Come to Jesus Talk



  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2023


    I thought it was obvious from context - but, sure, if it helps I will break quotes down to separate parts in future.

    Yes you can post 'whatever nonsense you feel inclined to' - others can then point out it is incorrect.

    Posting extreme statements like 'sugar is the devil' is likely to elicit such responses.

    I dont dispute, and I doubt anyone would, that some foods have a higher GI than others and that higher GI equates to rapidly digested and less satiating.

    But that isnt "Sugar literally makes our bodies incapable of sensing satiety."

    Plenty of foods with sugar in them can have low GI (GI refers to the entire food, not one ingredient) and what is satiating is individual.
    Like I said before.

    "Yes you can post 'whatever nonsense you feel inclined to' - others can then point out it is incorrect." - it's not 'incorrect' for everyone, so people can point out what they please - some people such as myself have an issue with sugar and it completely removes the feeling of satiety when consumed

    "Posting extreme statements like 'sugar is the devil' is likely to elicit such responses." - for me (and for some people that struggle with metabolic disorder) sugar is the devil - sometimes extreme measures are needed to remediate extreme life-altering/crippling diseases (ie. diabetes, autoimmune issues, and etc)

    "Plenty of foods with sugar in them can have low GI (GI refers to the entire food, not one ingredient) and what is satiating is individual." - perhaps I should have been more specific, I see table sugar, sugar alcohol, and junk food as drugs. I still treat myself with fruits and some vegetables, but I view all carbs as a treat. Overeating fruit is possible and can cause weight gain in some individuals and can also act as a "gateway drug" for people with addictive personalities. So I tread carefully when consuming any carbs.

  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    I was happy and surprised I have two pairs of jeans that I like to wear I couldn't find them this morning they some how got mixed in with my daughters clothes. So I got out another that wouldn't fit before I couldn't even button them before. We was a Easter program practice.My daughter told me mom them pants are to baggie I could kiss her to death so I'll take it for a win.

    Isn't that just the best feeling! :star: Congrats!! :star:
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 456 Member
    edited March 2023
    regarding the title of this thread - 'come to Jesus talk' has been a cultural saying within my family/friends & acquaintances - like 'let's get real' ~ frank ~ face the music ~ word ~ straight up! Hit me with your best shot ~ reality bites... It's a place to start. And for me, prayers & meditation & faith is a deeply held belief, faith and life approach - as in 'all things to our Lord in prayer' ~ this includes our struggles/needs - and for me personally, includes these kinds of issues...
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    *peeks in*


    I'm sorry but sugar is NOT poison. For diabetics, sure. Limit it but you don't have to completely cut it out. For people NOT me who probably could have been if I hadn't lost all the weight I'd lost...I'd be dead 90 times over if sugar was poison. Sugar is a food group for me :)

    PLEASE stop demonizing food.

    well not even for diabetics.

    Of course they have to limit their sugar intake much more than the general population - but it isnt a matter of it being poison - they can have small controlled amounts

    and of course for diabetics sugar can be a lifesaver - type 1 diabetics going into hypos get revived with sugar - usually in the form of jelly babies or suchlike.

    Good points there. I've found that dealing with diabetes is a balancing act. Eating a good amount of fatty meat can help sustain the blood sugar and if they still happen to have a crash having bananas and applesauce handy are very helpful. Think slow burning fuel, but it takes time to adapt to a fat burning state, so going "cold turkey" on all carbs for diabetics isn't a good idea. Natural sugars in a more whole-food state is the best way to taper down sugar intake. Just from observing this disease I see it's caused by eating too much processed sugar and foods. Those processed carbs act as a drug and often times it's necessary to taper off of drugs to avoid serious withdrawal side effects.
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    Yeah, even though the science does show fructose having less effect on satiety signaling overall we don't consume fructose in isolation and doesn't appear anywhere in the food supply and when we look closer, there's no smoking gun against fructose in that context, and fruit is the perfect example, the basic I told you so example considering fruit is not being consumed much differently than it always has.

    However when the general population talks about sugar and the effects it has on their n:1 uncontrollable situations it's about foods high in sugar generally and examples are things like desserts, cookies, soft drinks/sports drinks/chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and many other examples. These examples are also considered ultra palatable and mostly ultra processed which slide into that slot along with the fats and highly refined carbohydrates and of course salt that are the basic make up of these foods and the overall science looking at these foods, which whatever lens you use to look at these is not flattering at all, and feeding behaviors are no exception. imo. Cheers

    Hello :smile:

    "we don't consume fructose in isolation and doesn't appear anywhere in the food supply and when we look closer" - "Table sugar, called sucrose, is made from sugar cane or beets and is 50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose."

    "the basic I told you so example considering fruit is not being consumed much differently than it always has" - fruit is being juiced and blended into smoothies which in turn can contribute to major health issues such as NAFLD and not to mention fruit has been genetically modified to contain more naturally occurring sugars than ever before - just an example:

    However when the general population talks about sugar and the effects it has on their n:1 uncontrollable situations it's about foods high in sugar generally and examples are things like desserts, cookies, soft drinks/sports drinks/chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and many other examples. - My sister was dieting and decided drinking fruit smoothies was a great idea. She had her A1C tested prior to her diet and was fine, but a year into her new way of eating she was diagnosed with elevated A1C and Prediabetes. She quickly removed the smoothies since that was her only indulgence and her A1C normalized again.

  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    regarding the title of this thread - 'come to Jesus talk' has been a cultural saying within my family/friends & acquaintances - like 'let's get real' ~ frank ~ face the music ~ word ~ straight up! Hit me with your best shot ~ reality bites... It's a place to start. And for me, prayers & meditation & faith is a deeply held belief, faith and life approach - as in 'all things to our Lord in prayer' ~ this includes our struggles/needs - and for me personally, includes these kinds of issues...

    Yeah in ours too lol. My faith in God affects everything in my life.

    It's kind of cringe I know, but the original post was from my private health journal and I just copied and pasted here. It's been interesting reading all the responses :smile:
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 456 Member
    I've never considered the title phrase as a negative... but acknowledgement of a real concern - although it is often said in situations of negative emotions... for sure.
  • PrettyAlaskan
    PrettyAlaskan Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2023
    @LifeChangz ~
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @PrettyAlaskan ~ you asked how I address the evening bingeing (and former smoking) urges....

    for a long time, I didn't even realize my eating patterns had names...

    "In 1 of those books it describes various expressions of food addiction and my particular would be "volume food addiction expressed through binge eating" [and I would add - mostly evenings, over long periods - because once started can feel impossible to get stopped again." - Thanks for the book suggestions, I'm checking out the "overcoming binge eating" one. At one point when I was struggling with binge eating I remembered my stomach feeling full, but I just kept craving more "carbage" (AKA garbage). I since started keto and then went to mostly meat (I'm trying to do the carnivore diet). I tried binging on meat and literally could not. I was dumbfounded and could not even think of putting one more piece of food in my mouth, meat or carb. Something in meats just puts a stopper on it (could add in some links about animal fats, but don't want to open up that can of worms just yet), but then adding sugar back in makes me eat more of everything and then eventually binge again.

    "so often the fix is early to bed or relaxation activities like a warm bubble bath/shower or soothing hot cup of tea or laff tv/movie or reading by candlelight" - I like this suggestion, thanks

    "and, I realized that I was not able to 'stop and never binge again' and when I tried - it was emotionally distressing - so I started focusing on just getting through that 1 day or evening... The book Hungry by Alan Zadoff helped me and also the book 'the amazing adventures of dietgirl' by Reid - both of these people lost and kept off 125+ lbs and dealt with binge/compulsive overeating... both books had kernels of truth and ideas I found helpful." - I just added both these books to my cart. I'm going to try to binge on reading instead of carbage. It's hard to get the stuff out of the house, because my kids are big enough that they bake brownies and stuff and my husband drags in soda and chips too.

    Thanks for the photo too, I will put that as my background on my phone for a while.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    edited March 2023
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    Yeah, even though the science does show fructose having less effect on satiety signaling overall we don't consume fructose in isolation and doesn't appear anywhere in the food supply and when we look closer, there's no smoking gun against fructose in that context, and fruit is the perfect example, the basic I told you so example considering fruit is not being consumed much differently than it always has.

    However when the general population talks about sugar and the effects it has on their n:1 uncontrollable situations it's about foods high in sugar generally and examples are things like desserts, cookies, soft drinks/sports drinks/chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and many other examples. These examples are also considered ultra palatable and mostly ultra processed which slide into that slot along with the fats and highly refined carbohydrates and of course salt that are the basic make up of these foods and the overall science looking at these foods, which whatever lens you use to look at these is not flattering at all, and feeding behaviors are no exception. imo. Cheers

    Hello :smile:

    "we don't consume fructose in isolation and doesn't appear anywhere in the food supply and when we look closer" - "Table sugar, called sucrose, is made from sugar cane or beets and is 50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose."

    "the basic I told you so example considering fruit is not being consumed much differently than it always has" - fruit is being juiced and blended into smoothies which in turn can contribute to major health issues such as NAFLD and not to mention fruit has been genetically modified to contain more naturally occurring sugars than ever before - just an example:

    However when the general population talks about sugar and the effects it has on their n:1 uncontrollable situations it's about foods high in sugar generally and examples are things like desserts, cookies, soft drinks/sports drinks/chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and many other examples. - My sister was dieting and decided drinking fruit smoothies was a great idea. She had her A1C tested prior to her diet and was fine, but a year into her new way of eating she was diagnosed with elevated A1C and Prediabetes. She quickly removed the smoothies since that was her only indulgence and her A1C normalized again.
    When I said we don't consume fructose in isolation, it means pure 100% fructose and all sources of sugar are a combination of glucose and fructose, just thought I'd clear that up.

    Also when I said people eat fruit, I was referring to whole fruit, where consumption hasn't changed much in 40 years. Juicing fruits is for all intents and purpose falls into the same category, as far as I'm concerned, as soft drinks and yeah, not a good idea when consumed in tandem with a diet high in refined carbs and other ultra processed foods .Cheers.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Yes, lets not have a personal story/struggle get in way of being factually correct, lol. Cheers
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 456 Member
    @PrettyAlaskan ~ followup comment on all the books - all of them have 'eating ideas/suggestions' ~ i snagged some, set aside some for later, thought no way ever for some of them, lol - what I found most helpful were the kernels of truth/understanding for my own squirrely behaviors/circumstances - for example the book Food Junkies - i waded through all the various kinds/explained and related to 1 - which i had not previously seen before...

    and also 'recovery recommendations' same kind of thing - many resources push 12step programs which don't ring my bell - the book had 1 paragraph, i think, on something called 'rational recovery' and I thought - yes, that could be my cup of tea... I lean towards 'cbt' type life/coping skills and look forward - towards positive change... don't find beating ourselves up as helpful at all... we can and people do find a way through - but it is an active choice to address these things and to take steps to get better.

    and, for me, that has meant pondering how I respond to sugar, carbs, processed foods - any? all? or some threshold? For me, there seems to be a 'threshold' - if I eat too many, appetite roars. If I reduce, I get physical withdrawal symptoms and fortunately, appetite resets/reduces. physically. so for me, the impact on my body from EXCESS sugar/carbs-combo with salts & fats (aka hyper-palatable foods as defined by Kessler in the 'end of overeating') is a real appetite trigger - that points the way forward.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    I was busy yesterday and didn't check in I am now 5 days with out desserts and just food. I've let all my family know that I'm trying not to eat dessert.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,300 Member
    edited March 2023
    3/17/2023 - 235 - I’m weighing myself and checking in so that I can be accountable.

    @PrettyAlaskan way to go.. the first step I believe is taking control and changing something one is not happy with.

    Sugar is killing me and I’m forfeiting my destiny by giving in to the seduction of it. …..(snip) ….face looking puffy and aged, and lack of male attention, which makes me feel lonely and sad.

    I feel this, I wasted too many years fat. I kept going and wasn’t a hermit.. but I never let people take my photo, I had to buy clothes that hid bumps and blahs. Losing the weight was one of the best gifts I could have given myself. Unfortunately it was an endless cycle of not having mental or physical energy until I decided the extra work was worth it. For me - I had to embrace the challenge.

    You mentioned face .. I immediately thought of a mantra I like for maintaining skin’s vitality is to remember the S’s.

    (My dermatologist always highlights that nutritional choices go a long way in preserving skins youthfulness..)

    Sunscreen is sexy
    Sugar in excess is not
    Sobriety saves
    Smoking sucks
    Snacks should nourish
    Self Care 7 days a week

    I’m working on self care here. 😉
    My destiny is to be a professional photographer and graphic designer for TCC. I will look the part. People will not only notice me, but they will respect me and follow my vision. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!
    I begin again.

    I am surrounded everyday by artists, Photographers included… being in Alaska you definitely have the beauty of the landscapes! Carpe Diem!

    PS- What is TCC?

  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Proverbs 25:28 If we have no rules we will be broken down and will not reach out goals.