πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€***AUGUST 2023 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€



  • readynhealth
    readynhealth Posts: 17 Member

    August 01: -
    August 08: -
    August 15: -
    August 22: 159.5 lbs
    August 24: 158.6 lbs
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    July Start Weight: 293.6 (7/5/23)/July End Weight: 276.2 (-17.4)

    August Start Weight: 273.8
    August Goal Weight: 266lbs
    Short-term Goal Weight: 250lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165lbs

    August 1: 273.8
    August 8: 267.8
    August 15: 265.4
    August 25: 255.8
    August 29:
    August 31:
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 677 Member
    August 1: 297.9 lbs
    August 5: 295.8 lbs
    August 12: 295.8 lbs
    August 19: 295.8 lbs
    August 26: 295 lbs
    August 31:
  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    July Start Weight: 293.6 (7/5/23)/July End Weight: 276.2 (-17.4)

    August Start Weight: 273.8
    August Goal Weight: 266lbs
    Short-term Goal Weight: 250lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165lbs

    August 1: 273.8
    August 8: 267.8
    August 15: 265.4
    August 25: 255.8
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Wow you've done a great job this month. Do you mind me asking which method you're using to drop the weight?? Calorie counting & exercise?? I don't think I've seen a weekly drop like yours. Amazing job!! Keep up the great work.
  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    Highest weight 333.0
    August Start Weight: 305.4
    August Goal Weight: 299.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Aug 1: 305.4
    Aug 5: 303.0
    Aug 12: 306.8
    Aug 19: 305.6
    Aug 26: 304.0
    Aug 31:

    Aug weight drop: 1.4 lbs.
    Total weight drop todate: 29.0 lbs.

  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,162 Member
    August 15: 265.4
    August 25: 255.8

    I don't think I've seen a weekly drop like yours.

    FYI that was 10 days, not a week. Still an amazing amount of progress in such a short time, obviously! But I did a double take too because I thought it was a week, and then I saw the dates.
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    August Start Weight: 134.5 pounds
    July Goal Weight: 130 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds

    August 1: 134.5
    August 9: 134.0
    August 15: 132.3
    August 22: 132.5
    August 26: 131.6
    August 27: XXX.X - Last weigh-in before travel

    Total weight loss/gain to date this month: - 2.9 pounds

    Hi folks - I"ll open up September's thread and link it here momentarily. I'm about to head out for about 2.5 weeks of travel where I won't have a scale and perhaps no internet for part of the time so I wanted to make sure there was a thread for the new month ready to go. I'll see you over there mid-September!
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    August Start Weight: 134.5 pounds
    July Goal Weight: 130 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds

    August 1: 134.5
    August 9: 134.0
    August 15: 132.3
    August 22: 132.5
    August 26: 131.6
    August 27: XXX.X - Last weigh-in before travel

    Total weight loss/gain to date this month: - 2.9 pounds

    Hi folks - I"ll open up September's thread and link it here momentarily. I'm about to head out for about 2.5 weeks of travel where I won't have a scale and perhaps no internet for part of the time so I wanted to make sure there was a thread for the new month ready to go. I'll see you over there mid-September!

    @enlightenme3 Safe travels to you!
  • ronicaw57
    ronicaw57 Posts: 117 Member
    Female, 6 ft.
    [MFP Highest Weight: (8/20/18): 264.4]

    August Start Weight: 173.8
    August Goal Weight: 172
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    August 4: 173.4 (-0.4)
    August 11: 172.9 (-0.5)
    August 18: 172.6 (-0.3)
    August 27: 172 (-0.6)
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    August Start Weight: 134.5 pounds
    July Goal Weight: 130 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds

    August 1: 134.5
    August 9: 134.0
    August 15: 132.3
    August 22: 132.5
    August 26: 131.6
    August 27: 131.6 - Last weigh-in before travel

    Total weight loss/gain to date this month: - 2.9 pounds
  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    Hi folks - I"ll open up September's thread and link it here momentarily. I'm about to head out for about 2.5 weeks of travel where I won't have a scale and perhaps no internet for part of the time so I wanted to make sure there was a thread for the new month ready to go. I'll see you over there mid-September!

    Thanks for setting up September before you leave. Have a great vacation and enjoy yourself.

  • EDTake2
    EDTake2 Posts: 165 Member
    edited August 2023
    August Start Weight: 188.1lbs
    August Goal Weight: 179.8lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150lbs

    July 31: 188.1lbs
    August 7: 186.8 lbs
    August 14:187.0 lbs
    August 21: 185.6 lbs
    August 28: 182.5lbs
    August 31:

    I might not get to goal this month, but I will push as hard as I can until the 31st. Mid-August, I did get sick with Covid, and that caused a slow down with the progress. So, all I'm saying is that life happens that will derail/ slow down the progress, but as long as I stick to it, progress will come. Will work very hard the next four days to get as close to the 179.8 as I can (really hoping for a major whoosh)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    July 29 (Starting Weight): - 152.9 (10-day average 152.9)
    August goal - Get closer to the middle or lower end of maintenance weight.
    Ultimate goal - Range between 143 - 153

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    July 29: 152.8 (10-day average 152.9)
    August 5: 152.6 (10-day average 151.4)
    August 12: 149.2 (10-day average 150.2)
    August 19 18 (away from scale on normal day) : 152.2 (10-day average 150.3)
    August 26 28 (away from scale on normal day): 150.2 (10-day average 151.3)
    September 2:

    Total loss for August Looks like I bounced back up a bit, but no big deal. Still down about 1.6 pounds for the month. I see from last week's post I actually expected to pop up from the catered meals on the event a couple weeks ago. This trip we cooked our own meals, so it wasn't over the top. I got to row four days carrying everything for our group of four (my raft plus three kayaks).
  • Antara_Kld
    Antara_Kld Posts: 84 Member
    Hello again!
    I am Ana, 39 years old. 5'5" reaching out from Greece...

    Last two years I gained approximately 40 pounds (20kgr)..
    Tried drastic measures to get back to track, but to no avail... So I am now taking it one day at a time, with baby steps and learning to set realistic goals! Trying to make it a lifestyle choice, rather than a punishment !!

    August Start Weight: 175 lbs (79.4 kgr)
    August Goal Weight: 164 lbs (74.6 kgr) Adjusted after the first week...
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125lbs (57kgr)

    August 1: 175 lbs (79.4 kgr)

    August 7: Posted today since tommorow will be off grid! 173.2 lbs (78.6kgr) A bit slower than I wanted.. I have concluded that I need to majorly adjust my goals, ( Ξ™ already made a change in my August Goal weight) or make huge changes for food and activity.. I find that as I get older, just food moderation, no longer works.. So consistently exercising seems to be the only way... Next week will show!

    August 16: 172.4 lbs (78.2 kgr) I am very happy with this number, since I was on vacation the last 5 days, with no scale, and not much restriction on food! Back on schedule, I hope next week reflects that!

    August 22: 172.4 lbs (78.2 kgr) I thought it would be lower, but I will keep expecting for the drop... At the past I would be so frustrated, I would go drown my sorrows on ice cream, nuggets, or burgers.. Now I am just waiting for my body to start responding! A week to go!

    August 29 170.6 lbs (77.4 kgr) Very happy with the weekly loss of almost 2 pounds! two days to go to conclude the month!! Thank you @enlightenme3 for setting up September and I hope you have a great time!

    @justanotherjen13 Ten days ten pounds impressive! Congrats and Keep up!!!! :smiley:

    August 31:
  • Pinappleupsidedowncake
    Original start weight: 15st 9lbs

    June loss: 5.5lbs
    July loss: 8.5lbs

    Total loss to date: 1 Stone 5.5lbs

    August Start Weight: 14st 9lbs
    August Goal Weight: 14st 2lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 10st

    Don't think I'll make my target by Thursday but will try my best x

    August 1: 14st 9lbs
    August 8: 14st 8 3/4lbs
    August 15: 14st 6lbs
    August 23: 14st 5lbs
    August 29: 14st 3.5lbs
    August 31:
  • Losingit8305
    Losingit8305 Posts: 268 Member
    August Start Weight: 130
    August Goal Weight: 125
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120

    August 1: 130
    August 8: 132.4 (TOM)
    August 15: 131.8
    August 22: 131
    August 29: 129.8
    August 31:

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 634 Member
    F 65, 5”6’
    August Start Weight: 143.6
    August Goal Weight: 135.6
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 128

    August 1: 143.6
    August 8: 140.2 Thankful! πŸ’ͺ🏻
    August 15: 140.2 🫣 😳😀Where’s the whoosh?!?
    August 22: 139.2 still waiting for the drop!
    August 29: 137.8
    August 31:
  • metrolaniac
    metrolaniac Posts: 40 Member
    Started reporting July 2023 at weight of : 173
    August start Weight: 168
    August Goal Weight: 163
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140

    August 1: 168
    August 8: 168
    August 15: 169
    August 22: 169
    August 29: 167
    August 31:
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,162 Member
    August Start Weight:
    250 lbs

    August Goal Weight:
    241.6 lbs (2lbs/week = 4.5oz/day)

    Ultimate Goal Weight:
    169 lbs by July 1, 2024

    August 1: 250 lbs
    August 8: 249.5 lbs
    August 15: 246.9 lbs
    August 22: 244.4 lbs
    August 29: 241.1 lbs β€” already below my August goal πŸŽ‰
    August 31:

    Weight lost so far this month: 8.9 lbs

    No exceptions. No excuses. πŸ₯‘