

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I have had a very emotional morning, but the good news is, I am learning not to stay there. I had to start thinking about the good, that I am not perfect, but that I am blessed with all that I have and that crying doesn't change things...get up and move on. Learn from your mistake, don't just be emotional. The fact is I am just plain tired and I don't sometimes do things I am supposed to do at the time I am to do it. I have to ask forgiveness and move on. That's why I eat emotionally and it really is time to put that away. I will find the time to exercise today and I did track yesterday. I made dinner last night, but didn't realize my DH would love it, so I gave him my piece of chicken and just ate the sweet potato..LOL. DH had never had Sweet Potatoes, unless they were canned and covered with marshmellow.. He asked how he was supposed to eat these...but he loved them LOL

    Braised Balsamic Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
    prep 10 minutes | cook 1 hour | serves 6 | 299 calories | 25 net carbs

    • 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    • 1 tsp garlic salt
    • 1⁄2 tsp black pepper
    • 2 Tbsps olive oil
    • 1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
    • 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes
    • 1⁄2 cup balsamic vinegar
    • 1 tsp dried basil
    • 1 tsp dried oregano
    • 1⁄2 tsp dried rosemary
    • 1⁄2 tsp dried thyme
    • 6 small sweet potatoes
    1. Wash and dry sweet potatoes and place on a rimmed baking dish. Bake in a 400°F oven 1 hour or until tender.
    2. Season both sides of chicken with garlic salt and pepper.
    3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat; add chicken breasts and cook until chicken is browned, 3-4 minutes per side. Remove chicken to plate.
    4. Add onion to skillet and cook and stir until onion is browned, 4-5 minutes.
    5. Return chicken to skillet. Pour tomatoes and balsamic vinegar over chicken; season with basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme. Simmer until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear, approximately 15 minutes.
    6. Serve baked sweet potatoes alongside chicken.

    @trooworld Wow I hope your migraine goes could be the atmosphere change here.. LOL. Don't worry about eating...when you get back to your place you can resume your normal health program.

    @Tamevv Yea day 2...we are both on a roll.. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    edited February 2023
    @cbabie Did you track your binge? What word of the week did you use for this week? My word would be unfocused. I'm trying to use all the reframing I can in my brain but the needle hasn't moved yet. The recipe looks good. Although I would probably steam or airfry my sweet potatoes. 25 min for steaming and 35-45 for airfryer. I usually steam. I half or quarter the potatoes depending on the size and add them to my skillet with just a bit of water. As you know I'm not a patient person (oh that needs some reframing right there) so quickest way possible for me.

    @Tamevv Good for you on the exercise. 15 min better than laying in bed

    @trooworld How's your migraine? Focus on what you can control on this trip. Good job on your water.

    @gemwolf110 Yes, health is everything.

    I just realized I didn't track for 2 days. You know I'm unfocused if I'm not tracking. Luckily I still have my streak going here on MFP. I was telling dh this morning cause I said I need to hurry and check in so I don't ruin my streak. I figured out I've been going strong for about 6 1/2 years now. Wouldn't it be nice if every one of those days was OP or an exercise streak. This one is easier though. Historically I gain weight in February but seem to lose Nov-January. I didn't realize I did this until recently I began looking at 4 years of data. So I was determined to NOT do this in February and here we are. Still 3 weeks to at least maintain in February.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    Wow I'm the only one here. I've become @trooworld LOL

    Things are about the same as yesterday. I did make a plan though. Hopefully I'll report in tomorrow night with success.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member
    Wow I'm the only one here. I've become @trooworld LOL

    Things are about the same as yesterday. I did make a plan though. Hopefully I'll report in tomorrow night with success.

    Hi! Checking in real quick. Counting down the days until I transfer to new role. Been stress eating with current job grr
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m checking in from the bath 😊. Been okay today, didn’t buy anything fancy while shopping and wanted to buy lunch after errends which I never do (I’m too stingy) but splurged at the supermarket to make myself a salmon, roast pumpkin, spinach and feta wrap in thin omelette. Will see if I can do a picture. Even decided to wrap it in paper and make myself feel like a bought one. Had to delay it to finish chores and by the time I ate was really looking forward to it and ate the whole thing even when I was full after just half. Also made myself a delicious iced coffee (home made from a recipe) and skipped the ice cream and halved the sugar. Was awesome - but then spent the afternoon feeling bloated. Still managed to eat hot chips with the family for dinner though 😒. Tomorrow is starting early with all food throughout the day being bought as we are out all day till late (leaving before breakfast!!). So who knows what it will be like. Will just try to be responsible I guess. At least there will be lots of walking.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member

    @gemwolf110 thanks, they are better now

    @cbabie that's good you are learning to deal with your emotional eating. You are so sweet to sacrifice your chicken for your husband! Thank you for the recipe it looks good and healthy. Thanks, I figured the migraine had to do with the weather changes. It's better now. Maybe I'm getting used to it lol. Yeah I think I'm going to have to just try to survive while here.

    @theslightedgeforever my migraine is better thanks. I am at least eating a healthy breakfast so there's that. Luckily, my stomach gives me trouble if I eat unhealthy foods more than a couple of days in a row so I'm trying to balance it out. That's surprising that you haven't tracked, you just be distracted. That's one heck of a steak, well done! Lol now you know how I feel, only one in the room lol!

    @Tamevv as good a place as any lol! That sounds like a delicious wrap. That's good you will get in a lot of walking.

    Hi all. It's been weird here: I'm really tired from standing on my feet all day but haven't been getting many steps in... It is a lot of standing around. I can't wait to get home lol. It's super windy here today, will be cold. Speaking of cold, my shower in the hotel is cold. Grrrrrh!

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    AFternoon all, I really am just going on auto pilot right now. My adult daughter had major oral surgery, been a long couple of days, my 4 year old, woke up with a fever and the baby just really never stops fussing. The good part about this is, I don't have time to binge, emotional eat, or even exercise. Yet I know this won't be a forever thing. I am just glad I am not stress eating.

    @trooworld so glad you feel better. just got this.

    @theslightedgeforever steaming would be good, I would like the air fryer too I think. No I didn't track my binge. wow you forgot to track? why are you so unfocused? Should I be worried?

    @Tamevv sounds like you have a plan, so that is good..I love that you think things through!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @gemwolf110 Sorry about the stress eating. It won't be long now

    @cbabie That's good that you aren't stress eating.

    I go through these phases about 3-4 times a year. it like I fall into a deep dark hole. I just knew I wish what causes them so I could prevent them.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, not much sleep in this house. I just ate two cupcake mini (frosting only) I am not eating out of stress, but exhaustion. Still not a good habit. Can't quite get all things working around here..but I am still here.

    @theslightedgeforever my guess is life...we all have that dark hole somewhere. I wish life would be like the fairy tale and nothing bad would happen or if it did, it all was only for a sec and then the good parts of life took over. LOL. I can dream anyway.

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone!! (Or anyone?!!). Seems we are all a bit awol right now. Hope everyone is going okay.

    I had a good day - tracked the full day for the first time in ages. Exercised this morn including some weight work but I want to get into that more. Visitors still here and still trying to settle into routines and get kids on track. I have gained two kilos above where I want to be, so hoping to start the slow crawl back.

    Have a good day everyone 👋
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Hi guys, trying to get back on the wagon here. I had a really bad day with the scale a while back and I let it get into my head. I’m disappointed that the scale can still get to me like that. DS is feeling better. I don’t know if it was Covid but I was not feeling well for a while. But anyway, we’re both getting back on track.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @cbabie I have been back on the program the past couple of days. Nothing really bad happened in my life, I think I was just bored with my program. But I've changed it now. Speaking of good times vs bad time. For the most part we create our own destiny.

    @Tamevv I've tracked three full days now. Having visitors can be hard to stay on the program but it's possible. I've finally figured out how to do this when my sister in law comes for a visit. I just had to set my boundaries saying I'm not going to be available for a bit because I need to exercise.

    @senoritafloridita I think lots of us have had setbacks recently. I weighed this morning. Yesterday I would have said I'll never reach my February goal after not doing anything for almost two weeks. But then today I said, I still think it's possible if I work hard. I somehow lost 0.8 lbs which tells me my gain last week wasn't from just my habits. I wish I could remember that when I'm thinking about that number on the scale. Focus on my habits. That is my success.

    Well I think I was bored so I changed my food diary a bit. I renamed Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, etc to Green Foods, Yellow Foods, Red Foods, Drinks/Condiments, After 8:30, Junk Food. I'm following the Noom program food lists without paying for it. I changed the percentages of calories needed per meal to reflect the goals of each category. This will highlight all the healthy foods I'm eating and highlight all the unhealthy foods I'm eating. We'll try this for a while and see if I can build some new habits around my meals.

    I even exercised today.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member

    Have a lovely day! Sending virtual chocolate hearts to everyone.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi everyone. I did a strength workout this morning and am disappointed that it earned only half the amount of calories a cardio does, but I’m trusting the experts and crossing my fingers for longer term benefits. I ate well today didn’t snack at all through the day. We had a small dessert and then I had some chocolate but am pleased with my choices today 😊

    @theslightedgeforever I tracked all day! Yay me. I like your idea for changing the names and ways you track. Sometimes changing it up helps motivation and can help to see things differently. What exercise did you do?

    @senioritaflorodita Hello!!👋👋. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Maybe we can both catch up to the wagon again this week 😁

    Hi @cbabie, hope you’re doing okay and getting some sleep😴
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @cbabie Sounds like things have been stressful. Thanks.

    @theslightedgeforever Maybe you get Seasonal Affective Disorder? That was a good idea to shake things up a bit.

    @Tamevv Great job with the tracking and exercise! Yeah that's the bummer about strength training but it is THE WAY to change the composition of your body, keep at it, I promise!

    @senoritafloridita I'm sorry about your bad scale day. I'm glad you are both getting back on track. I hope you had a good Valentine's Day!

    @gemwolf110 Thank you and back atcha!

    Hi all. I'm back! Did you miss my constant harassment? LOL I had a good trip but I was so tired. I got back on Monday afternoon and just rested. Yesterday, I had to work until 11:30 and then I came home to take care of hubby...I came home from my trip to find him sick. He thinks it is a cold but refuses to take a COVID test. :/ I am trying to stay healthy. Usually, when I go on this work trip, I end up sick but this time, I didn't. I gained 2 1/2 lbs since last week, that's what happens when you eat out every day. I didn't drink much water so my plan is to flush all that out with water, good eating, and some exercise. It's good to be back to my routine.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, sorry I haven't been here well I guess is normal..LOL. Lack of sleep and eating bowls of cereal to maintain something in my stomach. I go to the Dr today, just for a check up, and more appointments next week and then I should be done for a year. Can't wait, tired of the Dr visits..even the kids have appts next week..UGH.

    It's been so cold, don't want to go outside. I think I am a bear and like to hibernate. LOL

    @trooworld so sorry your DH is sick and the weight gain is okay, you expected it per se..LOL. But you know it was just a few days of eating out..and back to your health you go. LOL. I hope DH recovers quick..I had to give my 4 year old a covid test, thankfully it was negative...she was just unsure about the stick up your nose. LOL

    @tamevv I think we are all still here, fighting some things and soon we will all be back and we won't be able to keep up with all the post. LOL. You are doing great.

    @theslightedgeforever You know I don't usually get bored, I can eat the same foods day in day out ( as long as it's quick an easy) watch the same shows, keep the same routine..what I am struggling with is not having a routine. LOL I love your creativity.

    @senoritafloridita sorry that the scale does that...I here myself saying bad scale bad scale...LOL You got this and you will get back into your routine...just a bump on the road.. better than a pot hole.. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @cbabie Good luck with all of your doctor visits. I'd be tired of that, too. I hate this cold. It was 41F when I took the dog out yesterday morning. Thanks! Oh gosh, I bet that was hard to give baby girl the covid test. I'm glad it was negative.

    Hi all. Yesterday was another busy day at work. I am still not caught up on work since getting back but I'll get there. I'm working from home the rest of this week for which I am glad. It's very cold here this morning and I have an electric wrap laying across my lap. I know it's not as cold as some places, I can't imagine how you all deal with the cold. It's 41F here right now. Even the people on the news are complaining about the cold lol. I am going to track my food today. I don't know if it will just be breakfast or if it will be all the meals. It depends on how I feel. My week starts over tomorrow so I may start full-on tomorrow.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, well after seeing the Dr yesterday, a few things I have to do. I have to exercise more for my bones (weight bearing) so looking back into my bands I have. AND I have to eat less carbs...LOL that will be the hardest. But you know, I still am walking, breathing, and sitting with a cover over me so I am warm. LOL

    @trooworld I get it we aren't used to the cold. I lived in it for years and when people ask me if I want to ever move...the answer is a BIG NO. I don't want to drive in snow, dress for snow, look at snow..LOL. I say your mindset says start tomorrow, but your coach would tell you to start today tracking..LOL. I hope you get caught up quicker than you think it will take you.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    edited February 2023
    @gemwolf110 Happy Belated Valentines to you.

    @Tamevv I hear you on the strength training calories. I used to love to lift weights. Then I got a Fitbit in 2012 and saw that I didn't burn as many calories. So I stopped and did only cardio. Then later I've decided that more muscle mass on my body will burn more calories while I'm at rest. Weight training will strengthen my bones as I age. Plus 5 lbs of muscle on my body takes up less space than 5 lbs of fat. So I ignore the calorie burn plus how much lower my heart rate is. It's good for my body. I did some cardio dance plus a YouTube videos to 70s music, some weights for chest/back/shoulder and then some stretching. That was on Tuesday. Yesterday I did my treadmill hill/sprint program.

    @trooworld Welcome back we missed you. Sorry hubby is sick.

    @cbabie What fruits could you grab as easy as you grab a bowl of cereal? I know easy is what you are looking for. Which ones do you like? Or how about a piece of fruit and string cheese? I can eat the same foods too. They just aren't the healthy ones I need for my body. lol I could have a bag of popcorn every day for lunch. But.....
    So think of doing what you heard the dr say in little spurts. You have to exercise more. If you did zero min yesterday then 5 min today would be more. You have to eat less carbs. If you ate 200 carbs yesterday then eating 190 carbs would be less. Our minds think of big jumps when we are told to do these things. Just do better than you did the day before to get to where the numbers be it on the scale or lab tests start going in the right direction. Sounds like you have sick ones at home too.

    So for a little mindset shift @cbabie Look at how those phrases in bold are worded. Your words. Actually you don't have to do any of those things but the consequences won't be good for you nor your family. So how about telling yourself I want to exercise more. I want to eat less carbs.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all... @cbabie you would not like our weather today! We were supposed to maybe miss the snow, but instead we have at least 4" and it is still coming down, lol. Good day for staying inside, but going to make chili & missing some ingredients. Oh well, improvise, I have the basics.

    @trooworld Glad you are back home & back to normal routine. That always feels good to me. Sorry your dh is sick, hope it isn't Covid. My dd has been sick, the last Dr said sinus & strep throat. Still sick so went again and this time different Dr was sure it was the new strain of Covid. But the PCR test said no, so evidently just bronchitis. Hope your dh feels better quickly & you don't get sick.

    @cbabie It does sound like you have sickness in your house, hope you stay well. I agree with slightedge, just try to do better than yesterday and work from there. Glad you are getting all your checkups done, they are important at our age, and easy to put off.

    @Tamevv I have started some senior exercises that use body weight & dumbbells. I am kinda embarrassed how light of weights I am using, but gotta start somewhere. I switch between 2 sizes, somethings I can use a little heavier weight. I am older than you, so playing a little catchup, lol. Be glad you are starting now & you won't have to. It is so important for our health. Good job tracking!!

    @senoritafloridita Sorry you were having a tough time, Nov & Dec were not good for me either, and I haven't been sick, lol. Slowly getting back with it & trying to take off the 6# I gained. Hope you and ds feel lots better soon.

    @theslightedgeforever Good advice in your last posts. Are you getting snow? Maybe coming your way tomorrow, lol. It has been snowing ever since I got up. I am curious about your new food labels. That sounds like something I would like do, I like the idea of the different color foods, some of my books go along that line. How will you post something you make that is comprised of different things..break it down according to the colors? I think it would really show your healthy vs unhealthy foods. Of course, my dark chocolate would go under healthy...

    I have been doing pretty well with exercise, trying to make my treadmill walk a nonnegotiable, even if not so long, other than Sunday. It is rest day, unless I decide to do a walk. I do 30 minutes in morning at Cardio speed, and if I don't have my 10,000 steps by later afternoon, I have been doing a slower walk while reading or watching tv. I am also trying to get consistent with the senior exercises, right now doing strength, core, or yoga, depending on what I have done the last time. It helps that I am retired and have lots of time to do it. My eating has also been a little more on point, too. Tracking is not a problem for me, I have done it so long, it is just habit. Staying within my calories is where I have work to do.

    Hope everyone has a great week.