60 lbs by March- September



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Penny-great effort today!! and with the fruits and veggies in the house now...you should be good to go!! WOOT!! as for the "trouble" areas....it sucks that you can't really target lose fat...but you have got it right...cardio will burn fat from all over!! If you want to spot treat those areas I recommend a little strength training on top of it!! My arms were one of my biggest issues, and JM Shred and Ripped DVDs have really helped me tone them specifically! I lost 1" per bicep with my 30 days of shred, and I will be doing my measurements from ripped on Wed to see what that has done for me!!

    cloneme-wtg on taking the first step!!! 60lbs by March is a steep goal to have...but if you stay motivated and dedicated it is totally possible!!! It would be just over 10lbs/ month...are you ready for the challenge?? I lost my first 60 in 7 months...so I was close to it :) point being...just keep doing what you know is right, and no matter how close you come to that goal by March, you will know that you did everything you could and can hold your head up high!

    AFM-moving on this week...really hoping to hit my goal weight by the new year...we shall see!?!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    reposting mine since we did measurements tonight
    9/11/11 9/18/11
    CW: 260.5 CW:259
    GW: 150 GW: 150
    September GW: 255 September GW:255
    Waist: 51.5 Waist: 49.5
    Hips: 61 Hips: 61
    Chest: 50 Chest: 47
    Right Thigh: 29 Thighs - 28
    Left Thigh: 29
    Right Arm: 15.5
    Left Arm: 15.5
    The plan: work out at least 30 minutes/day 5x/week
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups a day minimum
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    reposting mine since we did measurements tonight
    9/11/11 9/18/11
    CW: 260.5 CW:259
    GW: 150 GW: 150
    September GW: 255 September GW:255
    Waist: 51.5 Waist: 49.5
    Hips: 61 Hips: 61
    Chest: 50 Chest: 47
    Right Thigh: 29 Thighs - 28
    Left Thigh: 29
    Right Arm: 15.5
    Left Arm: 15.5
    The plan: work out at least 30 minutes/day 5x/week
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups a day minimum
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    reposting mine since we did measurements tonight
    9/11/11 9/18/11
    CW: 260.5 CW:259
    GW: 150 GW: 150
    September GW: 255 September GW:255
    Waist: 51.5 Waist: 49.5
    Hips: 61 Hips: 61
    Chest: 50 Chest: 47
    Right Thigh: 29 Thighs - 28
    Left Thigh: 29
    Right Arm: 15.5 Arms 15.25
    Left Arm: 15.5
    The plan: work out at least 30 minutes/day 5x/week
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups a day minimum
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    I'm going to pass on the challenge for this week...just because my brain is already a bit overwhelmed with the changes I'm working on. Thanks for the invite, though. Hopefully I'll get in on the next one. :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Shell-great job on your loss this week!!

    Catherine-I'll letcha know if and what the challenge is next week!

    AFM-I finished "Ripped in 30"!!! I am super stoked to see my final results after my rest day tomorrow!! WOOT!
  • jesstroxel
    Shell- Great loss this week!!

    Tara- I was under my calorie goal and had more than 5 fruits and veggies. Plus I was under my sodium!! I dont remember the last time I was able to say that.

    Good luck this week ladies!!
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member

    Thank you so much for taking the time to post the encouraging words. I know 60 lbs is a difficult challenge for a six month period. I just know if I set my goals too low then I beat myself wondering if I could have done better. If I set them "just outta reach" to "it will take a lot of hard work" then I know at the end whether I hit the goal or not I have definately done my best. (I'm weird) Anyway, tomorrow is my 1 week weigh in. I hopped on the scale this morning and was -10. Tomorrow's weigh in I am not sure will hold as good as today's but heck I will even take just a -5 on the scale!
  • jesstroxel
    Cloneme- Good Luck tomorrow!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jess-you did have an awesome day!! WTG! and let's see a repeat tomorrow!! :drinker:

    cloneme-i may be confused...did you say that you lost 10lbs in your first 6 days??? and you wanna lose ANOTHER 5lbs before tomorrow?? LOL sorry I think I am readin ya wrong there?! *fingers crossed* for a great weigh-in tomorrow though! :bigsmile:
  • jesstroxel
    Tara- I was under my calorie goal but 0 on fruits and veggies.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member

    Oh no!!! 15 would have been a nice loss but what I meant is I would have even been happy for my 7 day loss to be -5. Six day said it was -10 but I was not getting excited ahead of time. But it was a -10 for the first week. :D
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jess-good job on your cals....better luck tomorrow for the veggies/fruit!! you can do it girl!!

    cloneme-great loss for your frist week...just remember...it will slow down a bit as youprgress :) so don't get discouraged...you are doing great!

    I got in all of my fruits/veggies and stayed under my cals :)
  • silveryflutterby
    Penny- I'm sure it feels awesome to be down 2 lbs! Awesome. I have bigger arms and thighs too and since I still have a lot to lose they are definitely flabby. I know they will tighten as I lose weight, but I'm worried that my arms won't get as small as I would like. I know my thighs won't...I was born with big thighs...good job on coming in under your calories.

    cloneme- my birthday is in March also and I really would like to hit my goal weight by then. Good luck to you and welcome to the group. And congrats on having such a great loss for your first week!! :)

    shell- nice job on losing some inches and weight!!!

    Jess- nice job being under on sodium. That was hard for me when I first joined.

    Tara- SO proud of you for finishing Ripped!!! You are so awesome girl. Can't wait to hear what your results are!

    I have been coming in under calories and over fruits and veggies, so doing well so far! Haven't made it to the elliptical as I have had a busy week, but I'm going to try and reorganize my schedule for next week and fit it in somehow because I MISS working out!! :) Have a great week everyone!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tasha-thanks! and great job with your food this week!! the working out will fall back into place soo too!!
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, everyone! Hope you're having a great week so far. I'm seeing so many excellent food diaries...and thinking about making mine public in the next couple weeks. Do you feel like you stay on track better knowing that others will see your diary? I think it looks like a great way for getting feedback. I'm just not great at taking direct, negative feedback yet, so I'm a little worried about that.

    Hoping to lose a pound (or two!) at this week's weigh in. The week hasn't been perfect, but I've stayed on track for the most part.

    How are all of you doing?
  • Fahrenholz02
    I just found a stack of jeans that I had stuffed in the back of my closet that WAS too small. But now they are almost too BIG!! I am super excited that I saved them since I was down to one pair of pants that fit. Doing laundry all the time is a pain! And I refused to buy any clothes till I absolutely needed to (with was going to be soon lol). Now I have 9 pairs of pants to get me for awhile, but hopefully they won't fit for long!

    CatherineMH - I recently opened my diary up and I haven't received any negative feedback. And it does help when you are thinking about having something that you shouldn't. It's nice to hear other people tell you that you did a good job.

    Cloneme- Good job on your loss!

    Good luck to everyone in this weeks weigh in! I am going to try very hard to eat better this weekend. It's a fault of mine to just grab something to eat in town and it's not always healthy.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-great job with your logging!!! as for opening your diary to others...I didn't do it until I was like 6 months in, because I was scared of the same thing. But I found out that you will NOT get any negative feedback unless you deserve it! in other words...if you are binging every day or consistently coming in way too LOW on your cals you may hear something about it, otherwise you should get nothing but positive feedback and I am glad that I finally did open mine :)

    Fahrenhold-CONGRATS on your NSV!!! that is an awesome feeling to be able to not only fit into clothes that used to be too small, but to also have some of them be lose...wtg!!!

    AFM-busy week over here with the bf getting ready to move in and the kiddo being sick!!! but i have logged everything, met all of my personal goals for the week so far, gotten in all of my planned workouts and have been under my cals every day! WOOT!!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Catherine- I hope you have a good WI too! I was also nervous about opening my diary and having people see my bad days, but I've found that it does give me a little extra motivation to make sure I'm proud of everything I log. I haven't ever had anyone leave negative comments, but I think it maybe depends on your friends too. All my friends are encouraging and positive so if I have a bad a bad comment. If I have a bad day, they will just say, "good job logging at least" or something like that. :) You might just try it and see if it helps. If it's not for you, then just close it back up. It's all about what's best for you. :)

    Fahren- That is awesome!!! I have jeans in many sizes from gaining. Can't wait to go down to the next size because I'm down to 3 pair right now and have more in the next size down. :)

    Tara- Great job this week. I'm really hoping it shows on the scale!! That is a lot going on. Congrats on having the bf move in. Exciting! :D

    I have done well and stayed on track all week! I'm feeling proud of myself and wondering why I can't make every week like this one. Going to reward myself with some "not so healthy" food tomorrow after the WI. Good luck to everyone!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tanya-thanks girl!!! no cap'n tonight but let's cheers our water for a good weigh-in this week...we both deserve it!