30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Today was day 6 for me on level 1. I actually feel like I am getting better! The first set of cardio still kicks my butt! By the second set I am telling myself that I am almost through so it is much easier to get through the rest
  • I would like to join in I actually started this on my own on the 20th anyways. It is my second round. I weigh myelf tomorrow but I am going to post my starting weight from last friday. I really enjoy this workout a bunch. If anyone wants to add me for more support go ahead. I could use all the support and motivation I can get.

    Age: 25
    Starting Weight: 175
    End Weight: (keep this in blank for the end!)
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    Is it too late for me to join in on this forum? I started on the 20th and had been looking for a group but must have missed this one. I plan on doing the shred 6 days a week.

    Age: 33
    Starting Weight: 225 lbs
    End Weight:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Day 4 for me on level 1 for me! I am NOT as sore as I have been. My legs still quite a bit sore but no where near as bad! I am getting better with certain workouts, but push-ups (girl style) and me dont get along very well!!! But I'm pushing through it all!

    I am feeling so good!

    And I am going to do this for 30 days straight, no breaks (unless I get sick)

    So ready for this. So ready for a brand new me.
  • Well Day3 level 1 completed. Today I also did a walk and jog walk away the pounds right after to keep my cardio up a little. So my legs are a little shaky today, and my abs were rock hard when i got up this morning. I think my endurance is gettting better except the last round of abs still kills me.

    Can someone tell me what this day off or rest day means? I thought 30 days shred was 30 consectutive days. Am I wrong?
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Can I still join? I know I am 4 days late but after doing D1L1 I think I'm going to need the motivation from others to keep going 30 days.

    SW: 218.2
    End Weight:

    Goal: Based on tonight, just making it through 30 days! I'd just like to see how close I can get to 200 for now. Maybe I will update once I start seeing results.

    Just found out my tape measure is too small (its a mini one from a mini sewing kit) so I'll take measurements tomorrow. I've got my Day 1 pics done pre-workout.

    Sooo.. D1L1 done. I feel nauseous. Tired. Sweaty. Amazed I am still alive. Kinda proud that my husband complimented me on my jumping jacks form. Slightly embarrassed that I had to put down my 5lb weights to finish a few sets. I think I need to go a little slower and try to get the form right. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing the bicycle crunches or the butt kick things correctly.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Day 4 for me....thank goodness it was a little easier to get out of bed this morning. I hate getting up a hour early in the morning to do the workout...and then the fact that I have been to sore all over to get out of bed has not helped me!!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    D3 L1 done.

    I never thought I'd be able to do this. There are definitely times that I struggle and just kind of bounce along or I have to put down my weights (5 lb) but I just keep moving and somehow find the energy to get pack on pace. I have been holding only one weight with both arms for the side lunges and arm raises and sometimes have to put that down. The 10 min elliptical warm up I've been doing definitely helps get me going and in the right mind frame.

    I have so much respect for everyone who is and has stuck with this. There were times today that I didn't think I'd be able to keep going but I just kept thinking of all of you and even the Biggest Loser contestants.
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    Day 4 for me....thank goodness it was a little easier to get out of bed this morning. I hate getting up a hour early in the morning to do the workout...and then the fact that I have been to sore all over to get out of bed has not helped me!!

    I hear you, Christine! I am not a morning person. If I can just sit up and get one foot out of the bed I find it to be a big accomplishment. Then I bolt straight to the bathroom trying to convince myself the whole time not to crawl back into bed and focusing on the next mini goal... coffee!
  • Alright, I started day 1 yesterday; I had just gotten my DVD yesterday.

    I was tentative to do it yesterday because I couldn't do it till around 8 oclock and my bedtime is 7:30. I'm no fun at work when I haven't gotten enough sleep. I feel alright today, though. Not grumpy and only a little wobbly. I'm not very sore, but I'm sure that will come in time. This morning I still felt an endorphin high, too. Maybe I should make 8pm my workout time every day.

    Even though you guys are only a few days ahead of me, I look up to you! Keep it up!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Day 3 done! Yesterday I felt tired and jello-ey but today I felt pumped. Could be because my laptop forced me to take a break though. Decided it needed to install updates right when I got to butt kicks DX but once it was done I got back to it.

    Working up to real pushups. The first couple days I did girly ones and today I started off each set with two real pushups before going to my knees. Shoulder presses are still killing me! Think I'll get some more weights so I can go heavier for the stuff that's easier, like chest flys and rows.

    My weight has held steady the last couple days. I'm hoping that it's because I"m losing fat and gaining muscle.
  • want to join
  • D3L1 Completed & I feel good!! My legs are sore but I was motivated to come home & complete another day!!! My ultimate goal is to get up & complete this in the morning b4 work. I'm going to do the workout in the a.m. over this weekend! Good Luck to everyone! ?... Are we suposed to do this for 30 days straight or our we supposed to take a rest day? Thanks in advance for responding!
  • susy99
    susy99 Posts: 82 Member
    hey girls!!!!!!!!
    amazing progress!!!
    I have to confess that I was supposed to do day 3 yesterday at 10pm but I slept out of nowhere at 9pm! so I didnt workout!! but today I did and will still count it as day 3!
    Im still sore but not as before....

    I have to update our list with our progress!! I will do that tomorrow coz I dont have time today!

    Now I have a question:
    Am I crazy or what, but I see changes in my body already?? like its shaping up and feels a little harder? and I feel that my muffin top has lessen!!!!!!!!!!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    A lot of people have been asking about rest days...I have heard so many different answers. Some say take a break once a week, some say take a day off between levels and others say do the full 30 days with no rest. I am taking today off (which would have been day 7). I plan to take one day of rest per week so that my muscles have a break. I think the important thing to remember is to listen to your body and do NOT make excuses to not do the workout if you are capable. I was afraid to take the day off because I don't want to fail at this, but I also felt strongly that my body needed a break. SO, I feel that the important thing is to keep going if you can, but there is no fault in needing a day of rest as long as you keep going. I think that we are all doing a great thing by eating healthy and doing this workout. I have been reading a lot of posts and it sounds like each day we are getting stronger! Keep it up!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    L1D2 complete! I went for a walk around the mall after work so I just now got done with 30DS. I really noticed the achiness in my thighs during the warm up, otherwise it hasn't been too bad. Yet. I'm really glad I started right before the weekend so my body has a couple days to scream at me before I have to be up early for work and getting my kids to school.

    I didn't attempt my weights on the shoulder presses because I wimped out. Then I got a bit angry at myself for wimping out right off the bat on Day 2 so I refused to give up on any other strength exercises. Even the side lunge ones where I was shaking like jello to get the weights up. I also surprised myself by getting noisy. Instead of just puffing away, I was grunting and growling and I think getting verbal might have helped me push through, especially on those damn bicycle crunches.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Are you guys doing other cardio or strength training on top of the shred? I am hoping to stick to my twice weekly 3km or so swim, couple of days elliptical and walking. Right now I'm finding level 1 too easy on upper body so am going to do some extra upper body stuff esp chest and triceps. The only glitch is I have lost one of my 5kg and one of my 6kg dumbells so had to do chest presses with one of each and keep swapping sides between sets lol.
  • jsg8tor
    jsg8tor Posts: 43 Member
    Day 3 & 4 Level one completed but didn't have time to post.
    Not sore after but can feel the burn in my upper body during the shred.
    Not much change in the scale yet but tryig not to focus on it.

    Hope everyone had a great week!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    So I missed yesterday, just couldn't get it together! So today got D5 L! done! Great job everyone!!!!!!

    Remember to listen to your bodies in this quest. I did add some extra cool down stretches hoping to alleviate some of the soreness.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Are you guys doing other cardio or strength training on top of the shred? I am hoping to stick to my twice weekly 3km or so swim, couple of days elliptical and walking. Right now I'm finding level 1 too easy on upper body so am going to do some extra upper body stuff esp chest and triceps. The only glitch is I have lost one of my 5kg and one of my 6kg dumbells so had to do chest presses with one of each and keep swapping sides between sets lol.

    I try to get in something extra, but still not great at this disciplined exercise. I prefer to do something that gets something done, ie mowing the lawn, weeding the flower beds, washing windows. I am trying though. Just remember to listen to your body!
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