Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Hey ladies!!! Only a few more hours till my trip, but I thought I'd get a head start on our logo for our signature! I thought it'd be cute if we did first names (I went through and collected them from our introductions), but if you all would rather do MPF names thats cool too! Whatever the majority wants :happy:

    Also... If we are going to do first names I need names from Anababie, Smackadoodle, and Susie Q 777( which I would assume is susie haha). Let me know what you think! Idk if anyone has dropped off from the group or anything, but this is who I have as of right now:

    fosterr8 -Rebecca
    Mar109-Maxie (me, haha)

    Let me know if I missed anyone, if anyone is no longer part of the group, or something is spelled wrong!!! THANKS DIPPERS :heart:

    Ana :)

    And my mom Susieq777 dropped the group :(
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Not sure I did this correctly. Smackadoodle is Sandra.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Okay got my burpees out of the way already! 50 burpees in 4 minutes. Will be doing more of a workout later :)
  • Ok, geeze. Burpies are HARD!! I just did 20 (don't worry.....I'll get the other 30 in sometime today. And here's the fun part.....try doing those with three dogs who think you're trying to play with them!!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Oh man I HATE burpies!!!!!!!!!!!! Like with a passion...they kick my *kitten*.
    I will do it though or at least try!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Good afternoon Skinny Dippers! I'm so proud of these results, you all have done great! To those who fell off the wagon, it happens! To all of us. This week you can def do it :)

    As for me, I'm on the tail end of this sickness that has been kicking my *kitten* and making me SO tired. Luckily I've been staying active and at least going on walks. I'm sitting on the scale at 158.6, and I'm really hoping to get a better loss by Wednesday. It's 12 and a half weeks until my birthday and I still have 18 and a half pounds to lose! Really gotta amp up the workouts. Also, my bf and I are getting the keys to our new duplex today!! I am so excited to finally get settled and I think that will take a little stress off me (though this whole job situation is really irking me..).

    I hope everyone had a great weekend because here comes this week's challenge!
    Starting today and going through Sunday, you must complete 50 burpees every day!!
    (If you aren't sure of what that is, here is a video: ).
    I won't make it super competitive so no need to record times or anything. You can even break it up throughout the day, JUST MAKE SURE YOU DO 50!


    Dangggggg. Okay, I will get'er done!! :)

    Alex, congrats on the house! Job searching is never easy, just don't give up!

    Also, I'm stuck between 150-152 this week and last, so I need to break the scale... before I .... SMASH THE SCALE!!

    EDIT: 50 burpees. DONE.
  • What is a Burpee?
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    burpees are soooooooooooooo hard! but we can do it! good luck all! xo
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member

  • Holy :smile: 50 of those?? lol Thanks You!!!
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    This week I burned 2565 calories! Definitely a record for me. I probably haven't done this much exercise since I was a competitive gymnast 3 years ago! I am very proud of myself, and proud of all of you! I love that losing weight is simple math. Take in less than you burn off. I definitely noticed a weight change from exercising more often this month and especially this week.

    I am very excited to see what next week's challenge is!
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Wow! That is great. Good going all you who hit 2000 or over.
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats to everyone who did SO WELL this week! AWESOME WORK!

    I came in just shy at 1844 calories. I know there's still a few hours left in the day, but honestly I'm at work until 3 am, I don't have my running shoes, so I don't see myself sneaking in the 156 needed by pacing the halls. But we'll see. If I do, you better believe I'll update!! :)

    Can't wait to see what this new week ahead of us brings.

    On a side note - it's my three year anniversary with my main man tomorrow and thanks to Groupon/Dealfind, we're going to the most lavish restaurant in our city with a $100 gift certificate (I paid $50 for it) for dinner! I'm pretty darn excited and as always - have nothing to wear! Ah.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member

    Holy :smile: 50 of those?? lol Thanks You!!!

    They aren't easy, but good luck! You can do it!!
  • I did 30 in a row... my legs feel like jelllllooooo

    20 more to go tonight lol
  • Okay, I did my 50. Whew, that was hard! I would do 5 at a time and rest in between.

    I don't much like those burpees...probably just what I need then!! lol
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    I saw the challenge around 930pm tonight and I came really close to not doing them today..... but then i told my boyfriend about it and me made me do them and did them with me, definitely worth it :D
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I did them and I still hate them :wink:
  • I loathe burpees. But I did all 50. This is going to be a rough week.