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Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather - here's my trick to MAKING myself get up and exercise! I sleep in my workout clothes and I tell myself that I don't have to actually exercise, I just have to get up, get my shoes on and physically go to where I am going to exercise. As an example in the winter of 2010, I would just make myself get onto the elliptical machine (in our garage) by 6 am. I was dressed and ready with my water bottle but I didn't have to work out 'hard". Now I have goals of just getting to the rec center. Meghan goes with me (not her choice!) and just sits dazed on the bench in the locker room until it's time for her to take a shower and go to school- but if I'm up and THERE I almost always end up putting my heart into a workout.

    Checking in for Monday:
    Calories - Under (by design)
    Water - OK
    Exercise - Week 5 day 1 of the 5K101 (three runs @ eight minutes each!)

    Proud- I was really in the mood for some toasted marshmallows last night by the fire, and I knew where the dark chocolate was hidden - but I resisted! Whoot!

    Today is our 25th wedding anniversary! I'm still at work but I'm planning on cutting out soon and we may go to an art museum of just out for a walk in the park. :glasses:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh the best laid plans...

    Three cars - all have issues. We didn't go to the art museum. I slept most of the afternoon (stress?) and then we went out for dinner to a local Thai place that's amazing and my meal calorie count just added up to about 1500 calories. YIKES!

    Checking in for Monday:
    Calories - over by like a thousand!
    Water - OK
    Exercise - nope - went in for an early morning meeting :(

    Proud - this wasn't a great day... I guess I'm proud that I had a smart lunch and good snacks early in the day or I would have been over by 2000 calories!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey girls.

    Pos - sorry to hear about your brother...just think he is much better off than if he had married her and then found out how she really was.

    mstahl - good job on the getting out pretty cheap on the ticket.

    Check in
    09/19 -
    Calories - under
    Water - 60 oz
    Exercise - 30 min on the spin bike
    Proud - I had made a farily good choice when going out to ljucn, and came in under cals.

    09/20 -
    Calories - under
    water - 60 oz
    Exercise - 55 min (501 cals)
    Proud - I was struggling when i started workinjg out today but i kept going.

    My 1st day on the spin bike was yesterday and my booty hurts. I know when i started spin class i went through the same...just got to get used ito it again.

    I am proud today was tough , serena got in trouble at school , got a call from principal and she got detention. I have talked to her till i can't talk any more...i hope it went through to her. I am praying tomorrow brings better day for her.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
  • Hey everyone!

    I've been a bit under the weather with the change of seasons this week - it went from being 95 and humid to 65 (and still humid) overnight last week and I'm always that person who gets sick from it. Nothing too major, just some sinus issues, but it's been enough to have me sleeping a lot (but not short-changing my workouts).

    I'm into my second week of training for the Halloween 10K I'm running at the end of next month and I was a bit nervous to start upping the mileage given how rough my most recent 5K was. Luckily, however, it really does just seem that the previous race's difficulties were an anomaly due to my complete mental and physical exhaustion. But I handled last night's 2.5+ mileage with no problems, which is encouraging because the neighborhood I like to run in close to my apartment is super hilly.

    Oh, and BIG NEWS - I've signed up to run a half-marathon next May here in VA. It's actually partly sponsored by my company and is a gorgeous course. So I'm completely excited and terrified all at the same time.

    Deb and Deb - welcome back (haven't seen you all on here much lately)!
    Mstahl - congrats on your wedding anniversary!!!!! That's an amazing accomplishment.
    Heather - set your alarm and place it across the room. Then set a backup alarm (also across the room). Once I get out of bed, I'm up, so that's what I do when I want to work out in the AM or have to get up really early for some reason.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi everybody! I AM SO CRABBY TODAY!
    I am all out of sorts ... it has been a weird week. I realized that I haven't logged any food since Monday - and didn't really have any reason not to. My boss is on vacation (woo hoo!) - so I haven't had a lot to do at work (which is actually making me rather lazy and bored). My hubby has been really, really irritating me. He worked late every night this week so wasn't around much, and when he was around he didn't really help out with a thing around the house - just drank beer and concentrated on getting ready for a fishing trip that he left for this morning. I'm kind of glad to have him out of the house until Sunday ...
    My daughter was complaining about her knee hurting more during swimming (and I am having a hard time knowing if it is really hurting or just an excuse because she wants to quit the team due to some teenage drama going on). I took her to the doc and they did an MRI - there is a little fluid on her knee and signs of overuse injuries (bone re-growth from bruising or tiny fractures - sounds bad but actually I think is pretty normal for an athlete) - exactly what we thought it was but now I will have to pay $$$$ for the confirmation. They said it is minor and with rest, ice, ibuprofen and physical therapy she should be fine soon. All she heard is the resting part and thinks she has an excuse to quit the team now. Aaargh! At least for now she plans to go to the swim meet with the team tonight and keep attending practices as the team manager. She could be trying to stay in shape with doing arm exercises during practice - but she's not. I guess it will be up to her, but I hate to see her just giving up and not finishing out her senior year. Especially when she has talked about wanting to swim in college next year. That's another irritating topic - trying to get a teenager make an appointment with her counselor to get her college applications taken care of, when she doesn't want me involved.
    Plus I get to look forward to helping my in-laws with their 50th Anniversary party coming up this weekend ... when my husband is off on his fishing trip. He will be back just in time for the party - not all the prep work.
    For some reason all of this minor stuff has me down in the dumps, I think because people aren't doing what I want them to do and it is out of my control.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi everybody! I AM SO CRABBY TODAY!
    I am all out of sorts ... it has been a weird week. I realized that I haven't logged any food since Monday - and didn't really have any reason not to. My boss is on vacation (woo hoo!) - so I haven't had a lot to do at work (which is actually making me rather lazy and bored). My hubby has been really, really irritating me. He worked late every night this week so wasn't around much, and when he was around he didn't really help out with a thing around the house - just drank beer and concentrated on getting ready for a fishing trip that he left for this morning. I'm kind of glad to have him out of the house until Sunday ...
    My daughter was complaining about her knee hurting more during swimming (and I am having a hard time knowing if it is really hurting or just an excuse because she wants to quit the team due to some teenage drama going on). I took her to the doc and they did an MRI - there is a little fluid on her knee and signs of overuse injuries (bone re-growth from bruising or tiny fractures - sounds bad but actually I think is pretty normal for an athlete) - exactly what we thought it was but now I will have to pay $$$$ for the confirmation. They said it is minor and with rest, ice, ibuprofen and physical therapy she should be fine soon. All she heard is the resting part and thinks she has an excuse to quit the team now. Aaargh! At least for now she plans to go to the swim meet with the team tonight and keep attending practices as the team manager. She could be trying to stay in shape with doing arm exercises during practice - but she's not. I guess it will be up to her, but I hate to see her just giving up and not finishing out her senior year. Especially when she has talked about wanting to swim in college next year. That's another irritating topic - trying to get a teenager make an appointment with her counselor to get her college applications taken care of, when she doesn't want me involved.
    Plus I get to look forward to helping my in-laws with their 50th Anniversary party coming up this weekend ... when my husband is off on his fishing trip. He will be back just in time for the party - not all the prep work.
    For some reason all of this minor stuff has me down in the dumps, I think because people aren't doing what I want them to do and it is out of my control.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Istpaul - I feel for you!

    I have learned over the past few months that my daughter just isn't that excited about college stuff. She knows she has to do it, but she is more focused on SENIOR YEAR! She quit swimming last year. I was not happy, but in the long run, she learned a valuable lesson. Her grades actually dropped. She does much better in life when her plate is on the full side, otherwise, I think her motto was why do today what I can put off until tomorrow. This year she has job (life guard - kind of ironic) and is doing some volunteer work at a hospital in addition to school.

    Speaking of frustration...
    Tuesday my 13yo son finally got an MRI on his elbow that he injured in July. Now all of the sudden it is a big rush to get him into surgery. So yesterday, my 20th wedding anniversary, was spent at work, at a pre-op physical and dividing and conquering with the two kids evening activities. UGH! Son is having the surgery tomorrow. In the mean time I got to make an appt. for my daughter to get her impacted wisdom teeth removed. Any plans of a fun little weekend away are out the window. My hubby and I determined that our anniversary gift to each other will be to pay the bills for our son's fixed elbow and our daughters teeth removal. So, just to add insult to injury, I ended up at the doctor today with a sinus infection. UGH!!!:explode: :angry: :mad:

    I don't think my eating & exercising plans for the rest of the week are going to hold. At least we are all alive!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Hang in there! Sounds like you have a lot going on, so I don't think anyone is going to blame you for not logging your food. Take some deep breaths and get back to focusing on you as much as you can. The teenage drama will have to play itself out. Hopefully she'll make the right decisions for herself.

    Allison: You're so awesome! A half marathon in May?? Mine probably won't be until August, but you never know. I thought about doing on in March, but coming out of a Minnesota winter may not be the best time to try my first half. I hate training on the treadmill, so I'm pretty sure I'd go into it unprepared. Ick. You're going to do awesome on the 10k in October!

    As for me, not much going on. The boyfriend and I joined a hiking group on Meetup.com and we're going to our first event on October 2nd. Next Thursday, I'm going for a group run with a local running club. I need to find some fitness-minded friends. Mine have all be so lazy and negative lately that it's driving me crazy. I refuse to spend my free time with people like that; I get enough of that at work!

    This weekend will be a busy one with breakfast and a horse auction Saturday morning/early afternoon, a potluck and fun day at my barn on Saturday late afternoon/evening, and a trail ride on Sunday. Woo hoo! I'll be spending half of the weekend with my OWN horse, which will be a nice change.

    Tonight is the last night of my Thursday volunteering until April. It will be nice to have the break, but in about two months I'll be missing the kids like crazy. It always happens that way.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • I messaged you the details on the half-marathon in case I can persuade you to train for May instead of August (won't it be scorchingly hot in August?!?!!?).

    I forgot to mention, though, that I can get you a deal on hotel rooms at the official hotels since I work here. :wink:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather - does a local gym or fitness center offer an indoor track? I've been using the indoor track at the Recreation Center (I use Kent State's Rec since it's only a few miles from home). I love the track because I can adjust my speed as I try to figure out this Chi Running stuff! I'm using the Vibram Five Finger shoes and I'm not all that coordinated so it's taking awhile to say the least. I am pretty sure I'm currently "running" about a 20 minute mile but gosh darn it, my form is getting better! :drinker:

    Its so good to see both new and old list members showing up :sad: that's tears of joy of course! And I want to add that I miss Blue! :cry:

    Checking in for last Wednesday:
    Calories - ate about half my exercise calories
    Water - not very good
    Exercise - Day 2 Week 5 5K101 plus 30 minutes on an elliptical machine (plus getting OUT of a wet sports bra):huh:

    Proud - This might sound lame, but I am proud that I chose to eat a pack of Twinkies for dinner last night. I was well under in calories, and I had just mentioned last weekend how the one horrible food I miss terribly was a twinky, and how I haddn't had one in over a decade. 300 calories of crap but gosh darn it, I'm working out hard and I'm losing weight and I had plenty of calories to spare...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I say have your Twinkie and eat it too! I'm sure you all know this by now, but I haven't given up anything that I didn't want to give up. Sure, my weight loss has stalled again, but what's the point of making the changes if they aren't sustainable for the rest of your life? You're doing an awesome job, so I'm glad you're giving yourself the credit you deserve!

    Allison: I emailed you back. I'm psyched. I texted the boyfriend already, begging him to road trip there with me next year. It would honestly be a dream come true to do my first half marathon in a place I've ALWAYS wanted to visit. The only downside is that I have my Kentucky trip coming up, so I wouldn't be able to book hotel rooms until at least December. Argh.

    Lately I'm all about traveling. I need to win the lottery so I'd have the funds more readily available....
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I also meant to say that I actually started looking for a gym yesterday with a track! Great minds think alike!

    So, the boyfriend just agreed to a trip for the half marathon. I'm signing up tomorrow!! Ahh, so excited!! I haven't been as excited since I signed up for Warrior Dash in January!
  • I AM SO EXCITED!!! (and completely terrified at the same time)

    I just registered, so I'm all in. Don't worry about booking your room until we're into 2012 - we'll take care of it once it gets closer!

    I'm bouncing in my desk chair.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Congrats purpleprose and heatherMN on the half marathon plans! I'm kind of jealous! I used to love running until I gained so much weight. Last week I ran for 20 minutes (straight) on the treadmill and was very proud of myself so thought I would go out running on Sunday for just 10 minutes. Well, I found that running outside and uphill is different than on the treadmill - I was done in about 4 minutes (plus I think I hurt my back) . I'm a long way from a half marathon.:noway:

    mstahl: love the twinkie choice last night ... you are right heathermn ... you have to be able to live like this for the long haul, and figure out ways to work in your favorite 'bad' foods every once in awhile!

    I have lost my focus on making my weightloss a priority. I don't know what happened but all of a sudden I stopped logging my food this week, and I was even thinking about not going to my step class tonight. I need to STOP this bad, sad, mad, crabby attitude RIGHT NOW! I AM going to go and work out, and I AM going to log my food today, and tomorrow, and the next day ....
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: I'm bouncing in my desk chair, too! Guess the only thing I'm asking for for Christmas are running gear, a new iPod and money for my trip! Eek!

    So, ladies, is anyone else in with us? Julie, I'm looking at you! Jess, I'll forgive you if you do the half marathon and skip Minnesota's Warrior Dash...or you can do both...Lauren, you mentioned being in for the half marathon plans. I'll track down Cris and try to guilt, I mean convince her, too. It would be so much fun for all of us to do this together!!

    Have I ever mentioned how awesome my boyfriend is? He's willing to drive with me half way across the country so I can attempt to not die running 13.1 miles, meet people from the internet AND be my photographer. Seriously, I don't know how many other guys would put up with my craziness. Can you see why I love him?? :love:
  • This is my first time here, so how do i jump into the group? I am in the 200+ category. But i would be estatic to get into the 100's where i land. :wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    thregirz: Welcome to the group! We encourage checking in daily when you can and giving an update of calories, water intake, exercise and something you're proud of for the day. Fridays are the weigh-in day. Nothing competitive, but we encourage challenges! It's a pretty low-key group and extra chit-chat is recommended.

    Speaking of which, I didn't do my check in!
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over...darn you chips and queso!
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: 2 hours volunteering (walking in deep sand)
    Proud: I stopped at two beers even though I really wanted more!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Post the details on here so we can all look at the dates!!!!

    May is graduation month for those of us with seniors but if it's not the actual weekend of graduation I think this sounds totally do-able! I mean I can jog and entire 8 minutes now! Common lstPaul! You are already up to 4! (it took me four weeks to get to four minutes you just DID It).

    So here is my plan - I do finish the 5K101 mid October. I work for about a month doing weekend 5K pretend runs and my regular MWF workouts - then in mid November I start the 10K101 which will take me into January, then maintain over February and take March and April to train for the half Marathon.

    Seriously - who else would I rather do this with than you guys!

    Thregirz - you in? (Welcome by the way and PLEASE STICK AROUND!)
  • The 1/2 marathon is on May 20, 2012. If a 1/2 marathon is too scary, there is an 8K the day before.


    I have a training schedule one of my friends helped me out with, and I'll send it around if you're interested. Just private message me your email!