
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Walked around the neighborhood then took a bit of a walk with Vince. We didn’t go very far, but at least I got him to do a bit

    Allie – good lookin’ car. I especially like the 4 door. I’ve never named my cars. OHHH< Myles is so adorable sleeping. Well, he’s so adorable awake, too

    Well, we put out the “fence” today for the Christmas decorations and have the arches up (no lights yet)

    kylia – yea for your hubby. I find that I drink a lot when I’m in the car. Probably the dry air. If there’s a rest stop, I consider it a mortal sin not to use it….lol

    Tracey – (((HUGS)))) I’m so sorry your dh won’t report this.

    We’re supposed to get 12 yards of topsoil next Wed and then Thurs we’re supposed to rent a mini-skid-steer. Now they’re calling for rain. But not even 50% so maybe the weather forecast will change

    Denise called yesterday. Seems they want to buy PJ a full size trampoline so she was asking if we would like to go in on it. I’m guessing so and we’ll just do the trust next year. I wanted to get a Cosco gift card for Colby for Christmas. He eats, too. Well, I found out that only a member can buy one. So I was going to have a friend of mine who is a member buy it for me. But then I found out that they’ll only send it to the person you bought it for. Finally, we decided that he’d just appreciate an Amazon gift card just as much.

    Honestly, I very seldom buy clothes at WalMart. For one thing, they usually carry much larger sizes than I need. Also, the quality isn’t that good.

    KJ – LOL how you come up with names for things :)

    Lisa – I agree with you. “don’t take this medication if you are allergic to it”. Now how are you supposed to know if you’re allergic to it if you don’t take it and find out????? And how about all those side effects of a medication?

    Heather – all you gals look so great together. Glad you went. I’m with you on the phones. To me, it’s rude to be on your phone just chit-chatting. Lynette does it all the time. She will be over our house and we can be talking but she has to be on her phone.

    Picked up a prescription for Loki and, of course, had to stop at the Salvation Army. Found a pair of pants that fit me. That doesn’t happen often. In one sense, it’ll be nice when I go back to the Y. On Wednesdays I can do some cardio, then take the water aerobics class, then by that time the Salvation Army will be open. I do miss going there, even tho sometimes all they have is junk.

    Beth – I never even heard of livermush until we moved down here. Well, I’d never heard of persimmon pudding, either. And sweet tea – yuk!

    Rebecca – oh, yes, only the smell of sunshine and fresh air. Can’t be duplicated, no matter how hard they try

    Want to roast some chickpeas. Think I’ll do that tomorrow since it’s supposed to rain and get colder.

    Off to finish a towel topper. I’m thinking that maybe before I put the button on, I’ll run it thru the dryer rather than using the iron.

    Michele NC
  • farley_pamela
    farley_pamela Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you Barbie! <3 Happy November all. Is it just me or has the year flown by?

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I am with you, I can't believe its holiday time again! I may have listened to Christmas music this week..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,082 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    edited November 2023
    - Walmart’s clothing section isn’t what it used to be. Also, it depends on gone store. My local one doesn’t have half the selection that a bigger one in the city has.
    So what colour is cheese supposed to be?
    Those medication ads always make me laugh too, most are on American stations. CTV and CBC don’t have as many.

    We have 3 department stores here, only one of which is related to a North American company.

    Target - related to the North American company
    K-Mart - not related to any North American company now or previously
    Big W - not related to any North American company now or previously

    They've all got a decent collection of clothes and things of varying quality and prices. But when things go on sale, I can get some really good deals. So much so, that I don't buy as much from the OP shops (used places) because I figure why buy used when I can get something very similar new for the same or slightly less.

    In the past when we've visited Canada, and I've gone to Walmart, I've been able to pick up 2 or 3 nice things at really good prices. Not this time. The selection was tiny compared to what we have in Tasmania, and the prices were high!

    On the one hand, I was disappointed, but on the other hand, I was glad to see that the Tasmanian prices were pretty good. :)

    Cheese is naturally a creamy white colour. The brilliant orange is a dye. In North America, the cheddar is dyed orange from an old practice that was started to trick people into believing they were getting better quality cheddar (see article below). In Australia, that practice wasn't started so cheddar (and pretty much all cheese) is creamy white.


    Canadian Cheddar was not one of the Canadian foods I was looking forward to, but we like cheese so I ate it.

    This is Australian Cheddar.


    I had ceramics tonight and finished a piece. It’s a cookie jar for Kaitlyn for Christmas.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Very nice!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    Regarding mobile phones at the table ...

    When my husband and I are travelling, when we stop for lunch or whatever along the way, we're always on our phones ... despite the glares of a few other customers and whatnot. :grin::grin:

    We figure we've talked enough in the car ... it's time for a break when we're in the cafe. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,803 Member
    edited November 2023
    Welcome @laughindakini1 , @hmjack1561 Hope and @farley_pamela We're glad you're here! Drop into any conversation that interests you.

    Kylia - You need some of Pip's footie shoes, best of both worlds, feeling barefoot but having soles under your tootsies.

    Annie - Enjoy your seafood lunch. Corey and I were just talking last night about finding a place that does fish well. Making shrimp at home is easy and enjoyable, but he and I have never really gotten the hang of cooking fish. These days, we won't go out to a restaurant for anything we can cook at home for literally a tenth of the price, and in all honesty, the vast majority of what we make tastes better than the restaurants anyway. But fish is pretty much the only thing we won't cook, so if we're going to a restaurant, it will need to feature fish on the menu... :smiley:

    Vickie - Yes, tell your doc about the racing heartbeat--it could be intermittent AFib, and if so, they can get it back in rhythm if you're seen quickly enough.

    Barbara AHMOD - I've had both, and you're right about the smell with the front-loading washers. Within six months, it started smelling like an old, soured mop head. Since then, I've gotten top loaders, and as long as you leave the lid open when not in use, they don't get that smell.

    Tracey - Love the cookie jar! Corey and I don't do anything for Christmas unless the grandkids are around, which they aren't this year, but I still enjoy seeing what other folks are doing. Hope Rodger's doing well and no lingering results from that event.

    More in a bit.

    Love, Lisa
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,614 Member
    Had a nice long debrief with G today. She is off to Singapore tomorrow to see her granddaughter. Packing stress. I gave her a good talking to about ironing. I haven't ironed for years. Her son has a housekeeper who can iron anything absolutely necessary. I told her she loves to make life complicated and difficult for herself. We both had a good laugh!
    I'm recovering. Feeling pretty good. I need to think about our guests, but nothing is urgent. I did make one bed up this morning and hoovered the living room rug. I need to write down a food plan.

    John is making his Christmas cake. I supervise when necessary. He soaked the dried fruit in brandy yesterday. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx