What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »

    If you have a Play It Again Sports in your area, I'd check that out too. They also always seem to carry high quality new equipment at affordable prices.

    In my experience, Play it Again Sports will also be able to check other nearby stores, and if another nearby store has what you're looking for, they will deliver it to your local store within a few days for you to go decide if you want it.

    Thanks to both of you! I will see if there is one of those near me. Great ideas.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Good workout this morning. Lower body, core and cardio.


    32 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max: 136/161
    26 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 136/150

    47 minutes lifting weights

    Barbell box squats: 10@45, 8@85, 6@105, 4@125, drop set: 2@135, 4@105, 6@85, 8@65
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25
    Romanian Deadlifts: 10@95, 8@145, 6@185, 5@225, drop set: 4@255, 4@225, 4@185, 6@145
    Kettlebell side swings, each side: 4*10@30lbs
    Leg Raises: 4*10


    Man, those box squats are killer. My quads burn more with those than any other exercise.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    All three ellipticals taken (my gym has dozens of treadmills and stationary bikes, but only THREE elliptical machines???) so I spent an hour on a treadmill. Kept the pace to a brisk walk, playing around with the incline settings.

    I'm less than a week into my self-imposed 12-week-no-lifting recovery time, and I'm already feeling the shift from "hooray, I get to go to the gym today!" to "whelp, time for the gym." If I get to the point of "man, I have to go to the gym" I'll definitely reevaluate.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    edited January 2023
    I've been working out, but not checking in.

    Friday and Saturday were the usual 60' stationary bike with 3' CD each night (82W and 90W averages respectively for the 60' chunks). Sunday was a rest day as usual. Monday was another 60'+3' stationary bike (91W average on the 60').

    Tonight I split it up, trying a little machine rowing but trying not to overdo, to see how my shoulder holds up. So, 2 x 2k on, 2' row in/out+water between, 2' CD, with the 2k pieces at 2:26.5 pace/23spm and 2:22.5 pace/21spm. For comparison purposes, that'd be 111W and 121W averages for those pieces.

    Then I filled out the workout with another 40' stationary bike (98W average), 3' CD.

    I pushed a little at the end of the bike workouts the last couple of days, got HR up at/above 220-age (87-88% HRmax), but not for long. :D

    Physical therapy for shoulder starts Thursday.

    @Bigmech, I got around to ordering that stand fan. Should be here in a few days, and I'm sure it'll be a biking improvement. Thanks for suggesting it. (I keep dripping on my tablet when I bike!)
    nossmf wrote: »

    In answer to @annpt77, the "25 calories in 15 minutes" thing was from the bike's computer screen. Yes, I know you have to take those display readings with a grain (or large chunk) of salt, as they tend to overestimate things. But I still found it discouraging, especially given how little I was enjoying the process in the first place. I spend all day sitting at a desk job, to go along with a 60-90 minute commute each way in a car, so guess I just want to be on my feet in the gym.

    That's what's weird, @nossmf: That's just impossibly low, as a calorie estimate. Usually they're optimistically high, seems like. My 40' ride tonight was probably around 235 calories, estimated off the watts, which ought to be fairly accurate from an ergometer, and I'm not doing anything special in the power department at 98W average. There's no way your 15' was 25 calories - had to be several times that, since I'm sure you weren't slacking. Which is not to say that you should bike, if you'd rather be standing, of course!

  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    All three ellipticals taken (my gym has dozens of treadmills and stationary bikes, but only THREE elliptical machines???) so I spent an hour on a treadmill. Kept the pace to a brisk walk, playing around with the incline settings.

    I'm less than a week into my self-imposed 12-week-no-lifting recovery time, and I'm already feeling the shift from "hooray, I get to go to the gym today!" to "whelp, time for the gym." If I get to the point of "man, I have to go to the gym" I'll definitely reevaluate.

    If it's because of the elbow issue that you taking the 12 weeks off from lifting, could you still work lower body and core at the gym to help keep things interesting. There are plenty of exercises for both that won't hurt you elbow.

    For the cardio, does your gym have any arc trainers? I actually found that I liked the motion of the arc trainers better than the elliptical machines, and could keep my heart rate just as high or higher.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Great workout this morning, Upper body, Core and Cardio. Felt strong today, and was moving some good weight.


    32 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max: 134/159
    26 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 139/154

    56 minutes lifting weights

    Superset: Barbell bench press, Wide grip lat pulldowns, Barbell overhead press
    Chest: 10@135, 8@165, 6@185, 4@205, drop set: 3@205, 4@185, 6@165, 8@135
    Back: 10@110, 8@140, 6@170, 6@190, drop set: 4@210, 4@180, 6@160, 6@140, 8@110
    Shoulders: 10@65, 8@85, 6@105, 5@115, drop set: 4@125, 4@105, 6@85, 8@65

    Superset: Cable triceps press-downs, Crunches, Dumbbell concentration curls, Landmine twists
    Triceps: 10@50, 7@80, drop set: 4@100, 8@60
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25
    Biceps: 10@30, 8@40, drop set: 4@50, 8@35
    Landmine twists: 10@65, 8@75, 6@85

  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 438 Member
    Monday: Since I worked out on my normal rest day (Sunday), I took Monday as a rest day.
    Tuesday:PT session:
    new mountain climber variation (instead of slicers use the track of a TM. Hard and weird to do. But I appreciate the variety) + hollow-body medicine ball situp things, also a new variation + shoulder press standups 15# DB (sounds easy, but hard to do at the end).

    hammer strength chest press (15-20#?) + cable ab twists (only like 7-10#, lol. This one got me).

    rope slam + medicine ball burpees. This was the first time I've been able to do burpees since my last back injury (Dec 2020)!! I can jump again!!

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    One hour elliptical hills.

    Unfamiliar with Arc trainers; will have to investigate. As to lifting lower-body, I probably could, but beyond having to grip weights even with legs (holding DB/BB for lunges/SLDL, loading weights onto BB/sled for squats/leg press, etc), there are two main reasons I'm avoiding lifting legs during this temporary embargo:

    1. Lifting one body part while forgoing another will make me miss the upper body even more, and...
    2. My legs are already my most muscular part of me. Were I to lift lower and not upper I would be an inverse chicken-lifter, lol. (Lots of guys bench press like crazy while neglecting legs, leading them to look like stick-thin from the waist down. I'd look the reverse.)

    My legs are already getting work with cardio, so I doubt I'll lose any progress on them over the next 11 weeks. As for my torso, I'm hoping that by increasing my protein intake despite burning calories that I won't lose much, if any, muscular development. I know I'll have to take it easy when I come back for a couple weeks, but that's alright.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited January 2023
    @nossmf -- I'd still look into that Theraband Flexbar. With regular use, they will put that elbow pain in check. My elbow was killing me last golf season and using these things like four or five times a day had me out of pain in no time. Tons of YouTube videos on them. It's not a brace, it's a way you can do home PT and get back to lifting. And they're super cheap -- like $30 for a set of them in all resistance strengths. Seems too simple to work, but if you find videos on YouTube for either Tennis or Golf elbow (golfer elbow hurts on the inside, tennis on the outside), you'll find home therapy to do yourself. I've found that if I'm injured, doing PT helps my mental state, knowing I'm working back. It's hard to do, though.

    Same ol' boring stuff for me the last two days - easy hour of cardio - around 60% to 65% of max HR. I've been doing a nice job of controlling the easy cardio days and pushing hard on the hard days.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 525 Member
    Got a 5k under 30 done for hump day
  • mc00cali
    mc00cali Posts: 8 Member
    Two dance workouts. I didn’t break a sweat but feel good.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    The standard 60' stationary bike (101W average) + 3' CD, mostly Z3. Had planned a little light lifting, but I've let it get too late, and I need to be up earlier than usual, so I'm putting it off. We'll see what PT says tomorrow. I may not even get a workout in, as it's a busier than usual day.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Tough workout this morning. Slept through my first alarm, but woke up with second one 15 minutes later. Never got into a groove, but got the work in.


    52 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max: 134/159
    32 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 132/147

    23 minutes of core work.

    Crunches: 30, 30, 30, 30, 30
    Kettlebell pass arounds, each direction: 4*10@40lbs
    Leg Raises: 4*12
    Kettlebell RDL's: 4*10@40lbs.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    One hour elliptical hills.

    @MikePfirrman I pulled up the Theraband website. Did you use flexbar or flexbands, which the site seems to devote all its attention towards?
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited January 2023
    nossmf wrote: »
    One hour elliptical hills.

    @MikePfirrman I pulled up the Theraband website. Did you use flexbar or flexbands, which the site seems to devote all its attention towards?

    Therabrand is the brand. Flexbar is what you want. If you to to Amazon and look up Tennis Elbow and Flexbar, you'll find them. And also check out YouTube videos as well. I keep a "medium" Flexbar on my desk during the day.

    This is just one of many, many videos on it. At around 1:50, he shows the same Therabar I have and shows how to use it for Tennis Elbow. Here's the thing about both Tennis and Golfer's Elbow -- extremely painful, but if you figure out which behavior is causing it and do the rehab, it will quickly heal.

    When I developed golfer's elbow, I thought I'd have to quit that Summer. Within days after doing exercises (with the Therabar) it felt great. Now, if I neglect to do the exercises for even a few weeks, it started to hurt again. I ended up figuring out I wasn't fully extending my arms when I rowed and was doing some funky things with my golf swing (over compensating for lack of core use with my arms). But the Therabar will help you get back to lifting sooner. Just try to figure out what you're doing at the gym that created the situation. My guess would be picking up something like heavy dumbbells the wrong way, something that very easily messes up elbows. Or perhaps doing flies with too much weight or incorrectly. So many things that stress your elbow in the gym.

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did a harder rowing interval today at lunch on the deck. 4 X 2K with 3 minute recoveries. HRM was wonky again, saying my HR was shooting up to 210 (it wasn't). Not a great time average, around 2:16 pace, but just happy I finished it. Tonight is lifting at the gym.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical Interval setting 150 minutes for 9.7 miles.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    The elliptical is still broken, so just strength training to get the blood moving. It feels weird not to do cardio, so I added some exercises to my typical routine. I'm keeping the weight low (or just using my body weight) to avoid injury.

    squats (actually 2nd position plies, but same idea), bicep and tricep curls, "I's" and "Ts", shoulder raises (45 degree), hamstring things with a ball (no idea what they are called), crunches, planks, and... kegals!

    After spending some time with a lot of older female relatives over the holidays, I was inspired to commit to regularly doing kegal exercises in my workouts. Bladder incontinence is something I'd like to put off as long as humanely possible!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    Went for the usual 60' + 3' stationary bike ride, but intentionally so low-intensity that the piece and the CD were the same intensity (81-82W averages) and almost entirely Z2 (topped out at 121bpm, about 67% HRmax). (I slept horribly last night, felt exhausted, and my shoulder was a little sore after PT, so very gentle exercise seemed like a plan.)

    First PT went well - the therapist is just the style I like, giving lots of specific information about what she's doing, why, what the diagnostic indicators are, how the current problem I'm having relates to other aspects of my physicality, and more. Fundamentally, it sounds like she thinks I'm stressing my rotator cuff because I'm not properly recruiting lower traps when I raise/move my arms, and because my posture is too shoulders-forward so compressing one side of the rotator cuff area. Yup, I have exercises to do now.

    The bad news is that she thinks I should still give machine rowing a break for a bit yet, so more bike in my future for a while. The good news is that I can start lifting cautiously, if I'm selective about what I do.