Motivated Mama's ( Closed Group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I have to share:

    As you all know the last few weeks my motivation has been weak. I was afraid that I had lost my will power and wouldn't be able to get it back. Girls, I was wrong! It's back :happy:

    My alarm woke me at 530 this morning and I hit the snooze button and immediately fell back asleep. When it went off again 9 mins later my first thought (courtesay of that fat-girl mentality I was mentioning earlier this week) told me to reset it for 630 and go back to bed. Literally as soon as I processed that thought I had this rush of energy and adrenaline - like my body was telling my brain to shut the heck up and I turned off the alarm and hit my workout hard. I am so proud of myself (not a feeling I am used to!) that I just had to share with the group.

    Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies!

    Way to go!!!
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Emotional Challenge: Well I am glad that I am here now. I needed a challenge. Things got rocky there for a while but I'm back and ready to lose this last 30lbs.!!!! I have until Feb. 2012 to lose it all!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Emotional challenge:
    Last week was pretty rough, exercise wise. Having the calorie goal this week has really helped me. I did lose weight last week, but it was all due to eating habits. Having the calorie goal for the week, instead of telling myself that I need to exercise everyday also seems to be working better. Now that I am home alone with baby there have been some adjustments in order for me to find the time, but i'm (slowly) making it work.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    And she's back in the game folks! I stayed up last night thinking about why I had been feeling so unmotivated and like nothing was working. I came to the conclusion that I had a really bad food day on Saturday thanks to a little road trip we took...its extremely hard to eat healthy when you stop at a convenience store to get something to eat on the way home, and because of that bad food day I have been terrified of the number I would see on the scale tomorrow which in return was making me feel like I knew I was going to gain or had already gained so why even put in the effort for the rest of the week. The only way I knew to get past this feeling was to weigh myself, see the number, get over it and work my butt off. So thats what I did today, and not only did I not gain anything, I actually lost some! I dnt know how much because I didnt look at the number but I do know that my BMI was substantially lower than it was the last time I weighed. After seeing this I laughed...and cried LOL sometimes I think im such a dork for getting SO worked up about not being perfect at all of this! After going back and reading through all of the posts on this thread it makes me realize that im seriously not alone and that we all get down on ourselves Im so glad I've got all of you ladies to keep me going through all of this. Needless to say, that motivation is back and Im feeling great today! Sorry for rambling on and on just needed to get this past week off my shoulders!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    And she's back in the game folks! I stayed up last night thinking about why I had been feeling so unmotivated and like nothing was working. I came to the conclusion that I had a really bad food day on Saturday thanks to a little road trip we took...its extremely hard to eat healthy when you stop at a convenience store to get something to eat on the way home, and because of that bad food day I have been terrified of the number I would see on the scale tomorrow which in return was making me feel like I knew I was going to gain or had already gained so why even put in the effort for the rest of the week. The only way I knew to get past this feeling was to weigh myself, see the number, get over it and work my butt off. So thats what I did today, and not only did I not gain anything, I actually lost some! I dnt know how much because I didnt look at the number but I do know that my BMI was substantially lower than it was the last time I weighed. After seeing this I laughed...and cried LOL sometimes I think im such a dork for getting SO worked up about not being perfect at all of this! After going back and reading through all of the posts on this thread it makes me realize that im seriously not alone and that we all get down on ourselves Im so glad I've got all of you ladies to keep me going through all of this. Needless to say, that motivation is back and Im feeling great today! Sorry for rambling on and on just needed to get this past week off my shoulders!

    You didn't ramble on at all :) I'm glad that you are feeling great today. Your workouts are amazing and I'm always in awe seeing your calorie burns on the newsfeed. You are doing great, and you're right, we all have our ups and downs (I'm having a "down" right now), but you are definitely not alone!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Cardio - None, but will enter 0 on the spreadsheet
    Superman - Done
    Under Fat: Not finished logging yet, but will be under
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Wow! It sounds like everyone is picking themselves up and doing great!! Yay to all you ladies out there!! Keep on Keeping ON!! WooHoo!!

    Okay ... here are my stats for today.

    Cardion ~ Done!
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Fail!! I'm bad at fat! LOL!
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each Done!

    I'm bad with fat! I go over on Fat a lot! Most of the time it's because I'm eating peanut butter or nuts! I love nuts and peanut butter! I can't live with out it! Now ... ask me if I'm upset about it. Go ahead! Guess what ... I'M NOT! LOL! I'm loosing and I'm working out and so what if I'm over on my fat! Granted I'm bummed that I did not get that point! But other than that ... I move on. ;)

    I know I did not loose anything this past week. Dang TOM!! But hopefully I did not gain! Catch y'all in the am for weigh in! :flowerforyou:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Wow! It sounds like everyone is picking themselves up and doing great!! Yay to all you ladies out there!! Keep on Keeping ON!! WooHoo!!

    Okay ... here are my stats for today.

    Cardion ~ Done!
    Nutrition - Under Fat ~ Fail!! I'm bad at fat! LOL!
    Exercise - Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds each Done!

    I'm bad with fat! I go over on Fat a lot! Most of the time it's because I'm eating peanut butter or nuts! I love nuts and peanut butter! I can't live with out it! Now ... ask me if I'm upset about it. Go ahead! Guess what ... I'M NOT! LOL! I'm loosing and I'm working out and so what if I'm over on my fat! Granted I'm bummed that I did not get that point! But other than that ... I move on. ;)

    I know I did not loose anything this past week. Dang TOM!! But hopefully I did not gain! Catch y'all in the am for weigh in! :flowerforyou:

    This is me, I'm always over on fat. I never really watch my fat intake, when I started this journey I was doing South Beach and although it suggested to use lower fat options, I don't. I've noticed that if something is labeled low fat, it's usually loaded with chemicals or other crap, so I always go for full fat options.
    And just like you, i've lost 22lbs w/o watching my fat. Hate losing a point but oh well.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    So I got some strength trainig in today, feeling better, Thanks All!
    Failed on fat, oh well. I thought adout changing what was palnned for dinner, potatoe chip chicken. But it is one of my families favorites, so the moaning and groaning would go on all night if I didn't make it after I told them I was, guess I should have looked a little closer at todays challenge, a little sooner.
    Did my superman poses.

    On a completely off topic note, I'm going to see Korn in concert, I'm so excited!! It is going to be at a little bit smaller venue, a local resturant/club, so it should be a great time!! On the down side it's not til Nov. so I have to wait.

    See everyone back at weigh-in!! Have a good night!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    So I got some strength trainig in today, feeling better, Thanks All!
    Failed on fat, oh well. I thought adout changing what was palnned for dinner, potatoe chip chicken. But it is one of my families favorites, so the moaning and groaning would go on all night if I didn't make it after I told them I was, guess I should have looked a little closer at todays challenge, a little sooner.
    Did my superman poses.

    On a completely off topic note, I'm going to see Korn in concert, I'm so excited!! It is going to be at a little bit smaller venue, a local resturant/club, so it should be a great time!! On the down side it's not til Nov. so I have to wait.

    See everyone back at weigh-in!! Have a good night!!

    Wtg on the strength training! And I hear ya on the potato chip chicken...its a favorite in my house too!
    P.S totally jealous of you getting to see Korn they are on of my favorites!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    So I got some strength trainig in today, feeling better, Thanks All!
    Failed on fat, oh well. I thought adout changing what was palnned for dinner, potatoe chip chicken. But it is one of my families favorites, so the moaning and groaning would go on all night if I didn't make it after I told them I was, guess I should have looked a little closer at todays challenge, a little sooner.
    Did my superman poses.

    On a completely off topic note, I'm going to see Korn in concert, I'm so excited!! It is going to be at a little bit smaller venue, a local resturant/club, so it should be a great time!! On the down side it's not til Nov. so I have to wait.

    See everyone back at weigh-in!! Have a good night!!

    I would like to know what this potatoe chip chicken
    Well you have something to look forward 2 in Nov. and its not that far long away. It will be here as soon as you know it.
  • Emotional challenge:
    I think it might help by giving me a place to start. I know that these are listed to do in addition to one's daily routine, but I'm finding it hard enough to get motivated just to do the challenge. It's hard to find the energy, let alone the time. I think it may be easier once the little one is on a better schedule as she gets older. I think I have to start getting up before work, because Lord knows I'm beat after work. However, I was so into exercising before that I find it a bit cumbersome to start all over. I almost feel like I failed even more because I have to start over. I know that sounds ridiculous!! Anyway, back to the point. It gives me something to focus on, something to work toward rather than focus on what I have to "redo"

    Under Fat - SUCCEED by 6
    Superman 5 reps for 30 seconds - I only did 2. (I did not realize just how much of my core strength I lost being preggo!)
    pushups on ball 15 reps 2 sets
    clamshell crunches with ball 15 reps 2 sets
    pushups on ball (beginner) 15 reps 2 sets
    no additional cardio
    over calories
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hey Girls,
    Sorry I haven't been around here too much-- it's been one of those weeks when life is just.. non-stop! I'm trying to take some more time for myself too, doing some meditating, relaxing that kind of thing ( when I'm not up to my eyeballs in kids or the mountain of canning that I'm trying to get through) with all the stress going on. I can tell you though, getting a good sweat on is a GREAT way to deal with marital stress!! Phew!
    It's been a rough week all around for many of us I think.. and I am so thankful that we all have this group-- just as a reminder that we are all worth it, and we deserve all the good things that we're working for, even when we're exhausted as crap, and the little halloween candies in the store are lookin' SOOO good. The good thing about a group this size too-- we each have our moments ( or days, maybe a week..) when we're down.. but the likelihood that we're ALL going to have it at the same time is pretty slim. The shoulders are strong, and when the kick in the butt is needed-- those heels are pointy too ( that's what makes them sexy!!)!!

    Love ya all... *muah*!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional challenge:
    I think it might help by giving me a place to start. I know that these are listed to do in addition to one's daily routine, but I'm finding it hard enough to get motivated just to do the challenge. It's hard to find the energy, let alone the time. I think it may be easier once the little one is on a better schedule as she gets older. I think I have to start getting up before work, because Lord knows I'm beat after work. However, I was so into exercising before that I find it a bit cumbersome to start all over. I almost feel like I failed even more because I have to start over. I know that sounds ridiculous!! Anyway, back to the point. It gives me something to focus on, something to work toward rather than focus on what I have to "redo"

    Under Fat - SUCCEED by 6
    Superman 5 reps for 30 seconds - I only did 2. (I did not realize just how much of my core strength I lost being preggo!)
    pushups on ball 15 reps 2 sets
    clamshell crunches with ball 15 reps 2 sets
    pushups on ball (beginner) 15 reps 2 sets
    no additional cardio
    over calories

    You amaze me!!! I know when I was at 8 weeks postpartum... well, if you're even on here, you're in a better spot than I was!!! I even started doing a weight loss thing ( "Fat club".. because the first rule of Fat club, is that you don't talk about Fat club...) with some friends of mine when Emma was 3 months and that was hard on my body. Do what you can-- you're doing awesome!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional Challenge: Well I am glad that I am here now. I needed a challenge. Things got rocky there for a while but I'm back and ready to lose this last 30lbs.!!!! I have until Feb. 2012 to lose it all!

    You're back! Yaay! You've so got this this time around!! :)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Wow... I feel like I failed this week. I have been feeling down on myself all week long, not to mention I have had a sick baby. I have lost 19 lbs so far, but that is only a little compared to how far I NEED to go. Sometimes it is hard to focus on moving forward when I see how far I really have to go still. All that said, my husband has reassured me that he is behind me 100% and that he can see the progress I have made and thinks I look great. That gave me the little push that I needed to start getting my head in the right place again. I am recommitted and want to move forward. My goal this week is to do cardio every day, and to end my day doing Yoga, I want to burn at least 300 calories a day also. So, here is to a new week, a new challenge and a new attitude!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Cardio: Done
    Superman: Done
    Under Fat: Dang it I was over! :grumble:

    Geez I didn't realize how much fat was in avacddos! Well now I know so I now learned not to eat a whole medium avacado by myself. Whoops!

    I'm really nervous about weigh in tomorrow hopefully I lost a little something. Hope you guys have a good weigh in tomorrow! Good luck ladies!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    TU. 9/26 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    Input calories burned? yes
    Points: 7/7
    Nutrition: Under fat? yes
    Exercise: Superman pose? yes
    Points: 11/14
    Good day but NO time for sleep! :yawn:

    Hope all you lovelies are doing well! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Wow... I feel like I failed this week. I have been feeling down on myself all week long, not to mention I have had a sick baby. I have lost 19 lbs so far, but that is only a little compared to how far I NEED to go. Sometimes it is hard to focus on moving forward when I see how far I really have to go still. All that said, my husband has reassured me that he is behind me 100% and that he can see the progress I have made and thinks I look great. That gave me the little push that I needed to start getting my head in the right place again. I am recommitted and want to move forward. My goal this week is to do cardio every day, and to end my day doing Yoga, I want to burn at least 300 calories a day also. So, here is to a new week, a new challenge and a new attitude!!

    There are so many successes to your week: first, you continually posted here, you report honestly, you care for others... I could go on... I see you as being a success. You ONLY failed if you never "got up"... every "great" event, person, invention etc. came from what one could define as "failure"; the key is to change how you define failure- kick its *kitten*! I know that you can conquer EVERY pound that you want to loose; I believe in you- :heart:

    "Everyone fears failure. But breakthroughs depend on it." - Anonymous
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Went over my cals by ten today! Absolutely gutted! 1 less piece of choccie and I would have got the point, grr!

    Having a really bad/stressful time atm with going back to uni, really struggling to keep up with the whole weightloss/exercise thing. It's really disheartening, I've done so well and now feel like I'm throwing it all away as when I try and get my work done I just feel compelled to eat & snack and I get really stressed out if I can't. My meals are still healthy so that's good but I'm just snacking again when I haven't snacked for months :-( And I don't have time for exercise really apart from my weekly classes, Zumba and pilates.

    Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon and get it sorted! :(

    I must admit that I do "give in" to the mindless snacking but I have changed some of the things I choose- Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal is great for that; air popped popcorn, carrots (w/ or w/out non fat ranch dressing...etc.). Coming from someone who has a high stress life, I wish you much love and peace. :heart:

    It'll all come around... trust me. Have you ever really asked yourself why you HAVE to snack? For me at least, there is always something behind it when my relationship with food turns ugly- I just need to sort out what it is... then I'm back on track. Sometimes sorting it out turns out to be REALLY tough but I just have to have faith that I'll get where I need to be and if my faith is gone, I reach out and borrow other people's faith. I wish the best for you; if you need anything, never hesitate!
    Thank you <3
    Yeah I know why it is it's stress. When I have a massive pile of work to do or when I'm concentrating really hard on an essay I just feel the need to shovel endless amounts of M&Ms into my mouth to ease the stress a little. Not really sure how I can change that to be honest. My work is the most important thing at the moment and if eating helps I feel like I should just do it... :-/