Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 206



  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,468 Member
    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE👍👍

    SW: 202.0
    11/23 202.0
    11/24 202.2 Went off walking with the grandkids after eating. They and I really needed it.
    11/25 205.0 Na bloat again. Glad Thanksgiving is checked off.
    11/26 204.8
    11/27 203.6 Be glad to be back to routine tomorrow but sorry back to work.
    11/28 203.2
    11/30 203.4 Need to make changes as circling again.
    12/1 203.4 Tonight will reduce evening eating, lighten it up, only 1 fuyu persimmon (fruit is my kryptonite).
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,119 Member
    edited December 2022
    Side note: I absolutely LOVE the taste of elderberry syrup. I'm like a child with the vitamins that taste like candy? Wanting to eat the entire bottle in one go? Yeah, I'd love to mix that syrup with some hot water so it's less syrupy and drink it all. So delicious. I'm adult enough to NOT do that, but my inner child DEFINITELY does.[/i]

    @CamandJarvis So funny you should mention the Elderberry syrup. When I was 3 years old, I climbed the shelves of a hallway closet where my mom kept all the medicines on the top shelf in a basket. I got hold of the chewable baby aspirin 81 mg. that I loved and ate the entire bottle and basically O.D.'d on it. They called an ambulance and I was taken to a hospital. I don't remember if they pumped my stomach or induced vomiting, but the matter was solved quickly.

    I have been on 81mg aspirin for my heart now for a couple of years. I have been buying the swallow pills . About 2 months ago I decided to buy the chewables. You have no idea how many times I wanted to take more than one. Somehow, someway at 62 years old, and nearly 60 years later, I am still taunted by those children's chewable aspirins. I managed to make it through the bottle safely but will not ever buy them again. I've already bought the next bottle. The boring swallow ones. My inner child is not as strong as yours lol.

    It makes me feel so much better knowing I am NOT the only one. It also makes me worry because I know my willpower is not always this strong and the only thing keeping me from taking more than dosage is knowing its expensive, I only have the one bottle, and the sickies in the house are likely still contagious (so I need to have it on hand for awhile longer)

    IN ADDITION: I'm so happy to hear you got good news at the doc! Praying for the lower cholesterol and for better leg doppler very very quickly so you can leave this madness and scariness in the past. For good!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 2,059 Member
    Pw: 172.6
    • Thur 12/01: 170.1; -2.5
      FROM YESTERDAY >> ~ I had a clear mind and stayed focused today and wonder if it was because I read affirmations and walked an hour on the treadmill before my work day started. I’ll try it all over again tomorrow
      ~ I did the same today- substitute an hour treadmill for 15 mins but then spread out the rest throughout the day.. along with a few extra espresso shots😬😬
    Stayed Below SW 171.5 👍=Yes 👎=No
    (Wed > > > > > > > > Next Fri)
    • 12/02 Fri ~ Last Day
    Prev Days (Cliffs notes in RED):
    • Wed 11/30👎172.6; -2.8
      ~ I had a clear mind and stayed focused today and wonder if it was because I read affirmations and walked an hour on the treadmill before my work day started. I’ll try it all over again tomorrow*MiniGoal: lose the holiday bloat!! (5 days after Thanksgiving) I have brought the scale down a bit but unfortunately I wasn’t able to accomplish my MiniGoal 🫤
    • Tues 11/29👎175.4; -.6
      ~ I actually logged today!
      “If at first you don’t succeed pick yourself up and try again!”
    • Mon 11/28👎176; +2
      ~ I had higher hopes for today but I let a random dietary mistake sabotage the rest of my eating choices😳
      “If at first you don’t succeed pick yourself up and try again!”
    • Sun 11/27👎174; +0
      ~ better..but not my best
    • Sat 11/26👎174; +0
      ~ still haven’t been weighing in, logging food or working out. Also, I haven’t been eating that great, so I’m gonna assume quite a bit of bloating going on Will be officially logging food on Monday and then weigh in on Monday night!
    • Fri 11/25👎174; +1
      ~ had a little dinner party at my house last night so I forgot to weigh-in. ^^this is my best guess weight
    • Thur 11/24👎173; +2.2
      ~ I did better with eating then I thought I would do. I did end up sticking with a very small plan which was not to eat more then one helping of anything I wanted
      ~ Hope everyone had a great one!
    • Wed 11/23👍170.8; -.7 lbs
      ~ Remember to weigh-in before bed
      ~ I’m nervous about overeating tomorrow and I have no real game plan to prevent it from happening. I wish I could say “I’ll just have self control.. and I’ll be alright!” But that seems unrealistic especially with drinking and a bunch of family grouping together🫤
    • SW 11/23: 171.5;
      ~ Ready for the next Round come back💪🏼
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,119 Member
    edited December 2022
    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    30, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 130-135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69: 158.1; R70: 156.5; R71: 156.3 R72: 156.3; R73: 155.2; R74: 155.4; R75: 156.1; R76: 155.6; R80: 153.2; R81: 154.3; R82: 154.1; R84: 156.5; R89: 156.7; R91: 160.1; R93: 159.3; R94: 156.1; R98: 154.5; R99: 155.9; R100: 152.8; R101: 149.7; R102: 149.0; R103: 149.0; R104: 146.2; R105: 146.6; R106: 144.6; R107: 146.8; R108: 147.7; R109: 148.1; R110: 150.1; R111: 154.3; R112: 152.6; R113: 151.7; R121: 153.0; R122: 154.8; R123: 153.9; R124: 153.4; R125: 155.6; R126: 152.3; R127: 151.5; R128: 151.0; R129: 151.0; R130: 152.6; R131: 153.9; R132: 150.6; R133: 151.2; R134: 149.3; R135: 149.5; R136: 148.4; R137: 147.9; R138: 148.4; R139: 151.9; R140: 150.4; R141: 150.4; R142: 144.0; R143: 144.2; R144: 147.0; R145: 145.7; R146: 145.9; R147: 145.9; R148: 146.5; R149: 147.3; R150: 146.8; R151: 147.9; R152: 147.7; R153: 147.2; R154: 147.0; R155: 144.7; R157: 146.1; R158: 146.6; R159: 146.3; R160: 150.2; R161: 146.7; R162: 144.6; R163: 146.2; R164: 147.3; R165: 146.3; R166: 148.5; R167: 147; R168: 148.4; R169: 151.4; R170: 148.9; R171: 144.8 R172: DNW; R173: 146.1; R174: 147.9; R175: 145.9; R176: 150.5; R177: 149.3; R179: 150.5; R180: 151.6; R181: DNW; R182: 150.2; R183: 152.9; R184: 153.4; R185: 151.3; R186: 152.3; R187: 151.8; R188: 150.9; R189: 152.6; R190: DNW; R191: 154.8; R192: 155.5; R193: 155.2; R194: 156.5; R195: DNW; R196: 155.7; R197: DNW; R198: 156.1; R199: DNW; R200: DNW; R201: 159.8; R202: 159.7; R203: 160.5; R204: DNW; R205: DNW

    Last weight
    11/15 - 161.7

    Round Goal: 155lb Water goal: 90oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment
    11/23 - 163.4
    11/24 - DNW
    11/25 - DNW
    11/26 - DNW
    11/27 - DNW
    11/28 - 163.8
    11/29 - 163.2
    11/30 - 162.4
    12/01 - 161.8
    12/02 - 161.7 - A drop is a drop is a drop. I'm simply grateful whenever I'm not up. Still managing to avoid the flu here. Tomorrow is the last day of BF's twice a day meds for it so hoping he's no longer contagious by then. The last few days I've been trying to get in enough movement snacks through the day to have a Fitbit calorie expenditure of 2000 or more. I've managed to do it so far! Fitbit tracks me at about 1cal per minute when I'm resting/sleeping (RMR) and if I go to bed at 9, I have about 180 cals naturally burning. It's been really good motivation to put numbers to it like that because it forces me to get up and move even when I'm warm and cozy on the couch. Mentally it's me telling myself "I need to move in whatever way I want until I reach THIS fitbit calorie burn on my watch by THIS time. Versus I need to do (insert specific exercise) for (insert time) today. I'm much more likely to do it if it doesn't feel demanding. Alright so I'll be leaving town Sunday morning and coming back Monday afternoon. Depending on timelines for leaving, I may or may not post Sunday, but I SHOULD be able to weigh. Monday I will not have a scale and likely won't post. I'll do my best to start off the round by posting tomorrow but we shall see what life throws at me, though I'll likely weigh in (unless I forget). I'll be back Tuesday for my regularly scheduled posts, though! Have a fantastic weekend!!

    Previous Day's Comments
    11/23 - DNP
    11/24 - DNP
    11/25 - DNP
    11/26 - DNP
    11/27 - DNP
    11/28 - I'm so close to my highest ever weight right now and I'm absolutely NOT okay with that. Granted, some of it is that lovely pre-TOM bloat.... I set up a plan yesterday to be more mindful and careful with my food choices and to try to get "movement snacks" during the days I don't get a workout done in the morning. NerdFitness introduced me to these "snacks". Don't have 30 minutes to get a workout in, but have a 5 minute break between meetings? Walk for 5 minutes. Need a bathroom break? Do some walking lunges to/from the bathroom. Waiting for coffee/tea to brew? Do some pushups or squats or hold a plank. It'll add up through the day to a full workout. I did do a 15 minute yoga gut health practice this morning despite arguing with myself for 20 minutes to get out of bed. I'll sneak in some movement "snacks" today to help get my body back into the groove of things, too. I feel like they won't be as intense or overwhelming on my body/mind as jumping right back into my rowing or full bodyweight workouts. I think today will be the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers, but I managed to portion them into a 500 calorie lunch. I also bought some cucumber, bell pepper, and spinach to make chicken wraps for lunch later this week. Also going to try to ease back into fasting. This is the time of year it benefits me most. Thanksgiving was good, but poor Godson got a fever and they left immediately after eating. Then I woke up with a pink-eye like thing going on (think it was allergies as it cleared up after allergy pill and allergy eye drops, only coming back after waking up. Today is the first day not waking up with a bright pink eye!) so I stayed home and cleaned the house up. Then Saturday FamHub came down with flu symptoms and both their kids have strep. Whew, sickness going around! No plans to leave the house in the next couple days so should be safe unless BigBro brings something home from school or work.
    11/29 - Whew, 1lb lower than highest weight is much better than only 0.4lb lower. Still battling TOM bloat (any day now...) Yesterday went well calorie and food wise. Even got some movement snacks in. All of the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone, too. Now I just need to resist the pizza leftovers (BigBro will eat pizza whenever so we keep it for him, but my taste buds like to think its for me as well). I have a cucumber, a couple bell peppers, couple sweet potatoes and a ton of baby spinach at my disposal for lunches. It's late enough in the morning I probably need to go put the sweet potatoes in the oven if I want them done for lunch.. No workout this morning, hoping to get even more movement snacks in today. I've been quite hungry all morning so I may break my fast a touch early and scramble some eggs, spinach and salsa. A snack portion rather than full meal and push my lunch out a little later. Thinking I'll make a loaded veggie, light chicken wrap with half a roasted sweet potato on the side today. Especially since I'm unsure dinner other than its Taco Tuesday so it'll be Mexican. EDIT: Fam have the flu. Officially. Now BF is feeling extra tired, heavy, and has a mild cough/congestion. He was around Fam Saturday before FamHub started feeling ill. Looks like the remainder of this week I will be on flu avoidance duty!
    11/30 - Staying on track and dropping some of the bloat. TOM is finally relenting a bit. Still have some remnant bloat from that, but it's fading slowly. Proud of myself for not going back for seconds immediately at dinner and allowing my body time to feel satisfied. No workout this morning as I woke up mid-dream and took a lot longer than I'd like to become aware enough to get up. I already did some walking lunges as a movement snack putting my coffee mug in the dishwasher once done. Fortunately I still feel symptom-free from the sickness going around. BF tested negative for flu yesterday but has all the same symptoms as FamHub who tested positive. FamKids both tested negative for flu, but positive for strep. FamWife tested negative for everything. ALL have identical symptoms, though. Focusing on healthy, nutrient-dense foods, immune-boosting teas, and keeping my distance.
    12/01 - I'm really shocked by this number. I made crockpot chicken & rice "soup" (it wasn't soupy at all) with homemade artisan bread for dinner since the sickly one slept most of the day. Very carb-heavy and over goal by 100cals so I very much expected to maintain or gain. Once again no morning workout. Didn't quite get in as many movement snacks as previous days, but I'm feeling a little bit of soreness in my muscles so I know I'm at least maintaining muscle. Goal today is get a few more of those snacks. Especially since I've been so sleepy in the mornings (and waking up mid-dream/REM) and that's directly related to my workouts (it doesn't happen as frequently when I get a solid workout in). I have leftover chicken and rice soup, salad making stuff, and sweet potatoes so I'll probably piece together a lunch of that for today (definitely salad, I need the veggies). BF sounds absolutely terrible with his cough. I could hear him up frequently coughing through the night. I've managed to avoid so far, hopefully I can continue that. Still maintaining my herbal teas and supplements to assist in fighting off any potential for it to take hold. Side note: I absolutely LOVE the taste of elderberry syrup. I'm like a child with the vitamins that taste like candy? Wanting to eat the entire bottle in one go? Yeah, I'd love to mix that syrup with some hot water so it's less syrupy and drink it all. So delicious. I'm adult enough to NOT do that, but my inner child DEFINITELY does.

    I'm extremely thankful for this group for being here to support and help me. I'm glad to report that, despite the food-centered holiday, I'm back to my pre-holiday weight (Nov 15th) already and back on track to continue the trend downward!