Looking for friends!

jalmaraz5 Posts: 1 Member
edited April 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! My name is Josue and I am a 22 year old male. I have been using myFitnessPal for a few months now and have been looking for new friends! I do not really know anyone else who uses myFitnessPal so I am here to meet some new people and to hold each other accountable.

My fitness journey has started a few years ago, but I was never consistent or dedicated until this past year. I began lifting weights like most people, but since the beginning of 2022, I have switched to 70% calisthenics (using my own bodyweight) and 30% weights (mostly for legs and arms).

My goal is to maintain weight but gain muscle. I want to become stronger with my own bodyweight, so I am trying body recomposition so I do not gain any extra weight. I am eating at maintenance or just below, with a high amount of protein and of course training.

Thank you to whoever read my post. Feel free to add me and lets crush our goals :)


  • CalisthenicsTraining
    CalisthenicsTraining Posts: 26 Member
    I had a similar experience as you. I’m a 23 year old male, trained weights for a few years from 15-19. Started training callisthenics (mainly push ups) looking to maintain my body weight and get stronger