Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Weigh in for today: 194.4

    Good morning guys,

    I've been working out 6 days a week to p90x along with running. It's definitely a step in the right direction. I had a good loss this week so I'm hoping to continue to momentum going. Had a lot of this weekend with going out with the family and slept in today and skipped my workout, but going to eat on track today and kill the workout tomorrow.

    Have an awesome day!
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    bump to find later
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Congrats Teesha. I am also trying to break through a plateau/number and it is tough.

    This thread is helping me stay aware. I had a very busy weekend and I didn't get to the gym for 3 days...I did some walking around my neighborhood but it wasn't the same. I like the challenges physically this week.....makes me realize I need to do more at home.

    I am drinking my water today and going to the gym this afternoon...hopefully I will find the loss on the scale tomorrow morning!
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I couldn't wait until tomorrow. I weighed in this morning at 170.2lbs. I was happy and started crying and my poor baby had to comfort me. She just kept drying my tears telling me not cry. To make it even better, I lost another 0.5 inch in my hips!! My hips have been the hardest thing to lose and I'm finally seeing some inches melt off again.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I didn't eat that well this weekend.. I cannot stop eating junk!

    I moved a TON yesterday though and a moderate amount today. hopefully it wont affect on the scale too much.

    I've been feeling ill lately.. I don't know if TOM is coming or I'm knocked up... LOL only time will tell.

    LOL. Hope it's whichever you dread less. TOM is a short-term thing, and knocked up, well it's more than long-term, it's lifelong-term, for better or worse. LOL. IT's also bug season, so maybe you caught something...

    I'd be okay if I was knocked up for the We want one more. I'm controlling my junk today.. i allowed myself ONE cookie. I brought chicken salad for lunch, and I pork chops (baked) with asparagus and baked potatoes for dinner.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I didn't eat that well this weekend.. I cannot stop eating junk!

    I moved a TON yesterday though and a moderate amount today. hopefully it wont affect on the scale too much.

    I've been feeling ill lately.. I don't know if TOM is coming or I'm knocked up... LOL only time will tell.

    LOL. Hope it's whichever you dread less. TOM is a short-term thing, and knocked up, well it's more than long-term, it's lifelong-term, for better or worse. LOL. IT's also bug season, so maybe you caught something...

    I'd be okay if I was knocked up for the We want one more. I'm controlling my junk today.. i allowed myself ONE cookie. I brought chicken salad for lunch, and I pork chops (baked) with asparagus and baked potatoes for dinner.
    well then, bring on baby! (but not too soon, half the fun is the "practicing" hehehe). Personally, I wouldn't want to go there right now, not only because life is too crazy for me, but I got immediately knocked up after losing weight the last time and this time I wanna be able to enjoy it!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I've got to enjoy it for awhile though. I was 198lbs after having my 2nd babe. I'm comfortable in my weight now and as long as I don't blow it eating wise I still plan on exercising etc. If I am knocked up I only want to gain 25-30lbs at the most... plus it'll give me motivation when i'm doing to get my @$$ back in gear :wink:
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I couldn't wait until tomorrow. I weighed in this morning at 170.2lbs. I was happy and started crying and my poor baby had to comfort me. She just kept drying my tears telling me not cry. To make it even better, I lost another 0.5 inch in my hips!! My hips have been the hardest thing to lose and I'm finally seeing some inches melt off again.

    great job on the loss!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I've not done very well keeping the carbs down this past week but have lowered mine quite a bit. I did Atkins once and had great results with it but carbs are my downfall lol. Good luck to everyone on weigh in tomorrow:)
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I didn't really attempt 100 carbs this week but I tried to be more aware of them. I don't know if I could go that low.

    My check-in for the week

    SW- 175.4
    CW- 171.1 (I did a major happy dance)
    GW- 165
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Sounds like this ended up being a great challenge for a lot of us, even if we didn't actually achieve low carb. I know it really made me stop and look at what I was eating and that is always important. As someone who has gained and lost a lot over the years I know its really easy to slip back into old habits of eating more processed and convenience foods when life starts getting hectic, which is of course pretty much inevitable :smile:

    I really had to laugh yesterday, though. I had lunch with my mom at a local bakery and while we were sitting there they put all of their bread that was left for the day out for anyone to take for free. This is bread that would have cost $5-7 a loaf at the farmers market 2 hours earlier so of course I ended up leaving with two loaves, but man it just felt like the world was against me going low carb! But don't worry, I'm not going crazy, I put most of it in the freezer.

    So I'm hoping I don't ruin tomorrow's weigh in because I really did think it was going to be good this week, but now I'm having some wine to celebrate that I got a raise at work today!! Yay!! I've gotta say it was a long time coming and I think this wine is well deserved so worst case I'll use today's weight :smile: I'm also going to call this a little NSV because a lot of what this is about is gaining confidence in ourselves to know we can do things we don't think we can do and we deserve them too. I walked into my boss' office today and actually asked for a raise, I've never done that before and I was terrified to do it but it all worked out. Self-esteem definately going up a bit today.....
  • So I'm hoping I don't ruin tomorrow's weigh in because I really did think it was going to be good this week, but now I'm having some wine to celebrate that I got a raise at work today!! Yay!!

    Congrats!!!! I know work has been a major stressor for you. Nothing like a raise to make it easier. You TOTALLY deserved it!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    emariec78 - that is great! One of the best NSV I have read. Well done
  • 261 this week! I'm glad that it's finally going back down.
  • GW: 137

    CW: 146

    Tough week.
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    Todays weigh in 197 (3 lb loss). I am so excited under 200!!!!!!!

    The carbs part of the challene was rough. I think I was under 100 a couple days but most was way over. It was a learning experience, it made me more aware of the amount of carbs in some of my favorite foods.

    I did pretty good with more moving I took walks and worked on my wii fit on days with no zumba class.

    All in all a good week. Bring on this weeks challenge!
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    TOM for me and a close friend committed suicide this week. I have to do better than this I know I can.

    SW MFP JUNE 21ST - 208 LBS.
    SW CHALLENGE - 189.2 LBS.
    1ST WEEK - 188.8 LBS.
    2ND WEEK - 184.8 LBS.
    3RD WEEK - 186.8 LBS.
    GW MFP - 137 LBS.
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in

    SW 148
    WK 1 149
    WK 2 148.6
    WK 3 146.8 Down 1.4 lbs......Goooooo Meat!!!!!!

    Good luck this week everyone
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    154.8, at least I dropped the couple extra I was carrying around last week!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    CW 201.8 Up .1 from last week.