

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    cbabie wrote: »
    Morning all, yesterday had company and they brought Cheesecake....I can't ever refuse Yep I went over, but company was good...

    @trooworld You said something profound..."you can't control the scale". No you can't and as we all know the scale doesn't do a full body scan to tell you whats going on...could be bloat, could be can only control your reaction and you had a good one...Yea for getting your project done.

    @Tamevv Sorry you are so anxious about the day...try to relax and just enjoy your time, it will all fall into place.


    Oh cheesecake. My coworker has been talking about cheesecake for weeks. Finally broke down and bought a slice which found out when I got back to work it actually was a double slice. Cherry topped ones. It was yummy. Took about 3 sittings to finish it. It was very filling and cheesecake usually isn’t my go to.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @gemwolf110 Well done for spreading it out! That’s a great strategy 👍

    Morning all. I jogged again this morning - yay me. But just ate a toasted cheese and salami sandwich with rocky road dessert…. Not so yay 😒. So it’s a mixed bag now - I feel like after the stressful parts passed I’ve relaxed a little too much. Still meeting my cal burn goal every day but it will be interesting to see how the scales react when I get home.

    Hope everyone’s having a great day!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    edited October 2022
    @Tamevv Great job with the jogging! How do you feel after the jog? You haven't been indulging every day, have you? I think you'll be fine. :)

    Hi all. Not much going on. This month and next have a lot of social events, I was just thinking about them. I'm going to lunch with a friend to celebrate my birthday on Saturday. That is the first event. I have a shooting pain in my neck, it's been here since yesterday. I must have slept on it wrong.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    I thought this went yesterday...UHG

    Morning all, I am hitting goals about 50%, so that is much better...I am trying today to get back on track with food and exercise...I want more than 50%, however, I either have allergies or a little of what my baby girl had last week...ugh

    Well I just finished my workout from Beachbody...I did a modify...but still felt good to work out.

    @trooworld Sorry you have to work in person all week...We are all glad that covid provided us the ability to work from home..LOL

    @Tamevv Glad you are taking care of shows in your post how positive you are getting...and that alone is truly better for our health. I hate horror shows...I used to watch Dark Shadows as a kid, I am talking grade school, but anything related to horror I won't watch and if my family does I go in my room and put in my ear plugs..LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @cbabie That's great! I'm sorry you aren't feeling so well. I hope you get better soon. <3 Great job with the workout! Yes, if it weren't for COVID, I'd still be fighting the traffic every weekday! LOL Small blessings.

    Hi all. I was able to leave work early yesterday and work from home for the rest of the day since I was missing one of my work-at-home days. That was nice. I still have that shooting pain in the neck, ouch. I also have a headache today, I think the weather must be changing. I did well with my water yesterday.

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    I'm back. I think I've been all over creation as my mother used to say. I started in MN and then me and my dd flew to Vegas. Spent 3 days there and then drove to Los Angeles and spent a day and a half. Then drove down to San Diego and stayed 3 days. @trooworld I couldn't remember where you were in Calif. But I was waving to you in SD because I remember once you said you liked to go to Comic Con. We were traipsing around Gaslamp Quarter and my dd says, there is where they hold comic con and I thought of you. I said Hi Troo and started waving. Then we drove to AZ and saw some family members including my sister @cbabie then drove back to Vegas and flew back to MN. I'm so tired. Good news is during all of that I lost 0.8 from when I left.
    I started out really good tracking the first week but then the second week I was just half tracking. That habit is back today. I went to the gym. So that one is getting back on track. The veggie habit hasn't come back. That needs work. But eating fruit with my breakfast and a cup of water before my morning tea is still there.

    I'm not even going to try and catch up with posts. Just jump in where I am. I hope everyone is fine.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I am in San Diego! I hope you enjoyed my town. The Gaslamp is fun. What else did you do? Did you go to La Jolla or the beach? I'm glad you got to see @cbabie. What a great thing, to actually lose weight on vacation! Great job! You'll get back to where you were with your habits, I know it.

    Hi all. I left work early yesterday because my knee had a lot of pain. I went to urgent care because my doctor's appt wasn't until Nov 1st and my knee hurt too bad. Of course, by the time I got to urgent care, my knee wasn't hurting nearly as badly. I told them I had fallen in the middle of the night, I told them I had walked around a lot at the street fair, they took an x-ray and didn't see anything. They said I had sprained it and then exacerbated the sprain by walking around on it. So, he told me to get a neoprene sleeve for my knee and use Voltaren and take Ibuprofen. I'm going back to work today. I usually don't work in the library on Thursdays but I have to go in today because two people are out of the office. Tonight's traffic will surely be bad.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    Hi all. I found a YouTube channel that you might be interested in, it is Pahla B, Weight Loss Coach for Women over 50:

    She also has a podcast linked in the same profile.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, I have been trying to do Beachbody routines and tried a new thing they have out and well whatever is in it, I think has done the reverse of what it is supposed to...I am not going to continue it...I have felt awful after taking it...I thought at first it was the sleepless nights taking care of this newborn, but I believe its the stuff I have been taking, so I will not take it for a while and see how I am. LOL. I am in a challenge group there as well and it's been good for me..making me look at things differently. Doesn't mean I am doing all that great, but better. I take each day as it comes with the hope of a better tomorrow. So the word of the week for me is focused....I am focused on my health and I take it very seriously.

    @trooworld Glad nothing was broken and other than over using it and hopefully all those things the Dr told you to do will help it heal quickly. You are doing so great. Also the video wouldn't play, I will try to find her podcast. (not saying I am over 50). LOL

    @theslightedgeforever glad to see you back on here., LOL

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    @trooworld Found the podcast.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    @trooworld We went to La Jolla and the beach. Tomorrow I'll get out some pics to post. It was such a nice time. Thank you for the podcast. I'll add her to my list. I listen to podcasts when I'm at the gym.

    @cbabie Keep listening to your body. What's good for others may not be good for ourselves. I'm glad you found some exercise you like.

    I went to the gym today and did almost 90 minutes. I'm sort of getting over my exhaustion from the trip. I could have had so many excuses today not to go. We had to do an extra trip to the bank and do some errands at the time that I normally go to the gym. I planned ahead and wore my gym clothes to my errands. People's opinions be damned. :D I came in and put away the groceries and ran over to the gym. Only to realize once I got there that I forgot my water bottle. Then 15 seconds later I go to set my fitbit and it's dead. I said to myself my body knows it's exercising. I said just do 30 min. But I just kept following my routine til it was done. Good choices for me today.

    Well with exercise and breakfast. Nighttime not so much.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone! Really sorry to be behind on replies - will see how the evening goes later on. For now I’m saying hi and reporting that I actually managed to lose 200g while away 😁. Am 100% certain exercise is what saved me as the last 3 days I was pretty slack with eating. Have done two good workouts since coming home and even tho I snacked a bit this avo I’ve just tracked it and still came under budget. I’m really happy with how my eating and even snacking habits are changing. Need to get back into water tho as that is very low. Always do well in the morning but getting the second litre is not happening.

    Anyway have to run but happy to be home and back to routine.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @cbabie I hope stopping the stuff will help you feel better. Taking each day as it comes, even hour by hour, is the way to go, I think. I, too, need to FOCUS. Thanks, I don't feel like I am doing great. :( Yeah that was a link to her channel, I don't know why it didn't just post the link like usual. I'm glad you found it lol.

    @theslightedgeforever The link to the actual podcast is: The link I posted earlier was to her YouTube channel (she also has fitness videos and talks). I love La Jolla, it's so pretty. I don't go often because parking is a nightmare. Wow, great job at the gym! I wear gym clothes all the time lol, but I think that is normal here. :D I'm glad you didn't give up when there were obstacles put in your way. Well done.

    @Tamevv Great job! That's amazing that you actually lost weight on vacation, as you know, most people gain on vacation! You are doing great.

    Hi all. I lost 3.8 lbs this week, which I am very happy about. Last night, my husband had a serious talk with me about my health. He said nothing has changed since I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and he's afraid I'm going to die. He said I have to get moving, that I sit all day and come home and sit. I told him my knee and he said but you can move your upper body. He told me I'm just using excuses. He doesn't seem to accept that small changes add up to big changes. He wants everything to change now. I know he's just afraid of losing me but it pissed me off. He said, you still eat chips, you still eat burgers, nothing's changed. I wanted to say, "You asked me where the chips were the last time I came home from grocery shopping. You wanted me to stop by Wendy's for burgers. You have a hand in this, too." But I didn't. :(

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • gfjazz
    gfjazz Posts: 285 Member
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, I sort of threw in the towel yesterday, but back on my focus this morning. After writing this, I will be moving to do my exercise..If I start my day with that the whole day goes better.

    @trooworld I think I would have told my DH that he has a part in this reality, we are in charge of how we "react" to things and people and they are in charge of them. I am learning that I can't allow what others "want" me to do is what I really need to do. He is right about your health and he is worried I am sure...but you are in charge of you. Small steps do lead to big steps..and YEA on your loss. Let's all keep focused on our goals this week. Come here for encouragement and well while I am on a roll...someone said to me yesterday in another group I am in...we all have bad days, we just try not to have 2 bad days in a row...I thought that was good for me and maybe it will encourage you.

    @theslightedgeforever Yea on your really did make some good choices.

    @tamevv yes I think moving is a big part of what we should be doing.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    @Tamevv Yaaay on your loss. I think just keep practicing your habits and you'll get there.

    @trooworld Woohoo on your weight loss. You must be doing something right. I just remember on What Not to Wear them always telling those people that unless you are at a gym or working out to ditch the gym clothes. LOL I think you need to take the opportunity since hubby opened up the conversation to say to him Yes I've been thinking about what you said and I think it would help me if you would do XYZ. I was reading a blogpost today about wasted time. I hate to waste time, waste money. But evidently I don't mind wasting time when it comes to my weight. How many years have I been doing this? It talked about we think of time as infinite and eternal. If we don't do good today then we can do good tomorrow. Unfortunately, years pass by that way. Today I have had Wendy's and chips now that you mention it. I went to the store for some water. I didn't have lunch and then I went to the gym and came home with a bunch of stuff. Meanwhile, dd gets off work and calls and says I'm at Wendy's what do you want? I have learned that I need to learn the skill of telling people NO when they ask me do I want XYZ! Never go to the store hungry.

    @gfjazz Welcome to the group. Like in baseball, you have to keep practicing so you know how to hit those curve balls. So just keep practicing your good habits. Be consistent and then you will lose weight at a rate that you are comfortable with.

    @cbabie Good news is you are back to focusing. That is what it takes.

    It actually snowed lightly this morning. UGH. I had just taken a nice video two days ago of the pretty colors in the back. I thought it was foggy when I looked outside this morning.

    I went to the gym today for 60 min. I just need to get my eating in gear.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Warning, a bit long and ranty- sorry but wanted to offer what I could😔

    @trooworld Ouch, that would have been so hard to hear 😔. It is such a struggle for us - especially when there is physical limitation and pain involved. I really feel for you and the internal hurt that must have caused. I know his words came from a place of love but maybe he doesn’t know how else to support you? Sounds like there is genuine concern for your health so you are heading in the same direction, just your plans for how to get there are not coming from the same page (or book??). Maybe if you did say those things to him it would make him see how he can actually help in a practical way. And it would kind of force him to recognise some of his own decisions and maybe having to make changes himself would help him understand the struggles you are facing. If he really wants to help, I’d encourage you to give him the knowledge and opportunity to do that. If you are not giving him all the information (channeling my husband here) how can he make appropriate decisions with half-info?

    When I started to get serious a while ago i wrote DH a letter and laid out explicitly what I needed from him. I did it in text because I knew I’d dissolve into tears if I tried to talk about it because it made me really uncomfortable and raw to be honest about how deep my food issues lie. But it made him realise how important it was to my self-worth, and being really honest brought us closer in a way. I’d really encourage you to be honest with him and explain why and how his decisions effect you as well.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @gfjazz I'm sorry you are struggling. It's tough when you aren't seeing much progress.

    @cbabie I agree about starting the day with exercise making it better. I wanted to tell DH he was a part of it but the words wouldn't flow out of my mouth lol! Yes, I think that is why I didn't say anything: because he would have thrown back at me that I am the only one that ultimately decides. That's right, we try not to have 2 bad days in a row, they lead to more. That was good. Thank you!

    @theslightedgeforever Nice pictures! Did you get to see the seals? They may have them blocked off right now, I'm not sure. I know they were having problems with people taking selfies with them and getting them upset. Thank you. LOL yeah, I probably should ditch the gym clothes but they are so comfy lol! Good idea to have a follow-up conversation with DH. I also need to learn that skill. I have a hard time saying no in a lot of situations. I am guilty of going to the store hungry, I do it almost every weekend and I shouldn't. SNOW??? Oh gosh. Already??? Good job with the gym!

    @Tamevv It was hard to hear but I know it was coming from a good place and I tried to keep that in mind. He is actually pretty supportive in many ways: he offers to go for walks on the weekends, the other day he said maybe we can do meal prep today (Saturday) so that we can go for walks at night next week, he'll help cook. But he does do things that mess it up too, like suggesting burgers from Wendy's or pizza. Good points. I like that you laid out what you needed. I think I need to think about what it is I really need from my DH to support me. I know some things but I really need to give it some thought. Thank you.

    Hi all. I feel better today, maybe because that loss I had yesterday has sunk in. I started doing Pahla B's 5-0 method yesterday ( ). It involves tracking calories (which I already do through Healthi), drinking half my body weight in water (this is going to be very hard, I weigh 228 lbs!), getting the right amount of sleep, exercising moderately, and managing my mindset. For the mindset part, there are journal prompts included in her free ebook (see the previous link) that I am doing. Below is my prompt from yesterday. I think it will help. I've also been listening to her podcast (Fitness Matters).

    I'm meeting a friend at a favorite Thai restaurant today for lunch. It's supposed to rain today, which I hope it doesn't because we are going to see a colleague in the opera tonight and we have to drive 30 miles away to go.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Okay, tomorrow is back to routine day. Tracking and water here we come!!!