

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everybody, kind of upset right now. DS just tested positive for Covid via home test today. Logically I know he’ll be fine but I’m just freaking out. He was so determined not to catch Covid. I don’t even feel like doing the usual workout tonight. He’s had all the vaccines and even got checked out in the urgent care today and they didn’t seem too worried. But we had some health scares with him when he was younger and so I think that’s making me have a harder time with this. I’m praying that after this weekend, which would also be the end of his quarantine, we can hopefully walk on Tuesday.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member
    Hi everybody, kind of upset right now. DS just tested positive for Covid via home test today. Logically I know he’ll be fine but I’m just freaking out. He was so determined not to catch Covid. I don’t even feel like doing the usual workout tonight. He’s had all the vaccines and even got checked out in the urgent care today and they didn’t seem too worried. But we had some health scares with him when he was younger and so I think that’s making me have a harder time with this. I’m praying that after this weekend, which would also be the end of his quarantine, we can hopefully walk on Tuesday.

    Urgh I hope he feels better soon and that you don’t get it! My mom, grandma, stepdad and myself all got it for the first time at end of December, start of January (month or less ago). It sucks!
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »

    Urgh I hope he feels better soon and that you don’t get it! My mom, grandma, stepdad and myself all got it for the first time at end of December, start of January (month or less ago). It sucks!

    Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ve had it twice myself. Yeah I’m wondering if I could have it now, the last time I had it was September. Just mainly worried about him right now. Are you feeling better by now?
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »

    Urgh I hope he feels better soon and that you don’t get it! My mom, grandma, stepdad and myself all got it for the first time at end of December, start of January (month or less ago). It sucks!

    Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ve had it twice myself. Yeah I’m wondering if I could have it now, the last time I had it was September. Just mainly worried about him right now. Are you feeling better by now?

    Yeah just still tired, brain fog and the cough. Everyone I know is either getting it for the first time or for their 2nd or more time.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Yes, that's exactly what I did. I need to tell myself that the next time. Thanks! Great job!

    @senoritafloridita I'm so sorry! I'm sending good thoughts that he has a mild case and gets over it quickly. I can understand your concern. It's good you went to urgent care to get him checked out. HUGS.

    @Tamevv Are you okay? Haven't seen you in a bit.

    Hi all. I lost 2.8 lbs this week. That makes up for the gain I had last week plus a little bit. I had a good day yesterday, I worked out for 30 mins, ate well, drank over my goal in water, and threw away the chips bag when I started dipping my hand in it. Too bad for my husband, he doesn't need those chips either lol.

    Water yesterday: 101.4 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld thank you so much. He’s doing OK so far, seems better than when I had it. He says he found it helps to do a combination of cough drops and water. My chest was feeling a little bit funny so I just took a test myself today but it came up negative. Really hoping we can at least walk on Tuesday. And also, big congrats on your weight loss! Good also on all your healthy habits including getting rid of the chips! I hear you about your hubby not eating chips, mine doesn’t either! I have a very hard time keeping him away from them.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Hello, sorry my life is just so much in chaotic order right now, I can't seem to get to my normal task. I have not been feeling great and I have been going to all those Dr. appointments I haven't gone to in 5 just not in my routine. I do feel that I am more aware of what I am doing to my health....just taking baby steps and I see the baby steps that I am on purpose making..

    @trooworld So sorry you had to have that feeling all day and it wasn't necessary. I am glad you lost...great job. Wow throw away goes against everything, I was taught. LOL. Children in Africa are starving...

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for telling me I was missing..LOL

    @Tamevv Sounds like you are having my week..LOL. Good to see you post.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @senoritafloridita I'm glad he's doing ok. That's good you took a test, keep an eye on yourself as sometimes you can get a false negative with the rapid tests. Thank you! My hubby isn't so much the problem with chips, it's ME! Which is why they had to go lol. My hubby can eat a handful with dinner and be done for a few days. Me? If they are in the house, my hand is dipping into that bag every chance I get lol.

    @cbabie I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope all the doctor's appts can get to the bottom of it so you can feel better. Baby steps is the way to go! <3 Thanks, yeah, it was my mind playing tricks on me. I know right? We never threw food away as a kid! :)

    Hi all. I've been weighing daily now for a few weeks and this morning, I am at my lowest weight that I've been since Sept 2021. I hope the weight continues to go down daily but I know it will fluctuate. I did NOT want to exercise yesterday but I did: I did a 15 min disco aerobics workout. I am so uncoordinated so if you were watching me and watching the video, you would not be able to tell I was doing that video lol but it was fun. Today, my best friend who lives in Colorado, and I are going to do a disco aerobic video together via Zoom. I don't know if it's going to work out but we will try it.

    Water yesterday: 109.8 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I thought I would pop on here while all the little ones are asleep...better hurry fast. LOL. I cut my hair off to shoulder length yesterday...and baby girl had her 1st hair cut...she is 4. LOL. Mine hair was almost to my this is a change and I NEEDED it. I am wanting to get back to moving (body) that's my next baby step. I am so tired after seemingly always having a baby in my arms...that I just don't want to exercise...I know this too will pass. I got my blood test results back and the good news is my glucose is good but the down side is my cholesterol needs work. LOL. First gotta get to work on that. it's good to know where your stats are, even though I know I could hit my head and die suddenly..but what you don't know you can't try to change.

    @trooworld That's great you are still on the down slide. Sometimes I think it holds me more accountable and aware if I weigh every day.

    @senoritafloridita I hope you don't get it and he recovers quickly. My oldest daughter had it and her DH got it from her...but he had no symptoms and she had all of them. LOL. Now one of her coworkers got it and I told her she should be good. LOL.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @senoritafloridita Sorry about your ds. I figure sooner or later everyone will catch it. It just keeps mutating into different strains like the flu does. Both my hubby and ds are sick right now and I was just telling them maybe get a test. They just looked at me. It's ds's bday today. Shame to be sick on your bday. Hopefully he will have a mild case and be able to do the walk on Tuesday.

    @gemwolf110 I had a bad case of bronchitis one year and had a cough for 6 months. Just couldn't shake it. I think I'd rather have that than the tiredness and brain fog.

    @trooworld Great weight loss. Hooray! Plus your water looked good. Excellent job on ditching those chips. The disco video sounds fun. Dance as if no one is watching.

    @cbabie Remember the mindset training? Children in Africa. How would you get the children the chips? Mom just said that because her generation was a left-over of the Great Depression and WW2 war rations. So we have a lot of fat people running around with that thinking of can't throw food away.

    Yesterday, went to a party and still managed to stay in bound with carbs but went over on my cals about 200. Met my water goal. Planned exercise rest day

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld Oh my bad, sorry for misunderstanding. That’s great that your hubby can just have a handful of chips and be done. Mine can’t lol. I do have a weakness for salty snacks so I try not to even get started.

    That’s fantastic that you’re at your lowest weight since 2021. It looks like you’ve really been killing it! It’s so great to be in the groove with fitness and weight loss.

    Yeah I was wondering if the Covid test was premature with me but so far so good. And thankfully DS is feeling better. But I will be on my own for a work out today. Can’t wait till DS is up on his feet again. For years I used to only train alone but I really miss working out with him now. I wonder if he remembers all the times I took him with me in the running stroller.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @cbabie wow that is too bad you haven’t been feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. That is good though you got your blood test results, at least you know what is good and what needs improving. Thanks for the well wishes about DS and I. I am so glad his symptoms have been mild. Yeah it’s weird how some people have no symptoms while others have it the worst.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @cbabie Wow, that does sound like a big change! I bet it looks nice. How did baby girl do with getting her hair cut? That's great that your glucose is good. How are you going to improve your cholesterol? What's your plan? Yes, it is good to know where your stats are. I agree, it does hold me more accountable and aware.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! :D Great job at the party, 200 over isn't bad at all.

    @senoritafloridita Oh no, I wasn't clear on that lol, no worries! Same here about the weakness, me too. Thanks! Yes, it feels great. Now to keep up the momentum. I'm so glad you are still good and your DS is feeling better. I thought it was your DH? Did I get that wrong? I think I did, sorry about that.

    Hi all. Yesterday was just a so-so day, it was very busy with running around and then my friend canceled on me because she wasn't feeling well. I was going to work out but just couldn't get motivated after all the running around. I didn't drink enough water (although better than in weeks past). Then, we went out for a beer and a cheeseburger and fries. That was okay because I was really low on calories for the day so I don't feel bad about that. I do feel bad about not working out. Today, I need to work out before lunchtime as I am donating blood at 12:40. I will work out today.

    Water yesterday: 67.6 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @senoritafloridita I'm glad your ds is feeling better and it won't be long until he'll be back doing workouts with you.

    @trooworld Did you workout before giving blood?

    Yesterday was my ds's bday. So having said that......over 99 carbs and over 231 cals. Glad that only comes around once a year. lol I exercised for 10 min and finished up the rest of the 300 cals I needed to burn this morning which should have been a planned rest day. Exceeded water goal.

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member

    Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see your reply before! Yes it’s a pain how Covid keeps mutating. I hope your hubby and DS feel better soon. Yes that’s awful to be sick on your birthday. I actually had Covid on my birthday this past September. good job on keeping the surplus to only 200 cal at the party. At parties I can tend to go out of control. Today DH and I were watching the Eagles win at a local Philly bar and they had a buffer. I’m glad that we didn’t have any because I probably would have gone overboard.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld yes it was actually my DS that got sick, not DH. DH and I had Covid at the same time in May and then I got it for a second time in September, he missed it that time. Nice to be able to go out for a burger and fries because you had that many calories to spare! Some days are like that with workouts. You’ll get it next time. I was supposed to work out on Thursday but I didn’t because I had terrible anxiety about DS and it actually drained my energy away. I got in workout clothes and tried going outside and on the treadmill. My body just said no. I hate it when it happens but it does every once in a while.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Today was the long workout of the week in the half marathon training schedule. I did 7 miles today. Afterwards, I sat with a bunch of very happy Philly people (DH is a Philly native) watching their Eagles win. It was pandemonium in the streets afterwards. Cars honking, people making parade floats out of their cars with people crammed in, all cheering, a guy on the street blasting Rocky music from his car… It was nice to see so much celebration and happiness after all the bad news in the world lately.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, finally have reception, been a happy week away. Back home later tonight. Looking forward to a shower 😂.

    Should be back to routines next week.

    Hope everyone is well.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I did! I did a 31-minute weight lifting session on the Tonal. I'm almost done with this program I'm in right now, 2 more sessions and then I will pick a new one. I felt a little "off" after I donated, it may have been that or it may just have been I didn't eat enough (I ended up donating at 9:40 am instead of after lunch and all I had eaten was some yogurt and berries). Yes, birthdays are a bit hard. Good job with the water!

    @senoritafloridita Ah, I missed that. How's DS feeling now? I hope better. Yes, it was nice to be able to splurge! I'm glad you listened to your body on Thursday. Wow, I'm so impressed that you can run 7 miles! Way to go! And congrats to your team for winning, now they go to the Superbowl, right? That sounds like fun celebrating.

    @Tamevv Oh I'm so glad to hear from you, I've been worried about you. I am glad you had a good week away.

    Hi all. I did do my workout, a strength training workout on the Tonal, yesterday morning. It felt good. I had originally wanted to go for a walk in the evening with DH but it was raining so we didn't go. I made beef stew last night in the pressure cooker. It came out really well. Today is back to work.

    Water yesterday: 92.9 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @senoritafloridita I always seem to be better in control when I'm out of the house. It was my ds and dh who was sick not me. Although today I've been extremely tired. Fingers crossed. 7 miles is awesome. I bet Philadelphia was lit.

    @Tamevv Welcome back to civilization.

    @trooworld That's great you did your Tonal. Another brick in the habit wall placed.

    Yesterday I did well. Stayed OP with my food. Made up my missing burned calories from Saturday and drank my water. It's almost the end of the month. One more day to do well to meet my January goal.