes

    Yay! I am still losing. I would like to make into the 245 range before the end of the month but 246 is in the mid 240s. Most of the day yesterday was spent on dealing with my MIL passing away since my husband will likely be the executor. We plan a big walk around Greenlake (almost 5k). I haven't been walking lately due to the dinner yesterday and the situation. So hopefully I can make it all the way around. My youngest got a new bike. That way they can exercise when they don't go into the office where they have a gym. They don't consider walking enough relative to Drs orders of exercise 5 days a week but they like to walk with me anyway. I want to get a bike too so I can ride with them sometimes.

    @goal06082021 so glad you will be having that honeymoon. Our wedding was in December so was our honeymoon.
    @sagemarcori great job staying under maintenance for an work potluck and Starbucks favorite. I love your giving the 2nd breakfast sandwich away. Most of all glad you are feeling like you are making progress with habits and thinking.
    @EmA_5512 I’m impressed at how you are being honest with yourself and 1 day or 1 week doesn’t make your life or even month or year. Learning from the experience is what is important and not giving up. I think the pool sounds like a great way to turn things around.
    @boojantje3822 That is a lot of NSV for one post!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @sbortnick fat loss can be masked on the scale but if your measurements are down, especially when you're down clothing sizes!!, you have been successful. The scale isn't everything.
    Maybe there's a whoosh coming, maybe you did a recomp, maybe eating at maintenance for a week or decreasing your exercise for a week will get rid of some water weight and let you see a new low on the scale. Your break from counting might just be what you need to see the scale move, but know that you did succeed.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I just realised that I could breach the triple digits treshold by this time next year. My mum suggested we go on vacation to Montenegro next year together and I agreed but today it hit me that if I lose a little under 0,5kg a week, I could totally lose 23-26kg in the next year. This is super daunting to think about. I'm at 123kg now and hit 100kg back in late 2015.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    186.6 this morning, so weird. I certainly haven't been eating enough to justify a 2 lb gain, so I'm just going to keep on keeping on.

    I banged my head really good on a doorframe this morning, so keeping tabs on myself for concussion reasons. I did not want to get going this morning after that, lol.

    Tonight is Hot Seat and Sittin' Sexy, which I'm very excited for. AND I don't have to cook, because Whatsisface and the kids are hanging out with my brother this evening, and he's providing dinner.

    That reminds me, I made the BEST chickpea salad yesterday, it was this one. We had it with salmon, but it would be just as good on its own. I needed (still need) to use up some red cabbage Whatsisface grew, and that one's going in the rotation. I doubled the recipe so I could bring some to work with me all week, with the chicken I prepped.

    tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 new prs, congratulations!

    And your hard work is being noticed, and I'm sure you rocked the shorts! Just good times all around!

    @kenziestabes ooh, I'm interested in this duvet idea as well, time for me to look around, I think. :open_mouth:

    @KeriA you have new lows everywhere! Well done!

    @karilbrandt I can't believe I missed you the other day, it took me forever to write that post, for some reason, haha. You've got this

    @The_Fat_Optimist I'm glad you've got a plan. :smile:

    @goal06082021 honeymoon planning, how exciting!

    @sargemarcori this is what it's all about right here. :love: we love to see it.

    @EmA_5512 but you're still here! You didn't give up! That counts for a lot. There are 52 weeks in a year, one off week is not going to affect the other 51 if you don't let it. I hope you had fun at the pool.

    @sbortnick I know how frustrating it can be to not see progress when you're working so hard. But going down sizes IS progress, and the only other thing I might say is, be sure your logging is tight- weigh and measure everything, log everything, so you know where you're at and what you expect to see. That will be handy information, especially if you think there might be something else going on.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • SarahJoyManea
    SarahJoyManea Posts: 34 Member
    My name is Sarah-Joy, I'm 31 and now weigh over 200lbs! Not sure how positive I am feeling today - but I really want to get on track. I am now at my heaviest weight again. And feeling it too. I can't stay like this as my mental health really suffers. It's time to find a way back towards positivity. Any support or help would be amazing. Thanks all

    SW - 201lbs
    CW - 200lbs
    GW - 140lbs

    July is almost over, but just getting under that 200 would be amazing for my end of month weigh in.

    Otherwise for August I would like to;

    ❤️ - Lose 10lbs
    🧡 - Maintain a minimum of 10k steps every week day (we can work on weekends next month😆)
    💛 - Be kind to myself if I slip up
    💚 - Catch my reflection and say something nice to myself, and try not to see that gross thing I see
    💙 - Do some kind of extra exercise a few times in the month (in addition to my walking/jogging)
    💜 - Spend a bit more time with my nieces/nephews/friends, as they bring me joy

    That's all from me, would be great to have a few friends to see my posts and help to keep me on track (and vice versa of course)

    Thanks for reading! 🥸
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all!!! I had a second weekend in a row I didn't weigh in and I know I didn't eat perfectly over the weekend but, honestly, I think after the crazy of this month I'm not going to stress about it. I can mostly keep on track this week and start fresh with August.

    I still managed to go to both Saturday & Sunday Zumba classes this weekend and that was great. However, I also managed to twinge my knee and so walking, Zumba and most of my favorite types of exercise are out for a couple days.

    July has been so crazy with VBS, my daughter's activity schedule, stressing over the doctor stuff and other random things popping up. I think this entire month ends up just evening out and being a wash. That's ok. It's a journey and not a mad dash to the finish.

    Honestly, Aug might be just as crazy as my 14 year wedding anniversary is on Aug 1, we have a mini vacation planned with friends to Dollywood plus school starts right after we get back home. Since I know we are eating at a deli that we love for our anniversary and I know I won't be able to pick all the foods when we are vacationing with friends and sharing the kitchen I'm going to just not track as hard those days. Once my knee is back in shape I'll be back on my exercise routine. I just need to remeber that on the days in between to keep on track.

    Also, the next ladies movie night is this Friday. I never track on movie night because it's all about sitting with my friends, watching a film, eating too much junk and talking without husbands or kids sitting with us for a few hours. I'm so glad we started this monthly movie night though because just sitting with my girlfriends makes me so happy.
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Mondays
    SW (7/2021): 300
    6/27: 236.8
    7/4: missed
    7/12: 234.4
    7/18: 235.2
    7/25: 232.9

    July GW: 228 - 232

    Finally feeling like I'm on the mend and attending OTF later today! I'm planning to ease back in since I'm still not close to feeling 100%, but I'm definitely improved.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    EmA_5512 wrote: »
    Not a good week. But, back at it today and checking in.


    The Good
    Um, not much, really.
    I was tempted after having a bad week and seeing my weight creep up over 250lbs to just delete this account and give up. I didn't and made this post instead. So, I guess that's good.


    I'm taking my sister and nephew to the pool today. Hoping some fresh air and sunshine will help my awful mood. Sorry to be such a downer. I was really close to just giving up this morning. It's embarrassing and frustrating to only make it a week before going off the rails. Not giving up, posting instead.

    Yup, not giving up is good! You got this. it will be a struggle, but you knew that. you're strong, and though you don't feel like it sometimes I bet, you're going to do this for you. Because you do, in fact, deserve to feel better.

    If it helps at all, after my great days Friday and Saturday, I ate way too much yesterday and spent the day lying in bed watching TV. Sometimes I wondered why, at 52yo, I still haven't figured out how to handle myself better. But whatever. Today I'm getting back in that saddle, because i'm not giving up either.

    I do hope you enjoy the pool and feel better.