Welcome New Members!



  • KatieRoseMather
    KatieRoseMather Posts: 2 Member
    Can I connect my Apple Watch to the app? Is it compatible?
  • unityone7
    unityone7 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Trying this out. I have found through the years, my mind/emotions and thoughts are either my enemy or what helps me be successful.

    I have been an emotional eater for most of my life. Getting a hold on that, by being forgiving to others and mostly myself is where I am the most successful with being healthy.

    Choosing to love myself in how others are to me has been a breakthrough.

    We can not change how people treat us BUT we can set boundaries for ourselves and be forgiving.

    Move towards a support system of people who are caring and not hurtful to you. Replacing those, who sometimes might be family members.

    With setting BOUNDARIES, you decide what comes to your heart.

    This has taken me years to learn. Still learning but have made huge success!

    Blessing to all of us for making a choice to break the hurtful pattern of turning to food for comfort.

    Over eating is not comfortable!

    Recognize our emotions and feelings while we are turning to food.

    Ask yourself...am I hurt? Am I angry? If this is true, and your not really hungry, walk away.

    Pet a pet, step outside and breathe etc.

    God Bless
  • logiegirl9
    logiegirl9 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I've just came back after a short break, I know it's not a great time to start but I have to start sometime, right
  • StaceyyLorraine
    StaceyyLorraine Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2023
    I am new to MyFitnessPal, and I have been struggling for years now with weightless. I am really hoping to start 2024 as a new me and really focus on my health. I am always open to make new friends for support and motivation as well!
  • goodbernal
    goodbernal Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! 👋 Super pumped to kick off my fitness journey! Join me as I share the highs, lows, and gains along the way. Let's crush our goals together! 💪 #FitLife #ExcitedToFit
  • saisrinivas43
    saisrinivas43 Posts: 1 Member
    On and off for a few years.. I am going to stick to it this time. Appreciate few friends who can motivate me to be consistent. Feel free to add me.
  • gregzsurvey
    gregzsurvey Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't logged in for 2 years. Since July I've lost over 20 pounds, but Christmas meals got me and I gained 3 back. Trying to get back on track.
  • annlopezzz521
    annlopezzz521 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello guys I am Ann and I am rally happy to be a part of such community
  • Jayla8501
    Jayla8501 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys! I'm jayla and my goal is to lose 40lbs in total. I've always lost and gained the same 10 pounds so I'm hoping by trying something different I can have better results. After being diagnosed ith pcos I decided to be more hands-on with my health and wellness! I'm ready to work on a new me this new years!
  • Upnadam821
    Upnadam821 Posts: 7 Member
    Back at it again, looking to build better, healthier habits and maybe meet some fun accountability partners along the way
  • gregzsurvey
    gregzsurvey Posts: 3 Member
    Been back a week or so after being offline a couple years. Lost 24 pounds from July 3th until just before Christmas. Gained back 2 and started tracking food last week and now I'm at 25 pounds down for the first time. Back on track.

    35 more to go. Happy New Year all!
  • SlimwithVin
    SlimwithVin Posts: 5 Member
    Have used this app on ond off for a while but never connected with anyone so found it hard gettinh motivated. I'm finally in the right headspace to do it properly and would love to get to know others on their own weight loss/keep fit journey. I need to lose around 105lbs so have a long way to go but hopefully with the guidance and support of you fantastic people I'll get there sooner rather than later ☺️
  • wilder1953
    wilder1953 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    My name is Nancy. I am 70 years old, and have had a weight issue all my life. Literally. Lots of emotional eating, and simply bad choice eating. I have tried mfp before, and only did the free site. I started this past week, selected the Premium, I think I'll be more accountable if I pay. Have done really good this week, making good food choices, logging and exercising everyday for 60 minutes on my recumbent bike. Husband and I went to town today, had fried rice and sesame chicken, not too bad, but then oh we had a blueberry fritter. I did my logging, and exercised my hour, I am still within my numbers, but, I know I am not happy with my choice. Tomorrow is another day. We acknowledge and move on. Happy New Year to all of you, and this is our YEAR! <3
  • kmp9881
    kmp9881 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I've been on and off this app through training cycles for a few years and being able to track macros and making sure I hit calorie goals helped boost performance. I had baby#2 in May so I haven't been as focused on fitness or weight for a while, but since she's becoming a little less mommy-centric I figured it was a good time to start some self-care again. I'd like to lose about 40lbs this year and get back into half-marathon shape by June.
  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member
    2024 is the year to focus on me and my health. I have a cruise in September, so my goal is to be comfortable with me by then. Have almost 100 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight.

    Doing Weight Watchers and Joined a Gym.
    Looking for friends - motivational and inspirational.

    Chelle (Central Arkansas)
  • Fleurvanengeland
    Fleurvanengeland Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all,

    After long doubts and a difficult period, I took the plunge.
    And fair is fair I could use the support of a group.

    My name is Fleur, I am 40 years old and mother of 3 daughters (22,18 and 14). And with my lovely husband Jurgen for 24 years now.
    I work as an HR assistant at a large company specialising in facilitating intermediaries. So my job is 80% sedentary.

    Hobbies: Drawing, crafting cards

    I would like to finally discover a better and healthier way of eating and exercising.
    My goal is to lose 60 LBS.
    But then with small intermediate goals.
    It didn't come in 1 year either....

    The challenge is I don't tolerate gluten and little lactose.
    So eh yes long story I already... so I am much to tell🤭
    Any help is welcome 🤗 so feel free to join my journey

    WORMBRO Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Vincent, and I'm trying to lose fat and gain muscle. My weight goal is 140, but I want to look, "big and intimidating," so I'm pretty sure I will gain weight again (only in muscle). I am currently 206 pounds and have lost one pound since the year started. My workout regimen is odd, to say the least.

    I am on antipsychotics and psych meds that cause weight gain. I also have a chronic skin disorder that gets worse depending on how heavy you are. I am personally tired of being sick all the f-ing time, so this is another reason I'm trying to lose weight.

    Good luck to everyone on your journey!! Happy (late) New Year as well!!! :smile:
  • eleinia
    eleinia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I’m Sarah from NZ and I started 1 Jan.

    So far so good, I kickstarted the year with a week focused on diet and exercise and have lost 3kg. I was pretty strict during the week, but I wanted to take advantage of the time I had over the Christmas holidays to reset. Now I’ve returned to work so easing back a tiny bit and building new habits into my daily routines. Probably the opposite way most people go about it 😂

    It’s definitely becoming easier to balance macros on a daily basis now I have a better understanding. I’m going fairly low carb, but I have medical reasons for that.

    So pretty happy so far. Here is to an awesome new year!
  • kawafjeffreyd
    kawafjeffreyd Posts: 2 Member

    I'm Jeffrey. I've been on and off MFP for years but over the past two years I've lost weight, kept it off, and became someone who goes to the gym 4-5 days a week.

    I started with MFP, went to weight watchers, then got a personal trainer. All of that got me to where I am now.

    The problem I'm having is i have no community. No fitness friends. No health journey buddies. I miss the community WW provided me. The people I met there were very supportive and fun to talk to. I just don't need WW anymore and I don't want to pay for it to be a part of a community again.

    I remembered that back in 2016 i had a number of supporters and friends on MFP app under a different profile. I thought maybe I could return here and try and find a community again. Lets see if this works.

    A little about me. I'm in my thirties, i enjoy sober activities, I have a ton of pets, I'm a married gay man, and i live in the northeast. I would love a check in/accountability friend. how about you?

    Add me :-D
