my accountability thread Day one



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @amreing Yes, today is a new day. Monday. I am right there with you on being off track. Let's get through the week and exercise and eat healthy. Thank you for the sleeping tips. I need all the help I can get. I do read at night and that sometimes makes me sleepy.
    @BeverlyW1108 Your trip looks fantastic! I know you are having a great time. I imagine it is so hard to eat healthy when you are traveling like that?
    Wishing everyone all the best!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I would like to join your group for friendship and accountability. I'm losing my Covid isolation pounds slow but sure. I want to weigh 3-5 pounds less on September 1.
    I'm ready to get serious.
    I plan to use MFP @ 1280 calories per day of appropriate foods. Walk 1 hour a day. Drink H2O. Basically all the tools that are recommended for healty weight loss.
    I am living in a very rural area of New York for the next 3 months where I know very few people. It would be nice to have a a group of like minded people to check in with.
    I am starting today (because Monday is always a good start day).
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @Maria86336 Welcome ....happy to have you! I love your goal!! 3-5 pounds by Sept.1 is very doable. I will try that myself!! I have been gaining and losing the last 5 pounds for several years now. Time to just get them off. Yes, Monday is a good day to start and tomorrow starts a new month. I bet rural NY is beautiful but i understand it may get a big lonely if you don't know anyone. I am in the city and never have lived in a rural area. Keep posting as we are here for you!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good Morning,
    Thank you Sarah for the lovely welcome.
    I Stayed perfectly on track yesterday foodwise and excercise. Need to drink more h20.
    It was 55 degrees when I woke up this morning. Wish I could sent some degrees to the SouthWest to cool them down a little.
    How about everyone else?
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @Marla86336 I had a good day yesterday as well. I ate healthy (feel so much better) and exercised which also made me feel better. I have been planning my meals out in advance which really helps. Today is the 1st of the month lets all try to get through the next 31 days eating healthy. We can do this!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning Sarah and everyone else,
    I had a good start to a new month. I plan to have another good day. I too plan what I'll eat to stay within my calorie range.
    There is a lady on YouTube who has lost 183#. Her channel is 'Half of Carla'. I've been watching a video a day for motivation. She follows a weight loss program called 'BodySlims' which originates in Ireland.
    Here's to a healthy day for everyone!

  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome @Marla86336!
    Happy to say, I’ve had three legitimate days since the weekend and feeling fine!
    Back on track, thank goodness.
    The days here in NJ have been glorious, much cooler, which makes getting outside and walking MUCH more attractive!
    Hope everyone else is feeling the positive energy of a fresh month! 💪🏻😊
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! How about that beautiful moon? I woke up during the night and thought I had left the lights on by mistake.
    I'm still on track. I feel so much better when I'm doing the right stuff. I hope to someday figure out why I deviate from a healthy plan.
    I'm in Central NY. Enjoying the cool weather but hoping for a few future weeks of sun.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! glad to hear we are back on track. I had a slip the other day but am doing well and feeling so much better. Like you @Marla86336 I hope to figure out why I deviate from a healthy plan when I know how it makes me feel so much better to eat well. I have been gaining and losing same 5-10 pounds for ever. Well let's see if August I can get the 5 off and keep off! Pretty soon the holidays will be around the corner. Going on road trip next week and that is always so hard to eat well. I really will plan ahead. Have a great weekend everyone! I don't know about you all but weekends are so hard for me.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning,
    I was on-track yesterday except for walking. It poured rain all day. It's still raining. Hope it slows down at some point so I can get out. Went out for a ride yesterday to a near by very small town. They had a store called Ollie's which was new to me. Thousands of surplus items to look at. I found and bought a new food scale for $7!!!! Used it last night and was surprised to see what 5oz of chicken actually looked like.
    I've definitely been over estimating and not to the lesser side. I'm going to begin weighing my food on the scale. I think this will make a difference! Hope everyone has an easy 'on-track' weekend.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Good morning all! @Maria86336 great on the food scale! I would imagine that really helps with counting the calories. I would love that store you mention. I am getting ready to go for a 5 mile walk. I am going to eat well today!! Have a great Saturday!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning everyone! I completed another on track day.
    Sarah, how long does it take to walk 5 miles? Walking seems to be recommended by every health source.
    I hope the rain holds off so I can get out for a walk later today. I aim for at least 1 hour. Hope we all have a healthy day!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning. All is well in my little world. Stayed on track. It's 45 degrees this morning. I hope things warm up. Instead of walking yesterday in the rain, I worked out for 30 minutes on my trampoline.
    Have food planned for today. All the best to Sarah and anyone else who checks in.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello All!
    Sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Life has been keeping me busy, active though, so that is good.
    We are still in Colorado on a month-long trip. We have been cooking at our VRBO a lot and eating out only when necessary. We brought our food scale and our weight scale with us because they both help us, me and my husband, stay accountable. I haven't had time to read everyone's posts but what I did read sounds like you are all still on track! Keep up the good work! I think I will be able to check in more often now. I'm planning on two or three times a week.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello! Yesterday was another on track day. 9 days in a row!
    I heard this on a weight loss channel yesterday. "If you can lose 1#, you can lose 100#.
    I don't need to lose 100# but when I reworded it to reflect my situation, I liked the way it sounded.
    Got out for a 30 minute walk yesterday between rain storms. It felt good. It's going to pour rain all day today so my exercise will be the rebounder.
    Beverly - sounds like you are doing well. My husband and I travel with 2 scales. His and Hers. We're each others support team. We drive xcountry 2x a year. We bring our own food so that we aren't tempted by restaurants. We started this doing this during the pandemic. It worked so well, we continued to do it.
    Keep going everyone!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    I am new to this group and not certain of what I am doing. Hoping I am in an active group. I have recently developed a health issue that is having me take a hard look at weight loss. I need to shed 20lbs but is difficult when I have arthritis. What I need at this time is accountability other than my husband. I have done MyFitnessPal, but never joined a group. I struggle with discipline and commitment, so hoping the group will help.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @SweetHeart299 Welcome and glad you are here! I struggle with discipline and commitment. Another failed weekend for me. I get so frustrated. I hope we can all support each other. Today is a new day and a new start for me and glad to have you and everyone else along for the ride.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome Sweetheart! I started posting about a week ago. It has helped me. I like being accountable to my new invisible friends. I usually check in when I'm having my morning coffee.
    We support each other when needed.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! Stayed on track yesterday. Bought my favorite treat which I had been craving for a couple of months. I removed 200 calories worth and ate only those. I left the remainder of the bag in the trunk of car. Stayed within my calorie allotment. Looking forward to the rest of the group check ins.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you Sarah and Maria for welcoming me. I have been connected with MyFitnessPal before but I get discouraged if I don’t know how to log my meals or if I am not loosing weight. It is certainly a journey and a challenge. I weighed in and lost .6; not a whole lot but it is going in the right direction. I am going to try to take one day at a time and focus on enjoying it….