SEPTEMBER 2023 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @polskagirl01 your painting is very good! Don't be so hard on yourself 😉
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Great job on the HM @Scott6255 !

    @polskagirl01 I'm glad that your family had a fun outing, even if you didn't get to see inside the bunkers. I hope you can get the slugs under control. If you have egg shells, break them up and spread them around your squash. They shouldn't crawl over the sharp things. We appreciate you being in our cheerleading section. I like your painting. I don't think it looks like a kid painted it at all! You are very talented.

    @kgirlhart I'm glad your glasses worked out. I got progressive lenses once and HATED them. So, now I have glasses just for distance and look underneath or take them off to read. LOL

    Great run @7lenny7 ! I hope the race went well. Love the pictures!

    @shanaber Glad you got some rain and it stopped in time for you and Hobbes to get in a nice walk.

    @AlphaHowls I must say that those shoes don't look like they have 1000 miles on them. Mine look a lot worse than that and I am no where close to 1000 miles - not sure how many I have put on them, because I haven't kept track, but I'm pretty sure it isn't than many...even though now that I think about it, I have worn them a lot for probably 2 years. I'll try to take a picture and post later. I'm trying to phase them out, but still wear them when I'm walking with no plan to run at all....or just run a little. Love the look of the new shoes.

    @martaindale Sorry your run was tough. Glad your old watch magically started working again and that you got a new one for your birthday. Now you have a backup, if needed. Happy Early birthday, in case I forget before Monday.

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @Laurz9191 fantastic race(s)!! Hope you have a great taper!

    @AlphaHowls boy tree 🤣😂
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Thanks @polskagirl01 ! I love that the slug trap that you set is working so well. You're slugs are bit more gross looking than the ones we have around here. I hope the squash survives. Sometimes, I think I run at maybe top slug speed. LOL That totally counts as a running post. :lol:

    Enjoy your holiday @yirara ! Hill running will make you faster once you get back to flat land.

    @Laurz9191 Congratulations to you and your son on your excellent finishes. I'm glad your daughter enjoyed it once she got into it. Yuck on the dog poo!

    @AlphaHowls I love that barn, as I have said before. I love the tree and your mom's comment. Sounds like something my mom would say. Also glad your mom felt like getting out and picking up limbs with you.

    @yirara That is interesting.

    Nice walking @shanaber . Hobbes is such a cute little feller.

    Nice biking @Teresa502 !

    Great running @kgirlhart ! Esp in that heat. I hope it starts cooling down for you a little soon.