

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I did horrible this weekend..walked, but my eating was awful. I have heartburn so bad, it's like when I was very overweight and I figured out it was eating too much "fat" that caused working on that today.

    @trooworld I really am sorry it didn't feel like your birthday. Glad you and your DH like to cook with and for each other...It gets old being the "only" meal planner and cook around

    @Tamevv Enjoy your time off and I love your accountability list. Good for you for taking your health as a priority in your life.


  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,344 Member
    Today has been a manic Monday. I got my one shift in to stay on call at my retail job yesterday over with but idk main job work doesn’t look like it’s going to be slowing down soon and I hope not. The OT is great and needed with the dogs and now my car isn’t even 5K miles from oil change in July and it was almost out of oil when I checked today. Ran to car store and picked up oil. Put about 2-3 qts in in the parking lot. Will let cool down and recheck tomorrow morning.
    Why hasn’t Murphy received my eviction notice?!?
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, checking in. Not a bad day - drank enough water and have just tracked my food and I’m under goal! Yay me. I was good about tiny tastes of things and didn’t feel guilty asking for substitutions in the dinner meal. Definitely progress. I also took two walks so met my exercise goals and closed all my rings. So far so good 😊

    @cbabie. Ugh, I hate heartburn 😒. Hope it settled down for you.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie It sounds like your body is trying to tell you something. That's how I always know when I'm eating unhealthily, I get a lot of heartburn. Thanks, it's okay, next year will be better. I'm glad we like to cook, too, it makes it a lot easier for sure! :)

    @gemwolf110 Wow, that does sound like a manic Monday!

    @Tamevv Great job! :D

    Hi all. I did fairly well yesterday at work. I did have a bagel but I had bites for it (Healthi app calls points "bites"). That got messed up in the afternoon when my husband decided to switch up what we were having for dinner even though I had already tracked it. He switched it to a store-bought lasagna which was more points than the original plan. I had to use some of my weekly points to make up for it. :(

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    OMG I just jogged! JOGGED!!!! And not just for the minute I thought I’d start with - jogged 5, walked 5, jogged 10, walked 5, then jogged a whole 15 minutes!! (And then walked another half hour home). I am so surprised and motivated. I am going to take myself shopping today for proper running shoes and Airpods. Both of these I have wanted for ages but not felt I could justify, but I am so proud of myself I think I’m due 😁.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @Tamevv Wow, that's great!

    Hi all. Doing okay. I didn't have time to get into too much junk yesterday, for once I am very busy at work right now. :D I'm trying to get my work done so I can take Friday off but it's looking like I may have to work 1/2 day on Friday.

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    m mmmmMorning all, My 4 year old now has a runny nose and the baby was fussy all day yesterday, BUT I did stay on track with my food, just no exercise..LOL. Someday I will get it all together. LOL

    @trooworld Great job on tracking!! Tracking really tells us where we are.

    @tamevv. Great job on jogging...Jogging has never been my thing...What a testimony to what you have been doing!!!

    @gemwolf110 So sorry about Murphy..LOL. I know I have had my share with him and yes he should go somewhere else.

  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,238 Member
    hey @trooworld no worries. Nice to see you too. I've actually joined another group for now but thank you. I'll keep it in mind.

    @Tamevv thank you. hope you're well.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,238 Member
    @gemwolf110 I'll put my profile link here. Should be easier 🙂
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie Oh gosh, it's always something, isn't it lol? Good job staying on track with food. Yes, I agree about tracking.

    @roz0810 No problem, I just threw that out there! How are things going?

    Hi all. Well, it's looking more and more like I will be working part of the day on Friday. Oh well. At least I will be working from home. I did so-so yesterday, I ended up getting a breakfast burrito from the cafe. :( My knee is still hurting so no exercise.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I am just doing a quick check in...lots going on the next couple of I will try to at least pop in and say hi and a quick status...

    I am still good on food, although the wheat thins got me a little last night..was tired and needed to stay ate 2 servings instead of 1. LOL

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi All,

    @trooworld Thinking of you today and hoping you get to relax. I’ve brought the third book in the stone sky series away with me but only picked it up once. Actually that’s not true, I’ve only read it once but picked it up another time but that act prompted the people in my head to remind me I needed to up my exercise so I went for a walk instead 😊.

    @cbabie yep it made me appreciate getting up and going every morning this last month. I’m still feeling quite proud of myself 😊. I’ll trade you some of my exercise enthusiasm for your food restraint? I’m struggling to track and feel myself slipping in the self- control department. Had sweets twice yesterday but at least chose very small portions, but still not ideal. And the real food trial doesn’t start till later today then runs 3 days.

    Slept better last night but woke at 4am and could not resettle - too many things on my mind. And now I’m anxious about the day because it is a very long one with driving and visitors and logistics to arrange and I’m worried about being tired. Im going to not even try to track the next few days - it will be one thing too many. I will be mindful of my eating but I think my focus has to be elsewhere. I will keep up the exercise to close my rings every day - that goal got me out walking even in the rain yesterday 😊.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie Thanks for stopping in. You could have eaten the whole bag, so 2 servings is not that bad lol.

    @Tamevv Thank you for thinking of me. I will get to relax today, I got my project done by some minor miracle! :D I'm still reading the second book, I haven't had time to read lately. :( Good for you for taking that walk! I think you are doing great while you are on vacation. <3

    Hi all! As I told Tamevv above, I actually got my project done in time to take today off. I had to stay seated at my desk all day except for a 30-minute lunch, typing the whole time so my eyes were sore from strain and my hands were a bit wonky from overuse but I got it done! I'm so glad. I needed a day off. I had a gain this week: 2.6 lbs. I'm very disappointed, I tracked 90% of what I ate and I didn't think I went over that much to make a gain but I guess you can't control the scale.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, yesterday had company and they brought Cheesecake....I can't ever refuse Yep I went over, but company was good...

    @trooworld You said something profound..."you can't control the scale". No you can't and as we all know the scale doesn't do a full body scan to tell you whats going on...could be bloat, could be can only control your reaction and you had a good one...Yea for getting your project done.

    @Tamevv Sorry you are so anxious about the day...try to relax and just enjoy your time, it will all fall into place.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @cbabie I wouldn't be able to refuse cheesecake either, I love it! I once made a pumpkin cheesecake with gingerbread crust, it was out of this world! Thank you, I can't believe I said something profound lol!

    Hi all. I had so many plans for my day off yesterday: I was going to make a loaf of no-knead olive bread, put up more Halloween decorations, go to Trader Joe's, read...but all I got done was go to TJs and put up some more Halloween decorations. Other than that, I lay on the couch and watched YouTube videos lol. But it was nice. Not much going on today, just going to get groceries.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hello, did another jog yesterday and felt excellent, but did not get to close all my rings today which I’m disappointed about, but I did still meet my calorie burn goal after a walk along the beach, just didn’t get enough higher intensity stuff in. Food was so so today, but I’m feeling controlled and restrained in my portions so still travelling well. Slight stresses occurring but emotionally I’m doing well too. Off to bed now, 👋

    @ trooworld so glad you got to relax on your day off.

    @cbabie I had cheesecake today too 😊.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Okay girs checking in...didn't do well yesterday on food or exercise...I am trying to start afresh today!!

    @tamevv look we all have the same thing in common...we all love cheesecake. LOL. Great job on the jog, look at what you did get done and not what you didn' proud of what you DID..

    @trooworld Sometimes we just need those mindless days to get ourselves refreshed...Glad you had one..the cheesecake sounds yummy, but won't be making that...LOL. I would eat the whole thing. oh your no knead bread sounds yummy too!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @Tamevv Sounds like you did great with the exercise! And I do believe you are doing really well overall with the traveling, that's not easy. How much longer are you traveling? Thanks, yeah, it was nice!

    @cbabie Today is a new day, my friend! Indeed, sometimes we need mindless days and I did have one! Yeah, I can't make cheesecake and expect it to survive in this house lol.

    Hello all. I didn't do too much yesterday: we started putting together a new TV stand and we are almost done but it took 2 hours just to do what we did lol. Then while my husband was visiting his brother, I watched a horror movie from the 80s (House). Got groceries in the morning. Other than that, a non-productive day! :D

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi ladies.

    @trooworld I’m away till Thursday and on holidays from work till Sunday. It has gone a lot more smoothly than I was expecting so emotionally I’m not as drained which is what I was nervous about. The next few days should be pretty relaxed but food will still challenge me, but the “party days” are over now 😊.

    Yesterday was my worst health day in both food and exercise, but I did sneak in a short walk enough to meet my cal burn goal and I was really good with meal substitutions - I just indulged a bit with the sweets 😊. Anyway so it’s going well here overall.

    @cbabie Thanks, I do need to be conscious of focusing on the positives. Not sure why that does not come naturally to me, but I am getting better at it.

    @trooworld I can’t do horror movies anymore. I remember watching some in my 20s but they just freak me out too much now. I’m still a little traumatised from the original Candyman and mirrors 🫤. Glad you are enjoying them tho. My husband loves movies - all sorts of oddball ones, and I know he wishes I could get more into it. Lately I just fall also sleep if I sit still for that long!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @Tamevv That's great, that's a nice long vacation. And that's good you weren't as drained. You know, I'm kind of getting like that about horror movies. I have to take "breaks" and watch the rest the next day lol.

    Hi all. I didn't do too much of anything yesterday besides finish putting the new entertainment center together with my husband. That was a job and a half but it looks nice now. This week, I work 4 days in the office as two people are out of the office and they need coverage. It really stinks because I usually have 2 work-at-home days.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"