Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 203



  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    edited October 2022
    SW: 127.4 on 10/23/22
    RGW: 125.0
    10/24 125.2 -(added after a late morning weight after I forgot first thing. Guess I was retaining quite a bit of water). β€œForgot” to step on the scale this morning. I also "forgot" to finish out the last round but I think it would have been a gain of 2 lbs! I have been really off track but I've been giving myself grace for the past week in the wake of the grandfather's death. No more of that, though, as I don't want to have to start over entirely. The service was very nice on Friday and gave me closure, and I was happy to see my dad was handling everything pretty well. I'm sure he'll have his ups and downs, but I think we all knew Grandaddy was ready to move on at the age of 97. This week I'm traveling for work Wednesday through Friday, then it will be Halloweekend with lots of parties so it's sure to be a challenging round for me again. I can do it, though!
    10/25 - 125.4. Rough day here as my 20-month-old popped a fever overnight. He seems to be doing better, but the timing stinks because I leave for the airport at 4am tomorrow for a business trip. Very grateful my mom is still coming to help out. I’m 95% sure she already has been exposed to this via my nephew anyway. DH and I are going on a date to see Weird Al about 45 minutes from home tonight, so I’m really going to be burning the candle at both ends. I only hope the toddler can sleep through, unlike last night.
    10/26 - 124.4! I don’t expect to stay here but it feels good to bust through 125. All of my sleep was in the recliner with my restless toddler, until about midnight to 3am. Then I couldn’t sleep due to travel anxiety until my alarm at 4, plus the kiddo needed me again. It’s going to be a rough day.
    10/27 - DNW - travel. Shortly after I posted yesterday my dad called me and told my grandma had passed away. That's both of his parents within a week and a half. I'm a little shaken up. They were married for 75 years so maybe it's just the perfect ending to their love story. I was in the middle of my layover when I got the call. I'm kind of glad I got the call while enroute because if I'd heard about it on Tuesday night I may have yet again postponed my trip. But between this and the sick baby I am feeling like I shouldn't be here at all. I really have to make it through the study I'm doing today, though. I'm getting home at midnight on Friday and we have to drive to my hometown yet again for a funeral Saturday.
    10/28 - travel
    10/29 - 125.6
    10/30 - 124.8. Thank you everyone for the kind words and condolences. The funeral was a little harder than I expected. I have many fond memories of her, mostly from childhood playing games on her living room floor and going on walks with her when she would still walk around her neighborhood. She was probably the first person to model the necessity of exercise to me. Unfortunately she started having a lot of foot problems many years ago, and now I know how difficult that must have been for her. Her funeral service was basically a carbon copy of my grandfather’s. It was closed casket but we got to view her before the visitation, and she looked beautiful and peaceful.
    The toddler has hand-foot-and-mouth disease, so we didn’t get to go to the dinner my dad hosted. Instead, we drove home and didn’t spend the night, which honestly I am grateful for because our house is in total shambles after all the chaos. I am going to make a meal plan for the week now. I hope everyone has a restorative Sunday.
    10/31 - 126. Not too surprised. I have fallen off the wagon in many ways this round. I got into my 3-year-old's candy that he got from the drive-through trick or treat we went to. My challenge for November is going to be rationing my own candy intake *and* my kids' candy intake. I'm adding in more strength training starting today. Assuming I can have somewhat productive work sessions, I'm planning a good amount of activity for myself including: 30-minute dog walk/jog, 45-minute peloton ride, 10-minute arms with light weights, and a 10-minute core workout.
  • motheroftwins95
    motheroftwins95 Posts: 594 Member
    SW: 175.8
    10/24 - 176.4 Salty dinner but in calorie budget. Will try to drink extra today.
    10/25 - 176.2 Ate every last calorie in my budget yesterday and lost a small bit. I can live with this. I need to cut down on the salt tho.
    10/26 - 175.8 Ok, back to the start and ready to post a loss for this round.
    10/27 - 176.0 :( No biggie. Just have to cut back a little.
    10/28 - 175.4 :)
    10/29 - 175.8 :(
    10/30 - 176.0
    10/31 - 176.2 Definitely going the wrong way.
  • shannbug216
    shannbug216 Posts: 34 Member

    Starting Weight: 171.0
    Ultimate Goal: 135
    Starting weight for R203:171.0
    R203 Goal Weight: 167.0

    Mini goals for previous day:
    Tracked: yes
    Water: 80 oz
    Steps: 15,800

    10/24: 171.0
    10/25: 169.6
    10/26: 169.0
    10/29: 170.4
    10/30: 171.0
    10/31: 171.6 πŸŽƒ

  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,059 Member
    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    30, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 130-135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69: 158.1; R70: 156.5; R71: 156.3 R72: 156.3; R73: 155.2; R74: 155.4; R75: 156.1; R76: 155.6; R80: 153.2; R81: 154.3; R82: 154.1; R84: 156.5; R89: 156.7; R91: 160.1; R93: 159.3; R94: 156.1; R98: 154.5; R99: 155.9; R100: 152.8; R101: 149.7; R102: 149.0; R103: 149.0; R104: 146.2; R105: 146.6; R106: 144.6; R107: 146.8; R108: 147.7; R109: 148.1; R110: 150.1; R111: 154.3; R112: 152.6; R113: 151.7; R121: 153.0; R122: 154.8; R123: 153.9; R124: 153.4; R125: 155.6; R126: 152.3; R127: 151.5; R128: 151.0; R129: 151.0; R130: 152.6; R131: 153.9; R132: 150.6; R133: 151.2; R134: 149.3; R135: 149.5; R136: 148.4; R137: 147.9; R138: 148.4; R139: 151.9; R140: 150.4; R141: 150.4; R142: 144.0; R143: 144.2; R144: 147.0; R145: 145.7; R146: 145.9; R147: 145.9; R148: 146.5; R149: 147.3; R150: 146.8; R151: 147.9; R152: 147.7; R153: 147.2; R154: 147.0; R155: 144.7; R157: 146.1; R158: 146.6; R159: 146.3; R160: 150.2; R161: 146.7; R162: 144.6; R163: 146.2; R164: 147.3; R165: 146.3; R166: 148.5; R167: 147; R168: 148.4; R169: 151.4; R170: 148.9; R171: 144.8 R172: DNW; R173: 146.1; R174: 147.9; R175: 145.9; R176: 150.5; R177: 149.3; R179: 150.5; R180: 151.6; R181: DNW; R182: 150.2; R183: 152.9; R184: 153.4; R185: 151.3; R186: 152.3; R187: 151.8; R188: 150.9; R189: 152.6; R190: DNW; R191: 154.8; R192: 155.5; R193: 155.2; R194: 156.5; R195: DNW; R196: 155.7; R197: DNW; R198: 156.1; R199: DNW; R200: DNW; R201: 159.8; R202: 159.7

    Last weight
    10/23 - 159.7

    Round Goal: 155lb Water goal: 90oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment
    10/24 - 159.6
    10/25 - 160.6
    10/26 - 160.1
    10/27 - 160.3
    10/28 - DNW
    10/29 - DNW
    10/30 - DNW
    10/31 - 161.3 - Weekend was not kind to me. Eating out all day Saturday then spur of the moment meals Sunday as we did some much needed house work while watching football (new dining room light installed, got a wall back up behind washer and dryer. Whew). Today I'm sore, slightly dehydrated still (despite having enough water yesterday, it takes a few days), and I'm all kinds of bloated. I expected TOM to be here by today but it's having a grand ol' time keeping me feeling bloated and miserable as long as possible I'm guessing. No workout as my body needs a break after yesterday's manual labor. Will be trying to get up and move through the day, though, just to help move some of the water I'm retaining. Already ate breakfast so no fasting for me. Will have to plan lunch accordingly as I'm not sure dinner plans yet. Fortunately, no trick or treaters this far out into the country so no halloween candy in the house. I'm in full-on damage control for the last days of this round for sure.

    Previous Day's Comments
    10/24 - Not the worst for a weekend bump. Linner turned into dinner last night and all the sides brought me closer to calorie goal than I originally anticipated. I attempted to estimate logging, but could be off as with anything made by others. I did manage no alcohol, though! And only ate until I was comfortably satisfied and no more! Little things that will keep me on track. I also did a 10 minute bedtime yoga routine before curling up in bed which got me my 3 days of workouts. New week starts today with a 10 minute rowing workout followed by 15 minute flexibility yoga. Not sure plans for lunches or dinners this week but I haven't gone to the store. Trying to focus on paying off debt and limit the grocery bill to only as necessary. No fresh fruits or veggies so I think I'll add frozen fruits and veg to my list for the future. I do have some canned veg as well as the steamable packs to get through until my next trip. On to the weekly routine and (hopefully) progress!!
    10/25 - Only thing I can think of is that dinner was a bit more salty than I prefer last night.... That and I'm pretty sore, mostly upper body/back but a little in the lower legs from yesterday's rowing workout. No workout this morning due to the soreness. May aim for a little yoga later on. Not entirely sure dinner other than BF pulled out some fajita chicken meat (he makes fajitas, burritos, and tacos from it). I splurged with breakfast as I was hungry and ate a piece of pumpkin bread I made over the weekend with my coffee. I've been craving coffee cake, but the bread is lower calories and less sugar. Plus, for someone who hates pumpkin flavor, it's not terribly bad! Will need to up the movement through the day as well as watch my food intake very carefully if I want to see a drop tomorrow, though. I have lunch planned (the frozen steam bags of broccoli with some of the chicken breast from yesterday's lunch), and logged both lunch and what I KNOW will be involved with dinner to give me a good idea of how close I am. Totally doable!
    10/26 - It's down but not as much as I had hoped. Had to estimate calories on a chicken caesar salad from a bar/grill (it was the best caesar salad I've had). Went there after dropping truck off and hearing there's a high chance it'll be done by end of day. (Spoiler: it was not). Fortunately, it was so filling (and we ate so late) that I wasn't super hungry at dinner. I ended up only having one small taco which, by estimate, put me right at goals. And no exercise calories eaten back. Today BF promised to help FamHub and with only one vehicle (jeep has a flat) I will have to go into town with him to drive the car home if the truck gets finished. Tossed and turned all night so slept in an extra 30 minutes. No time for workout. Depending on what we help with at FamHub's (usually physical labor), I'll focus on squeezing in 10 squats here, 10 pushups there through the day to get that little strength building and movement. About to go pour my cup of coffee and I'll knock out 10 squats doing that to start the day strong!
    10/27 - I really don't know.... I'm still a tad sore today but not enough to increase the scale... I'm honestly feeling horribly bloated, even if I don't look that bad. It seems too early for the pre-TOM bloat, but maybe? It's about all I can think of. I've been logging all my food, paying attention to portions, and drinking OVER my 90oz goal most days (and right on goal the other days). Yesterday I ended up having to do a lunch break grocery run since we were out of breakfast foods for today and tomorrow. I parked at the back of the parking lot and ran inside..not walked, I actually jogged. Walked with the grocery cart back to the car, loaded it and got a text asking for something. So I jogged back to the store, got what I needed, and it was small enough to hold so I jogged the entire parking lot back to my car. 3 parking lot distance runs in one day. Whew. This morning I went ahead and knocked out a 20 min complete rowing workout so I couldn't distract myself or procrastinate until it was too late. On a happy note, I got a big ol' thing of baby spinach and some extra bell peppers so I can make myself some healthier breakfasts and lunches. I'll turn my leftover tacos into taco salad haha! I'll add spinach and bell pepper to my eggs!
    10/28 - DNP
    10/29 - DNP
    10/30 - DNP

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    R164 SW 208.4 EW 204.8 (-3.6)
    R165 SW 204.8 EW 205.4 (+0.6)
    R166 SW 205.4 EW 199 (-6.4)
    R167 SW 199 EW 196.4 (-2.6)
    R168 SW 196.4 EW 193.4 (-3)
    R169 SW 193.4 EW 192 (-1.4)
    R170 SW 192 EW 190 (-2)
    R171 SW 190 EW 189.2 (-0.8)
    R172 SW 189.2 EW 189.8 (+0.6)
    R173 SW 189.8 EW 187 (-2.8)
    R174 SW 187 EW 184.4 (-2.6)
    R175 SW 184.4 EW 180.2 (-4.2)
    R176 SW 180.2 EW 179.8 (-0.4)
    R177 SW 179.8 EW 181 (+1.2)
    R178 SW 181 EW 176.6 (-4.4)
    R179 SW 176.6 EW 173.2 (-3.4)
    R180 SW 173.2 EW 172.8 (-0.4)
    R181 SW 172.8 EW 168.4 (-4.4)
    R182 SW 168.4 EW 169 (+0.6)
    R183 SW 169 EW 167.6 (-1.4)
    R184 SW 167.6 EW 166.4 (-1.2)
    R185 SW 166.4 EW 170 (+3.6)
    R186 SW 170 EW 166 (-4)
    R187 SW 166 EW 162.6 (-3.4)
    R188 SW 162.6 EW 162.2(-0.4)
    R189 SW 162.2 EW 159.8(-2.4)
    R190 SW 159.8 EW 173(+13.2)
    R191 SW 173 EW 164 (-9)
    R192 SW 164 EW 162.8 (-1.2)
    R193 SW 162.8 EW 165.8 (+3)
    R194 SW 165.8 EW 166.2 (+0.4)
    R195 SW 166.2 EW 163.8 (-2.4)
    R196 SW 163.8 EW 163.6 (-0.2)
    R197 SW 163.6 EW 162.8 (-0.8)
    R198 SW 162.8 EW 172.6 (+9.8)
    R199 SW 172.6 EW 168.4 (-4.2)
    R200 SW 168.4 EW 171.4 (+3)
    R201 SW 171.4 EW 168.8 (-2.6)
    R202 SW 168.8 EW 168.4 (-0.4)

    R203 SW: 168.4
    R203 EW: 167.8
    10/24 / 169.8 / 4+ hours sitting in an auditorium yesterday watching piano. Going back tonight. We had pizza for supper last night and leftovers today. Food is on track for today.
    10/25 / 170.2
    10/26 / 170.6
    10/27 / 169.6
    10/28 / 171
    10/29 / 170.2
    10/30 / 169.2 / Ok, lowest weight since the round started - still up but time to make progress from here. Got the week of piano competition done with, we had so much fun! Lots of meals out and work was super busy too so I had no time for any extras.
    10/31 / 170.6 / Back up to my top weight for this round. Busy running back and forth to the door hanging out candy to the kiddos.