
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,151 Member
    Rain has stopped for now. Getting ready to head out for a walk around the wetlands. First walk there in almost a month(daycare girl was on winter break for 3 weeks)
    Cutting back to two nebulizer treatments a day starting today-will do a 3rd if I feel I need it.
    Better than the 4 times a day I was doing. Had cut back to 3 a couple days ago.

    Things have been pretty calm with dh and MIL for the past week which has been so nice. Hope it lasts.
    We are gearing up for another show to sell our 3D printed stuff next month so have three of the 6-7 printers going pretty much non stop. It is a short one day sale and he has already talked to his friend saying if we are paying for half the booth cost that we want half the booth space, not just the one side like we got in SF. We won't be taking any of the vintage toys this time. We will for the Vacaville show.

    Chilly but no where near as cold as most of you- 46 right now. I will layer up.

    Have a great afternoon ladies

    Napa Valley, CA heading to the American Canyon Wetlands
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,073 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- pushed chispas in buggy- 1hr 30min, 30elev, 2.98ap, 90ahr, 137mhr, 4mi= 418c
    Strava app= 437c
    Walk w/yogi- 52.02min, 41elev, 3.56ap, 97ahr, 112mhr, 3.04mi= 260c
    Strava app= 373c
    Walk home to gym- 9.24min, .53mi= 52c
    Strava app= 65c
    Lateral machine- 10min, 10w, 5min @1 resist, 5min @7resist, 77ahr, 84mhr, 4.5laps, .93mi= 70c
    Elliptical machine- 10min, 7incl, 7resist, 95ahr, 113mhr, .78mi= 90c
    Treadmill jog- 5.03min, 6.0-6.2sp, 126ahr, 172mhr, 10.06min mi, .5mi= 64c
    Walk gym to home- 10.04min, .69mi= 52c
    Strava app. 86c

    Total cal 1006
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Worked then to Aldi then home to get dinner ready, yogurt in the IP, the heating and cooling guy was here (normal maintenance) so I stayed home until Vince finished. He put up the PVC pipe from the arches and then came inside. When he came inside, I walked to Food Lion to get a potato for Sun, the pork chops for Sun and bananas for Vince.

    Simone – Ty sure looks young (lucky guy!). In that picture when he was 18 – he looks maybe 9. I’m so so sorry for all his medical issues

    nita – it’s just me but if I don’t exercise first thing in the morning – it doesn’t happen. Except for the fact that I do like to walk. So I get to the gym on Wed. when I don’t work (most of the time). I also don’t work on Sun but the gym opens so darn late that I just do something at home. I don’t like to but I will do a walking DVD when it’s raining out. Usually, when I go to the gym it’s to do some sort of cardio since I don’t have the equipment at home. I really don’t want it because it’ll take up so much room. Then I’ll go to the deep water aerobics class. This instructor isn’t that rigorous but it’s certainly better than nothing.

    M – that’s a great idea to join the spinning class. Believe it or not, never thought of that.

    Tracey – happy birthday (sad as it may be) to your dh.

    Annie – I know this isn’t what the gym wants you to do, but I’ve always wiped down the equipment even before Covid before I started to use it. I honestly don’t understand the rational behind wiping it down AFTER you’re finished. I’m talking the cardio equipment (elliptical, treadmill, etc), not the weight machines. Actually, I’m not crazy about the weight machines, I think they isolate the muscle too much. I do think they are great for rehab, tho. When you’re sitting doing an arm curl, you aren’t using your abs. When you’re standing doing a curl, you’re at least using your abs, even if it’s only a little. Well, that’s me. At home I have a bosu, step and 4 risers, ball, handle bands, loop bands, we do have a recumbant bike because Vince wanted it, and rebounder. I do have TRX equipment that I’ve never used. Glad your sister is coming

    Lanette – I wish there WAS a part to fix the recall. Unfortunately, Hyundai is probably looking for a cheaper fix than replacing the entire ABS. There’s nothing the dealer can do if they don’t have a fix. In a way I’m hoping that with the snow and all, people who own Hyundai’s will also make complaints to the NHTSB and they will get on Hyundai’s case. We shall see.

    Lynette – we laugh at the way people down here respond to “snow”. Even the mere mention of it, and everything shuts down. And you should see the children in FL! Here I am going to the gym in shorts and the children are dressed up like they were going to the Antarctic. It’s just funny

    We facetimed with PJ (second time ever). He sent us Christmas presents and he wanted to watch us open them.

    Barbie – and when Bessy comes back, Annie will probably sniff her to death. Thanks to Rita, I did learn to put something over my windshield so that the frost doesn’t get on it. I got a garbage bag from BK, cut it down the side and am using that. I got two more garbage bags just to be safe. Really, it’s not like the bags cost them a lot of money I’m thinking of making a c2c blanket for my friend in Switzerland. It’ll be a prayer blanket. Sorry to hear about Bessie

    Vicki – good luck having the patch put on. No shower! I’d go nuts, be counting down the minutes until I can get in a hot shower. But it’ll be sooooo worth it. Hope they find out what’s happening

    Lisa – corn is pretty sweet, so are carrots. Do you like either of them?

    Heather – so sorry to hear of G

    Barbara – thanks for that link. Honestly, I didn’t realize that the fire could start even while I’m driving the car. They haven’t sent the dealer any of the fuses. That’s more of a bandaid fix than anything else. And I think they know it.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,073 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,001 Member
    Hidee ho all,
    All I can tell them,is my feelings on the subject,told Tracy that its a pretty scary movie especially when sallys arms and legs fall off,now think of a 2 yr old sleeping and thinking can that happen to me? I never let my kids watch anything like that when they were little.
    But ..im only the Gma..
    Heather- I must have missed the part about your friend G..hopefully she is ok..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    edited January 12
    Machka - I admit I envy the warm weather right now, but I don't envy your winter during our summer! I try to remind myself that the four seasons are why we're here. If we ever move again, though, it may be to someplace with warmer winters. No plans for that for now, just enjoying what we can, and living with the rest. In the kitchen, I use wire baskets with bamboo bottoms a lot so I can pull out the basket and check it. They fit lots of things, like soup cans, pasta packages, etc. In my dream kitchen, I will have drawers in ALL the under-counter cabinets. Shelves six inches from the floor just don't make sense.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    One place we've lived and the place we stayed for a month in Canada had those drawers and I loved them!!

    Here, I've got a pantry (which is nice), and one normal under-counter cabinet, and 2 awkward difficult corner under-counter cabinets. It's just not ideal and a lot of stuff ends up on the countertops.

    The temperature in winter here rarely goes below 0C (32F) but it does get windy and rainy with a very cold rain. So weather-wise it is nowhere near as bad as it was on the Canadian prairies.

    But it's dark.

    In the Northern Hemisphere, the darkness happens at Christmas time when people are putting extra lights on houses, etc. and when there's Christmas to look forward to, and Christmas events, etc.

    Here, there's nothing. It's just dark.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    edited January 12
    kevrit wrote: »
    Do you all enjoy the daily what day it is posts? Please let me know yes or no. No responses and I will stop.



    But only if you want to. If it starts to become a pain ... you don't have to continue.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Annie – I know this isn’t what the gym wants you to do, but I’ve always wiped down the equipment even before Covid before I started to use it. I honestly don’t understand the rational behind wiping it down AFTER you’re finished. I’m talking the cardio equipment (elliptical, treadmill, etc), not the weight machines. Actually, I’m not crazy about the weight machines, I think they isolate the muscle too much. I do think they are great for rehab, tho. When you’re sitting doing an arm curl, you aren’t using your abs. When you’re standing doing a curl, you’re at least using your abs, even if it’s only a little. Well, that’s me. At home I have a bosu, step and 4 risers, ball, handle bands, loop bands, we do have a recumbant bike because Vince wanted it, and rebounder. I do have TRX equipment that I’ve never used. Glad your sister is coming

    Michele NC

    The gym doesn't care if you wipe the equipment down before you use it. Many people do.

    But the gym does care if you leave a pool of sweat for the next user ... and yes, when I was in my bodybuilding days, I have seen that. Huge bodybuilders can sweat a lot during a workout, and can leave the bench and surrounding area looking like the sprinkler system came on. So the gyms are quite insistent that you clean up your own mess because leaving it for others to clean up is gross.

    Machka in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Machka looks wonderful!

    Vicki That is strange about heart monitor not getting wet. My DH had to wear one for a month, me for two weeks. The only time they came off was to recharge. 7 years ago though, the one my DH also wore for a month came off to take shower. I hope something shows up so that you can get longer wear one. This way they can diagnose the issue.

    Rosemarie Don't overthink it. Just enjoy the car! Make sure they get it scheduled for airbag replacement. That is on them. I am surprised that they didn't check for recalls before selling it. Yes, I too would call to make sure he gets things out in the mail. Congratulations!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Kylia – I’m so sorry about your aunt. How wonderful of your brother to have taken care of her. I’m now starting to keep these Nature Valley granola bars in my soup kitchen bag. I’m so hungry when I go there. At least I’ll have something HALF WAY decent.

    Rosemarie – I called the dentist’s office and he’s prescribing another antibiotic, clyndomycin (not sure of the spelling). I’ll pick it up tomorrow after work. Sure hope this works. Maybe the antibiotic he used wasn’t strong enough

    M – I have seen pools of sweat on the weight machines. That’s why I said that I was referring to the cardio equipment and not the weights.. I would expect someone to clean up a bench they were using and sweating on. But I honestly don’t understand the need to wipe the machines before and after your workout on cardio equipment. I always did it before thinking that the person before me didn’t and at least I was assured that it was done

    Michele NC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Lanette - I love your attitude.
    I remember growing up in the country and my grandparents and parents going to town to get extra supplies and stuff before a storm. We had oil or kerosene lanterns around and of course wood heat. Our wood was always just outside the door, but on those storm/extreme cold days we had to pile some in the house beforehand.

    I feel bad for the little chicken that needs to go to a stew pot. I would never have made it as a farmers wife.

    Machka - I’m glad you are feeling better. I 100% agree about the upper cupboards. We have only 3 uppers.l that are useful. One, double wide, is mugs, cups, and bread. One is cereals, it’s one of those half size ones above the stove. The other is a single wide and that’s plates, bowls, spices and other infrequently needed things on the top shelf. Our lowers we have a corner one that is pots and pans. Like yours, it should have a lazy Susan. One double wide that holds our food, one single wide that has crock pot, blender and such, one that houses tools and things we need to have handy instead of going out to the shop, and one holds our storage containers. We only have three deep but not wide drawers and the other drawers are not deep so I have to be very careful what is put in them so they don’t limit the drawer from opening.
    I actually stopped at the dollar store last night to buy some containers to try to organize the cupboards and our one closet this weekend.

    I have been looking at the pantry type cupboards you can buy, but am concerned about where to put it as I don’t have much room.
    Sometimes I really like this place, sometimes I really hate it.

    Barbie - I can’t wait for longer days. It should be a bit more. Noticeable in a few weeks here.
    Sorry to hear Bessie is having issues.

    Rita - I enjoy the what day it is posts. I sometimes have trouble seeing them because I do most of my reading on my phone. So font size matters.

    Allie - I would agree that Nightmare Before Christmas is not appropriate for Miles. It is not recommended for young children. It is PG-13.
    What a terrible accident for the lady with the horse.

    Lisa - I don’t like many vegetables for the same reason. I also can’t handle anything that is spicy hot. I am a very fussy eater.

    Heather - it sure feels nice to get those little things done doesn’t it?

    Joy - i can’t wait until Monday. We’ll feel like we’re in the tropics. This has come so fast and so brutal it’s hard on our systems.

    Kim - I don’t do scary either.

    Debbie - happy to hear MIL and DH have called a truce for the time being.

    Barbara - you are getting a lot accomplished with one arm.

    Kylia - sorry for the loss of your aunt.

    I wonder how my eldest cousin feels about that. We have one uncle left out of 7. So far we have lost 4 cousins. None of them were the eldest though.
    My Mom’s side I don’t have any first cousins, she was an only. She has some first cousins and their children are my second cousins if I count them I’m good, but otherwise I guess I’m the eldest.

    Rosemarie - my brother is a mechanic and swears that Toyota Rav 4’s are dependable and don’t break down. They also hold a resale value according to him. My SIL’s Mom is on her 3rd one, she upgrades every few years

    I have to go do some more studying.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Kylia – I’m so sorry about your aunt. How wonderful of your brother to have taken care of her. I’m now starting to keep these Nature Valley granola bars in my soup kitchen bag. I’m so hungry when I go there. At least I’ll have something HALF WAY decent.

    Rosemarie – I called the dentist’s office and he’s prescribing another antibiotic, clyndomycin (not sure of the spelling). I’ll pick it up tomorrow after work. Sure hope this works. Maybe the antibiotic he used wasn’t strong enough

    M – I have seen pools of sweat on the weight machines. That’s why I said that I was referring to the cardio equipment and not the weights.. I would expect someone to clean up a bench they were using and sweating on. But I honestly don’t understand the need to wipe the machines before and after your workout on cardio equipment. I always did it before thinking that the person before me didn’t and at least I was assured that it was done

    Michele NC

    I sweat all over the cardio equipment! When I am on the treadmill or spin bikes, I am exercising hard enough so that sweat is running down my arms and dripping off my elbows. And my hands are so wet with sweat they leave prints anywhere I touch, like the screen, the handlebars etc.

    So I clean the equipment when I am done.

    And I am not the only one dripping away like that. In some gyms I have been in over the years, most of the people using cardio equipment hardly break a sweat but when I was using the University gym, most cardio equipment users were working hard and sweating as much or more than me. That gym was motivational!

    I've come across a few like that.

    M in Oz
  • monie_is_getting_fit
    monie_is_getting_fit Posts: 15 Member
    Ty does look young, and things weren’t easy but we pushed through all his hospitalizations.

    Kylia I am sorry about your aunt’s passing. How is your great niece doing now? Ty was always so tired.

    Macula that looks very nice. I would love a place for my cats to be outside on nice Summer days.

    Anyone sign-up and do The Conqueror? I signed up last week in hopes it would help me to stay motivated to walk. I just completed one and should get a medal in the mail soon for it.

    I had a Webex meeting tonight to get information about what my student teaching semester will look like and tomorrow morning I have another which will be about the same things and some more added information from the Office of Field Experience at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where I graduated in December 2021 and only have this last hurtle to do in order to start teaching in Fall. I just wish I knew where my placements will be as I am supposed to start the 22nd and one of the first things I need to do before that happens is to contact my cooperating teachers.