

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    edited November 2022
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Machka-good of you participating in Secret Santa! Those are usually fun. We are having a White Elephant at work with my immediate group. Regarding energy-have you had your Vitamin D levels checked? Mine tanked a few years ago-very slowly-and I was always exhausted. And of course, iron levels.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Ready for the long weekend

    When I've had bloodwork (relatively regularly), my Vit D levels have been right in the middle of the "good" range, and my iron levels have been borderline high.

    I suppose it is possible my iron levels have gone up in the last couple years since the end of the periods.

    I had my bloods done in July-ish when I saw someone I hoped might be my new doctor. But I wasn't overly impressed. She entirely missed the big black words on my scans that said Chronic Kidney Disease (which was news to me!) and didn't give me a copy of my bloodwork. She just glanced quickly at it and said everything seemed relatively normal ... except when I went back in to ask about the Chronic Kidney Disease on the report she did give me, the bloodwork markers to indicate kidney issues, indicated kidney issues. She had missed that too.

    And what did she decide to do about it? She had decided to put me on a waiting list to see a kidney specialist about the large cyst on my left kidney (which has been there for years but is growing fairly significantly) so since I was would eventually see a kidney specialist for that, I could mention the other to him too. Up to me.

    Fortunately, I have a new doctor now! I just need to find the time to fill in the forms and book an appointment!

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,530 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate, and happy Thursday to the rest...

    I have a giant potassium pill staring me down... I will eventually have to go get some more water to coax it down, but for now, the hot tea is making me happy. Yesterday I was oddly weepy and I just felt off all day long. I guess all the days can't be good... I think today will be better.

    Egg is deliciously warm and curled up in her little bed after tromping all over me to wake me up this morning and then running in and yelling at Corey after I got up. She wanted everyone up, and is now completely satisfied. I may have to poke her as I go by to get him a cup of coffee.

    Raining outside, and supposed to rain on and off all day - which is part of the reason Egg is being a deviled Egg this morning. :smiley: She thinks I'm responsible for the weather.

    I'm really looking forward to curling up on the couch for the majority of the day and reading, along with my husband. Can't get anything done outside, and the inside chores are nearly done already. I'll put the turkey breast in the Instant Pot later, and once it's completely cooled down, we'll have turkey sandwiches for dinner.

    Hope it's a good day for all...
    Lisa in AR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi Shattzie! I am a great Norway fan and have visited often on our cruises. We will be revisiting next June. I have been learning Norwegian for a few years and can understand a bit. I can have a very simple conversation.
    Welcome to our thread. :D

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding introversion --

    I'm still trying to "define" my introversion.

    Various sites list traits, a lot of which don't apply to me.

    This, for example: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-an-introvert

    Personality traits of an introvert
    A number of factors help shape the unique characteristics that make you who you are, and these factors can also affect the ways introversion shows up in your personality. To put it another way, no two introverts are exactly alike.

    That said, you might recognize introversion in yourself by some of the following traits and behaviors.

    You need plenty of time for yourself -- Yes!
    Do you consider periods of solitude essential for optimal health and well-being? Maybe you find the thought of a quiet night at home positively delightful, whether you plan to spend that time simply resting or enjoying a quiet hobby on your own.
    If time alone prompts feelings of peace and relief, not disappointment and stress, you’re likely more introverted than extroverted.

    Too much socializing drains you -- Yes. And I don't like social interaction. It's highly unlikely I would hang out with friends on Friday because the interaction between work colleagues is enough and has me craving solitude on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.
    It’s not true that introverts hate social interaction and avoid it entirely. All the same, you might find yourself needing more time to recharge between events than a more extroverted person.
    Hanging out with friends on Friday might max out your energy, leaving you craving solitude on Saturday to rest and refuel.

    You have a hard time with conflict -- It depends. I don't usually seek conflict, but I certainly can share my opinion.
    Everyday interactions can be draining enough on their own, but what about situations that involve the possibility of conflict?
    Some evidence suggests introverted people tend to have a greater sensitivity to negative evaluation and criticism. You might find it tough to share your thoughts when you believe others might disagree with you or disapprove of your opinion. As a result, you might find yourself avoiding conflict whenever possible.

    You work better on your own -- Yes!
    The mere words “group project” might spark fear in anyone’s heart, but if you find working in groups particularly loathsome, you could certainly be more of an introvert.
    Working at your own pace gives you time to reflect and consider your approach before focusing your energy on the task, without having to navigate group dynamics or tune out the chatter.
    Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have trouble getting along with others. You may just find it easier to concentrate when working alone. That goes for your hobbies, too — introverted people often choose solitary pastimes, like reading, crafting, gaming, or gardening.

    The spotlight doesn’t tempt you -- It depends. Back in my teens, I hated presenting things but then I did a bit of acting and got involved with Toastmasters, and now I usually don't mind being up in front of everyone talking.
    Maybe you don’t mind working in smaller groups, but you always choose behind-the-scenes roles.
    That might mean you’d rather do the research and write up the report than present it, or you volunteer for tasks that keep you away from the crowd. Far from being the center of attention, you’d rather hover on the fringes where you escape notice.

    You prefer a close circle of friends -- I prefer a few low demand acquaintances ... and I'm not that fond of people
    Many introverts have just a small circle of friends, but it’s not because they can’t make friends or dislike people. ResearchTrusted Source suggests, in fact, that high-quality relationships play a major role in happiness for introverts.
    If you’re an introvert, you might simply prefer to have a few close, intimate friendships rather than a large circle of casual acquaintances. After all, you need more time to yourself than an extroverted person might, so you probably have less time to spend connecting and catching up with a crowd.

    You get to know people on a deeper level -- Nope. I can't be bothered to listen and observe from the sidelines. I've got things to do ... and I'm not that fond of people
    If you tend to keep to yourself, you might find it perfectly natural to listen and observe from the sidelines. Watching what goes on around you can give you more insight into others and offer clues to their personality and preferences.
    Expressing yourself not your strong point? You might become a good listener instead, perhaps even develop a knack for picking up on body language and less obvious cues and emotions in someone’s words, behavior, or tone of voice.
    The end result? You learn more about others, which can boost empathy and your ability to offer emotional support.

    You spend a lot of time absorbed in your own thoughts -- Yeah, I suppose. Somewhat
    Maybe you:
    find yourself daydreaming or running through scenarios in your mind before you settle on a plan of action
    need more time to process information and weigh options carefully when making decisions
    do extensive research before making a big purchase or accepting a job offer
    brainstorm a plan of action ahead of major events to prepare for every possibility
    Introverts often have an active inner thought process, so these traits can all suggest introversion.

    You zone out to get away -- I tend to get up and leave but if I must stay, I'm usually making lists or thinking through a project
    Do you catch yourself “escaping” from unpleasant or stressful situations by letting your mind wander or drift to something more relaxing?
    Anyone can zone out, but turning inward may offer introverts a way to leave situations that feel chaotic or uncomfortable. In short, it can serve as a survival mechanism, of sorts.
    This tendency to get lost in your thoughts may leave others with the impression that you’re shy, distracted, or disinterested. In reality, though, it can help you cope in tense or overwhelming environments, from a loud holiday party to a long meeting with several short-tempered colleagues.

    You prefer writing over talking -- Yes!
    Maybe the thought of small talk makes you shudder, but writing out your thoughts comes naturally, especially when you’re dealing with complex or difficult emotions.
    Many introverts take time to think carefully before speaking, so you might have a hard time offering a quick opinion about anything. Writing, on the other hand, allows you to consider your position thoroughly and choose just the right words to express yourself with confidence and care.

    You feel emotions deeply -- I rarely feel emotion, thank goodness
    Some evidence suggests introverted people might experience emotions more intensely and have trouble managing those emotions. This greater sensitivity could help explain why many introverts develop depression.

    Myths about introverts
    We’ve established that introversion isn’t just another way to describe shyness, but plenty of other myths about introversion exist. A few common ones include:

    Introverts don’t like people. In reality, introverted people do benefit from close relationships with others, just like most other humans. They typically just prefer to save their social energy for people who understand and support their needs.

    No ... I'm just not that fond of most people. But the ones below ring true

    Introverts have social anxiety. Sure, some introverted people could also have social anxiety. But that’s thanks to a combination of personality traits, like conscientiousness and neuroticism, rather than introversion alone.
    Introverts are more imaginative and creative. Creativity stems from openness, another Big Five trait. Introverted people with high levels of openness might easily be more creative, but this won’t apply to every introvert.
    Introverts just need to try harder to be social. If you’re happy with yourself as you are and don’t feel the need to change any of your social habits, draining your energy by trying to force yourself to interact with others when you need time alone will probably only leave you miserable and stressed.

    M in Oz

    This is me, spot on.

    Tina in CA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Shattzie wrote: »
    Happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate. Im new as of today. I have around 80 lbs to loose, and I struggle with my relationship with food, I overeat and binge.
    From today I will pull myself together, I will use MFP as a tool to log my food, so I dont have to feel bad about eating. And Im also surprising myself about this posting, because I am somewhat solitary and introverted, but I feel it would be nice to have somewhere to check in, and get accuainted.
    I apologize for any misspelling, I am 54, and live in Norway.

    :) Welcome. I got help from the women on this thread. I am solitary and consider myself an introvert. This thread allows me to participate as little or as much as I want. I read the thread while I eat my breakfast every morning. I rarely post but I take to heart all I've read. When I started here I decided to stop using food for recreation and entertainment. It has made a huge difference. I hope you'll come back.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Betsy wishing everyone a good day.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    24. challenge. I am grateful for the challenges I face every day. They make me stronger.

    25. moment this week.
    26. form of expression.
    27. daily use item.
    28. what happen today.
    29. friend/family member.
    30. talent or skill

    Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🍽 everyone!

    RvRita in NM
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    I feel like I should search on polite topics for Thanksgiving conversations! At least I think I'm ready, with an hour to go. It feels like jumping off of a diving board, although I guess some people like that, too.

    I shouldn't be so nervous. I love my family, and they are always kind to me. And I love Thanksgiving. It's just my usual pre-event jitters. As long as I stay away from snacking, all will be well.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Morning ladies
    I'll say yes to most of what Machka said,I never used to be that way ..but here I am..
    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate..and my love to you all..

    Like Allie, I read through Machka’s spoiler it described me perfectly!

    The Better Homes and Garden was my favorite, though I owned most of the others mentioned at one time. Had to get rid of all my books when I moved into the camper.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Welcome Shattzie

    Watching the Macy's parade too- always watch it- by myself anymore.Remember watching it as a little kid. Got up early to watch it every year.

    I too, miss the big family holiday meals. Spending time with all the cousins. Grandma's house was FULL- full of family and "adopted" family- anyone who wanted to come was more than welcome, and full of love.
    Now, the only holiday I am with my family is Christmas and basically no one comes anymore. This year for Christmas eve it looks like it will be just mom and I. We did that last year. First Christmas eve without dad. It was nice but just not the same.
    Today, we will go to a friends house at 2 but dh has to leave by 3:30 to take food to his mom. He won't change the times for anything. Same thing with mornings- up at 7 this morning(and I really wanted to sleep in) to pick up breakfast and take it to her.

    Got the mini blueberry tarts and some brownies made last night. Will make up the meat/cheese/veggie trays over at Sue's. Rice is soaking and will cook that at 1 so it is still warm.
    Won't be eating anything but the salmon and rice. Mouth is still swollen/painful,especially the front tooth that got jammed but didn't break. The two broken ones are sharp but don't hurt, thankfully. Muscles are still achy but not terrible.
    Will take some pineapple brandy over to share.(skipping the Norco for the day)

    Plan on resting the rest of the day.
    Need to slowly declutter the living room and start with the Christmas decorations.
    Dh will be gone most of the next three days so I can take it easy, do as much as I want.

    Time for a bowl of oatmeal then a long shower.

    Have a wonderful day ladies

    Napa Valley,Ca