Come to Jesus Talk



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    edited March 2023
    I don’t mean to be a stickler, but I guess that I will be, because this is the phrase that you originally quoted, “Sugar is killing me and I’m forfeiting my destiny by giving in to the seduction of it”, which is about me.

    Anyways, I’m not on here to debate and if I give out information that doesn’t apply to someone they can disregard it.

    I do appreciate your response though!

    To back up my claim of fructose being an appetite stimulant please visit at the bottom of the page there are several legitimate citations. Very very interesting read!

    The researchers' conclusions seem a little less dramatic than "sugar literally makes our bodies incapable of sensing satiety". How the popular press reported those findings . . . well, they're a little more click-bait-y. But even they have a lot of "may", "possibly" and "results suggest" kind of language, too. Until you get to the cheap-cr*p ones, anyway.

    A site named ""? Yeah, sure, I'd anticipate that's a sober-minded, analytic, balanced site. Not. Did you read the studies it linked? I did. Same deal there: Lots more cautious terminology than at, unsurprisingly. Fructose vs. glucose processing in the body is interesting, provocative, maybe actionable for us individually in some ways . . . but again way more nuanced than "sugar literally makes our bodies incapable of sensing satiety". (I understand the difference between sugar and fructose, just as an aside.)

    Personally, I eat quite a lot of fructose every day, because I adore fruit, and many fruits have plentiful fructose (also a bunch of excellent micros, lots of fiber, beneficial phytochemicals, often useful prebiotics). On top of that, some of my favorite veggies are relatively higher fructose (broccoli, onions, peas . . . .). I eat molasses every day (around 13% fructose).

    I don't have Hashi's, but I'm severely hypothyroid (medicated). I was overweight/obese for around 30 years, at least a dozen of that while hypo. For the most recent 7+ years, I haven't even been even remotely close to obese (currently low 130s pounds at 5'5"). I probably eat more fruit than I did when I was fat. (Hard to tell relative fructose intake, I admit - I didn't log or even pay much attention when I was fat, despite being a pretty healthy eater (just eating too much).

    I understand wanting to defend an assertion, or an opinion. Still - and don't I know it! - defending our opinions is IMO not as useful than continually questioning and critiquing them (which is also harder). I also know that it's easy - tempting, even - to be hyperbolic when I've reached a conclusion.

    You're an intelligent woman. That's a superpower.

    P.S. I trimmed the prior quotes to just the one I was responding to, which I don't like to do. Honestly, I messed up the quote tags somewhere in there, tried to fix it properly, and haven't succeeded. I'm sorry. With apologies: Other readers, please read the previous context of the thread to get a fair understanding of where everyone is coming from.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    edited March 2023
    Day one no sweets I'm going to try to give up on eating desserts and eating more vegetables and fruit instead of dessert. I'm a person right now could live on just eating desserts but I'm going to change that with will power and God's strength to help me. My husband eating them chocolate marshmallow eggs in front of me wasn't easy but I made it 😃
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 457 Member
    @nanerkay ~ it helped me to delink/untie the eating...
    I hear what you are saying about thinking of food - it can invade everything - and somethings are right, good and appropriate - we do need to carve time to find/acquire food to eat, prepare it/make it available - time to eat and enjoy it - guilt free... then that time ends and it is time to do other things.

    have you ever noticed, you're not even hungry, some tv ad for food comes on then you're ready to hop in the car and go get it??? Those are the 'whatever other reasons' that don't solve a real food problem - it's not because I'm hungry - it's not because my body needs more food to be nourished - it's because some company wants to get rich because they lit a stick of tnt under my tukus on the couch to get up and go pay them $$ for some twinkly piece of food - lol... yeah, they would empty my wallet for a few boxes of donuts!!!

    addressing the squirrely thinking - the thoughts that come up saying *poke more food in my mouth* because other bad/good things are going on - I sometimes ask myself - is this a real body/necessary reason to eat food? Or is this a non-food reason that makes me want to eat but if I eat it - will that fix the problem??? um, No!
    --rage eating (like chain smoking cigarettes) - I think dealing with strong negative emotions - especially emotional conflict like difficult marriages - for me, those are the toughest urges to eat to ignore/change/resist. When I was really 'upset' I used to 'chain smoke' - i realized one day that I was doing that with food - for example grab a big bag of chips and crunch them fast. Did eating the chips fast fix the problem? No. Did chain smoking fix the problem? no.
    -- so breaking the chain from the trigger (strong emotions) to the EXCESS eating/EXCESS smoking is something I work on. Is it a real body needs food reason? then eat. If no - stop. do something else to soothe the emotion.

    fwiw, Hope this helps :)
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2023
    Yes that was the phrase I said was a tad hyperbolic. That one is about you. I don't dispute that.

    Your following post was the one that said " Did you know fructose is an appetite stimulant? Google it! Sugar literally makes our bodies incapable of sensing satiety."

    - which certainly comes across as an 'our bodies' and people in general, not just yourself."

    It was clearly not just about yourself.

    And the article you showed is somebody's suggestions, along with some scientific information about hunger hormones.
    That isnt at all 'sugar literally making our bodies incapable of sensing satiety.'

    People can disregard information - or they can politely point out it is incorrect.

    Point taken. Next time quote me on the particular part of my post that you find misleading and not applying to people in general. You originally quoted me on something very personal. Anyways, I can post whatever nonsense I feel inclined to. Sugar is bad, sugar is the devil. Sorry, not sorry. Sugar is an appetite stimulant and does affect satiety.

    “Foods with a higher GI, such as drinks sweetened with sugar, are rapidly digested and absorbed and provoke a rapid increase in blood glucose, a fact that exacerbates hunger and favors hyperphagia, since these food are unable to stimulate the mechanisms of satiety [12].”

  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    I'm trying my best to avoid sugar in my diet. I'm diabetic and I got a scareover some blood work results on kidney function but my doctor said it was nothing to worry about right now. I lost a brother in law a few years back to kindly failure. So I'm fully aware of how diabetes can mess you up. So day 2 no sweets

    I drink a lot of water every day most days 8 to 10 glasses of water. Most people get up and get a coffee first thing in the morning not me it's a 16.9 oz bottle of water.

    I hear you and I'm hoping for healing for you and a good diagnosis. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother in law. My aunt has CKD and it's been a real challenge. It's never too late to stop poisoning with sugar. I've cut way back because my mom has diabetes and my aunt does too and I see how much pain they have been through. We are all very addicted to sugar in our family and love baking :(

    Keep up that water drinking and sugar avoiding! (((hugs)))

    P.S. if you are interested listen to Dr. Anthony Chaffee on high protein diets about 5 minutes in he talks about kidneys and protein
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2023

    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    You're an intelligent woman. That's a superpower.

    P.S. I trimmed the prior quotes to just the one I was responding to, which I don't like to do. Honestly, I messed up the quote tags somewhere in there, tried to fix it properly, and haven't succeeded. I'm sorry. With apologies: Other readers, please read the previous context of the thread to get a fair understanding of where everyone is coming from.

    1) "You're an intelligent woman. That's a superpower." - aw thanks I really try, but most days fail
    2) I agree with your statement about "cautious terminology" - I plan to find some more definitive studies, because they are out there
    3) I love fruit too and have not cut that out completely, but view it as a treat. - my problem is more with table sugar and all the sugar alcohols
    4) I'm sorry about your hypo it's difficult to deal with and I believe that you will overcome - speaking from experience I was diagnosed with Autoimmune liver disease as well and going meat-based with the occasional treat here and there helped me go into remission, which is HUGE for me. I was in constant pain and fatigue from that
    5) I haven't stopped questioning or critiquing, but when I notice something that has really made a difference I can get kind of excited - honestly I'm more thinking it's cutting processed stuff and table sugar and bread that really made the difference for me - still working on the weight part lol - congrats on your weight loss, I bet you feel much better

  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    Day one no sweets I'm going to try to give up on eating desserts and eating more vegetables and fruit instead of dessert. I'm a person right now could live on just eating desserts but I'm going to change that with will power and God's strength to help me. My husband eating them chocolate marshmallow eggs in front of me wasn't easy but I made it 😃

    ooh my yes! my husband does the same thing God bless him :neutral: Upping your intake of meat can help you feel more satisfied too. I'm way less ravenous if I make some fried eggs and butter for breakfast and munch on jerky and boiled eggs during the day.

    Good luck to you!!
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @nanerkay ~

    addressing the squirrely thinking - the thoughts that come up saying *poke more food in my mouth* because other bad/good things are going on - I sometimes ask myself - is this a real body/necessary reason to eat food? Or is this a non-food reason that makes me want to eat but if I eat it - will that fix the problem??? um, No!
    --rage eating (like chain smoking cigarettes) - I think dealing with strong negative emotions - especially emotional conflict like difficult marriages - for me, those are the toughest urges to eat to ignore/change/resist. When I was really 'upset' I used to 'chain smoke' - i realized one day that I was doing that with food - for example grab a big bag of chips and crunch them fast. Did eating the chips fast fix the problem? No. Did chain smoking fix the problem? no.
    -- so breaking the chain from the trigger (strong emotions) to the EXCESS eating/EXCESS smoking is something I work on. Is it a real body needs food reason? then eat. If no - stop. do something else to soothe the emotion.

    fwiw, Hope this helps :)

    I do this... I used to binge really bad until I would be sick. I still haven't found a solid solution for this other than distracting myself with crafts and writing script.

    What are some ways that you deal with the stress without smoking or eating junk food? Oh gosh now I'm thinking about cigarettes... ugh :tired_face:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    edited March 2023
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I don’t mean to be a stickler, but I guess that I will be, because this is the phrase that you originally quoted, “Sugar is killing me and I’m forfeiting my destiny by giving in to the seduction of it”, which is about me.

    Anyways, I’m not on here to debate and if I give out information that doesn’t apply to someone they can disregard it.

    I do appreciate your response though!

    To back up my claim of fructose being an appetite stimulant please visit at the bottom of the page there are several legitimate citations. Very very interesting read!

    The researchers' conclusions seem a little less dramatic than "sugar literally makes our bodies incapable of sensing satiety". How the popular press reported those findings . . . well, they're a little more click-bait-y. But even they have a lot of "may", "possibly" and "results suggest" kind of language, too. Until you get to the cheap-cr*p ones, anyway.

    A site named ""? Yeah, sure, I'd anticipate that's a sober-minded, analytic, balanced site. Not. Did you read the studies it linked? I did. Same deal there: Lots more cautious terminology than at, unsurprisingly. Fructose vs. glucose processing in the body is interesting, provocative, maybe actionable for us individually in some ways . . . but again way more nuanced than "sugar literally makes our bodies incapable of sensing satiety". (I understand the difference between sugar and fructose, just as an aside.)

    Personally, I eat quite a lot of fructose every day, because I adore fruit, and many fruits have plentiful fructose (also a bunch of excellent micros, lots of fiber, beneficial phytochemicals, often useful prebiotics). On top of that, some of my favorite veggies are relatively higher fructose (broccoli, onions, peas . . . .). I eat molasses every day (around 13% fructose).

    I don't have Hashi's, but I'm severely hypothyroid (medicated). I was overweight/obese for around 30 years, at least a dozen of that while hypo. For the most recent 7+ years, I haven't even been even remotely close to obese (currently low 130s pounds at 5'5"). I probably eat more fruit than I did when I was fat. (Hard to tell relative fructose intake, I admit - I didn't log or even pay much attention when I was fat, despite being a pretty healthy eater (just eating too much).

    I understand wanting to defend an assertion, or an opinion. Still - and don't I know it! - defending our opinions is IMO not as useful than continually questioning and critiquing them (which is also harder). I also know that it's easy - tempting, even - to be hyperbolic when I've reached a conclusion.

    You're an intelligent woman. That's a superpower.

    P.S. I trimmed the prior quotes to just the one I was responding to, which I don't like to do. Honestly, I messed up the quote tags somewhere in there, tried to fix it properly, and haven't succeeded. I'm sorry. With apologies: Other readers, please read the previous context of the thread to get a fair understanding of where everyone is coming from.

    Yeah, even though the science does show fructose having less effect on satiety signaling overall we don't consume fructose in isolation and doesn't appear anywhere in the food supply and when we look closer, there's no smoking gun against fructose in that context, and fruit is the perfect example, the basic I told you so example considering fruit is not being consumed much differently than it always has.

    However when the general population talks about sugar and the effects it has on their n:1 uncontrollable situations it's about foods high in sugar generally and examples are things like desserts, cookies, soft drinks/sports drinks/chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and many other examples. These examples are also considered ultra palatable and mostly ultra processed which slide into that slot along with the fats and highly refined carbohydrates and of course salt that are the basic make up of these foods and the overall science looking at these foods, which whatever lens you use to look at these is not flattering at all, and feeding behaviors are no exception. imo. Cheers
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    You're an intelligent woman. That's a superpower.

    P.S. I trimmed the prior quotes to just the one I was responding to, which I don't like to do. Honestly, I messed up the quote tags somewhere in there, tried to fix it properly, and haven't succeeded. I'm sorry. With apologies: Other readers, please read the previous context of the thread to get a fair understanding of where everyone is coming from.

    1) "You're an intelligent woman. That's a superpower." - aw thanks I really try, but most days fail
    2) I agree with your statement about "cautious terminology" - I plan to find some more definitive studies, because they are out there
    3) I love fruit too and have not cut that out completely, but view it as a treat. - my problem is more with table sugar and all the sugar alcohols
    4) I'm sorry about your hypo it's difficult to deal with and I believe that you will overcome - speaking from experience I was diagnosed with Autoimmune liver disease as well and going meat-based with the occasional treat here and there helped me go into remission, which is HUGE for me. I was in constant pain and fatigue from that
    5) I haven't stopped questioning or critiquing, but when I notice something that has really made a difference I can get kind of excited - honestly I'm more thinking it's cutting processed stuff and table sugar and bread that really made the difference for me - still working on the weight part lol - congrats on your weight loss, I bet you feel much better

    Thank you for that (the bolded), but for clarity I haven't particularly found my hypothyroidism to have any negative affect on weight management at all, for me, given that I'm properly medicated for it. I lost from just over the line into class 1 obese to a healthy weight in 2015-16 in a bit less than a year (after around 30 previous years of overweight/obesity), and have stayed at a healthy weight for 7+ years now since that loss, thanks in large part to MFP.

    I'm very sympathetic, though, to the fact that some health conditions do have an impact for some people, including hypothyroidism.
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    ktiesue wrote: »
    Hi PrettyAlaskan! You are such a hard worker! You will get there! And you know your destiny of being a photographer! Nothing can stop you. I agree with your prayer! It is done in Jesus name 🙏

    Thank you!!
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    Be thankful that you've recognized that being anxious and worried changes anything, and in fact makes it worse. Be grateful, love yourself and begin to accept that you can make a difference and you will. Cheers.

    thank you neanderthin! I love your username :smiley:
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    *peeks in*


    I'm sorry but sugar is NOT poison. For diabetics, sure. Limit it but you don't have to completely cut it out. For people NOT me who probably could have been if I hadn't lost all the weight I'd lost...I'd be dead 90 times over if sugar was poison. Sugar is a food group for me :)

    PLEASE stop demonizing food.

    well not even for diabetics.

    Of course they have to limit their sugar intake much more than the general population - but it isnt a matter of it being poison - they can have small controlled amounts

    and of course for diabetics sugar can be a lifesaver - type 1 diabetics going into hypos get revived with sugar - usually in the form of jelly babies or suchlike.

  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    I'm trying my best to avoid sugar in my diet. I'm diabetic and I got a scareover some blood work results on kidney function but my doctor said it was nothing to worry about right now. I lost a brother in law a few years back to kindly failure. So I'm fully aware of how diabetes can mess you up. So day 2 no sweets

    I drink a lot of water every day most days 8 to 10 glasses of water. Most people get up and get a coffee first thing in the morning not me it's a 16.9 oz bottle of water.

    I hear you and I'm hoping for healing for you and a good diagnosis. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother in law. My aunt has CKD and it's been a real challenge. It's never too late to stop poisoning with sugar. I've cut way back because my mom has diabetes and my aunt does too and I see how much pain they have been through. We are all very addicted to sugar in our family and love baking :(

    Keep up that water drinking and sugar avoiding! (((hugs)))

    P.S. if you are interested listen to Dr. Anthony Chaffee on high protein diets about 5 minutes in he talks about kidneys and protein

    Thank you I'll pray for your family and like your family we're big on baking and dinners. We have Sunday dinner every Sunday that will be the big challenge .
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    I was happy and surprised I have two pairs of jeans that I like to wear I couldn't find them this morning they some how got mixed in with my daughters clothes. So I got out another that wouldn't fit before I couldn't even button them before. We was a Easter program practice.My daughter told me mom them pants are to baggie I could kiss her to death so I'll take it for a win.
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 457 Member
    for the win \O/ @nanerkay - yay you!

    @PrettyAlaskan ~ pondering thoughts, reply pending... :)

  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    *peeks in*


    I'm sorry but sugar is NOT poison. For diabetics, sure. Limit it but you don't have to completely cut it out. For people NOT me who probably could have been if I hadn't lost all the weight I'd lost...I'd be dead 90 times over if sugar was poison. Sugar is a food group for me :)

    PLEASE stop demonizing food.

    (I honestly never would have even looked in this thread but I thought the subject line was meant in humor and not literally.)

    :lol: haha made you look