Anyone interested in free life coaching sessions? (Life Coach Student)



  • makattack220
    makattack220 Posts: 219 Member
    I am really enjoying coaching with many of you! :) I still have room for a couple more clients and have changed my schedule so I can free up more time slots for coaching. The offer for up to 5 free 30-minute sessions with me will be ending in September, so please friend and message me if you're interested! Or, just reply here and I'll friend you and once you accept the request I will message you with the scheduling link.

    Weekly sessions are encouraged so we can build on the progress you make with each session - but bi-weekly is OK, too! Just plan accordingly so you can book all 5 sessions (if desired) before September 30th.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • kathygouldsmith1
    kathygouldsmith1 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a counselor is a life coach a lot different?
  • makattack220
    makattack220 Posts: 219 Member
    @kathygouldsmith1 Great question! Without knowing more about your counselor, I would say that yes it is likely we would have a different approach and different tools to offer. In life coaching, we use mindset awareness paired with tools and concepts to create the results you desire in your life. I welcome you to schedule a consultation with me to see if life coaching is a good fit for you. If you're interested, just send me a friend request and I'll message you the scheduling link!
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 822 Member
    Hi, I don’t seem to have any messages from you? Would you try again please?
  • makattack220
    makattack220 Posts: 219 Member
    @JessiBelleW Thanks for the post! I'll resend the message and scheduling link now. Looking forward to coaching with you!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    I'm not sure if you still have openings but would like to try thank you
  • makattack220
    makattack220 Posts: 219 Member
    @bigghunny Hello! I do still have some spots available through the end of September for free and I welcome you to sign up! Please send me a friend request and I'll message you the scheduling link. Looking forward to coaching with you!