πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€***MAY 2023 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€



  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F42, 5'4"

    Hiya all, I'm Rowan. My weight has been up, down, and all over the place over the last 10 years. I gained loads during the pandemic then managed to lose over 40lbs in 2021. I regained 26lbs in 2022 by taking my eye off the ball, it really doesn't take much for me to gain weight! So back again, working on getting back to a healthy weight and building my strength and fitness.
    Ideally I'd like to be below 130lbs as that was my weight in 2015 and I felt good, but I'm a lot older now and it's hard!

    Highest weight 180.8 June '21

    January Start Weight: 165.0
    January End Weight: 157.6
    February End Weight: 152.8
    March End Weight: 149.2
    April End Weight: 148.2

    May Start Weight: 146.8
    May Goal Weight: 144.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140.0
    Ultimate Ultimate Goal Weight: 122.4

    Trend weights are 7 day moving averages

    May 1: 146.8 (trend 148.3)
    May 8: 145.8 (trend 147.0)
    May 15: 146.4 (trend 146.6)
    May 22: 146.8 (trend 146.3)
    May 29:
    May 31:

    Total lost so far this month: 0.0lb
    Total left to lose this month: 2.8lbs

  • AllyNorth
    AllyNorth Posts: 118 Member
    Trying to find a healthy balance. Every day.

    May Start Weight: 137
    May Goal Weight: 136
    Ultimate Goal Weight: not sure

    May 1: 137
    May 8: 139
    May 15: 139
    May 22: 138
    May 29:
    May 31:

  • QoLmatters
    QoLmatters Posts: 708 Member
    62 year old Australian female; dieting for health improvement

    May Start Weight: 115kg
    May Goal Weight: 112kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 70kg

    May 1: 115kg
    May 9: 113.8 Losing 1kg a week at the moment. Feels good. :)
    May 16: 113.4 Been behaving but weight not dropping as anticipated. Still any loss is good.
    May 23: 113.3 I don’t think I’m going to make this months target.
    May 31:
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,604 Member
    Next month's challenge has been posted here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10891325/june-2023-weight-loss-challenge/p1?new=1

    Hope to see you all over there!
  • UpNorthPat12
    UpNorthPat12 Posts: 969 Member
    I haven't had the will to weigh for the last two weeks ... but have promised myself that I will weigh tomorrow morning and face whatever the reality is. I am probably about the same weight at which I began the month. I'm just posting this to make it a public promise.