JUST FOR TODAY--One Day at a Time--Daily Commitment Thread for 2022



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    mling84 wrote: Β»
    Hi all, I am new to this thread:

    For today: at least 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables and half hour of cardio.
    Why? I will feel better and work better

    Welcome to the thread :)
  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    Haven’t done great with meeting my calorie goals today or drinking enough water. Worked 9.5 hours so didn’t have much time to think about food/healthy eating. Stress is making me feel physically sick anyways so not much appetite. But I did do my yoga so at least I’m staying consistent with that. And I still have some time left this evening to eat some more.

    Why do I want to gain weight? Because I want to have more energy, and be able to like what I see in the mirror.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Tuesday
    1. Park walk. FB post - Saturday PC2V 1-2!
    2. School; journal. Print Qs for play. Call about tutoring. (Friday at earliest)
    3. Duolingo. Review research article. Outline blog post? Update calendar - no #RL this week.
    4. Reading - Libby. Update Goodreads. Write description for library interview & SJ.
    5. Write S&F and Clois!!
    6. Prioritize scripts in list. YMCA classes.
    7. Organize office.
    8. Evening: CTC. Dinner: ??? Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Update JFT.
    9. Bedtime: Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Lang8?
    10. Upcoming: Set up digital portfolio. Print voter registration sign for Oct. Check with D about trunk or treat and about signups for farmer's market and backpack blessings. Sat 6 Sept 17. Draft inspogram script 2. Sat take Starbucks card on walk; LIBRARY. rethink_learning and T2Tchat revision. Usher 9/30 Fri solo and 10/13 Thu w Lee. Oct 13 pack for weekend trip to visit family!

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    End of 2021: 194.4
    Today: 209.0

    Long-term goals/progress

    1. Professional / read current research. 2. Professional / present at conferences. 3. Professional / publish scholarly articles. 4. Professional / observe student needs and develop supports. 5. Professional / complete a doctorate. 6. Personal / retire comfortably. 7. Personal / renovate house. 8. Community / local progress. 9. Community / time with friends & family. 10. Medical/fitness.

    1. Research: Five paragraph essay. How student attitudes affect standardized test results; student surveys.

    2. Presenting: Develop proposals for GCTE 2023. Promote YT channel. Invite guests.

    3. Publishing: Read one journal article weekly; respond in a blog post. Clois for CWG. S&F for YT channel. Goodreads purchase list for McKay’s.

    4. Observed student needs: Changing words between parts of speech (vocabulary/grammar). Synthesizing info from multiple sources, drawing conclusions (RI/W). EFFECTIVE transitions (W). Every day v everyday; any one v anyone (grammar). Sub/obj pronouns & structure (grammar). Poss v pl nouns (grammar). Short nonfic from Lat Amer/Africa/Asia (World Lit).

    5. Doctorate: Research programs, requirements, resources, cost, timeline.

    6. Retirement: Update name on JSSB acct. Check investments. Do years of service transfer? Theater CV. Entertainment experience. Duolingo/Lang8.

    7. House: Floor joists. Siding. Gutters. Floors.

    8. Local progress: Library. Theater. PC2V. City/county govt. Community kitchen. She Should Run vision statement. Ugly Christmas sweater / Hawaiian shirt. Push for diversity. Turn left!

    9. Friends & fam: Organize photos. Write postcards. Call weekly! Look for activities to do with friends. Purchase doll with long hair; practice French braid. Dance: tap, salsa, samba.

    10. Medical: YMCA classes. Lift @ lunch. Maintain @ 155 w defined muscle tone. Talk to PCP about feet (cannot do calf raises, pushups, planks, mountain climbers, etc.) Also back and shoulder pain. Why can’t I sleep better? Cadaver donation – waiting for official form and wallet card. Indochino Atlanta/Nashville. Dentist RS cleaning. PCP Oct 21 10:30 TEL. Therapy Sep 21 3P. Obgyn Mar 16 1P.

    WFTY: Focus. NO idea why I had such a big jump this morning. It's discouraging. But there's nothing to do except keep on keepin' on, I spose.
    2020 WFTY: Progress. 2021 WFTY: Persistence.
  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    Goals for 9/20
    - minimum 1300 calories
    - Minimum 32 oz of water
    - Yoga
    - Medical follow up tasks (lab work, schedule referral appointment)
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    JFT Monday
    - Up by 7:00 :neutral:
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :neutral: 8:10
    - Check in on MFP :smiley:
    - Work on what I can document wise :smiley:
    - Check in with mom about her dr appt on Wednesday :smiley:
    - Mini meals :smiley:
    - Log food :smiley:
    - No alcohol :smiley:
    - Grocery :( - Tim went
    - Dinner :smiley: - Tim cooked
    - Rainy day no walk :neutral:
    - Shower :(
    - Bed by 10:30 :(

    Have a great Monday y'all!

    Things turned around a little yesterday as they needed to barricade my office in order to do a lift on the roof using a giant crane. Being that I couldn't get into my office and I had a sick kid at home and zero meetings, I just went home and worked from there. It really is a nice option to have as long as I don't take advantage of it.

    Also go a chance to go pick up some dresses I had altered including the little black dress above, and since I was in the neighboring town I took the opportunity to take my anniversary gift in to have it sized down. Tim bought me a pretty aquamarine/diamond bracelet, but it was way too big. I just slid off of my hand. Since I was at the jewelers, I also took a necklace I wanted shortened so I could layer it. Then I stopped at Kohl's and bought a sweater and some spider earrings. With having lost nearly 50 pounds since last winter, all of my sweaters are giant. Of course this summer I gave away all of my middle of the road sizes assuming I'd be stuck at the higher weight forever. Glad I got out of that mental quagmire and started changing things.

    I have a few meetings today, but nothing too serious. After work. I'm getting my nails done, returning a dress and maybe buying a new watch if I can fine one I like. I actually bought one at Kohl's yesterday, but I don't love it and it's too big, so that's out. Once I get home if the weather isn't crappy I'll try to go for a walk assuming there is enough time before my Bible Study group.

    OK Goals...
    JFT Tuesday
    - Up by 6:45 :smiley:
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Shower :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :neutral: 8:02 pretty darn close considering I forgot my computer at home and had to go back for it.
    - Check in with MFP
    - Meetings
    - Training
    - Mini meals
    - Log food
    - stay green
    - no alcohol
    - Nails
    - Errands
    - Bible Study
    - Bed by 10:30

    Happy Tuesday y'all!

  • BayBlue22
    BayBlue22 Posts: 147 Member
    JFT - 9/20/2022
    Weigh in.
    Step up my game at work
    Basic strength training
    Net under 1500
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,597 Member
    edited September 2022
    Recap M 9/19
    1) Walked dog 3.69 mi before work, wore headlamp (to see dog poop to pick up) & LED vest (so drivers see us on side of road), saw geese on the move (fall is near) :smiley: happy dog & happy me
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks :mrgreen: 14.8K 28 floors 14/14 boom!
    3) Net calories zero / 96 oz. water :neutral: net cals barely green, sodium VERY RED ack, fiber ok, protein low-ish, carbs excellent, calcium low, water 96 oz.
    4) Complete T31 review notes & resubmit for 2nd review a$$t manager left for day at 10:30 / update PRO, PAR, HW s/s's for current week / IIA OnDemand course ~ in progress (I hate this training so much, it gave me a headache LOL) / contact Surveillance to return flash drive / keep up w/ emails
    5) Some ta-da? Nope... forgot hubby's youngest sister was spending the night at our house & we ate KFC for supper :p
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / pray & Calm / 5:40 alarm (walk dog before work) :tired_face: so tired

    JFT T 9/20 ~ a.m. thunderstorms at daybreak = no dog walk :disappointed: sad dog & sad me
    1) PT exercises :smiley: happy me
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    3) Net calories zero / 96 oz. water
    4) Resubmit T31 / update Project Status Review tab / update PRO comments / return GA-S records & ROP-BJ flash drive 1:30 / update mileage log / IIA OnDemand complete course #1 / complete webinar summary form, pdf & digital sign / submit form w/ CPE / keep up w/ emails
    5) Pick up dry cleaning / 7:30 choir rehearsal / some kind of ta-da
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / pray & Calm / 5:40 alarm (walk dog before work)

    About me: Carmela
    Height 5'4"
    64 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2022 Goals: mainly updates from the last two years
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~
    • 1.31.22 forgot to measure & log (DDS 8:20, quick stops at bread store & grocery essentials, then to mom & dad's for her bday)
    • 3.1.22 (still recovering from flu 2.23-2.25)
    • 3.31.22 maintaining not gaining
    • 4.30.22 barely maintaining
    • 5.31.22 ack
    • 6.30.22 ups & downs in June, but no worse at end of month
    • 8.2.22 up again ~ gah! (lazy in July & ate whatever I wanted)
    • 9.1.22 not doing so great eating-wise
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking dog, treadmill in winter, but include weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Started PT (physical therapy) exercises 1.28.22 due to overuse of arthritic knees
    6) Participate in race or challenge events hopefully fewer virtual this year ~
    • started MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,022km challenge on Jan. 1
    • Frenzy on the Fox (River Trail) 5K on 1.21.22 ~ untimed event, per MapMyWalk 53.47 & ave. pace 16:30, frigid this year with wind chill at zero
    • registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.5.22 ~ medico nixed race b/c inflammation in knee due to overuse & my arthritis = sad me but good for my knee
    • Bellin 10K on 6.11.22 (first time in person since 2019) ~ 1:41:02 ave. pace 16:27 first half 51:35 second half 50:26 & knees were fine :star: happy me
    • Packers 5K on 7.16.22 ~ 48:48 average pace 15:43 finished 37/81 in my age group (I'm oldest year in range haha)
    • Registered for Bellin Women's 5K on 10/1/22 (Packers 5K discount yay)
    • will register for Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K on 10/8/22 (price goes up in Sept) ~ reconsidered due to knees on nature trails with rocks, tree roots & finishing up a very steep sledding hill... have decided not doing this year (maybe ever again = sad me b/c I love train events)
    • watch for other events to add
    • maybe Jingle Bell 5K in person this year? need to watch for
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last two years to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ keeping this goal as well
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, former work from home space (a/k/a dining room) and basement ~ not much progress lately, at least dining room done
    Word for 2022: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Today’s WHY- create better sleep πŸ’€
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    JFt, Monday
    1. log all my food. I am trying to concentrate on more protein, but unless I log it I don't know. :)
    2. concentrate on water. Yesterday I went on a 5 mile walk .. came home and had a gatorade and diet ginger ale. No water. What is wrong with me ... I need water. I was so exhausted around 8:30 .. spent all nite just on my butt watching tv. Then I realized, the entire day, I think I drank not even a cup of water. This has always been a problem for me. SO ... out comes that red cup!! :)
    3. work on little bears .. trying to use up all my fleece scraps :) 30 made so far
    4. powerwash the rugs outside .. unless its too hot. Forecast for today near 100 with high humidity :s 100 degrees out .. too hot
    5. go for a walk tonite .. didn't get to gym this morning
    :s took daughter to bookstore and grocery shopping instead
    Oh .. and my why: To have more energy, to get my AIC down, to generally learn to have a better relationship with food. (Love this whoever started it!!)

    JFT, Tues
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on protein and water
    3. work on bears
    4. help hubby ship
    5. go for a walk ... did not do anything yet. I've been so tired lately .. hubby tells me I'm doing to much. So skipped the gym, but need to at least get out for a walk

    My why: Remember how great I felt when I weight 178 .. which is my goal weight for my height (5'11). I had more energy and just felt great. It was easy to get up and go to the gym. It was fun going out because I knew whatever I tried on would fit me. Remember that .. keep going
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    Late posting goals, but keeping things simple.

    Recap - Monday, 9/19
    Log - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Exercise - No
    2 chores - :) Little ones
    Grading and prep - :)

    JFT Tuesday, 9/20
    Garden chores
    2 indoor chores
    Grading and prep
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,805 Member
    edited September 2022
    🐳🐬SEPTEMBER 2022🐬🐳
    WEEK 3: 15 - 21 September

    Focus for September:
    Eat under goal!

    Active hours > 6
    Current Solid Habits
    My Why?
    To live a fit, healthy life.

    πŸ¦„ Terri
    @pridesabtch - both dresses
    would look great, but I prefer the 2nd one.

    I love the 2nd dress, and it is NOT too young for you!

  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    Goals for 9/20
    - minimum 1300 calories βœ…
    - Minimum 32 oz of water ❌
    - Yoga βœ…
    - Medical follow up tasks (lab work, schedule referral appointment) βœ…

    Pretty good day overall. Stressed about the medical stuff going on - GI issues with an unknown cause - but just taking things one day at a time.
  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    Goals for 9/21
    - minimum 1300 calories
    - Minimum 32 oz of water
    - Yoga
    - Do the household chores I neglected yesterday (laundry, wash dishes)

    Didn’t sleep great last night so we’ll see how things go. Hoping for the best. I need a good day at work so I can get some of that stress off my plate.
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    Last day of summer! Looks like a lovely, sunny day, so I'd like to get out and walk. I've been slacking on the exercise, and I need to make it a priority.

    Recap - Tuesday, 9/20
    Log - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Exercise - No - took a nap instead
    Garden chores - :) Lots of watering
    2 indoor chores - :)
    Grading and prep - :)

    JFT Wednesday, 9/21
    Exercise outdoors
    Make banana muffins
    Plant mums
    2 indoor chores
    Monitoring due
    Grading and prep
  • BayBlue22
    BayBlue22 Posts: 147 Member
    JFT- same goals as yesterday as none of them got hit.
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Today’s WHY- I am worthy of this transformation 😊
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,597 Member
    edited September 2022
    Recap T 9/20 ~ a.m. thunderstorms at daybreak = no dog walk :disappointed: sad dog & sad me
    1) PT exercises :smiley: happy me
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks :) 7.6K 26 floors 14/14 boom!
    3) Net calories zero / 96 oz. water :smiley: better! net cals -211, sodium -125 YAY, fiber & carbs good, protein ok, calcium low, 96 oz water
    4) Resubmit T31 yay / update Project Status Review tab / update PRO comments / return GA-S records & ROP-BJ flash drive 1:30 ~ good chat w/ Carie / update mileage log / IIA OnDemand complete course #1 / complete webinar summary form, pdf & digital sign / submit form w/ CPE / keep up w/ emails ~ talking w/ co-workers, realized we had add'l online training due by staff meeting this Thurs, then meeting got rescheduled to next week = whew!
    5) Pick up dry cleaning / 7:30 choir rehearsal / some kind of ta-da ~ minor but TA-DA!
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss ~ yay / retainers ~ yay / pray & Calm / 5:40 alarm (walk dog before work)

    JFT W 9/21 ~ Happy Hump Day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    2) Net calories zero / 96 oz. water
    3) Online courses / complete webinar summary form for each course, pdf & digital sign / submit forms w/ CPEs / catch up emails? / T31? only if MG returns folder
    4) Walk dog to park / prep clothes & lunch for noon group hike Th / wash dishes / another ta-da?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / pray / 5:40 alarm (walk dog before work)

    Last night I had some troubles with restless legs & disturbed sleep, this morning woke really hard to first alarm & decided to reset & sleep. Temp mild but VERY humid (98%) which I hate, glad I didn't walk dog. But sad dog. Weather front should bring cooler, drier air today. Yay!

    About me: Carmela
    Height 5'4"
    64 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2022 Goals: mainly updates from the last two years
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~
    • 1.31.22 forgot to measure & log (DDS 8:20, quick stops at bread store & grocery essentials, then to mom & dad's for her bday)
    • 3.1.22 (still recovering from flu 2.23-2.25)
    • 3.31.22 maintaining not gaining
    • 4.30.22 barely maintaining
    • 5.31.22 ack
    • 6.30.22 ups & downs in June, but no worse at end of month
    • 8.2.22 up again ~ gah! (lazy in July & ate whatever I wanted)
    • 9.1.22 not doing so great eating-wise
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking dog, treadmill in winter, but include weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Started PT (physical therapy) exercises 1.28.22 due to overuse of arthritic knees
    6) Participate in race or challenge events hopefully fewer virtual this year ~
    • started MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,022km challenge on Jan. 1
    • Frenzy on the Fox (River Trail) 5K on 1.21.22 ~ untimed event, per MapMyWalk 53.47 & ave. pace 16:30, frigid this year with wind chill at zero
    • registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.5.22 ~ medico nixed race b/c inflammation in knee due to overuse & my arthritis = sad me but good for my knee
    • Bellin 10K on 6.11.22 (first time in person since 2019) ~ 1:41:02 ave. pace 16:27 first half 51:35 second half 50:26 & knees were fine :star: happy me
    • Packers 5K on 7.16.22 ~ 48:48 average pace 15:43 finished 37/81 in my age group (I'm oldest year in range haha)
    • Registered for Bellin Women's 5K on 10/1/22 (Packers 5K discount yay)
    • will register for Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K on 10/8/22 (price goes up in Sept) ~ reconsidered due to knees on nature trails with rocks, tree roots & finishing up a very steep sledding hill... have decided not doing this year (maybe ever again = sad me b/c I love train events)
    • watch for other events to add
    • maybe Jingle Bell 5K in person this year? need to watch for
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last two years to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ keeping this goal as well
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, former work from home space (a/k/a dining room) and basement ~ not much progress lately, at least dining room done
    Word for 2022: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited September 2022
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Park walk.
    2. School; journal.
    3. Duolingo. Review research article. Outline blog post?
    4. Reading - Libby. Update Goodreads. Shoot unboxing video.
    5. Write S&F and Clois!!
    6. Write description for SSTK & SJ. Therapy!
    7. Organize office.
    8. Evening: Livestream. Dinner: Pizza. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Update JFT.
    9. Bedtime: Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Lang8?
    10. Upcoming: Set up digital portfolio. Print voter registration sign for Oct. Check with D about trunk or treat and about signups for farmer's market and backpack blessings. Sat 6 Sept 17. Draft inspogram script 2. Sat take Starbucks card on walk; LIBRARY. T2Tchat revision. Usher 9/30 Fri solo and 10/13 Thu w Lee. Oct 13 pack for weekend trip to visit family!

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    End of 2021: 194.4
    Today: 204.8

    Long-term goals/progress

    1. Professional / read current research. 2. Professional / present at conferences. 3. Professional / publish scholarly articles. 4. Professional / observe student needs and develop supports. 5. Professional / complete a doctorate. 6. Personal / retire comfortably. 7. Personal / renovate house. 8. Community / local progress. 9. Community / time with friends & family. 10. Medical/fitness.

    1. Research: Five paragraph essay. How student attitudes affect standardized test results; student surveys.

    2. Presenting: Develop proposals for GCTE 2023. Promote YT channel. Invite guests.

    3. Publishing: Read one journal article weekly; respond in a blog post. Clois for CWG. S&F for YT channel. Goodreads purchase list for McKay’s.

    4. Observed student needs: Changing words between parts of speech (vocabulary/grammar). Synthesizing info from multiple sources, drawing conclusions (RI/W). EFFECTIVE transitions (W). Every day v everyday; any one v anyone (grammar). Sub/obj pronouns & structure (grammar). Poss v pl nouns (grammar). Short nonfic from Lat Amer/Africa/Asia (World Lit).

    5. Doctorate: Research programs, requirements, resources, cost, timeline.

    6. Retirement: Update name on JSSB acct. Check investments. Do years of service transfer? Theater CV. Entertainment experience. Duolingo/Lang8.

    7. House: Floor joists. Siding. Gutters. Floors.

    8. Local progress: Library. Theater. PC2V. City/county govt. Community kitchen. She Should Run vision statement. Ugly Christmas sweater / Hawaiian shirt. Push for diversity. Turn left!

    9. Friends & fam: Organize photos. Write postcards. Call weekly! Look for activities to do with friends. Purchase doll with long hair; practice French braid. Dance: tap, salsa, samba.

    10. Medical: YMCA classes. Lift @ lunch. Maintain @ 155 w defined muscle tone. Talk to PCP about feet (cannot do calf raises, pushups, planks, mountain climbers, etc.) Also back and shoulder pain. Why can’t I sleep better? Cadaver donation – waiting for official form and wallet card. Indochino Atlanta/Nashville. Dentist RS cleaning. PCP Oct 21 10:30 TEL. Therapy Sep 21 3P. Obgyn Mar 16 1P.

    WFTY: Focus. Well, maybe that was just how I stood on the scale because it has corrected and THEN some! Hurray! Still gotta keep on keepin' on though.
    2020 WFTY: Progress. 2021 WFTY: Persistence.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member

    OK Goals...
    JFT Tuesday
    - Up by 6:45 :smiley:
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Shower :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :neutral: 8:02 pretty darn close considering I forgot my computer at home and had to go back for it.
    - Check in with MFP πŸ˜€
    - MeetingsπŸ˜€
    - TrainingπŸ˜€
    - Mini mealsπŸ˜€
    - Log foodπŸ˜€
    - stay greenπŸ˜€
    - no alcoholπŸ˜€
    - NailsπŸ˜€
    - ErrandsπŸ˜€
    - Bible Study😞
    - Bed by 10:30😞

    Happy Tuesday y'all!

    Yesterday was pretty productive. I got just about everything on my to do list done.

    Today I went to work, but at 10:30 they barricaded my office so I left. I was leaving at 11:30 anyway. I’m taking mom to the doctor to have her cognitive function evaluated. No fun, but necessary.

    Then I’m going to take back a watch I bought because I found a much nicer one.

    JFT Wednesday
    - weigh πŸ˜€
    - Work by 8:00 😞
    - Work on documents πŸ˜€
    - Work on complaint πŸ˜€
    - Take mom to doctor
    - Return watch
    - Grocery
    - Dinner
    - Need by 10:30

    Have a happy hump day!

    My why: To make my girls proud of me!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member

    OK Goals...
    JFT Tuesday
    - Up by 6:45 :smiley:
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Shower :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :neutral: 8:02 pretty darn close considering I forgot my computer at home and had to go back for it.
    - Check in with MFP πŸ˜€
    - MeetingsπŸ˜€
    - TrainingπŸ˜€
    - Mini mealsπŸ˜€
    - Log foodπŸ˜€
    - stay greenπŸ˜€
    - no alcoholπŸ˜€
    - NailsπŸ˜€
    - ErrandsπŸ˜€
    - Bible Study😞
    - Bed by 10:30😞

    Happy Tuesday y'all!

    Yesterday was pretty productive. I got just about everything on my to do list done.

    Today I went to work, but at 10:30 they barricaded my office so I left. I was leaving at 11:30 anyway. I’m taking mom to the doctor to have her cognitive function evaluated. No fun, but necessary.

    Then I’m going to take back a watch I bought because I found a much nicer one.

    JFT Wednesday
    - weigh πŸ˜€
    - Work by 8:00 😞
    - Work on documents πŸ˜€
    - Work on complaint πŸ˜€
    - Take mom to doctor
    - Return watch
    - Grocery
    - Dinner
    - Need by 10:30

    Have a happy hump day!

    My why: To make my girls proud of me!

    I'm sure your girls are already super proud of you! You sound like an amazing mother!