

  • pamlorbieski
    pamlorbieski Posts: 187 Member

    Hi I am Pam. I am re-starting...again...with MFP. Looking for challenges to keep me enged and motivated. Highest weight ever was 345. About 7 years ago I lost down to ~210, but over the years it has crept back again. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

    SW w/MFP in Dec 2022: 260

    Jan 1: 257
    Jan 2: 256.8
    Jan 3:
    Jan 4:
    Jan 5:
    Jan 6:
    Jan 7:
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

    January +/- weight total:
    Cumulative weight loss since Dec 2022:
  • linzbecky123
    linzbecky123 Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi! I’m Rebecca from Missouri, 43, currently 274 lbs. Heaviest weight ever 285. I recently started doing Intermittent Fasting 18:6.

    January goals:

    Fast 18 hours (or more) per day. Lose at least 8 lbs this month.

    Jan 2: 21 hour fast plus a great hike. Around 1500 calories total.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda, I am from Michigan. This is my second time on MFP. I lost 55 pounds in 2016, over the years gained it all back plus some. I started again last March with a goal to lose 110 pounds. I’ve lost 45 and would like to lose 45 more this year. It’s a new month and a new year! My goal this month is to lose 3 pounds.

    SW: 205.0
    GW: 202.0
    UGW: 140 lbs

    1/1: 205.0
    1/2: 205.6
    Stayed under calories but had a candy bar for lunch. Yeah, not making good choices.
    1/3: 203.6
    I did really good with meeting my goals yesterday of fruits and veggies and fiber but I’m not sure if it was deserving of a 2 pound whoosh. I will take it though, let’s hope it sticks around.
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    My name is Liz and I really need some accountability to get my butt back in gear. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been.

    Total January loss:
    Goal: 220 lb

    1/1- 227.8
    1/2- 227.0
    1/3- 228.4- I had a dinner out with drinks and not the best of food. I didn’t sleep well and I’m back to my normal schedule so I’m weighting in 5 hours earlier today.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    Hello all!
    My name is Ashley, 36 years old. Married with no kids, one dog, two cats.
    Original start weight: 293 (01/21)
    January start weight: 178.2
    January goal weight: 170
    Ultimate goal weight: Maintain range of 160-165

    Jan 1: 178.2 (Happy New Year! We went out with friends last night and had a little too much fun. Slow moving today. Nevertheless, I have goals to accomplish, so I'm focused on what I want to achieve today.)
    Jan 2: 179.8 (All goals met yesterday including a 7KM walk that pushed me well over my 10K min step goal. Food was tracked, water was drank, did my reading. Today is my last day of vacation before we return to the office so I'm going to enjoy every minute!)
    Jan 3: 178.4 (Up early and back to my in office routine today. Yesterday I rode the Peloton, walked, and stayed on track.)
  • AshesSquared
    AshesSquared Posts: 131 Member
    I'm Ashley, or "Ashes". I'm a Midwestern gal that lost the first baby weight through these monthly accountability challenges. Now I'm back during my 2nd pregnancy to make sure I'm keeping an eye and not gaining (or losing) too quickly on poor food choices. I'm still first trimester so my doctor recommends 0-4 lbs weight gain, so I'm focusing on eating a super healthy maintenance with extra snacks if I want them.

    Height 5'5"
    1st Starting weight SW May 7, 2021: 169 lbs
    Maintenance weight since Mid Feb 2022: 140lbs
    UGW with pregnancy: ~165-175 lbs (last pregnancy I got up to 182 lbs...which was not recommended)

    1/01: 142 this was bloat from late night banana bread, no exercise
    1/02: 140.8, 15 minute stretches
    1/03: 140.8
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    Howdy y'all! I'm a West Virginia girl who is trying to get back to basics. I lost 50 pounds from January to October last year then fell apart, gaining 10 pounds back. I'd like to drop another 40-50 pounds this year. I'm only 5'1" so my goal weight is <120. I enjoy being active, but I also like lazy days on the couch snuggled with the dog especially in the winter months.

    Starting weight: 160.8
    Jan goal: 155

    Jan 3: 160.8
  • linzbecky123
    linzbecky123 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! I’m Rebecca from Missouri, 43, currently 274 lbs. Heaviest weight ever 285. I recently started doing Intermittent Fasting 18:6.

    January goals:

    Fast 18 hours (or more) per day. Lose at least 8 lbs this month.

    Jan 2: 21 hour fast plus a great hike. Around 1500 calories total.

    Jan 3: 270 lbs. -4 lbs! I know it’s likely just water weight, but still! I fasted for 18.5 hours today and am hoping to get a walk in this evening.

  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @deepwoodslady I love your travel plan, I hope it worked out! Can you/would you pack a lunch on travel days to help? I know what you mean about the bloat and the water pill. I used to take a BP pill that was essentially a water pill and if I missed it, my weight would go up. I finally lowered my BP and stopped it but some days I miss the whoosh it gave me!
  • MutterGans
    MutterGans Posts: 44 Member
    Hey there, I'm Erika and I've been at this weight loss game, on and off, for tooooo long. This is it! I'm prepped and ready for the long haul. I have 46kg to lose and my aim for January is to lose 8kg. The benefits of weight loss are so massive I would be the biggest fool if I don't follow-through this time - being able to wear lovely clothes, having energy, a brain that's not in a fog, to be more nimble, to put less wear and tear on my joints, to reduce the chance of a 1000 different health conditions. We can achieve anything with good people supporting our efforts :)
  • pamlorbieski
    pamlorbieski Posts: 187 Member
    Hi I am Pam. I am re-starting...again...with MFP. Looking for challenges to keep me enged and motivated. Highest weight ever was 345. About 7 years ago I lost down to ~210, but over the years it has crept back again. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

    SW w/MFP in Dec 2022: 260

    Jan 1: 257
    Jan 2: 256.8
    Jan 3: 258 -- ugh...darn late night snacking at work
    Jan 4:
    Jan 5:
    Jan 6:
    Jan 7:
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

    January +/- weight total:
    Cumulative weight loss since Dec 2022:
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda, I am from Michigan. This is my second time on MFP. I lost 55 pounds in 2016, over the years gained it all back plus some. I started again last March with a goal to lose 110 pounds. I’ve lost 45 and would like to lose 45 more this year. It’s a new month and a new year! My goal this month is to lose 3 pounds.

    SW: 205.0
    GW: 202.0
    UGW: 140 lbs

    1/1: 205.0
    1/2: 205.6
    Stayed under calories but had a candy bar for lunch. Yeah, not making good choices.
    1/3: 203.6
    I did really good with meeting my goals yesterday of fruits and veggies and fiber but I’m not sure if it was deserving of a 2 pound whoosh. I will take it though, let’s hope it sticks around.
    1/4: 204.4
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,772 Member
    Hello everyone! I’m Jill and I am so ready to refocus on a healthier lifestyle this year. I’m 52 and I’m from Michigan. Let’s do this!!!

    Starting weight 2023: 224.5
    January goal: 220

    ⭐️January 1st— 224.5
    ⭐️January 2nd—224.0
    ⭐️January 3rd—-223.5
    ⭐️January 4th—-223.1

    Happy New Year! 🥳
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    Howdy y'all! I'm a West Virginia girl who is trying to get back to basics. I lost 50 pounds from January to October last year then fell apart, gaining 10 pounds back. I'd like to drop another 40-50 pounds this year. I'm only 5'1" so my goal weight is <120. I enjoy being active, but I also like lazy days on the couch snuggled with the dog especially in the winter months.

    Starting weight: 160.8
    Jan goal: 155

    Jan 3: 160.8
    Jan 4: 159.2 - Coming down from a large high sodium dinner on the 2nd...

  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    My name is Liz and I really need some accountability to get my butt back in gear. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been.

    Total January loss:
    Goal: 220 lb

    1/1- 227.8
    1/2- 227.0
    1/3- 228.4- I had a dinner out with drinks and not the best of food. I didn’t sleep well and I’m back to my normal schedule so I’m weighting in 5 hours earlier today.
    1/4-228.0- did great with tracking food and drinking water but struggled sleeping again!
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi everyone, I thought I saw a couple of people wanting to drink less alcohol. There is a great thread, "Less Alcohol" that promotes moderation and drinking less for whatever reason you need to. The people are very supportive and they share a lot of non-alcoholic recipes. It is not necessarily a 100% sober thread but that is what some use it for. Cant hurt to check it out, huh?
    Well I just went back and looked through, I didnt really see anyone mention alcohol, it must have been a different challenge Im on. Sorry! Leaving this here though just in case anyone is interested.