

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Meg- so good to see you posting. Hope you are well. I was gone for awhile but really missed the friendships.
    Allie- hope you get to go up to your lake house. It makes me think of On Golden Pond when you mention the loonies.
    Rori- you have had a wonderful summer. It is great that your roommate takes care of your cat and your plants.
    Katla- (hugs)
    SueBDew in TX
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Belated welcome/welcome back @Galrayne Nikki in TX and @Shelle68 Shelle in MD!

    Machka, belated and warmest Happy Anniversary wishes to you and your DH. You are both inspirations and model truly good character. :love: the wedding pic, the story, and the translation your father read at your wedding.

    Only through pg 48 but time to get some good fuel in to counteract this mornings’ pastry fiascoes.

    8/21: Move: 1.75 set pt, 10 mins grooming, 52 mins playing with plants, dogs to powerline. steps:5799
    Fuel: plants (running count for week) +12 so far: banana, basil, carrot, celery, cucumber, garlic, mushrooms-cremini, radish, romaine, scallions, spinach, watercress . CI<CO= -29
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, church & council, Freddie’s. Freezer purge pesto & turkey bone broth. Pantry purge pappardelle.
    Wt: 136.2
    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    2022: Be still and listen.
    August: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    edited August 2022
    Machka - I am reading a book called Star Crossed, it is set in Tasmania. The author is from Hobart.
    I took a food course from a health inspector one time that told us that food poisoning occurs about 12 hours from the food intake. Most people blame restaurants but 95% come from their own home. I don’t know if I’ve ever really believed that.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I think the time food poisoning starts depends on the type of food poisoning.

    "The length of time it takes for symptoms to appear depends on the source of the infection, but it can range from as little as 30 minutes to as long as 8 weeks.
    With or without treatment, most cases will resolve in 1 week."



    Like this one, for example starts up quite quickly and could have been the one at fault. The food could have been kept at the wrong temperature ... which might have been why they heated it in the microwave for so long. They might have been thinking they'd kill off anything bad.

    I had the toxic form of bacillus cereus food poisoning from rice during a long distance bicycle ride. Have never thrown up so much in my life!!
    What I had yesterday could have been the other form of bacillus cereus food poisoning ... the one that causes the diarrhoeal type illness. I did order the rice and ate half of it. In comparison to the rest of the food, it was quite cool.

    I might have to look up that book!

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im awake and sneezing,but think i have found the culprit..ive been lax in cleaning the Cpap so will do that this afternoon.
    Yes it is a 4 hr ride up to the lake ,and I will have everything ready to go friday and go watch Miles and then come home and take a snooze and leave around3:30-4
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    edited August 2022
    My Brother had to take my Mom’s car away from her when she first started showing signs of Alzheimer’s. It started out that she was driving to town 8-10 times a day and couldn’t afford it. At one point she called me because her car wouldn’t start and my brother (a mechanic) was too busy to look at it. When I called him to ask about it he told me she had ran it out of gas and luckily it was in the driveway. He did put gas in it, but she was soon getting lost and not knowing her way home. It was 7 miles outside of town through 4 miles of woods. He unhooked a wire so that she thought the car wasn’t working again. He sold it shortly after that. She was upset, and I think the loneliness exacerbated the Alzheimer’s, but it was for her safety.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    My grandfather also developed dementia, starting in his 70s if I recall correctly.

    I remember that one of his early symptoms was repeating himself frequently, and it seems that is quite common in people with dementia.

    But at some point along the way, he had to give up driving too. I don't remember how easy/difficult the process of giving up driving was for him, but I do remember that my grandmother had to learn to drive in her 60s!!!

    My husband can no longer drive either but, as I mentioned, he gets around on foot or by bus which is good. And I try to take him places most weekends. I know that being social is important for him so despite the fact that I'd rather stay in bed most weekends and not go anywhere or deal with anything, we do get out and about.

    I had to relearn to drive.

    Katla, I've been glad to see that your daughter is taking you out now and then. Hopefully when your husband gets a bit better he might be able to go out for walks with you or to help you with other transportation as Kim mentions below ...

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Katla – my heart goes out to you. Please work with your daughter or staff at the assisted living community to find/learn about the other transportation options in the area you are. Maybe the assisted living community has a shuttle bus that can take you to the store, hairdresser etc… or you could learn how to use the Lyft or Uber app on your phone. I am guessing that the issue for you is less the physical car, but more the freedom to go when and where you want. And other transportation might help.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    We have all the kids here, not just the girls. That is much more difficult, having an 11 year old boy in the mix!

    I've now got him designing a poster on my Canva app on my phone. He seems engrossed! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,497 Member
    Ginny – Hope your brother’s surgery is wonderfully successful.

    Katla – You are in a very stressful time, with your husband’s heart issues and relocating, and the added stress with licenses and your car cannot be helpful. I wish I had words that would make it better… We are all sending virtual hugs and good thoughts, my dear. Transitions are hard, even if they're for good reasons.

    Rita - We're right there with you, lots of hugs coming your way too. Panic attacks are no joke.

    Rori - Love seeing you blossoming into this next life for you. It's inspirational as all get out. No offense, but I'm really enjoying not doing all the things you're doing. Yours and Heather's and everyone's busy lives and travel fascinate me, but I'm enjoying the quiet serenity of my current life.

    It's not always serene, though. Yesterday, I jumped about a foot--apparently, when lizards let their tail go, the tail continues to move. A lot. Still haven't found the lizard it belongs to yet, although Egg was fishing under the cedar chest when I caught sight of the lizard's twisty little tail. My omnivorous little beastie is stalking a fly at the moment. She chitters when she gets excited.

    Back to the city this morning for more urine and blood tests at 7 a.m. - and then a final appointment with my VA doctor on Thursday, who's relocating in September. I will need to get diesel for my car while I'm there - the last time Corey filled my car, it was over $5 a gallon, and it's back down to $4.29. I appreciate that.

    Later y'all,

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member

    It's not always serene, though. Yesterday, I jumped about a foot--apparently, when lizards let their tail go, the tail continues to move. A lot. Still haven't found the lizard it belongs to yet, although Egg was fishing under the cedar chest when I caught sight of the lizard's twisty little tail. My omnivorous little beastie is stalking a fly at the moment. She chitters when she gets excited.

    Later y'all,

    Rhody has caught a lizard tail or two as well.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited August 2022
    Beth and Kim with you on Stevia. Not for me.

    As part of my on going trying to help DrewB with her chronic anemia. I am involved with a holistic group and Pet Parents Support group by Pet Summit. The lastest summit I found very helpful. One practioner used essential oils and pet guided self medication in her healing, another used a spa approach which used salt caves, frequencey healing, and full spectrum uv among other things, and the one I listened to yesterday talked about a raw diet for your dog and its advantages.

    The big take away for my own health is to listen to my body and make choices that are good for my health.

    Over and over again diet comes out as the number one thing to address first. Also a reoccuring theme is the importance of exercise for our lymphatic system which is important in our immune system. Also reducing exposure to toxic substances. Question the chemicals your put on your body and in your home? To me a toxic substance is one that kills too many of the good microbes and or effects our DNA in a negative way.

    Rita after listening to these speakers do what you need to do to activate your parasymthatic nervous system that is where your calm and you healing can be found.

    I might have told this story already. I have a friend whose daughter who is going off to college with high anxiety. I said the advice she could give her daughter is to find a safe quiet place on campus she could go to if she feels overwhemed. It that is not possible she could create a safe room in her head where she has the people and things in her life that soothe her. In doing this she creates a place of self care for herself. Some use prayer or a worry stone for the same thing.

    I also just learned taking those nice deep breaths might not be as effective. Singing, taking in two breaths, alternative breathing between your two nostrils might be more effective.

    The parasympathic nerves run along either side of your neck. Taking your fingers and running them along your neck is another soothing technique.

    These are just ideas and if they help great if not disregard. Do what works for you.

    Tracey baby made me laugh.

    Heather love the posters.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,355 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    I have had a Facebook messenger text from you saying Hello and did I know about IDA or something, but I don't think it was really you.

    I hope you haven't had your Facebook profile hacked or cloned. I know that has been happening a lot lately, had a message from my niece saying ignore requests from her mum (my SIL) as she had had her account hacked.

    Was it you?

    Viv UK <3
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Up to P60

    Machka I hope you are feeling better after your bout of food poisoning - not a good way to lose weight as you say.

    Heather I think I will have to invest in some thermals myself this winter. Since menopause I've not felt the cold quite so much, but with the price of fuel going up again in October, I will have to watch the heating setting and not have it on as high as last year. I hate to be cold! It is a worry and with everything going up in price I don't know where we are supposed to find the extra money for our heating.

    Viv UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited August 2022
    Slept for an hour and a half after they left. :o:p
    We did a blind tasting of dairy ice ream and non-dairy (soy) We put tea towels over their eyes in the other room and guided them through and sat them down to test. Edie guessed it. Bea got it wrong, but we then had ice cream of choice and sprinkles, lots of sprinkles. Loads of fun.. Max didn't participate.
    DDIL stayed for a quick cup of tea, so we chatted. They are all going go her parents this afternoon for two nights, to see all the relatives, and then she asked if we could have them on Friday morning. We said yes, but I'm not doing lunch that day. I think we will have to have an activity planned. They all really enjoyed making up board games with DH today, but something else for Friday. Max seems so old now.

    Lisa - I lead a very quiet life. I love a quiet life. I need a quiet life. I really have to pace myself and the grandchildren are the only time I go above and beyond. That's because I can't believe how lucky I am to have them. I never much liked children, and was not good at them. I loved my own, but it was hard, hard. These three have come as a blessing and I can't believe how my heart has opened. Never have I loved so much.

    Soon to turn my mind to dinner. Salmon with fennel and leek with crême fraiche.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member