New Year, New Us.....25lb Challenge!!



  • If it's not too late. I would love to join the 25lb Challange!! My Monday Weight was 185.6
  • I want in to if its not to late...Mine is 250...with 25 down that would be 225.
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I've been pretty good at keeping up on my workouts this week :) gonna try my hardest to keep it up on the weekend and also to not go over my cals on the weekend (which is what normally happens). I hope you all have a great weekend! :smile:
  • I tend to weigh myself most days, just to see what the scale is doing and my weight went went up earlier this week. Hopefully it'll be back down before the weigh in on Monday! :) I did eat pizza this week, and I ate it late in the day, so I wasn't too surprised by the increase. I'm not going to worry about it at this point. My biggest focus is on trying to keep my calories within an acceptable level and to increase my activity level.

    BUT, as time goes on my plan is to begin to clean up my eating more and more, and I will be increasing in exercising as I become more conditioned to it. Next week begins a new running program that I'm doing on my own. It starts very slowly...but that should help as well and it will also coincide with a walk/run challenge that I entered here on MFP that begins on Monday. My challenge is to walk/run 210 miles by the new year. I am hoping to not only meet that challenge but exceed it!!

    I'm just going to focus on little things as I go, and not stress about trying to do everything perfectly all the time. I know by now that THAT'S not gonna happen!! Progress is what I'm looking for!! I hope by doing that, then the pounds will also fall away, naturally.


    I'm soooo looking forward to watching how everyone does, and hearing from you all, about your challenges and your successes as we all move toward that 25 pound mark!!
  • librarynerd81
    librarynerd81 Posts: 61 Member
    I would love to join if it's still possible!

    SW: 178.9
    GW: 153

    I'm excited!!! Accountability rocks!!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    I want in... Starting 196. Goal 171.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    I'd like to be in too ...

    Starting Weight - 19th September - 202 lbs (91.7 kg)
    Goal Weight - 177 lbs (80 kg)
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I would also like to be in. My current weight is 156 and my goal weight is 138 but I think I'm going to aim for a little lower because I am short. So, 131 sounds fabulous to me. Count me in!! We can do this everyone :)
  • i'm in! I'm 208, so 183 by new year.
  • I am really upset that I had to work Friday - Sunday so I couldn't take any gym classes, but I have been running and lifting a bit so hopefully the scale will still move ! I am starting 30 Day shred in october too ! Since I will be able to do that at home with my hand weights...
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    finished my first week of C25K but I also got in some other exercise this week we`ll see how it go`s on Tuesday thats my normaly weigh in day (though I do peek quite often lol). Hope your all doing well.
  • Looking forward to Monday's weigh in!!! :bigsmile:
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    Looking forward to Monday's weigh in!!! :bigsmile:
    ME TOO!
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    I have not actually started to work out yet.... I just went grocery shopping this morning after I got off work, and made mini meal plans so that I can pack my lunch for work. I work overnights, so my schedule is a little off when it come to eating and working out. My personal goal is to be in the gym at least 3 times a week! I will have to start with the treadmill, because I haven’t worked out in a really long, long time. Tomorrow will be my first day in the gym :D

    I would love to hear anyone’s thoughts on strength training…. When to start, how much to do, etc. I haven’t ever done strength training…. But from what I have read it looks as though I have to do the cardio and the strength training to help with not only the weight loss, but also to help with the body firming up as I lose weight. I seriously want to avoid as much saggy skin as I possibly can!

    Heather, YOU ARE AWESOME! You are a great leader, and great motivator. If we can’t be honest on here and talk about what’s really going on, were can we? I think you are doing an awesome job! Thank you once again for starting, monitoring, and tracking this challenge!
  • I am nervous for monday but excited, even a .5lb loss would keep me happy seeing as it is exam week
  • RHunter37
    RHunter37 Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in. We can do this.

    SW: 259
    CW: 200
    GW: 150
  • RHunter37
    RHunter37 Posts: 8 Member
    My starting weight was 259 so we are not far apart. I started working out with a trainer and using light weights from the very beginning. Also if you have knee problems try the ellipitical. I know it is harder in the beginning but you get a better workout. I could only do 10 minutes when I first started and that was around the 1st of April now I do 45 minutes. You can friend me if you like we have to stay in this together. GOOD LUCK !! We are all here for you.
  • I'm in!

    Starting weight 195
  • CurlyVonda
    CurlyVonda Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in! My starting weight is 187.4. i average around 5 lbs. a month, so 25 is stretching it a bit.....but i'll give it a try!
  • Perfect. Great motivator. Monday is a good weigh-in date for accountability. I'm at 160 need to drop 25 to be at 135 which will allow me to get into my clothes again.