Welcome New Members!



  • vnoshv
    vnoshv Posts: 2 Member
    I’m new here too. Looking to gain healthy weight and need motivation
  • daor2114
    daor2114 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - this is D, I’m not really new though I took a few years off from the app (at my own peril :)) but I have never introduced myself. I eat keto (standard, 4:1), more or less OMAD, no dairy no fruits no carbs no legumes no alcohol and I am currently training for my first half-marathon. Always looking for best grass-fed meat provider tips, or how to spend as little time as possible on cooking as nutrient rich as possible dinners (my one meal). I add some brain octane sometimes too and some ketone-iq for my run.
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    i all, ive been on and off these forums for years, im a 3000+ streak,
    ive battled from 20 stone to 13 stone 10 today, and im currently 503 days sober,

    i want to take my transformation to the next steps, i want to seriously get in shape, ive a half marathon again next October, which is my aim to be fit for,

    throw me a friend request, and send me some tips, tricks, advice and things to not do
  • ciiierrraxo
    ciiierrraxo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! New here!
  • cozycottage7249
    cozycottage7249 Posts: 1 Member
    Been using the ap for 7 months but starting to join communities on here. I am T2 diabetic on Ozempic and have lost 27 pounds. I go to the Dr every 3 months with lab work and have a health coach online. I have recently changed to a keto meal plan but it has been a bit of a struggle. So any Keto people I would love to hear your journey. I have been obese for over 30 years. It is now or never. I survived breast cancer during the pandemic so I will not let obesity get me. That is my motivation.
  • rmccann5749
    rmccann5749 Posts: 1 Member
    First timer on this app but I swear I’ve done it all. Looking to lose 150 ish pounds but ready to put up the fight. My biggest thing is giving up if success isn’t automatic. Any motivation is appreciated hah
  • janellel55427
    janellel55427 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, My name is Janelle and I am new here. After a couple years of studying for my masters and then transitioning from Drug and Alcohol Counselor to Therapist, I added 30-40 pounds on top to other weight I had wanted to lose. Thought it was time to get involved and am now in a program that uses MyFitnessPal. When I signed up here I realized I had a profile on here from 2013. Who knew?
  • OhioDido
    OhioDido Posts: 47 Member
    59 yo grandfather here looking to lose weight and get more fit so I can be there for my toddler granddaughters who we’re helping to raise.

    Battling burnout, so I’m working to get fit in mind, body and spirit.

    Hoping to make friends so we can support each other in this shared journey.
  • Tokuni_Stone
    Tokuni_Stone Posts: 6 Member
    Just turned 40 this year.
    I am an artist, I work with a theatre company, a volunteer at a bookstore and an art gallery.
    Married to my hero.
    Mom to four kiddos (16,15,13,8) my youngest is severely disabled.
    I'm a dog and cat owner
    I cope with anxiety and depression
    Witch vibes, avid book reader, into punk & grunge music
    Looking to lose 68 pounds
    Currently 190.6 pds
    Need friends & Support so add me!
  • ChrisBow1963
    ChrisBow1963 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all I have joined this eve but intend to start properly tomorrow as it's now 7.49p.m so meal time is over 😁👍, I'm 41 years old had high b.p for 40 years and need too loose weight due to health issues I have 5 stone to loose , I'm not wanting to look good just wanting to live a healthy life for as long as possible , so for me as most of you on here it's to be fit and healthy .... I do wish you all the best on here and do add me as a friend , would be great to chat about how you are getting on and help each other maybe :) thank you for taking the time to read my post .... Cheryl xx

    Hi Cheryl. I'm 60 and need to lose 4 stone. Joined today properly. I've given myself 1300 cals . Please add me if you want company.. chrisbow1963
  • Renees_journey
    Renees_journey Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Renee, I live in Sydney Australia. Hoping to I still some consistency and accountability in my health journey.
  • ReidEPowell
    ReidEPowell Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,

    I’ve been off and on MFP for years but am ready to take my nutrition seriously and get to a healthy weight. Looking for encouragement from a positive community. Thanks!

    - Reid in NC
  • DavidK_CO
    DavidK_CO Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    First time on MFP, but I lost 20+ pounds 3 years ago. Recently I have gained 12 back. Community has always been helpful on my fitness journey, so I am hoping to find groups with similar interests for encouragement. I run some, quite slowly, and I am in my 50s so everything happens slower.
  • colzola
    colzola Posts: 32 Member
    New returning member, over 70 years old, female, still active, and I want to keep it that way. I have 30# to lose to my ideal weight. I do need more help this time, and commitment on my part.
  • maggiesumer
    maggiesumer Posts: 1 Member

    I just joined MFP for the first time as a young adult so I can easily track calories and exercise to lose weight and get stronger. I would love some support and tips to achieve my fitness goals!
  • Rob6428
    Rob6428 Posts: 12 Member
    Day 2 of a comeback. I was in great shape until 2 neck surgeries. I miss looking forward to the pool and taking my shirt off.
  • Megan1luv
    Megan1luv Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to mfp. I'm 34 been married for 12 years and have 1 daughter. I'm trying to lose weight after gaining back what I lost. Add me
  • abcsonya8469
    abcsonya8469 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there. I am a returning member.
    I have not used my fitness pal in many years. I should have kept it up . 😂
    Happy to be here and nice to meet everyone. 🙂
    Currently, I am trying to gain some weight, reduce blood pressure and heart rate , and do things that are healthy and fun.

  • tovaryn1
    tovaryn1 Posts: 7 Member
    New to mfp. Happy to join! I'm looking forward to meeting new friends. I need to lose weight and get better fit. I want to do some hiking this summer.
  • tremayne230716
    tremayne230716 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm new to mfp!!! I'm excited to be on this journey with you all, I hope to be inspired and motivated by your stories...