We're Losing It-Biggest Loser Challenge (closed group)



  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    I'm not having the greatest week... I'm so crazy busy at work and stressed beyond belief. It's leaving me mentally exhausted. I have been working from home at night and not fitting in any exercise, except on Monday. I'm hoping that the weekend lets me unwind (though I will still be working from home). I am MAKING A COMMITMENT to exercise and eat well from here on out!!!

    I know first-hand how crazy and hectic it can be, but there are two things I can tell you that may or may not help. :wink: Fitting in even a small amount of exercise really helps alleviate the stress for me. I got away from that for a while, but I'm trying to make myself remember that and just do it. Also, on days I know I can fit even a small workout in, I make myself dress in my workout clothes first thing in the morning, so I can't avoid it!

    You can do this...I have faith in you!!:flowerforyou:
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Doing okay so far. Tonight kind of went haywire so not sure if I will get in an exercise tonight. I am a single parent of 4 children tonight and there was football practice and girl scouts. I'm going to still TRY but if not, I will make it up tomorrow. I stayed within my calories though and drank my water so there I am good.
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    This week has not been too bad, up until this evening. I have kidney stones that have not bothered me for a few weeks that decided to start moving around tonight after I jogged so my dinner was followed by a Vicoden and I am about ready to take a second one. My daughter had soccer practice tonight so dinner was later than usual - but at least we have food to eat. I have a 5K coming up on Sunday so I will likely be taking it easy this weekend but I do hope to get in a decent walk at some point. Good luck to everyone as we do this :)
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I was having a good week until today. I have been fighting a cold or something and i was exhausted by noon today. I did go home and rest so I hope tomorrow I feel like a million bucks! Kiddo are all having a friend over tomorrow night so I will need to exercise after my 4 hours of work tomorrow morning. I have been horrible with exercise the past few months.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hi guys :)

    I'm having a decent week so far, exercising each day. I've been a little on the tired side and have fantasies of blowing off workouts in favor of extra sleep, but so far I've kept myself in check in that dept. My eating has also been good this week and I'm continuing to make good decisions overall. However, going out for beers with a co-worker tonight. Even though they will fit into my calorie allotment today, alcohol is alcohol and my body tends to treat it like it's a big 'ol bag of sugar. So we'll see. I plan on drinking lots of water again tomorrow to keep my system flushed. I've managed to not completely deprive myself over the last 10 months and still lose weight, I don't intend to start now. Gotta live (everything in moderation of course!!).

    Wishing everyone great success and awesome days ahead :D


    Well said on that last part ... there is no need to deprive ourselves.....we can still lose weight even with a treat:)
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I'm still on vacation and hanging in there. My usual weigh in day is tomorrow but going to hold off until next week when I get home. The eating was off the charts for sodium the past few days but the workouts were good. Busy couple days coming up so I'll try to fit the workouts in somewhere, we shall see. Have a good Friday ya'll!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    I have had a great week so far. This challenge is exactly what I needed to get my rear in gear!!! I have walked 14.5 miles so far and biked 10 and have managed to eat pretty healthy as well. Normally, I tend to do well in one area and then let the other one lapse. I am motivated and dedicated to this!!!!

    Brandi - THANK YOU so much for putting this together and for ALL of your efforts to keep it going! I would be willing to mail you money or something for prizes - just let me know what you need!!!!

    Thanks again :)
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    I"m doin good this week. I have my first interview since I lost my job (4 weeks ago) tomorrow. Wish me luck folks. It has been good getting the house in better shape and having the time to exercise, but really need to work! Not doin great on wt loss though due to water wt. Good luck to you all.
  • I have had a great week so far. This challenge is exactly what I needed to get my rear in gear!!! I have walked 14.5 miles so far and biked 10 and have managed to eat pretty healthy as well. Normally, I tend to do well in one area and then let the other one lapse. I am motivated and dedicated to this!!!!

    Brandi - THANK YOU so much for putting this together and for ALL of your efforts to keep it going! I would be willing to mail you money or something for prizes - just let me know what you need!!!!

    Thanks again :)

    That's awesome!!! Nice work!!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I found myself getting reinspired last night! I've stagnated the last few weeks, still keeping up the workouts but not being careful with my eating. Focusing now, so I feel awesome :) Next week is a family vacation, but my MIL booked a hotel with a gym, so I'm thrilled :) I'm looking forward to getting out of work today and getting in a kick *kitten* workout! I'm also trying to meet my trainer again this week for an extra *kitten* kicking.
  • If anyone likes Kickboxing, I found a great workout On Demand (Comcast) today. It's Cardio Kick Boxing with Chris Freytag. I really like her. I've done sculpting workouts with her before but this was great cardio. 40 minutes of high intensity but low impact (just right for my knees!) workout. My heart rate average 142, but was mainly around 155 which is my optimum range. And the combos were easy enough to follow along with. I will definitely be doing this again! 395 calories in 40 minutes!
    I also had an exciting shopping experience today... bought size large shirts, which I have not done in years. In January, I was wearing 2x tops and size 22/24 pants. Today was large tops and size 16 pants. :laugh: :happy:

    Definitely a reminder of why I've worked so hard, and great inspiration to get me moving again!
    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    If anyone likes Kickboxing, I found a great workout On Demand (Comcast) today. It's Cardio Kick Boxing with Chris Freytag. I really like her. I've done sculpting workouts with her before but this was great cardio. 40 minutes of high intensity but low impact (just right for my knees!) workout. My heart rate average 142, but was mainly around 155 which is my optimum range. And the combos were easy enough to follow along with. I will definitely be doing this again! 395 calories in 40 minutes!
    I also had an exciting shopping experience today... bought size large shirts, which I have not done in years. In January, I was wearing 2x tops and size 22/24 pants. Today was large tops and size 16 pants. :laugh: :happy:

    Definitely a reminder of why I've worked so hard, and great inspiration to get me moving again!
    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Congrats on the smaller clothes!! That's great! I've decided to find one thing in a size I still can't wear that is going to be my next goal item because I've hit all my original ones! Time to find something else to strive for. Keep up the good work!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Hi everyone, I will be joining you in this challenge, a little late but I have been following your posts and really need the support and to do this challenge. I am 42 yrs old, married and mother of 4 terrific children, 20 boy, 18 girl, 7 girl, 5 boy. as you can see everyone keeps me busy! I have been obese half of my life, my teenage yrs up to my twenties I was between 125-145 so I gained a whole person and to tell you the truth I want to get rid of the OTHER women:laugh: So I have never ever exercised with my current weight(which I have had for the past 15 yrs or so) I started exercising with diet about a month ago and I LOVE IT! who knew? So far I have lost 17 wonderful lbs and very very determined to lose many many more lbs. Hope to meet new friends and count on me for support! As of last Monday my CW is 321 lbs:smile: (I smile because 4 weeks ago I was 338)
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Hi everyone, I will be joining you in this challenge, a little late but I have been following your posts and really need the support and to do this challenge. I am 42 yrs old, married and mother of 4 terrific children, 20 boy, 18 girl, 7 girl, 5 boy. as you can see everyone keeps me busy! I have been obese half of my life, my teenage yrs up to my twenties I was between 125-145 so I gained a whole person and to tell you the truth I want to get rid of the OTHER women:laugh: So I have never ever exercised with my current weight(which I have had for the past 15 yrs or so) I started exercising with diet about a month ago and I LOVE IT! who knew? So far I have lost 17 wonderful lbs and very very determined to lose many many more lbs. Hope to meet new friends and count on me for support! As of last Monday my CW is 321 lbs:smile: (I smile because 4 weeks ago I was 338)

    Welcome to the group!! This is one of the best groups of people to keep you motivated and support you in any way possible. I am glad to have every single one of them on my list of friends! Together we are all going to get where we want to be!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    thank you:wink:
  • Hi everyone my name is Brenda and I am 45. I am so glad that Brandi put this group together. I need all the motivation I can get these days. I will post things as I can and hope all is well with all of you. At my highest weight last September I was a little over 200 lbs and right now am teetering at 180. I am 5'11" and lately not very active....going through a lot of personal stuff and not dealing well. I want to be at 160 lbs by the start of 2012. I think there will be big changes in my life and I have to be healthy to start over. Thanks all of you for being here. It helps tremendously. Good Luck and Happy Losing to all of You!!! ((((hugs)))) :flowerforyou:
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Good morning my little losers! Hope everyone had a great weekend and starting a fabulous week! I'm still on vacation so I am of course having a great week ;) lol

    Having a little trouble keeping my eating in check. My family cooks extremely well and most of the time it tastes so good, I need seconds! Not to mention the eating out! But, all is well, I'll be back on track Thursday when I'm home and can focus on me again:)
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning friends! Only one more day until our first weigh in!! I'm so excited to see how we've all been doing! Keep in mind that if you've had a rough week, this is a long competition. We'll all have good weeks and bad weeks, so hang in there!

    Here's what I want you to start thinking about. I want you to come up with two goals for yourself for the next week. They can be diet or exercise related, related to an event you have coming up, or even specific to your weight loss goal for next week. Reply here with your two goals by the end of the day tomorrow! And don't forget to get me your weight tomorrow too!

    My two goals:

    1) Ride my stationary bike 20 miles in addition to finishing week 3 of c25k.

    2) Drink at least eight glasses of water EVERY day...I'v'e been slacking on this!
  • Hey everyone! I am just getting started on my journey. I know that we will be able to motivate each other to keep pushing forward and making our health and ourselves a priority! Looking forward to getting to know all of you. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
