DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • change_happens
    I can't wait til Christmas :)
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @everyone - did anyone watch the biggest loser? what did you think of anna - i can't decide if i liked her!
    @jennifer - great exercise on tues! stairs are killer! also, when i make fajitas, i have 1 or 2 small corn tortillas and if i want more i make a fajita salad
    @tryingeveryday - i know the feeling you are talking about and the same thing will happen to me on the scale. i'm going to start only weighing myself friday mornings and i think that will help with the "big picture" since you're weight can fluctuate by a few pounds based on water/sodium each day
    @shannon - i totally understand if you can't check in everyday, even with work and no family sometimes i can't get on - take care of your personal priorities first. also, re the cookies, i dont usually eat baked goods but when i bake them myself, watch out! it's so dangrous =)
    @luane - awesome job on the weight!
    @loveme - stretching is SO important, make it something to look forward to. i used to skip it and now i just think about how good it feels to do! also, it takes 2 minutes, just hold each stretch for about 10 seconds =)

    okay, feeling a lot better today but still going to cancel on my trainer - i'm just not 100% and i don't want to pay $75 if i can't give 110% effort. i also want to ease back into exercise with a short walk tonight (if it's not raining) and then with spin class on sat am. i'm a little worried about getting back into it and that i've lost a lot of strength but i can only control the effort i put in and i need to accept that

    i'm down to 175 again! i know a lot of this came off while sick but that 6lb gain was in 2 days so i'm hoping this is a real loss.

    goals for today -
    diet - stay under cals, stay conscious of my hunger and fullness when deciding to eat
    exercise - still not sure
    challenges - my appetite is back!
  • wendyc122005
    I don't have but a quick sec, but I weighed today and down another 4.2 lbs! Haven't seen a loss like that in a while. I think it has to do with giving myself a break this weekend, so I think I am going to increase my cals to maintenance twice a week and see if that jump starts my metabolism and keeps me losing.

    Jackie - Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Easing back into your routine is a good idea. If you push yourself too much you may get sick again. I didn't watch the Biggest Loser. Actually I never had, but I was going to watch to see if I could learn something to apply to me. Maybe it is On Demand.

    Billy - Glad to hear that you are feeling better as well. Nice side benefit to being sick though!

    Shannon - It is so hard to ignore the baked stuff I make for my family too. I try to not make stuff that I really enjoy though. I did slip up and make the Cranberry Orange Nut muffins though. Made them on Saturday, but I only had 2! They are still sitting so I am giving myself props for self control. Before I began if I made any kind of bake goods they would be gone in a matter of days. Now? I had to throw out chocolate cupcakes that didn't get eaten and got moldy. Although wasteful it was a good feeling.

    Lana & Renee - Love fruits and veggies, but I struggle to get them in to. At one point I was pre-prepping little baggies of both so I could just grab one on the go, but that hasn't worked out since school started. Think I am going to try to get this done this weekend. Heavy on the green iron rich for me!

    Goals today:
    Diet: Try to stay just a teeny - tiny bit below my cals. Typically several hundred below, but I want to try a bit more to keep my metabolism working at its best. If this works out for a few days I will then start and maintenance days every 4th. This will also help me to learn the maintenance lifestyle for me.
    Exercise: Treadmill at least 60 minutes during Grey's Anatomy season opener.
    Challenges: Don't see any right now.

    Happy Almost Weekend!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @all Work has been so stressful lately, I love what I do but it is so exhausting some days, and lately I have been overscheduled with patients, which makes for long, no break days :(
    @Billy Sorry the baby isn't sleeping, having a little one can be so exhausting, hope she goes back to sleeping through the night soon! My little one sleeps through the night, but he likes to cuddle so I have to wake up once or twice a night to comfort him in his sleep...

    So I did watch Biggest Loser, love that show, and not sure about Anna myself...not gonna lie, I miss Jillian
    Got in some good walking yesterday, been doing good on fitness, just a bit spoiled on food lately. I always have fresh fruit around and I feel like it's ok to snack on that and sometimes go overboard.
    Today's 9/22/11 Goals:
    Fitness: Strength Training-don't do enough of this
    Food: Stay within my calorie limit!
    Challenges: Fresh cut watermelon at home, temptation to eat it all...
    Hope ya'll are doing good, glad you're feeling better Jackie and Billy.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, everyone!! I hope you are having an awesome week. It’s Thursday, which means one more day closer to the weekend!!
    @slimdownspicey – I haven’t watched The Biggest Loser
    @Wendy – congrats on the weight loss!! That’s wonderful!

    Yesterday’s goals (Wednesday):
    Fitness: over my goal of 60 mnts
    Diet: Stayed within MFP goal, didn’t reach water goal

    Today’s goals (Thursday):
    Fitness: goal over 60 mnts exercise
    Diet: more water!! I’ve been slacking lately on water. Also, stay within MFP goal.
    Challenges expected: none anticipated
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Also, forgot, weighing in at 130 this week, not much but it was TOM so hoping for a 1 pound loss this coming week
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Lana-Good Job meeting your exercise goal. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve tried yoga but for some reason, I cant get into it. Do you have any recommendations for a good yoga dvd?
    @Slimdownspicey-Thanks! Im trying, I will make sure I get my stretch in tomorrow.
    @Wendy-I understand about getting the fruits/veggies in daily. I don’t really care for veggies so I have to force myself to eat them because I know they are good for me
    @ Jenni-Hope you’re getting some good rest after your long work days

    FITNESS: 15 mins of Stretching
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme445 - I have Yoga For Stress Relief
    I think it is a pretty easy video to follow, and you can choose a program based on time/what you need (sleep better, headache, etc.)

    Yesterday's goals (Thursday)
    Fitness: great - over 80 mnts walking
    Food: not good--over goal by over 200 calories. I'm not sure why I had such a craving for comfort food/junk food, except maybe because I didn't eat enough early in the day.

    Today's goal (Friday)
    fitness: at least 30 mnts exercise
    food: stay within MFP
    challenge: My boyfriend might not be able to accompany on our usual walk/run/hike. So, it'll be up to me to come up with my own exercise. Also, it would help me if I would eat regular meals so that I don't get super hungry late in the day.
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hi all! Back to checking in this week now that I'm feeling better!

    Goals today...
    Diet - stay under cals, eat more balanced and drink lots of water, keep sodium down because feeling bloated (TOM)
    Exercise - go to spin!
    Challenges - super tired today and TOM
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone I am sorry I have been MIA for the last week I had a family emergency so I was super busy. I have no idea where I am weight wise I did visit the dr last week before everything happened and I had lost down to 357 which is super exciting but I can't imagine that I am still there my food has been whatever I could grab so I will weigh in the morning and let you know how it goes.

    My goals for today are to log my food I have no idea what it will be because I have not been shopping in 2 weeks and now I am sick so I don't know if I will even eat today anyway. I woke up this morning throwing up so I am just going to try and stick to liquids until my stomach gets better!

    Fitness today will be channel surfing unless I get to feeling better. I know I will have to make myself take the dog out but I am not planning on doing much just feeling weak.

    Ok enough complaining I will try and read all that has happened since I was on here last if I don't get a chance to comment on your posts I am so sorry I will keep up this week!

    Going back to bed talk to you all in the morning!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday, everyone!!
    My weekend went pretty good b/c I had time for hiking, etc.
    Monday's goal (today):
    diet: stay within MFP goal
    exercise: at least 40 mnt walking
    challenges: there should be no specific challenges today

    One of my goals is to get our bicycles serviced and ready for riding again!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hello Everyone! It was a very busy weekend for me. Hope you all had a great weekend!

    FITNESS: Strength Training, Tae Bo, Yoga & Stretch
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme - Those sound like great goals!! I have been struggling with the 5 fruits/veggies.

    Monday's goals (yesterday):
    fitness: over -- actually got in 85 minutes
    diet: did not stay within MFP -- I started the day off with a donut, which didn't help

    Tuesday's goals (today):
    fitness: 40 mnts exercise
    diet: 5 fruits & veggies & w/in MFP
  • billyjoebob
    slimdown-You said you paid your trainer $75, was that for one session or longer? I've heard personal trainers are more affordable that they used to be, but I've always been curious exactly how much they were.

    jenni-She's still not sleeping through the night, but it's down to only one feeding at night, so much better:)

    Rachel-That stinks that you are sick! I hope you feel better soon!

    launawe-I haven't rode a bicycle in years! I miss riding a bike. One day I'll have to get a bike and start riding again...

    Today's goals:
    fitness: I donated blood yesterday so I'm putting off exercising until tonight, and then it will be very light exercise.
    diet: I need to get some extra protein and iron in my diet today, and resist the urge to eat junk food:)
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Feeling a little better today did not eat yesterday but I am hungry today so I am eating! Still weak so no exercise I will start back tomorrow!

    Goals for today 9-27
    Food: light food that will be easy on my stomach
    Exercise: none today
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @ Lana-Thanks! Yeah, its hard getting my veggie’s in. I try to have 1 veggie for lunch & 2 for dinner. Good Job getting in extra mins of exercise!
    @Rachel-Hope you feel better!

    FITNESS: Strength Training, Tae Bo, Yoga & Stretch
    ~Did ST, Yoga & FINALLY 15 mins of Stretching…I’ll take 3/4
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals, Tae Bo & Stretch
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Goals for today 9-28
    Food: stay under goals
    Exercise:Clean my house it has been a week not being home and now stuff is just everywhere.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @billyjoebob – Congrats on donating blood!!
    @tryingeveryday – I hope you feel better soon.
    @loveme – yay on the stretching!!

    Yesterday’s goals (Tuesday):
    Fitness: over goal (85 mnt walk)
    Food: I made it to at least 4 fruits/veggies

    Today’s goal (Wednesday):
    Fitness: at least 40 mnts
    Food: 5 fruits/veggies
    Challenge: I’m feeling frustrated b/c I haven’t lost weight in a couple of weeks.
  • wendyc122005
    So busy! But I wanted to stop in an tell you all that I am still here, but lurking . . . not much time for anything else. Time has been a factor in my food choices. I have stayed within calories, but a few too many bad choices (ie cals for the volume and fat). I need to get back on track regardless of my time constraints so that is my goal for today or actually tomorrow as I already blew it today.

    Rachel - Glad to see you back and that you are feeling better! Sent you an email last week.
    Launa - Try switching something up. Increase your cals for a couple of days. It will probably trick your body and you will start to lose again.
    Billy - Always trying for more iron as I am chronically anemic, but I never seem to even hit my goal.

    Happy Hump Day Everyone!

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals, Tae Bo & Stretch~DONE!
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies~DONE!

    FITNESS: Strength Training & Stretch
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Im sore so ST is going to be difficult