

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Tina hmm. Interesting option, thanks. That bike is affordable, probably about the cost of five Physical therapy co-pays. I'm not sure I have the room for it though. I have had this bad knee for so long it might be time to get more serious about working on it. Would the bike work okay on carpet with cement underneath? It might settle into a dent in the carpet and stabilize that way.

    Annie in Delaware

    If you get one, just make sure you can set it up correctly, or you will have more knee problems.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    Women 50+ Friends—I have no idea how to fix the mess from MFP. I would love your help to fix it if possible. I hope things can go back to the way it has always been and return my ID. Katla & Katla 49 are both okay. I’d love to see Schooner’s photo again. I don’t have the skill to fix it the problem.


    I know you've never signed out before, but now is the time.

    1. Sign out of MFP
    2. Sign back in again using Katla49

    That should do it. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Expectations.......I expect coworkers to help pick up slack if I am incapacitated. I expect my coworkers to do the job correctly when I am not there. I expect that my coworkers will get all the information on units and customers. I expect coworkers to care about their jobs and customers. I expect coworkers to take pride in their job. I apparently need to adjust my expectations. I have work to do. I corrected improperly inputted repair orders. Put in information that they didn't put into computer on units both sold and in for repair. Now need to total invoices that they didn't even attempt to do for the two days I was absent. I knew this would happen, yet get frustrated when I come back to have to fix stuffs. This is why vacations can be stressful. Just needed to get that off my mind.

    Love you All!
    Kylia in Ohio
    kymarai wrote: »
    Okie and Ginny- I love your ideas. Unfortunately, the customers are the ones inconvenienced when others don't step up. Their belief is the old way worked forever so there is no reason to change. The customers actually appreciate that we can find their unit without a claim check, know how old their unit is, know how many hours they have put on the unit since last service, and what parts they need if they forget to bring in their numbers with them. New stuff/changes are always a struggle with this family whether in business or home. (It did take my DH 15 years to ask me to marry him!) Some days I just get tired of trying so hard. Hugs!

    I still haven't gotten any work done. Oh well, will wait until tomorrow.

    Love you Ladies,
    Kylia in Ohio

    Lowering expectations helps ward off disappointment.

    Have your coworkers been trained in the new system?
    Is there any way the new system can be modified to be more like how they work?

    Machka in Oz

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Covid vaccines this morning - so far, arm is a little sore; we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

    Just got home from spending about 4 hours with LillyBell and Rory and their mom & dad. Lillybell is 3 and Rory is 8 weeks old. Both doing great. We cuddled and played while mom & dad straightened up the house and got dinner. They swear it was helpful. lol they’re brainwashed

    I adore “lounging Miles”...so stinkin’ cute!

    Super tired, guess I’ll turn in.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member

    Welcome to all the newcomers here. :):)

    By posting here, you have joined the thread.

    This is a busy thread where we talk about all sorts of things. Feel free to jump in where you like.

    On March 1, there will be a new thread ... please watch for that and join us over there.

    Machka in Oz
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies! :)

    Kim: Oh yeah Rafiq will be up and walking day two! My mother (the retired stern nurse) may need to come and stay if he doesn’t cooperate! Seriously though, he truly has been fortunate to keep his body in great condition. The knee issues stem from him being a tree surgeon with lots of climbing. The pressure of driving the stakes into the trees for over 40 years took their toll on him.

    Michele: I have wondered about the same and the “herd mentality” theory. I don’t know if there is an absolute answer. Kind of like the flu its contagious and floating in the air.

    Belinda: Noom is great for a mind reset, but it can’t replace the value of Pals here! <3

    Machka: Thanks for the link! The book is about 8 inches thick. I feel so intimidated all I could do was ruffle the pages! I’ll get with the program next week for sure.

    Lisa: Your saying I’m a strong woman made me feel tingly inside. o:) I think you, more than many others. know that PTSD is not just caused from going to war. I have PTSD from growing up in a dysfunctional family. Many others have had other circumstances that have resulted in them having it as well. However, before I wax eloquently on that theme, I want you to encourage your daughter to participate in all the counseling the VA has to offer with or without her husband. I can’t tell you how much it helped me individually as well as us as a couple. If there are local veterans groups she may want to get involved with them as well. Sometimes it just helps to be able to tell someone “My husband acted like a nut last night.” PS, I think its great you know how to use a French Press! :D

    Night Y'all!

    Tere in Chester VA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
    Machka- coworker picked the system without input from me. She doesn't use it for her book keeping, only used for front counter and customers. It isn't complicated. There was no training for the system. I asked for 3 weeks for any information about it before it was installed so that I could learn, nope, she didn't even give me the name of the system. Once it was installed I found you tube and company videos to figure it out. I wrote out instructions, simplified and step by step. Search first, then input customer info...name, phone number, address, and email. Add their equipment model/serial number, engine number and hours if riding equipment. Basic. If ordering parts, put in computer as a backorder to help keep inventory straight. It takes a little time up front but takes less time in future. She just doesn't see the value of all of that information as she rarely works the front counter unless I am gone. The minute I am there she rarely comes out of office or leaves early. You are correct, lowering expectations would lessen disappointment.

    Thank you for taking time to answer back. Yes, could be PTSD as that was a life changing experience. I still can't watch shows with eye injuries. Makes me nauseous. Hugs and Deep breaths help. It has gotten easier most of the time. I do have to implement some of the other ladies strategies when dealing with DH when he is having a bad day due to lessened eye sight. Those days have gotten less, but do spring up at odd times.

    Back to work tomorrow. 😒 The upside are most of my customers are great!

    Kylia sleepy in Ohio.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member
    Pip lol how can making chocolate chip cookies be 100 calories? For me, I would eat several, so closer to minus 600. You made me laugh. You are such an inspiration!

    Ask my Apple Watch, that and making the tea, all that standing and walking back and forth.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    Women 50+ Friends—I have no idea how to fix the mess from MFP. I would love your help to fix it if possible. I hope things can go back to the way it has always been and return my ID. Katla & Katla 49 are both okay. I’d love to see Schooner’s photo again. I don’t have the skill to fix it the problem.


    Did u try the suggestion that the peeps on here have given? Log out and log back in with your katla name and password?
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,867 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    I do not know how to log out.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Pip, Annie was making a little joke about not being able to resist eating cookies while making cookies, resulting in calories in the red instead of in the black. She was saying you are the bomb for being able to make cookies without eating several while you were making them. :)<3o:)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited February 2023
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    I do not know how to log out.


    OK, Katla, since you are on your phone, the first question is - are you using the MFP app? Do you click on an icon on your phone that looks like this? 6bufb0z8a6se.jpeg

    Or are you using the search bar on a browser like Safari, Google, etc.?
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    All intentions satisfied yesterday. We picked up grandson, and visited a garden centre in the way to DED’s house.

    We went to buy our usual seeds for early planting last Thursday and couldn’t get tomato seeds in any if our local centres. Tomatoes are in short supply in the stores because of extreme weather in Mediterranean countries at the minute, so people are panic buying tomato seeds?

    ‘slanting solar beams
    chase dark night shades away
    turning drab to gold’
    Sadly no golden sunbeams this morning.

    Intentions for today:
    📍am: prep for Monday Painters
    📍2pm: Monday Painters
    📍general chores
    📍solid habits

    Ginny: Good to know that you are on the mend.
    Machka: I so agree about lifelong learning. Hence my volunteering as a group leader for my charity. Sharing knowledge and expertise benefits both our members and myself.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for all those those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri