C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
    It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
    Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up.
    It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
    It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
    when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

    (But, unless you're a runner, you won't understand.)

    I love this qoute I think im going to get it framed and put it on my wall

    just overanalyzing here, but really that gazelle only has to outrun the next slowest gazelle! lol. thank goodness i don't have to beat that lion!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    do you suppose this running stuff gets any easier or do we have to go out and conquer ourselves each time we start out for a jog? my brain kept saying, "stop, stop, JUST STOP ALREADY!!!" but i knew i had to report back to you all, so i pushed through. thanks for all the support and encouragement you've given me. you are the best! :heart: :heart: having said that, i think i'm going to back off the time goal now and just enjoy the running a little more... maybe work some interval training into my off days once or twice a week and i'm sure the time thing will come. have a fabulous weekend W2Ws!:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    I totally wonder this myself!! I start week 3 next week and granted it's still pretty early for me, but i always feel like i'm about to fall over. Wonder if this will feel easier soon?? Lol.

    love ya w2w, everyone is doing AMAZINGGGGG
  • chi88
    chi88 Posts: 30 Member
    You gals are soo motivating. I was thinking about all the success everyone has been having while I was running today. I even conquered 2 out of 3 hills today without having to slow down. I even ran into a lady (who was a lot older than me) who was training for a 10k...she really encouraged me as I walked up one of the treacherous hills. I felt so great today while doing my 5 min runs.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I've been hitting a roadblock this past weekend. I'm supposed to run 50 minutes, but I keep finding ways to avoid doing it. Race day will be exciting and that will push me through it, but mentally I'm being stubborn about the training now.

    Any motivating tips to help me overcome this?

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    chi- i actually read that it is good not to push yourself on the hills. who knows what's true? i have found that if i lean forward and focus on keep my upper body still, my legs can really move smoothly and quickly without a lot of extra energy spent. it probably looks funny, but it's almost like a running walk or a walking run. it really helps me get up the hill faster without burning a lot of energy on the "up and down" motion of an actual jog. keep up the great work!

    week 8, day 1 DONE! okay everyone, saturday i wondered if this ever got easier and i am thrilled to report that today was that day for me! i decided to just forget about how far and fast i was running and run for the fun of it.... it felt so great that i ran right past the 28 minutes i was supposed to run and ended up running 45! i could have gone further, but i didn't want to leave the kiddos alone much longer! :-) i don't know if was the weather, the great food (fuel) i had at the family reunion yesterday, or just because i was glad to be back on my little dead end dirt road, but it felt great!

    happy monday!
  • brendalyne
    I can see that my fellow W2W's are doing AWESOME! I was gone this past weekend...girl's weekend away at the Mississippi river. We had a GREAT time. But it was a bit like a slumber party....stayed up last talking and laughing.....and unfortunately, the bed was miserably uncomfortable, so I didn't sleep well at all. My spirits were definitely rejuvenated, but I am TIRED today and bordering on a migraine.

    So....now that I've "set the stage", I have to report that this morning I did do my run....but I just wasn't ready mentally to move to the next week, so I ran 25 minutes rather than 28. I really struggled last week, so I decided today that for ME, it would be best - both mentally and physically - to repeat week 7 and stick with 25 minutes. :ohwell: Frankly, it's probably more mental than physical....but knowing that still doesn't change it. It's just what I need to do right now. :happy:

    You are all an AMAZING group of women.....W2W is SO appropriate! I'm proud of EACH of you....whatever week or day you're on. :drinker:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- there is no shame in doing week 7 over. you know what your body needs better than anyone else. it sounds like you and i were on the same page this morning... in fact, i almost didn't run at all because i just didn't want to get out of bed!!! i'm so glad i did it anyway! "He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior...." keep up the great work! you are such an inspiration to us all!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Everyone! Sounds like everybody is doing great. 45 and 50 minutes of running! Way to go!

    Well, my 5k is on Saturday and I am so nervous. On my Saturday and Monday runs, I decided to try to run the full 3.1 miles. On Saturday, I didn't feel too good about the run. At about 26 minutes, I wimped out and walked for about 30 seconds. I don't even know why I did it, but I started talking to myself and managed to start running again. Then when my app said that I had run 3 miles, I was staring in the face of a huge hill, and I stopped . I was so disappointed that I couldn't do that last 0.1 mile.

    So Monday i decided to try it again. It was kind of amazing how much easier it was Monday compared to Saturday. I did the 3.1 miles in 36 minutes, which I was so happy about, since my goal for Saturday is to do it in less than 40 minutes.

    I'm going to do a light run (probably just 2 miles) tomorrow, and get ready for Saturday. Everytime I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. My job is sponsoring the 5k, so there will be a lot of people there that I know, and I just don't want to embarrass myself.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I finally worked up the motivation to do my 50 minute run. My legs are killing me today, but I'm proud that I did it! I did 3.25miles, which is a little bit slow in terms of pacing. HOpefully, I'll do better within the next two weeks so I'm ready for race day!:-D

  • brendalyne
    Shannon - Good for YOU! You have every reason to be very proud!
  • brendalyne
    I'm going to do a light run (probably just 2 miles) tomorrow, and get ready for Saturday. Everytime I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. My job is sponsoring the 5k, so there will be a lot of people there that I know, and I just don't want to embarrass myself.

    Rachel - WOW - look at YOU! Did you every imagine THINKING, much less ever SAYING "I'm going to do a light run (probably JUST 2 miles)"???? :happy: It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to "embarrass" yourself..........so you just get THAT thought right out of your head! You are an amazing woman and a true W2W! :drinker:
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm going to do a light run (probably just 2 miles) tomorrow, and get ready for Saturday. Everytime I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. My job is sponsoring the 5k, so there will be a lot of people there that I know, and I just don't want to embarrass myself.

    Rachel - WOW - look at YOU! Did you every imagine THINKING, much less ever SAYING "I'm going to do a light run (probably JUST 2 miles)"???? :happy: It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to "embarrass" yourself..........so you just get THAT thought right out of your head! You are an amazing woman and a true W2W! :drinker:

    Thanks so much for the encouragement brendalyne! I realized as I typed that sentence, what progress that was, that I consider running for two miles to be relatively easy. I'm trying to think positive about Saturday, but I am so nervous.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    shannon- you are running 3.25 miles! THAT in itself is quite an accomplishment! don't worry about the time, it will come! i had an mfp friend suggest hiit interval training and only two sessions took me from 12-13 minute miles to 10 minute miles! google it if time really matters... otherwise just have fun and enjoy the fact that you CAN RUN for 50 minutes at a time!

    rachel- 36 minutes is AWESOME! i would be thrilled with that time! you were probably just pushing yourself too hard on saturday... that's exactly what i did last saturday! i was really trying to focus on breaking 10 minute miles so i just pushed too hard. my heart rate for the last 400 m was way too high but i ignored it and kept going. you just can't keep up your max heart rate too long. listen to your body and don't be afraid to stick to a more comfortable pace. you'll be fine! also, make sure you get the proper fuel the day before the race... spaghetti dinner, pancakes, sausage, and eggs.... something with lots of carbs. YOU CAN DO IT! I KNOW YOU CAN!
  • hwilliams519
    Hello! Sorry I've been gone for so long! Life has just been so busy for me lately and I have been doing a lot of traveling. I see some of you are already in week 7! That is amazing!

    Unfortunately, since joining this group I only did one workout. I was proud that I was able to jump right back into week 5, but now I feel like I should start over from the beginning...mainly to get used to being on a program or routine again.

    I really have not been taking care of my body like I should. So this week my main focus is to get back on track with my water and food. And when I feel ready I'm going to start adding in some walking, and then jogging.

    Hope you all are doing great!
  • linbee83
    mizzladylisa - I love the quotes. Especially the 1st!

    Mags - Boxexercise really does sound fun! Hope you had fun at the wedding!

    J - Wow! 45 minutes! You rock. Feel better soon!

    Rachel - Good luck on the 5k! It's interesting to be at the point where 2 miles is a light run! That's awesome! And you will do great! We're all rooting for you! I'm thinking of signing up for one for the beginning of next year too.

    Sweet13_Princess - 3.25 miles, you are awesome! Good luck with the pacing. I have to work on that too, I run very slowly. 13 minute miles anyone!?

    Chi - Great on those hills. 2 out of 3 is better than 0 out of 3! And in no time you'll be sprinting up all 3!

    hwilliams - Welcome back! The one great thing about our body is that it tends to forgive once we start treating it right again. Besides, traveling is so much fun. You can be forgiven for not checking in with us!

    As for me, I had a bit of a bad weekend. Didn't work out at all between Thursday and yesterday. (Problems finding a babysitter!). So the first time we went was last night. I felt so far behind I decided to skip day 2, and went to w6d3. I figured if I couldn't do it, I could always go back down a day. Well, at 15 minutes I was still feeling good, so I kept going. I managed to do the whole 25 minutes! Except for a 5 second stop to drink some water (No walking and chewing gum = no running and drinking water). So I'm feeling good. I was a bit leery to step on the scale this morning. I had to step back on 3 times, couldn't believe my eyes! I'm down to 194! Really great, I'm so excited! Lol. Bring it on week 7!
  • brendalyne
    Rachel - Being nervous about your upcoming 5K is absolutely normal. I've only done one in my life - 7 years ago - and I was a nervous wreck, and it was a VERY SMALL 5K, in a tiny little town, with very few participants! You have already proven to yourself that you CAN jog that distance. So please try NOT to worry about your time. My advice is to just go at YOUR PACE, and try not to get sucked into jogging faster than you are comfortable with. Enjoy the experience and pat yourself on the back for DOING it!

    linbee - YAY for YOU!

    hwilliams - I agree with linbe - we're glad you're back!

    shannon & linbee - Heck, I'm slow too.....but we're still going a lot faster any person who's sitting around holding down their couch!
  • skinnylizzy5
    Hi all!

    I haven't logged in for a while, this thread has been busy! I do log in to MFP every day to track my food/workouts but it's harder for me to get to a computer to see the threads. I just finished W4D2 and I must say it was much easier than W4D1. It might have been because I ran on a treadmill today, which I find easier?? Either way, I am glad the run is over!

    You guys are all doing amazing!

    Brendalyne: I know it was a while ago but congrats on being a week ahead! It's amazing what you can accomplish!

    Ariel: how's it going using the treadmill clock? Maybe it will be less confusing as your runs get longer?

    Lindbee: congrats on the weight loss and I must say you are inspiring in your use of the 30DS as a backup!

    Sweetprincess: I can't believe you're running for 50 minutes - that's amazing and inspiring!

    Rachel: good luck with the 5k!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    skinnylizzy- welcome back!

    i got week 8, day 2 done this morning, despite this nasty cold. i actually feel quite a bit better today, so i'm hoping i'm on the road to recovery. so, w8d2 is a 28 minute run... those first 22.5 minutes were pretty rough. i started out at a turtle's pace and my legs felt like lead. i just kept thinking, "come on 28...." but by the time i got to 23 i started feeling pretty good. my legs felt lighter and my body felt better. what on earth was the difference??? i have no idea, but i'm guessing it was the claritin-d i took before my run. at any rate, i decided to keep going, so i made it 44 minutes today! i ran the last half mile at a nice fast pace and it felt wonderful. i think it was about 4:18, close to an 8.5 minute mile. i couldn't have kept that pace up much longer, but it felt great for about 1/2 a mile! there's just something satisfying about running, isn't there? i mean, i'm sure i look like i'm going to die while i'm out there, but by the time i'm finished i feel such a sense of accomplishment! yeah for running! you are all doing so well! keep up the great work W2Ws!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    You guys are so sweet! I loved your comments. We are always our own tough critics. Your positive thinking really helps.:-)

    Tonight I'm scheduled for a 40 minute run. I think I might con my hubby into a food rub afterwards!;-)

  • brendalyne
    Shannon - A foot rub sounds heavenly.....and well deserved after a 40 minute jog!

    Jenny - I agree that there is definitely something very satisfying about running. But SHEESH - 44 minutes! :noway: And you're nursing a cold! That is amazing....and YOU ARE AMAZING! :drinker: Now the "mom" in me HAS to tell you to not overdo it and to take care of yourself missy! :wink:

    I did my 25 minute jog today....Repeat of Week 7 day 2. I felt much better than I did on Monday, but am really happy with my decision to repeat this week. I burned 534 cals during my 36 minutes warm up, jog & cool down. It even amazes me....but when you're lugging around this much weight, it's HARD WORK! :laugh:

    I also received one of the DVD's I ordered (not the Yoga one)....and now I'm drawing a blank on what the name of it was! I plan on trying it out either tonight or tomorrow morning. I will let you know how it goes. As much as I'm enjoying jogging, I know I need to do some other things too.....variety is the spice of life! :tongue:

    Happy jogging everyone!