

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Your Friendsgiving sounds delicious and healthy.

    @senoritafloridita I like your username! It's cute. Welcome to our board! I used to be on the boards of WW, too. They were great. I'm glad Nutrisystem is working for you, keep it up! :) Tell us more about you. I assume you live in Florida?

    @Tamevv Wow, that's impressive! Go, Tamevv! Get your 100 days!!!

    Hi all. I went grocery shopping JUST for Thanksgiving + yesterday and today. The grand total was $260! That also included laundry detergent. I can't believe it, that is about how much our budget is for a whole week, let alone a holiday meal. Ridiculous. My DH and I took our dog for a walk and got coffee yesterday, it was nice. Not much else going on. I was supposed to donate blood today but can't because I have visible allergy symptoms (my nose is runny and stuffed up and I'm sneezing). I had to reschedule.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,241 Member
    @senoritafloridita Welcome to the group. I'm glad you have found something that works for you.

    @Tamevv Hooray on reaching for your 100 day streak. Did you get it? I had to look up what closing the rings meant Found it. You made me laugh with the word bloomin

    @trooworld That's crazy with the prices of food. How are you doing on your exercise? That will be my challenge to conquer this week.

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @theslightedgeforever yep, got it done 👍After telly time all the kids went to quiet reading so I jumped on and did 20mins which was enough to get me over the line. Rings closed - what a good girl I am 😊. Course, while I was stepping the thought did cross my mind that I would have another hundred and something calories to play with and could have dessert ….. I’m not sure that’s how it’s sposed to work😂. Had a low cal frozen yoghurt and finished up about a hundred calories over budget. Not too bad considering the wine-factor.

    @trooworld It’s kind of novel to have an external “reward” motivating me - usually I could not care less about this “streak” business, but apparently it’s working so who am I to argue? Maybe it’s a flow on from all the numbers I pay attention to now - not only calories and scale but also mini things like “I’ll go until I hit X minutes” or “another 50 calories on my watch”. I like round numbers 😊

    Will be lots of sweets on offer at work today so will have to have stay focused on the bigger picture for myself. Im glad we don’t do thanksgiving here - there are enough temptations around as it is. Hope you all gave a fantastic week though 😁
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Tamevv wrote: »
    @senoritafloridita. Hi!! 👋👋


    Did a 3 mile run/walk with my son in the freezing cold today. Was extra hungry when I got back so I had one extra snack - glad I didn’t turn it into a pig-out. (My son and I are both doing Nutrisystem.)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I know, crazy! I got some exercise in on Friday at the Wild Animal Park, went for a walk on Saturday, Friday (I think it was then) I did a 15-minute walking video and that has been it. What is your plan for exercise? My challenge is food this week.

    @Tamevv Yay for getting it done!!! I like to gamify my exercise, it works! Good luck with the sweets. Yeah, ready thy fat pants is the name of the game here lol!

    @senoritafloridita Great job with the run/walk and not binging! Woo hoo!

    Hi all. Crafts kept me pretty busy yesterday, I am making things for Christmas. It's good to have the hands busy. I didn't snack all day and that's partially because of the crafts but also because we didn't have anything to snack on in the house.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,587 Member
    Morning all, I am sorry it's been a rough weekend. I am still nauseous and still have the back issues. I am not in the "I can't breathe pain" any more, but still hurts especially by the end of day. I am going to try to sit as much as possible today..I don't see exercise in my future for a bit. I am trying to stretch my back and legs when I can. Food wise, I am okay sort of, at least I am tracking, I had a little bit of a binge last night, ate 2 cups of ice cream instead of just 1. My system is just out of whack. I seem to have a canker sore in my mouth, I was getting ready to get into the shower today and saw dried blood on my hand and wondered who was bleeding and was going to check to see if the baby was the one...and cleaned my hand off and realized it was me...I had a TINY cut on my hand and it was bleeding like I had cut it big...UGH, I just have done nothing I needed to get done this to get better...I hate sitting... :)

    @trooworld Yes food is crazy right now...that's why I am in the "depression" type person...waste not want not...LOL. My grand daughter won't eat left overs and I am like well.... My DH and I could eat whatever to just not feel hungry...I know we should be eating for nutrition...but sometimes LOL

    @tamevv yea for you! I am like my sister you made me laugh at the word bloomin...LOL. You are on a roll and I am so happy for you!!!

    @theslightedgeforever uhm...Mom's favorite pie...I NEVER EVER liked pecan pie. Glad you could eat it. Hope the game with dd was fun and you won...but I am sure you didn't. LOL

    @senoritafloridita welcome.. I think most of us have done WW on here and did their boards...I hope you like this one and find the encouragement and fellowship that we all need here. Glad you found something that is working for you. I am fighting 11 lbs. for over a year now. LOL.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,241 Member
    @tamevv Woohoo on closing your rings. I chose to start counting calories burned via exercise versus exercise minutes because I could stretch 30 min and say I'm done. It's good for flexibility but not so good for getting a calorie deficit. Now I'm struggling with my 300 burned calories, so I'm going to have to find me a little game or something. Streaks don't do anything for me either although I have a huge streak going on here for logging in that I don't want to break.

    @senoritafloridita Way to go on your walk/run. Especially in the cold. That's great that you and your son are supporting each other through this. That makes it so much easier.

    @trooworld You got in a bit of exercise so good for you. Which meals are you struggling with? I have my exercise plan, it's just following it. I did do a 15 min video today so far.

    I've had cravings for beans. I made chili yesterday with cornbread and today I had cannellini beans over the left over cornbread.

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld That's cool you're making crafts for Christmas - sounds like a fun way to keep busy. I wish I did more crafts. And "Ready Thy Fat Pants" indeed! We always have a treat meal on Fridays but of course we're moving it to Thursday this week!

    @cbabie - oh that's awful, I hope you feel better soon! And glad to have found you guys. Definitely helps with weight loss journeys to have other people along for the ride with you.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks, yes I'm glad my son is working out and dieting with me. Hopefully we will be doing a half-marathon together. And we both like Nutrisystem. It is just so nice to be able to grab food and not cook, and have it actually taste decent. I have found that as much as I like cooking, I just don't have the energy for it every day. I relate on the cravings for beans - I love a good chili.

    Well my throat got really sore yesterday so today I went to the urgent care. Negative for step but they still sent tests out for the flu/Covid. Should know tomorrow. Today was a DOR (day of rest as we used to say on the old WW running board). Hope I can keep working out and not get waylaid with sickness.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry you are still having issues, you must be sort of miserable. That's good to be the "depression" type person, we can't afford to waste stuff right now! Sometimes you just eat to not feel hungry, right?

    @theslightedgeforever Dinner is a struggle and therefore lunch the next day is a struggle because I have leftovers for lunch. It's just been a struggle because we don't feel like cooking and the holidays are here. That's great you did a 15 min video, gotta start somewhere. I love chili.

    @senoritafloridita Yes, it is! I love to do crafts. Yeah, I usually have a treat meal once a week but this week is messed up because of the big day. We will have Thanksgiving and then leftovers for at least a day. Sorry about your sore throat. I hope it's better by the time you read this.

    Hi all. Yesterday's workday took forever. I just didn't want to be there, I am already in holiday mode. Today will likely go just as slowly. I can't remember if I told you, but I am doing this "New Weigh" webinar through my healthcare provider. It's supposed to get you healthier (if you do the work). The webinar is once a week until sometime in January. It's on Tuesdays, so tonight.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,241 Member
    edited November 2022
    @senoritafloridita I always hate when I'm going along good with my habits and then I get sick and it disrupts me. Sometimes it takes a bit for me to jump back on the train.

    @trooworld So what can you eat that doesn't require cooking? You might be thinking I'm not in a mood to cook "dinner" or I don't have the energy or time right now. But you could make sandwiches, eat a bowl of cereal or oats, etc. Same thing for lunch. So instead of one meal for bad decisions, it's now two. I hope you aren't thinking it's Thanksgiving so this week will be a wash anyway. I'll start again after Thanksgiving. But then the holiday parties start and then it's close to Christmas and then you might as well wait until the new year comes and 5 weeks of bad choices can easily be 5-8 lbs back on your body. Thanksgiving is one day this week that leaves 6 other days to make good choices. Or you can even look at it as meals. Give yourself permission to eat what you want for your T-day meal but then the other meals that day are made up of good choices. This is what I'm telling myself. I hadn't done well the past two days and this must stop now. Fill us in on your "new weigh" once you have a webinar. Tell us what you learned.

    So I exercised more than yesterday. That's good. I figured out a way to do something like "close the rings" without an Apple Watch. There's a app called Done and it has a straight line that fills up to the end so I set up two habits. #1-300 burned calories via exercise 5 days a week. #2-say no to food pushers. at least once a day if the opportunity presents itself. Remember how well I did last week with the donut? I put it in the freezer for about 4 days? Same situation happened again yesterday and I ate it within 30 min of receiving it. I don't know why I can do so well one time and then not the other. Today's "no" was I made hash brown triangles for breakfast in the air fryer. Hubby decides today that he doesn't want them so he puts them on MY plate. Food pusher. I look at them and then decide I'm going to give them to my caregiver for my mil. So they are gone and crisis averted. I'm also working on the habit to stay within my calorie boundaries for the day. Missed it the past two days. :s
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld I hear you on holiday mode. Good luck with your New Weigh webinar. Thanks for the well wishes - doctor gave me some steroids for my throat which definitely helped.

    @theslightedgeforever That sounds like a good app, Done. Used to work with a lot of food pushers. Got one at church on Sunday when they had a birthday party. I said "I'll just have some fruit" but then they still asked if I wanted cake.

    Still waiting for the flu/covid results from the urgent care - should have them by tomorrow. Hope the family TG will still be a go for me. Don't feel too bad at least. Luckily I stuck to the plan and my son and I did our regular workout.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I've got a lot on my mind right now, see below, but yes I am kind of thinking it will be a GAIN not even a wash. Unfortunately because of our money situation and because we spent so much on Thanksgiving's meal, we are going to have to eat the leftovers for at least a day or two. If I sound like I am giving up, I kind of am. Your new system sounds interesting. I hope it helps motivate you. Great job with the hash browns!

    @senoritafloridita Thank you! Oh I'm glad your doctor gave you something. I am hoping for good results from your flu/covid tests and that you can go to TG. Great job with the workout!

    Hi all. Well, everything went to h3ll yesterday morning: another leak in our bathroom from the upstairs unit! For those unaware, this is the THIRD leak in the bathroom from upstairs unit. The unit's owner is uncooperative, unstable, and just doesn't get it. He also doesn't take care of his unit, obviously. A handyman was here until 9:00 pm working on it. the drywall above our sink is totally ripped out so it can dry. The leak came from the unit's toilet. I had to miss my webinar because there was too much noise going on. I also had a friend coming over that is moving out of state on Friday. We went to dinner instead. I feel defeated, I feel anxious, I feel like giving up. I won't exactly, but this week will not be good.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,241 Member
    @senoritafloridita Yaay on getting in your workout. I hope your throat feels better soon.

    @trooworld Definitely eat the leftovers but you can still control your portion sizes. I can't believe another leak. How stressful for you! So think about it like this. This is one week in 52. Get through it and then move on recommitting yourself to your program.

    I attended a webinar with that 5-0 lady. It was about journaling. Here are some notes I took

    Journaling gives you self awareness
    Self awareness in small doses over time get you to the place
    where you can solve problems and feel better
    YOU ARE NOT your thoughts your feelings your actions
    find your thoughts and decide if they are helpful or unhelpful
    Ask your self a question.
    Write uncensored
    Add I think before your thoughts that you have written down- they are not a fact or a truth but an opinion, a thought
    Look for and Find the feeling is it good or bad
    Write helpful or unhelpful
    Let your brain do the rest
    Anything your brain answers is a thought
    Keep phrases short to help find the feelings and thoughts
    One sentence per line
    Helpful thoughts move you towards your goal
    Unhelpful thoughts move you away from your goal
    The automatic thoughts are usually the ones that are not helpful and the one that you need to find.
    These are the ones that is keeping you from getting to your goal.

    Yesterday I did 31 min of exercise.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I can. I know, I can't believe another leak, too. My husband reamed the owner of the unit I don't know how much good it will do but hopefully some. Yes, very stressful. I like the week at a time idea. Sounds like a good webinar.

    Hi all. Happy Thanksgiving! We did a lot of prep yesterday, I think the only thing that needs to be done today is to bake the stuffing, broccoli-cauliflower casserole, and the turkey. Maybe finish the gravy. I do have to go to the store this morning for coffee and creamer but other than that, we are ready! I kept busy last night after I cooked with some crafts, I made 3D snowflakes to hang from our living room ceiling. Well, have a great holiday!

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,241 Member
    edited November 2022

    For those that are not celebrating, I hope you have a really good day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's a good point. I forget that some people don't celebrate Thanksgiving, either because they don't live in the US, they have bad memories of holidays, or they just don't.

    Hello all. I had a really nice meal yesterday for Thanksgiving, and we didn't stay long at the relatives so that was also nice lol. I ate one full plate of food, no seconds, and we brought home enough leftovers for probably two meals. I may give some of that to a work friend. I gained 5.2 lbs since last Friday, most likely due to the big feast last night. Everything was delicious and our turkey was perfectly cooked, not dry. We butterflied the turkey and it cooked really evenly. Happy Black Friday! In years past, my husband and I would get up as early as 3am to go out there in the crowds shopping but that is a thing of the past like so many other things. Today, I am going to do some Christmas decorating.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,587 Member
    Morning all, I l am sorry I haven't been active on here this past week...I am still sitting here at my desk with a heating pad...taking 800 mil IBU as often as I can...I tried Tylenol...NOT, I have tried Alieve NOT, I have tried nothing.. Some times you just gotta go with the flow. We had Thanksgiving at my oldest daughters eggs would not was awful and my back was hurting so bad I almost threw them across the room..LOL. Well we made the sides here, took them there. Played word search, Pictionary, and a game where you write what it tells you, noun, adjective...etc. and it creates a story.. It was home and my daughter text me...I forgot to open the instant pot (it had the mashed potatoes in it) AND we forgot to take the eggs out of the fridge when we ate..all in all it was a good day. She told me the eggs were good..but some didn't look so pretty.. LOL

    @trooworld I am so sorry you are fighting this leak again...I am sure I would have had a few choice words too. I bet your home will be beautiful with your are so creative.

    @senoritafloridita It's nice to have a partner to work with on this journey. My grandson and I used to do that until he moved to Alaska..LOL. So glad to see you on here and engaging. I think the more we do that the better success we have and we feel so much better on our good and bad days. I hope your test come back is awful to be sick.

    @theslightedgeforever I laugh when I read your post, you are always doing webinars, podcasts, reading...I am glad you do, then I don't have to. LOL You can just pass on the highlights. I think next time I see your DH, I will say Hi, food pusher..LOL Just kidding...Just know he is thinking of you when he does those things. LOL. I liked you passed on to MIL..that's why me and baby girl "share" things. LOL

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, I’ve been kind of drafting a post for a few days - the gist of it is this:

    @trooworld Your fat pants comment made me scoff out loud 😁. But it is something I am definitely NOT going to do. It did prompt me to be thinking about how I plan to tackle the holiday season, and made me realise I want this - where I am now - to be the top end of where I fluctuate. The last couple of weeks I have kind of been maintaining in my mind i guess. I made it to my first goal and sort of went - now lests see if I can stay there and just live. Of course I’ve still been wanting to lose - I still have 20kg to be considered “healthy” but that has never in my life been attainable - even when I was practicing unhealthy habits. ….. it is now a day or so later - I don’t really know, I’m losing track. Things are busy and I’m feeling overwhelmed and unappreciated. However, I keep plugging along with exercise. It was timely to hear the instructor of the step class I do say she is still considered “obese” according to common norms - It actually made me cry on the spot 😔.

    Anyway, so I think for the next 2 months I will focus on living to make this my new normal. If I can maintain till work starts back next year I’ll start fresh and move into a new loss focus. At least that’s where my thinking is for now. If I can lose another 5kg in that time I will be super proud of myself.

    I’ve gone bush on my own today. Done some work and some walking and cooked lunch over fire which was peaceful and satisfying. Now slow roasting a banana stuffed with chocolate to have with a cup of tea. This day has been sooooo needed ☺️.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    edited November 2022
    @theslightedgeforever. I really like your list and wholeheartedly endorse personal journaling. Sometimes I can’t figure out what is going on in my head till I start writing - journaling forces you to put it into words and that enables you to make sense of it. Thoughts and emotions just flying round and round bumping into each other is confusing and exhausting. Journaling is always cathartic for me - even when the things I realise are not what I wanted or expected them to be 😊

    @trooworld Sorry to hear about the leak - hope it is getting sorted by now? If it’s any consolation food prices are stupid over here these days too. I swing between feeling so guilty about spending so much money, and feeling proud that we still manage to feed the family healthy, tasty meals despite it. Some days I get an idea and just go buy the exact ingredients regardless of what it costs, and then I let myself enjoy the meal. But mostly I buy whatever is on sale. Some weeks it’s tempting to just feed everyone Soylent and be done with it 🙄

    @cbabie What did you do with the eggs? Are they cooked a particular way for thanksgiving?

    @senioritafloridita. How are you feeling now? Hope the sickness passed and that you got to enjoy Thanksgiving.

    PS: I’m sitting here silently with my tea and just had a big wallaby hop past 😁.