

  • tessacope2
    Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?” 9/24/2011

    My journey didn't start today....I've been on it for my whole life! I was never a petite girl, but in high school, I was athletic and strong. I weighed 155 pounds when I graduated from high school. Fast forward 14 years, and I've packed on another 50 pounds. It didn't happen all a once, but I gained the majority of it in my late twenties. I've yo-yo'd between 180 and 205 for the past 3 years. Once I get to the 180s, I feel great and my clothes fit and life is good. And then for some reason, I start gaining them back. I get lazy, I give up and then I start again when none of my pants fit. That's where I am now. Back to 202 and frustrated!! I've gotten back in the routine of going to the gym and now I need to focus on my eating. I love MFP because it holds me accountable and I can see where I can make changes in my habits. I hope that ALL of us lose weight with this challenge! Nothing beats feeling healthy and happy!!!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?”

    Honestly since turning 30 (I am now 31) I have been thinking about death often. Sorry, I know that is morbid but it's true, the thought is on my mind daily. My mom died when she was 52 from cancer, just one of the many cancers she had in her adult life. I think that has a lot to do with it. I really really really don't want to die young. I want to see my kids grown and married with kids of their own, if that is what they choose of course. So I need to get healthier.

    I also have hated how I look for the past 10 years as that is when my thyroid stopped working, I got PCOS, and I gained a ton of weight. I decided I do not want to be my Grandma who has always been severely obese.

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hi folks! I'm so excited to join and I'm more or less on time. I love this format as a 9 week challenge - I participate in the diamond challenge (as Valerie knows) but thats only 4 weeks and I think 9 is a better format. I'm here to support anyone that needs it so add me if you would like.

    QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?

    Its sort of posted on my profile but I've gone through changes. I would say I never "decided" to start a "journey" -- I just found myself on one at some point.

    Basically I had a few weeks where I was trying to be a LITTLE less of a piggy - I'd just gotten SO big, my clothes were so super tight and I'd already taken that first step of moving into lane bryant pants for work (size 1 but I probably should have been as size or 2 up, I was SQUEEZING into them at the end there). I wasn't doing much that I recall, just trying to eat a little less -- I had to go to a 3 day conference and I remember thinking to myself "eat right, this food isn't even yummy so why stuff your face with it" and I was doing really good there.

    I don't remember why I started doing that really, or how long it was, but I do distinctly remember doing it during that conference and the weekend afterwards.

    Then I got home and got a really bad flu - sick for like 10 days, I literally took 6 full days off from work. I felt awful and I just couldn't eat for hte first 3-4 days, then after that my throat was so sore and swollen and torn up from coughing that drinking anything but icy cold water was agonizing. So I probably had just a few bites of food during that time plus I was drinking tons of cold water constantly for the soothing effect.

    Got on the scale after all this and I dont' know what my official start weight had been although on a much earlier doctors visit the scale had said 215 (I'm 5'6") but I was 205 and I could feel a significant weight loss.

    It was AWESOME and I thought "dang, I better keep going til I can't go no more". So I did.

    And then I started going for walks.

    And then I started logging my food.

    and then I lost another 10 pounds. That was ALSO awesome.

    So I really went for it. Currently I am weighing in at 177 and its been total I guess about 4 months.

    So I just want to keep it going - I'm going to be a lifelong success story.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?”

    My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer the first of the year. I have been doing my job, and hers, helping she and my dad at their home. I realized if I didn't get it together I wouldn't be able to keep up this pace much longer. I have the closet full of clothes that don't fit and all that stuff too but it took her illness for me to make the importance of my own health a priority.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    *relize the importance*
  • Gazer362
    Gazer362 Posts: 35 Member
    QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?”

    I've finally doing this because I've acknowledged that my weight has taken over my life in a very negative way. I'm finally admitting that I am the only one responsible for what I eat and how I look as a result. I currently avoid attending any social activities that I possibly can, I postpone trips to visit family members 1000 miles away because I am ashamed of how I look, and I dress in boring basic (usually dark) clothes so I don't get noticed. This all creates much stress between my husband and I. He's much more outgoing - which I used to be, but not anymore, thanks to my weight. I have less than 2 years before I turn 50 and I believe that if I don't succeed now - that I never will. So I will succeed, I will not give up. Thanks for letting m be a part of this challenge.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?”

    My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer the first of the year. I have been doing my job, and hers, helping she and my dad at their home. I realized if I didn't get it together I wouldn't be able to keep up this pace much longer. I have the closet full of clothes that don't fit and all that stuff too but it took her illness for me to make the importance of my own health a priority.

    Sorry to hear about your mom. I know it must be a very difficult time for you. I am here to support you any way I can. I recently experience the loss of my younger sister to a similar situation. Stay encouraged:)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?”

    I've finally doing this because I've acknowledged that my weight has taken over my life in a very negative way. I'm finally admitting that I am the only one responsible for what I eat and how I look as a result. I currently avoid attending any social activities that I possibly can, I postpone trips to visit family members 1000 miles away because I am ashamed of how I look, and I dress in boring basic (usually dark) clothes so I don't get noticed. This all creates much stress between my husband and I. He's much more outgoing - which I used to be, but not anymore, thanks to my weight. I have less than 2 years before I turn 50 and I believe that if I don't succeed now - that I never will. So I will succeed, I will not give up. Thanks for letting m be a part of this challenge.

    You can do this! I totally understand the keeping to yourself because you are embarrassed to be seen by others. When I go out in public, I pray I don't see anyone I know! You have taken the first steps to get started. Twelve pounds is a huge accomplishment. We will help to see you through this!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Sat 09/24/11 QOTD- Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?

    My daughter was getting married and I realized (and HOPED) that one day I would be a grandma and i wanted to be a grandma that had the energy to play with my grandchild. I wanted to be a grandma that would be active in their life for a long time. So my journey began (but I have been over weight my entire life and have tried EVERY diet known to man). I lost 155 lbs but some things got in my way and detrailed my process and I have gained 50 lbs back and I need to get them OFF! I now have that precious grandbaby and I can't go back!

    you lost 155 lbs, that's amazing! You can re-lose that 50 no problem!
  • ChatSournois
    Hello everyone!. It's my turn today for the question of the day so I hope I'm posting in the right place.

    QOTD-SUNDAY: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    My answer: I can split mine between exercise and food. With the exercise, I'm great for getting stuck in at the start of the week but I know by the end of the week, I can come up with all sorts of excuses as to why I'm 'too tired' and need to rest. The fact is that exercise perks you up and makes you feel a lot better. Each week on this challenge, I'm going to participate in a mini-challenge. Next week, it's doing the 2 mile Leslie Sansone workout each day, mon-fri...that's 10 miles next week alone!
    With food- I don't want to cut out anything but I do know that cheese, breads and wine are my weaknesses. So lately I'm switching buying blocks of cheese for the thin slices (stops me cutting big chunks off for myself). I'm trying to limit my bread intake as I used to have it with every meal, so now I have two brown wholegrain slices for breakfast and then a pitta for lunch..I'd love to be able to cut it out completely for lunch but I can never come up with 7 lunch ideas without it?. And finally the's my little treat at the end of week and even though I'm trying to lose weight, I still want to enjoy life. So my solution is using a smaller glass.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    qotd sunday:- my weight loss downfalls are junk food and comfort eating. i know this is probably alot of peoples problems but i live with a stick insect - also known as my husband! lol. he can eat whatever he likes and never gain weight. so when i am trying to be good i have all this temptation around me with his food and mine doesnt look so appetising any more. i have already sorted out seperate cupboards for us so his food and mine are seperate and i keep out a big bowl of nice fruit fo me to munch on. other than that i dont see how else i can stop myself eating all his yummy food! motivation and support is much appreciated!! i have noticed that by doing my diary each day i am watching what i eat more so thats a definate step!
  • Kaesize6
    I have started this weight loss journey b/c its just about damn time already! This is the biggest I have ever been and I have been feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I have been struggling with weight all of my life, and Its been a slippery slope since I can remember. Deep in my soul, i feel that if I can accomplish this life long battle with weight, that always seems so bleak to me, then I CAN ACCOMPLISH ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!!! I am ready for a MASSIVE CHANGE, and that change starts STAT!!! I know its my time.. I'm super excited!
  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
    QOTD-SUNDAY 9/25: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    My weight loss "downfall" is my fickle emotions. That applies to both eating and exercising. For eating, I have made the realization that I am an emotional eater. I eat and tend to want to binge if I'm upset or feeling depressed or discouraged. So now that I've discovered that, hopefully, if I feel that way, I can busy myself with something else during those times.
    As for exercising, it's the whole I don't feel like it emotion sometimes. I need to learn that I did not ask for my emotions opinion and they don't get a vote! :)
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD-SUNDAY 9/25: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    I hate almost all fruits and veggies. HATE. If I try to eat most of them I will vomit. So it is really hard for me to eat healthy at all. The only fruits I can eat are apples, grapes, watermelon, and grapefruit. The only veggies I will eat are potatoes (and those don't even count!), corn (only on the cob) cooked cauliflower, and raw carrots. That is it. I am also addicted to fast food. I love fast food. I could (and have in the past :( ) eat Mcdonalds for all 3 meals every single day for months and be very happy with that.

    I also hate to cook and just don't know how. And considering almost all recipes call for veggies that I won't eat that makes it really hard. I have even looked into getting hypnotized to like fruits/veggies but so far from all I have read it doesn't seem like that really works.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD-SUNDAY 9/25: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    When my emotions are out of control, I usually find it hard to motivate myself to workout or eat right. It's like the lazy, I don't care about anything personality comes out and takes over. And when I get into a execise rut, it's really hard to push myself to get out of it. Which is crazy because I love how working out makes me feel. I'm join my partner in the execise challenge this week. Leslie Sansom 2 mile walk. I just need to workout for 2-3 weeks in a role to get back into the habit.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I have started this weight loss journey b/c its just about damn time already! This is the biggest I have ever been and I have been feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I have been struggling with weight all of my life, and Its been a slippery slope since I can remember. Deep in my soul, i feel that if I can accomplish this life long battle with weight, that always seems so bleak to me, then I CAN ACCOMPLISH ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!!! I am ready for a MASSIVE CHANGE, and that change starts STAT!!! I know its my time.. I'm super excited!

    I luv your emotion and drive. You can do anything you set your heart to. Keep up the good work!
  • tessacope2
    QOTD-SUNDAY 9/25: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    My husband and I are very social, and we get together with our friends at least 3 days/nights a week. It always involves food and alcohol. Besides the extra calories, we are also spending a ton on food and booze every month. (Side note: I'm using a website that tracks your's free and just like MFP, holds you Anyway, I need to realize that I can still be fun and social without the booze. We are also big college football fans (go LSU Tigers!) and Saturdays are really hard. I'm going to make a big effort during this challenge to limit myself to 2 drinks.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD-SUNDAY: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    My biggest downfall is the way I eat! If any of you read SarahMorganP's (which I need to add as a friend!) entry I must be her twin because I have the exact same issues! Fruits and Veg....same! I will eat an apple and if I make a smoothie (NO YOGURT) I will put frozen blueberries and frozen banana's in it. I don't mind broccoli or corn on the cob. But get all my servings in every day for fruits & veg that NEVER happens. I LOVE chocolate, chocolate milk shakes, warm brownies, warm chocolate cookies, french fries, pizza (anyone getting hungry??) Another down fall....when we go out to eat I always seem to order some sort of burger or chicken fingers with french fries!

    Now what can I do to curb these downfalls over the next 9 weeks? Well, aside from winning the lottery and hiring a personal chef and trainer I can just learn to say NO! When I'm tempted I will pray! Through God all things are possible and with His help and all the help of MFP friends here I can do this. We can all do this! Now lets go girls (and guys) lets kick some scale butt!!!!

    Thanks for listening and thanks for the great question!!!!!!!
  • Kaesize6
    QOTD-SUNDAY 9/25: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    I AM A HUGE SUGAR ADDICT! I mean its really bad! I will add sugar to my macaroni and cheese, beans, vegetables, rice, meats (b4 i became pescatarian) EVERYTHING, except my seafoods & cereal :huh: :huh: (yeah, I know, Strange). AND THAT MY FRIENDS IS MY ALL TIME DOWNFALL! My taste buds have changed and are totally off. IF it doesn't have sugar in it, then I am hardly interested in consuming it. I do love salty foods, however, they must have some kind of sugar. I am starting to think its all in my head. Even if I sprinkle it with a little sugar, I feel like I can breath easier.. When actually now that I think about it, all of those "little pinches" of sugar have actually made breathing alot harder, lol hence my current weight status. Well I have been slowly trying to retrain my taste buds. It is taking time but slowly improving i've noticed. I have also noticed that since I have cut meat out of my diet I have MUCH LESS SUGAR CRAVINGS; Weird! But there MUST be some connection with meat and sugar b/c I am telling u, I was nonstop on sugar binges b4.

    Well my solution has been to not have ANY SWEETS! If I start on sugar I will only want more and oddly enough my brain doesn't know what NO means. I swear I have 2 brains, the obedient brain in my head and the defiant brain in my stomach (perhaps that is why my stomach is round *hmmm*) Either way, my strategy is "NONE is better than SOME!!! B.c if you know yourself and you know that you cannot control your stomachs eviil brain, then why even tease it!

    I hope I cant beat the sugar demons. lol!! GOOD QUESTION!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD-SUNDAY: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks?

    My biggest downfall in the past has been not eating enough. It is easy to get in a mindset of "eat less and you will lose more"... However, in the past when that has happened, I end up binge eating and gaining back everything I lost and then some. I gained 35 pounds that way!! This was prior to MFP when I was mentally tabulating the calories I consumed, so I basically am religiously using MFP to curb the tendency to eat less and make sure I get as close to my goal as I can.

    I also have my weight loss goal set at a 1 pound loss per week so I can "under-eat" by about 400 to 500 calories per day and still be within an acceptable range of deficit. Totally mental, but it works! If I fail, even one day, I tend to want to give up, so this helps with that too!