
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Another sunny fall day here. Lots of squirrels looking for acorns.

    My mom comes home in two days. There's cleaning to do before she gets home. I resent picking up after my father but I guess it has to be done and I'm elected. Plus I have to decide what to do about the stove. The knob locks don't unlock.

    Mom and Dad and I are invited to my cousin's for Thanksgiving. It will be a chore to get my mom from the car in the door. And I have to get wine and grapes to bring. And a hostess gift and something for my other cousin's birthday. They might be getting jewelry because that's all I can carry!

    Have a great day my friends!

    Annie in Delaware

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,614 Member
    Lanette - It's nearly finished. Every week there is something new. This week it was a spectacular wallpaper in the downstairs toilet. :D The living room is in the process of being painted and will need flooring. My son wants to hang photos/pictures on the stairs. But it's warm and liveable.

    Waitrose came early. Very jolly delivery man. I sent back some of the substitutions, but I got extra large organic eggs for the same price as large, and a free ciabatta, as it was a bit squashed.
    Having mushroom risotto tonight, with broccoli.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Morning ladies
    Didn't sleep well,and woke up around 7:30 and have been in the bathroom most of the morning.
    No plans today..think I might stay close to home today..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,082 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Wednesday’s gratitude: leg a little less painful, is it the clearing weather?
    Halfway through the month, average steps on track, average weight better than bad ol’ October but not yet better than September.
    Heather had to google “turkey crown” aha, its like the bone in turkey breast I’ll roast for Thanksgiving… IF our oven works by then. It’s a little concerning that you’ve lost interest in cooking for the moment, have you fully recovered from the UTI? Edie’s determination is truly inspiring. And Johnny’s determination to be there for the grands is so heart warming, glad DDIL acknowledges it, even without knowing the “rest of the story.”
    Machka “sunflower card” how compassionate for those with hidden disabilities and their families. :heart: Thanks for the cautionary “turkey in the BBQ” tale. :noway:
    Lisa aaugh! Hope you can find capsaicin in a “fingers free” stick or roll-on applicator, to get the medicine onto your hands where they hurt but not onto the fingertips where they would inflame other body parts… Was going to share my hot hemp rub stick but alas, it contains no capsaicin. Wow, that explains a lot ;{ What a goober I am.
    Rita “National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day Nov 15” Boy, I miss my oven!!!
    Michele, I was lucky this year, the lab did have the order for my bloodwork. In years past I’ve gotten there, fasting and cranky, to be told it wasn’t there. “Oops!” indeed.
    Pip were those sea otters, or seals? :love:
    Tracey “…DH goes along too, and pretends to be Grinch-y but asked me the other day what I thought about some lights he saw…” Men! The first year we were together, Joe said he didn’t want a big Thanksgiving dinner… then the day before, he said, in a mournful tone, “What? No turkey?” The smallest, turkey at the store near work was a 20+ pounder, frozen. Had to schlep it back to the apartment and thaw it in the bathtub. Since then, I just plan and prepare what I want and he can choose to enjoy it or not… ;}
    Kylia “Grateful to have my village even if it is online.” Amen, sister, amen!
    Lanette my plaid, flannel, zip up hoodie’s come from LLBean. Many color options. https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/119322?page=scotch-plaid-shirt-relaxed-zip-hoodie&amp;bc=&amp;feat=hoodie-SR0&amp;csp=a&amp;attrValue_0=Bean of Freeport Cream&amp;searchTerm=hoodie&amp;gnrefine=1*CATEGORY*Women's&amp;pos=3 . “… look forward to washing dishes…” :laugh: me too. First thing I do when I get to the casserole-a-thon is plunge my poor cold hands into the sink full of hot suds.
    Oven repair guy is scheduled to be here around noon. I’ll be in town for a massage so Joe will cope. Fingers X’d the part that arrived is the right one and undamaged from being sent in a UPS box with absolutely no padding or packing materials.
    11/15: Move: sets 2 PT w/dx2, Cape Sebastian stroll with Joe and the dogs, line dance class. Steps:8749
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=8 CI<CO net=717 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, dogs to GB for nail trims, library, Post Office, Bi-Mart, Freddie’s, recycling. Wt: 132.5

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    November: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, start meditating. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    Lanette ~ I am glad to hear that you have friends near that are inviting you for Thanksgiving! I don't remember you mentioning family, so out of curiosity, do you have any that you stay in touch with? We are going to DNL's mom's for TD. I hope it all works out since everyone seems so busy! I am bringing an asparagus casserole, mashed potatoes, and cranberry jello salad. MNL sets the table beautifully with china, napkins, and crystal. One year I volunteered to bring paper goods but that didn't happen.

    Lisa ~ Hope Corey will hire the roofer and not have to do it himself.

    Heather ~ John is a jewel!

    Went for a nuclear stress test this morning and so glad that is over. Came home and ate two helpings of my chicken pot pie and banana pudding. Haven't weighed in a week so guess I need to get back on the wagon.

    Carol in GA

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,702 Member
    Rebecca - I like the idea of the letters from each year. I’ve never done that, there are lots I wish I had done for documenting when my girls were younger.

    Allie - We played Christmas music last night for a bit while we crafted.

    Barbie - I like how you have streamlined your life to make less decisions.

    Lisa - I guess we also have different meals some nights.
    What a beautiful sunset!

    I am beat! I managed to get most of my outside decorations up Sunday.
    I need to do a couple other spots but haven’t figured out what I want to do yet.

    It’s supposed to be nice all week so I’ll get there.

    Pip - Pretty view.

    Michele - if I waited for someone to send me a card I would never send one. I do it for my pleasure.
    It was 9C yesterday so not t-shirt weather but no jacket and gloves required.

    Sorry your friend has to have radiation. Can you just take the casserole and not go in the house?

    Vicki - I love Christmas too, I love the decorations and the lights and the family and social time of it all.
    DH goes along too, and pretends to be Grinch-y but asked me the other day what I thought about some lights he saw.

    Allie - it’s great that you are in a position to help Tracy. I bet she appreciates it.

    Machka - you’ll need a vacation from your first days back.

    Debbie - Kylia is right, you do sound better after a visit with your Mom.

    Kylia - I hope the misunderstanding with your granddaughter is cleared up.

    Annie - I call sweaters anything “knit”, I like dressy sweaters in the Winter for work. At home I prefer hoodies or casual long sleeved shirts. For sweaters for warmth, I prefer hoodies that zip up. I don’t care for heavy type hoodies that go over your head.

    Barbie - I love that sweater!

    Kim - I do a lot of layering too. When I’m “cutting” on the Cricut I do dishes, laundry, work on something else, or like tonight catch up with all of you.
    My daughter makes 3 lasagnas at a time always, it’s very convenient. I did it the last time I made it. I don’t have a deep freezer so have to be careful with my freezer space.

    Barbara - what a precious memory of the deer on Christmas Eve.

    We used to go looking at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve too. It’s one of my fondest memories, except for one year. My Dad had plopped me up on my grandparents neighbour’s stairs while he pulled out from the snowbank so I could get in the car. I decided to run my tongue over the metal handrail. Instead of going to get a warm cloth or water or anything, my Dad just yanked me off! I swear part of my tongue stayed behind. My grandfather, to make me feel better and stop crying, gave me Coke. 🙄😂

    Heather - I can’t say enough that I just love watching the joy you receive from your grandchildren and Johnny.

    I don’t like anything tight around my neck. I used to really like turtlenecks too. I don’t know when it changed.

    I have had a busy few days. I went to help Kaitlyn decorate on Monday, came home Tuesday.
    School was cancelled the last two days because the instructor is sick. I think this was the 3rd day this session alone.
    Quite frustrating really.

    I went to sleep early (for me) last night at 845pm, I must have really been tired because I slept right through until 8 this morning.

    Tracey in Edmonton
    Preparing for the first show of the season on Saturday

    No worries! Never look back with regret, that is just planting a seed for feelings of guilt. You did you, and it worked for you. Never play the would've, could've, should've game. Its a lousy game, no fun AT all.💖. Hugs
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,702 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Saw this on another site and thought it really hit home with me.

    "Today I asked my body what she needed.
    Which is a big deal.
    Considering my journey of
    Not REally Asking That Much.
    I thought she might need more water.
    or protein,
    or greens,
    or yoga,
    or supplements,
    or movement.
    But as I stood in the shower
    Reflecting on her stretch marks,
    Her roundness where I would like flatness,
    Her softness where I would like firmness,
    All those conditioned wishes
    That form a bundle of
    She whispered very gently:
    Could you just love me like this?

    Really made me think. No matter where we are in our weight journey, we need to love ourselves. <3

    Oooh, so sweet. We are sometimes too harsh with what we demand from our innocent, and caring body's. The poem made me just want to take my arms and give my self a big hug. Which I did.💖
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,163 Member
    had a fun class last night and after class 10 of us went out to the Mexican restaurant- it was nice to visit. During class we can't and everyone leaves as soon as class is over. I got to chat with a new girl. I didn't even know her name before last night(she comes in a bit late and leaves as soon as the class is over)
    Ended the night with 15,000 steps(walked MIL's dog yesterday morning-makes up part of no exercise on Tues.)
    I will walk the wetlands today. I miss not walking there as often as I did. Will take my rain coat as they say showers about the time I start walking. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bigger storm so will wait and see if I walk in the rain or not. I have the gear so will most likely at least walk part of it. Maybe just down to the river and back.

    No plans for Thanksgiving. I am waiting to hear if my son will be home or if he is going to his girlfriends house. If he isn't home, I won't be cooking a big meal, not for just dh and I. We will pick up a turkey that is on sale cheap, will have some for us but mainly for the cats I am guessing. He wants a ham but doesn't have to be on Thursday. He has never been really into any holiday(Mr. Grinch) and with him going to his mom twice every day, meals are planned around that. Either eat early or eat late, not at the actual meal time I would prefer.
    Last year we went to a friends house. That was really nice.We shared the cooking. It was two days after I tripped and fell and smashed my face- was so thankful our meal was soft- salmon, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, steamed broccoli,etc.
    I have talked to her and no mention of Thanksgiving. I will be house and pet sitting for them for a week next month when they go to Vegas for their daughter's college graduation. Need to get a gift card or just a card with cash for Sarah- I have known her all her life. Met the family when she was pregnant with her son-he came to daycare at one year old and became my son's best friend. 26yrs ago

    stuffed baked potato for me tonight- not sure what I will make for the guys- son had his potato while I was at class last night. He may want chili dogs- always food here just not always what they would want.

    Have a great Thursday

    Napa Valley,CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Not much happening, I haven't felt well all day.. and took a snooze.
    So the farthest away I'll go is to get the mail and back ,which is down the hall.