Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • scubagirl86
    scubagirl86 Posts: 19 Member
    09/02: 174
    09/9: 171
    09/16: 172
    09/23: 171 (lost what I gained last week)
    09/30: Goal 169
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    YEHAW! You're doing an amazing job! And yeah, my baby turns 3 next month, where has the time gone???
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6
    9/9/2011~ 192.4
    9/16/2011~ 188.8

    Okay! 2.4 lb loss for this week, and a 7.2 lb loss for the month so far! Only one more week! I can't believe it's almost October!
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    Sept 4- 175.8
    Sept 9 - 170.8 (yes it looks like I already lost 5, but I was up 8.... lol)
    Sept 16 - 176.4
    Sept 23 - 172.8
    Sept 30 -

    Ayyy ay ayyyy. I have been VERY Up and down this month. While I wanted to lose more than the 5 pounds this month because I gained so much, but I am thinking that at this point i'd be lucky to just lose the 5, I have to accept that the weight gain wasnt just a fluke. I have to just keep going and not get upset.

    Good luck you you all! Still have one more week til the final weigh in if you havent made your goals yet! Don't give up!

    Sometimes our bodies just don't get the message that we're trying to lose! stupid bodies! You'll get back on track with the losing in time and be at your goal before you know it :)
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    YEHAW! You're doing an amazing job! And yeah, my baby turns 3 next month, where has the time gone???
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6
    9/9/2011~ 192.4
    9/16/2011~ 188.8

    Okay! 2.4 lb loss for this week, and a 7.2 lb loss for the month so far! Only one more week! I can't believe it's almost October!

    Ugh! My baby turns 3 in December :( It's so sad how fast time flies by, but at least we're doing something worthy while it's flying!
  • azhkrgrl
    azhkrgrl Posts: 516 Member
    Hello everyone and happy Friday. I am down 0.4 pounds, giving me a total weight loss of 3.2 pounds thus far. Was hoping for more but I am losing inches and I will take that. Below is my update for this week:
    Sept: 1st = 179.8
    Sept. 9 = 177.2
    Sept 16 = 177.0
    Sept 23 = 176.6
    Sept 30 =

    Good luck everyone and keep up the good work.
    Have a great weekend......
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Wow Congratulations everyone! you're awesome, great loses
    Can't say that for me though, think I'm slipping but you all have me motivated again.
    This weeks stats, no change. One more week to do this. I know I can, I know I can.

    9/01/2011-- 188 lbs
    9/09/2011-- 186
    9/16/2011-- 184
    9/23/2011-- 184
    No loss, no gain, hope everyone has a great weekend & keep up the fantastic work.
  • 4littlemonkeys
    YEHAW! You're doing an amazing job! And yeah, my baby turns 3 next month, where has the time gone???
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6
    9/9/2011~ 192.4
    9/16/2011~ 188.8

    Okay! 2.4 lb loss for this week, and a 7.2 lb loss for the month so far! Only one more week! I can't believe it's almost October!

    My youngest boy is 3 next month too!! 10/10!
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    9/3: 158 lbs

    9/10: 156 lbs

    9/17: 154 lbs

    9/24: 154 lbs

    I did not lose any this week hopefully I'll lose some this week. Planning on working harder on my exercise and diet!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Down to 192 starting at 203 at the beginning of the month!! Woot woot!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sep 01: 191.4 lbs
    Sep 09: 192.4 lbs
    Sep 16: 190.6 lbs
    Sep 24: 191.8 lbs
    Sep 30:

    I still can't get off of this yo-yo! Maybe I'll see something good next week. I'm running a friend the final 6.2 miles of her marathon tomorrow. Last night I started planting 259 flower bulbs & I got the majority of them in the ground. I have about 40 left to plant this morning, so I'm out to do that now before my nephew's soccer game at 9am. :flowerforyou: I can't wait till spring! It will look beautiful!

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Holding at 215 lbs (down from 217.4 at the beginning of this month). I have a fancy scale though and I'm pleased that fat % is down and muscle % is up.
  • cleet68
    cleet68 Posts: 1 Member
    count me in
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ive been super busy with my training, for anyone who is thinking (or not thinking) about training for a race or running in general, here's my first month of HMT (half marathon training). Or if you just need to laugh... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/BrunetteWife/view/why-did-the-turtle-cross-the-road-151269

  • isherryb
    isherryb Posts: 47 Member
    Started at 204, now at 196!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    from 187.5 for the past 3 weeks to 184! Thanks to Poseidon for the suggestion to change my exercise program. Also am keeping cals consumed at 1200, without eating back what I exercised. 3.5 lbs lost this week! One more, and I've met this challenge!
  • susan1024
    susan1024 Posts: 41 Member
    Whew...I made it. Started at 257.4 and am now 252.2

    Isherryb, congratulations on making it into Onederland!!!!
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    9/01 - 176
    9/08 - 175
    9/16 - 175
    9/25 - 178 - that's not good. What am I doing wrong? I think I need to exercise more. I don't track it most of the time, so I don't know what I am doing. I need to start tracking, so I know what I am doing.
    9/30 -
  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    1.5 lb for me this week, that's 3lb for me this month, not bad coz I cami in late after a holiday.

    12/09/11 140.5
    19/09/11 139.00
    26/09/11 137.5
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    YEHAW! You're doing an amazing job! And yeah, my baby turns 3 next month, where has the time gone???
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6
    9/9/2011~ 192.4
    9/16/2011~ 188.8

    Okay! 2.4 lb loss for this week, and a 7.2 lb loss for the month so far! Only one more week! I can't believe it's almost October!

    My youngest boy is 3 next month too!! 10/10!

    We've got a bunch of sweet little 3 year olds coming up! I love this age! They're so much fun!
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Man! I'm seeing a pattern in myself. When it's my TOM, I have ZERO ability to control myself on the weekends. I always tell myself how unworth it it is, but I do it all over again... mainly with sweet stuff.

    I'm up seven lbs this morning. I know I have a lot of water weight... the sodium from all the food PLUS just being bloated and crampy, so I'm hoping by the end of the week, I can get that off and pull off a little bit of a loss.

    Friday is my weigh in! 4 days to get it done! Wish me luck!