

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Machka - Your stream is looking fabulous. Good work! :)

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Thanks Heather! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Only if you're interested in doing something like this as we go along ...

    Feel Good Feb and/or Exercising the Alphabet in February
    Feel Good Feb

    Exercising the Alphabet in February

    In other words, on February 1, you'd walk to a street that starts with A or do an exercise video hosted by someone whose name starts with A or something ... A.

    On February 2, you'd go swimming at a Beach or play a game of Baseball or something ... B.

    On February 3, you'd go Cycling or Climb some stairs or something ... C.

    and so on.

    There are, of course, 26 letters in the alphabet and 28 days in February, so you'd have 2 free days if you didn't exercise those days or couldn't fit in the next letter of the alphabet.
    I have listed several January highlights so that meets the calendar suggestion for February 1...

    And I walked to the Asian "dollar store" next to the Asian grocers and bought Art supplies at lunch today. That'll be my A. :)

    Put myself in someone else's shoes --- I've been treating my difficult work colleague with kindness by talking to her about her son, complimenting her skirt, talking quietly and gently to her and so on.

    And today, I walked to Bathurst Street to Buy some Books. I also climbed stairs in my Building. :)

    Watch a movie that reminds me of kindness --- probably not tonight!

    C is for Climbing and walking on Collins St!

    Take a picture of three things that make you happy --


    D is for exercising Downstairs!
    Rowing - 16 minutes
    Walking - 38 minutes
    Weights - 10 minutes

    Be kind to yourself -- Sleep, gardening and cycling! :)

    E is for Exercising!
    Plus we cycled on Endeavour Ave and the Esplanade. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,074 Member
    Rita and Vicki taking the Vit D prescription has helped with my leg cramps too. I do a Epson salt scrub daily to get the magnesium I need. Blood work showed my level for magnesium is good.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Good Sunday!
    My DH may drive me insane often, but he really is so thoughtful a lot of the time. Our bedroom in Kentucky is where to furnace is located. It is SOOOOO LOUD when it kicks on so I haven't been sleeping well when we are down here. He moved a chair to put it in front of the door to help block off some of the sound and left the TV on hoping it would cut out some of the on/off sound. I actually slept. We also turned up the temperature for the evening, then turned it down to sleep sot that it stayed a little warmer longer.
    Grandson loved his birthday gift! WOOHOO! It is hard to buy for 15 y/o boys. We got him batting gloves that were personalized to match the ball glove we got him for Christmas. He was happy! My daughter remembered that my DH said cards were a waste of money, so she gave him $2 and a note with his present-LOL!

    Got my new bracelet back, and left my wedding rings with jeweler. A couple of years ago the weld that held the three bands together came apart. The jewelry store where DH had bought lots of things for me from treated me like **** when I went in to get them fixed. It was the 3rd time that they were so disrespectful in less than two years. I swore I would never go back. They told me $400 to fix. We have an extended plan with them and should have been free. Anyway, I haven't been back there. So I just left them with this new little jeweler to have everything cleaned, inspected, and fixed for $225. Fingers crossed that it is done well. It felt really weird to not have any rings on that left finger!!!!! Currently have the original birthstone ring that DH gave me on my ring finger. At least it doesn't feel like I lost something! I rarely take off my rings.

    I have a scale on my counter that I use for foods especially yogurt and cottage cheese. I agree that a smaller dish helps with portions. It also helps the brain think it is getting way more food than it is! I tend to measure in grams. Funny the US is ounces, but most food containers give weights for portions in grams.

    Online training and tax prep on schedule for today. Have a wonderful day!

    Much LOVE!
    Many HUGS!
    Plenty of ENCOURAGEMENT!

    Kylia normally in Ohio

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    I am so thankful for all of you caregivers!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Well im up and 1/2 dressed
    I wanted to lose weight but gee not this way..
    5 lbs since Thursday or Friday..
    Dan will stop later to take out my garbage.. but im still coughing so just going to lay low.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sunday breakfast looked and tasted okay, but I have very grumpy digestive system from eating it. DD is on a mission to bring me immodium. I hope she brings a good supply. I am watching TV while I wait.
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Ah yes, Barbara, Heather, should have mentioned that. Checked, had and already recovered from UTI. Still seeing things and talking to "people". Wonder if it's a remnant?

    Heading up to the hospital now. Have a good SONday!

    3-Watch a movie that reminds you of kindness... didn't have time as I was at the hospital (will have to make up for it this weekend)
    4-Take a picture of 3 things that make you happy and share with a friend... will try to do this today
    5-Be kind to yourself... trying
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited February 2023
    Allie - That coughing thing has been going round all my friends. Horrible. Even really healthy people were knocked out. For weeks. So far, we have avoided it. Cross fingers. :o
    A few years ago I had it and it was truly ghastly. I so nearly rang for an ambulance. I feel very sorry you are going through this. You will get better, but it lingers for a while. Hang on and rest as much as possible. Keep resting and sleeping. You need it. <3<3<3

    I did my rowing after lunch. o:) I've just had another long nap for the second day running! That business with my ex really took it out of me. But I'm feeling peaceful and happy now. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    🙉 🙈 🙊
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,905 Member
    Word of the year: APPRECIATE; today I appreciate fruit and yogurt for breakfast.
    #2 Practice fairness today by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes: I did this with a camper who I received complaints about. I put myself in his shoes when speaking with him. He was a very lonely man who only had his dogs (one barking, one loose) and the people he meets at campgrounds. Made me more compassionate when talking to him about the dogs.

    #3 Watch a movie that reminds you of kindness. I watched the Adam Project.
    #4 Take a picture of 3 things that make you happy. Send them to a friend. Done!
    #5 Be kind to yourself. Self-compassion is equally important. Will do today.
    #6 Start a conversation with someone new.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,905 Member
    The coughing thing that is going around for adults may be Whooping cough. There were articles on that the beginning of winter on the news. Adults were beginning to come down with it and they were recommending older adults get the booster for that and tetanus. I think the short name for the shot is ‘Tdap’ the same one they give babies but for adults. I’m paranoid about getting sick so get most every shot available. This is the last one I need to get. I have a phobia of not being able to breath, drowning, stuff like that due to things that happened in my childhood, and have allergy induced asthma. So any disease that affects my lungs I am paranoid about!

    Hope those with the cough and others that are ill in this group recoup fast and with the least amount of discomfort.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im still alive...slept from 4pm yesterday until just a bit ago..
    I will call the drs office tomorrow and see if i can get in tomorrow afternoon
    Im wondering if its a chest cold..never had one before..but will change out all my Cpap stuff to see if that helps.
    Today is my Tracys 34th birthday..

    Allie ... Do you have a covid test kit at home? I worry about you with all of your health issues and covid is on the upswing here in the northeast.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    edited February 2023
    Beth- thats the first thing I did Thursday, negative..
    Sheesh I hope its not whooping cough i don't need to pass that along to Miles
    My friend Trudy is on one of her bucket list trips to Antarctica.. they are going through Drakes Pass.she got woken up with things falling of shelved and her deck chairs bopping all over the place..yup.. not for me.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    Weighing/Measuring Food ... while I follow an IF lifestyle and weighing/measuring isn't technically necessary when listening to appetite correction, I still need to pull out the scale when I find myself not losing weight or feeling like I'm overeating. It's a good tool to use when getting a handle on how much you eat. I also use my scale for a lot of baking and cooking ... weights are so much more accurate than measuring cups/spoons and makes clean-up a much easier too.

    Carla ... so sorry your mom is falling again, but thankful she didn't break anything this time around. UTIs really do a job on the elderly! If your mom's dementia/hallucinations are getting worse, it's definitely worth ruling out the UTI before making other changes.

    Lanette ... my family is finally feeling much better and my mom is settling into the assisted living facility's routine. She claims she isn't making friends, but then goes on to tell me about who she ate lunch with and who made her laugh and who liked her sweater .... etc, etc, etc ... ;) I really liked Dr. Li's presentations and will order one of his books if nothing else.

    Tracey ... what a mess your MIL is in. I hope she will allow you to help her. You can still honor your FIL's wishes while ensuring that your MIL is taken care of. You'll need outside help though so that family members don't take a hissy fit.

    Today the sun is shining. We watched church online as we still didn't want to expose any of our older members to lingering bits of our crud. Hoping to see my mom later in the week if all stays well.

    Beth near Buffalo