

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, seems like it's been awhile since I have been on here. I know it hasn't but it has. LOL. Not much to say..all still kind of the same.

    @Tamevv Yea for staying on course..

    @trooworld LOL I read you post and heard in my best laid plans of mice and men. LOL. I say at least you planned. :)

    @theslightedgeforever great job on walking..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld I don't think it gets easier either, but maybe. The struggle would be worth good health though. I think about that. Yaay on your tracking

    @cbabie Glad to see you on here.

    Another 37 min walk. Weird as we didn't go the same route. I'm having problems with my left knee. Yesterday it felt like it was out of joint and then once kind of buckled on me. Today a bit of slight pain when I walk. Maybe my body telling me to go stretch.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @cbabie Yes, I have been missing you even though it's only been a few days lol. Yes, at least I planned. How are you feeling?

    @theslightedgeforever That's true. I mean, we are always struggling with something so it may as well pay off with good health. Good job with the walking. I'm sorry about your knee, I hope the stretching helps.

    Hello all. I pretracked yesterday and stuck with my plan and today, I pretracked. Man, it's a long way up out of this hole! :D Tonight, we are having "The Ultimate Greek Salad" which is something I love. We add chicken breast to it:

    Water yesterday: 75 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Hi good morning everyone. It’s been a while. I had fallen off the wagon and gotten in a bad rut - mostly because I thought I should’ve been a lot further down on the scale. I spent a while being depressed about it then decided I needed to do something new. So that’s when I bought The Obesity Code book by Jason Fung. I never thought I would be able to do intermittent fasting but I’ve been doing it since Saturday and am down about 3 lbs. I’m also weighing in daily now.

    I also fell off the wagon with the workouts - I was letting my son down too - but we are back on the wagon. The half marathon is about a month away now. I feel sure I won’t fall off again now - my optimism is back. The training has been very time-consuming though - after this I think it would be nice for us to do some 5Ks.

    Anyway hope everybody is well and I hope to be around more often.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Afternoon all, Not much to report again..I did track and walk outside yesterday. I am just still really tired. Feels like I will never get my energy back again. I cooked Salmon fillets in the air fryer last night. I hate Salmon, but the rest of my brood said it was good. I ate left over goulash. LOL

    @senoritafloridita Glad to see you back. We all have fallen or JUMPED off that wagon at some time..LOL. I used to do the intermitten fasting, I did weigh less than I do now...but I am home all day and I am not sure I could do it again. So glad it's working for you.

    @theslightedgeforever baby that knee...mine still buckles, no rhyme or just happens. maybe 37 is your number. LOL

    @trooworld good job on tracking...I just can't eat too many salads anymore. It's awful how I ruined my body by getting into ruts in my food...

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks @cbabie it’s good to be back. I have actually never gotten an air fryer yet. How does air frying compare with regular frying tastewise? And I hope you get your energy back soon. I have definitely been there too what with the half marathon training.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    edited March 2023
    @trooworld Good habits with your tracking and your water intake. Woohoo. I'm still walking so that's a good thing.

    @senoritafloridita Good to hear from you. Sometimes we just fall into a black hole and then have to climb back out. I really wish it would stop happening to me though. Glad you are back on track and hopefully have success with IF. I have an air fryer and use it for everything. Taste wise I think about the same. I do spritz all my food with some olive oil though.

    @cbabie Yaay on walking and tracking. I actually like salmon. The only fish I'll really eat unless it's Long John Silver. ;) But the awful thought of salmon patties comes up with that word. Blech! Now I don't like that. So far this week I have thought about two foods that mom loved but I think gross. Pickle loaf and breaded tomatoes. Wouldn't it be nice if 37 was my age.

    Hubby and I walked 45 min
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @senoritafloridita It's nice to "see" you. I'm glad intermittent fasting is working out for you, I tried it but was way too hungry all the time. I have read the Obesity Code and it is a good book if you are looking to fast. It breaks it down nicely. I also fell off the wagon but am making my way back up out of the hole. I'm glad your optimism is back! A month will fly by. I have a Ninja Foodi which is an air fryer/pressure cooker/dehydrator/roaster combo. I love the air fryer function. It isn't quite like regular frying but it comes close without all the oil, IMO.

    @cbabie Yay for walking and tracking! I'm sorry about the tiredness, hopefully it goes away soon. I like salmon but have never air-fried it. It's funny how you say you ruined your body, my body is letting me know about that salad lol. It's been a while since I had one.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! Yay for your 45 min walk, that IS a good thing. Are you tracking?

    Hi all. As I was telling @cbabie, that salad I ate last night, my body is letting me know it has been a while since I have eaten a salad lol. I was supposed to have another one tonight, a different one, but I am going to postpone that for a few days to let my body recover from the one from last night. I pretracked everything yesterday, I have to go back and change what I ate for breakfast. I waited too long to eat and got really hungry and gave in to my cravings, I had a small breakfast burrito from the cafe at work.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    AFternoon all, Nothing is changing here..I am boring as my little 4 year old says..

    @trooworld I love breakfast burritos.. I have a recipe I am going to try to make and freeze. I will let you know when I make it if it's any good.

    @theslightedgeforever Good walk

    @senoritafloridita I really never ate deep fried foods, except Long John Silver..LOL. I was always a bake in the oven person..but my grandson likes it and he loves to eat healthy, but he loves his fried foods.. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @cbabie lol you are not boring, life must just be okay right now! Yes, please let me know about your recipe. I could save some money and calories lol.

    Hi all. I lost 5 lbs this week, so yes, I lost my 1 lb for the month + some. :D I only partially tracked yesterday, I did not track dinner but it was pretty healthy. 2 people at work on Weds told me I look like I'm losing weight. I think it was just because I was wearing black. We are having a salad tonight, I hope my body can handle it.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @theslightedgeforever yeah thanks glad to be out of the hole. I was trying to tell myself not to worry about weight loss for a while but I guess I wasn't happy that way either - I just wanted to keep moving forward. Air fryers are sounding pretty good then! I will probably be getting one soon.

    @trooworld yeah IF can be hard, no doubt about it. That's why I always thought I could never do it. Wow, the Ninja sounds cool with all those features!

    @cbabie Oh really? Well that's one less unhealthy category of foods you have to worry about, lol. I do love certain fried foods, especially fried chicken.

    Well, I'm on day 6 of IF. 18:6 schedule, with fasts starting at 4 pm, so nights are hungry. I just remind myself that I'm not denying myself, I'm just delaying, but it's still tough. And the scale has been up for the past 2 days after being down for the first 4. Trying to just stay motivated by all the amazing progress pictures from the IF groups on Reddit and FB.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I didn't eat well of the mindsets I have to change is that I cook and make sure everyone has something to eat and then I eat left overs or fix myself a sandwich (PB) just to take the hunger pains away. Plus I haven't tracked in 2 I. know that is another thing I need to keep working at.

    @trooworld Yea on the loss. I am so happy for you and don't think just because you were wearing black you don't look like you are losing weight...take the compliment and know that your hard work is showing... :)

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    @senoritafloridita I think that's why I never fasted at night...I would never make it. I used to only eat after 4pm and at that time I was also off my sugar worked, but then my life changed and it no longer worked for me. You will find what works for you...we all struggle and we find it then life changes and we have to look's a journey. LOL.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld Yes I am tracking. I keep going over by a couple hundred calories each day so that part isn't working. So focus is needed there this week. Yaaay on your 5 lbs. It showed up on my scale.

    @cbabie You've been saying for a while now you are going to make those breakfast burritos. lol So first step is do you have all the ingredients in your house? So how to change your mindset on feeding every one else first? Then answer is fill your plate first. Then fill baby girl's plate. Then the rest can fill their plates. If they get hungry, then they can eat leftovers or a PB sandwich. Can you do that one time this week and report back to us?

    @senoritafloridita Hang in there on your IF. It sounds like you are doing great.

    42 min walk today. I'm going to be focusing on stretching this week. Ask me if I stretched. I was thinking today, what can I do this week that I wasn't doing last week? So I chose that. My joints are back to hurting and I think because I quit my stretching the past couple of months.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @senoritafloridita My husband does OMAD fasting (one meal a day) and has for a year or so now. He loves it, he does very well on it and has lost a lot of weight between his eating and his working out. I know it works! Yes, Ninja is awesome, this is our second one!

    @cbabie You need to put yourself in that priority category with the rest of your family. You deserve a healthy meal. Thanks about the loss and the compliment!

    @theslightedgeforever That's good you are tracking. I'm sorry about your gain. You are doing great with exercise. Did you stretch yesterday?

    Hi all. I think that 5 lb loss is just my body getting back to its set weight. I think 225 is about where my body wants to be. I don't mean to be a downer about it but there it is. I need to push my body to lose more. Today, my husband and I are going to a musical (The Outsiders, yes based on the book) and then a really good Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant. My husband went to this restaurant with his sister a few months back and loved it so I've been wanting to go. I had a hard time making reservations but got them. I'm excited.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member

    Hope everyone had a wonderful March! Watch out for all those April Fools jokes.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld So how about see if you can get your setpoint down to 220. I think if we slowly lower the thermostat our bodies would just get used to it. My normal seems to be around 200-202. Although I'm now 5 above that with that recent gain. No I didn't stretch yesterday but I just finished for today. So onto tomorrow. How was the restaurant? How's the puppy? I would have loved that musical.

    @gemwolf110 I just saw you lost some more weight. Your plan is working. Woohoo!

    I had an interesting thing happen today. I was having a little pity party saying to myself why won't this work. Then thought, I can't give up. Cause that doesn't do any good. Then I went to read a book on my Kindle and a book that I know I didn't click on was now at the front of my library. Hm...... So I thought well I'll count at the days and see what day I should be on. Day 90. So I open it up and this was the first line. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison

    Take a lesson from Thomas Edison today. If you want to achieve your biggest dreams, then you must practice turning failure into success. How can you use the knowledge you’ve gained from things that don’t work? What can you do differently the next time around? What did you learn from the experience? You never fail if you learn from your mistakes.

    Harvey, Jason. SPARK: 365 Daily Tasks Empowering YOU to Live Your Best Life! (p. 90). Kindle Edition.

    So that was my message from God today. Cause I know I did not click on that book but I was meant to read and share that message.

    20 min Dance with Ben on Apple Fitness+ 20 min stretching
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @gemwolf110 Hi nice to "see" you!

    @theslightedgeforever That's a good idea to aim for 220. Thanks. That's good you stretched yesterday. That will surely help you. The restaurant: the food was phenomenal. Have you heard of the word "umami"? That is how I would describe it in general...just magic in your mouth. They specialize in dumplings, there is a window looking into the kitchen where you can see all of these workers making loads of dumplings. And those dumplings were indeed special. We had one kind called "soup dumplings" which when you bit into them, soup broth came out along with what was inside the dumpling. We tried 5 small orders of things, one of which was a plate of garlic green beans and that was really yummy. It is a chain restaurant, which surprised me that it won such a big prestigious award being a chain, and the decor is just okay but that keeps the prices down. It wasn't too bad price-wise. The puppy is really good. We had a private obedience lesson on Thursday and she did really well. She learns really quickly and is very food motivated. I think she will be a star. We are going to do group training in a couple of weeks. That musical was really amazing. I hope it starts traveling (this was the world premiere here in SD), it was really good and they did some interesting things/effects with the set. The cast was really talented. It was a touching story, of course. I highly recommend it. Ooh interesting about the Kindle book! Good lesson. Thanks for that motivation.

    Hi all. Had an amazing experience at the musical and restaurant (see above). Although my husband ticked me off before the musical: I told him we had to leave at 1:15 no later to get there on time. We needed time to get there, park in a parking structure, and take a shuttle. I didn't want to be late and get locked out of the musical. What does he do? He takes a nap and doesn't set an alarm. I go in there at 12:35 and wake him up. I tell him they recommend getting there 20-30 minutes early. I say he needs to get up. He lays in bed with the dogs for another 10 minutes. By the time we get there and get parked and get on the shuttle, it is 1:55pm, the show starts in 5 minutes. We got there 1 minute before the show started. He said I said that we needed to be there 10-20 minutes ahead of time. I know what I said. I said to him, "As nervous as I am, do you really think I would say 10 minutes early?" I was so mad, we almost go locked out.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld Umami: I think my Japanese friend mentioned the word to me. I know I've heard of it. I think I would like watching them make dumplings. I'm like you. I like to get my seat early and just sit and look at my phone if I have too. Hubby and son are like well as long we get there before the show starts. It will always take longer for parking or the entrance line than you think I tell them. Which is why I go with my dd for things like this. She's like me. Actually she's worse than me. Yaaay on your water.

    Today is a rest day for me.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I would have liked to watch them make the dumplings but we passed it on the way to get seated so I couldn't stop. Exactly, always get there early just in case. My husband never listens. :D I'm glad you can go with your dd to things. I have no choice lol. Thanks, water was horrible yesterday though. :( I can feel my hands are swollen.

    Hi all. I spent yesterday cooking spaghetti sauce, it took 6 hours to make! Then I made meatballs for the sauce but I liked the sauce a lot better than the meatballs. I didn't do much else.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."