

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Today is Get a hug, while wearing your sweatpants and watching the squirrels today!


    RVRita in Roswell
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    LOVELY, Kylia! Hope to see her on our cruise ship one day! We have five dancers and four singer/dancers. And from there, who knows, the sky's the limit! :D<3

    Having a quiet day watching videos, reading etc. I did a bit of gluten free shopping around the corner, and cleaned a couple more door shelves in the fridge. The tomato purée had leaked sticky stuff on one shelf. I also looked in the spare bulb drawer and found lots of travel plugs, mainly Australian/US. I think I will find a box for those and put them in the garage. Just in case I ever go to Australia again! I do have the US on my bucket list. I've only really visited NYC.

    Tracey - Would you like to Friend me, so we can message? I will try you when you next post.

    I also bought a swede (rutabaga) for Burns Night on Thursday, and some cream to make whisky sauce. The haggis is residing in the fridge.

    Must get around to getting a digital passport photo done. We can try taking one, and using a cheap online transform thing I found, or our local Tesco has machines that also do digital. That costs a bit though. Maybe tomorrow, after a hair wash and makeup. Must be done soon to be assured the new passport will be in time for our cruise.
    Both cleaner and window cleaner coming tomorrow. Money running tight until pension day. :*

    Lamb, lentil, spinach and pea curry tonight. Must get downstairs to do it!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    edited January 21
    My month so far in spoiler. I copied the whole note, so read at will! I am proud of this as well: 6 MONTHS SOBER!!

    2024 Goals
    Words of the year: simplify, empowered, and authentic.

    SIMPLIFY—make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand.
    EMPOWERED—give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
    of undisputed origin; genuine.

    I will be authentic and empowered while working to simplify my life.

    1. Do 12 different crafts this year: color,draw, sew, crochet, knit, bead jewelry, candles, make cards, origami, scrapbook, macrame, loop looms 3/12
    2. Walk average of 7250 steps a month 20/31. 177% (2 weeks)
    3. 30 minutes activity 20/23 days a month
    4. Journal 14/23 days a month
    5. Meditate 20/31days a month
    6. Family phone calls 15/12 monthly.
    7. Save $1000 for emergencies by depositing $50 a month into savings and not touching it. 0/1000
    8. Research and apply for senior independent living in Roswell, one a month. 1/12. 1. Peachtree village 866-882-3746 2. Sunny Acres Senior center 855-430-2394. 3. Sunset Villa 866-956-0235 3. Rio Vista senior housing 877-843-7557 4. Roswell summit apts. 877-853-5446. 5. Sunset 1600 apartments 877-867-8105 . 6. Cielo de Oro senior 877-874-4734 6. Wildwood apartments 877-876-4096. 7. Willow Trace 877-881-2933 Local senior housing advisor 877-304-7152
    9. Drink 8 days a month or less. 0/8
    10. Read 5/24 books this year.
    11. Weigh less at end of month than at beginning. O/12

    “I’m learning to treat myself as if I am valuable. I find that when I practice long enough, I begin to believe it.” In All Our Affairs

    “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” —-Romans, The Bible.

    Keep it Simple
    But for the Grace of God
    Easy Does It
    First Things First
    Just for Today
    Let it Begin with Me
    How Important is it?
    One Day at a Time
    Keep an Open Mind
    Live and Let Live
    Let Go and Let God

    say the Serenity prayer.
    “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can, and
    The wisdom to know the difference.”

    I also say a step 7 prayer which is very simple and it goes like this: 'God, please help me deal with my character defects.’

    The results of your personality test are in. Here they are:
    Personality type: Logistician (ISTJ-T)
Traits: Introverted – 69%, Observant – 58%, Thinking – 75%, Judging – 56%, Turbulent – 54%
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Constant Improvement

    Joined MFP 5/26/2010





  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Michelle in NV - Are you tracking your protein? Since I've gone from 60 grams per day to around 90, my appetite has really changed. Fruit and a few nuts are my go-to snack when I'm really hungry, and fills me up. No desire for junk food type snacks or empty carbs. I aim for 1.2 gm/protein per kg of weight.

    I see Kylia has already covered this and other good ideas! Yep, start small and build on successes. :)

    Regarding sleep - I just stumbled on this Dr. Matt video called "8 Sleep Hacks - How to get rejuvenating sleep". Wow, much I didn't know. Explains a lot - this video is 15 minutes well spent for those of us with sleep issues. ;) Or just want to find out more about it.

    Reminder for the weekly Check-in, please get info to me today or early tomorrow morning.

    Make it a great day, ladies. Stay safe and warm! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,352 Member
    Kylia-GD does stand out-she has very fluid yet crisp movements-how exciting! (and I love "All that Jazz"

    Rita-6 months sober is quite the accomplishment-just keep building!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited January 21
    Barbie - Me too. Brighton and Hove is quite warm enough for me!

    Being able to message people is quite unnecessarily difficult. :#

    The family have arrived home through the storm. Relieved. They are happy but v tired. There is a major storm on tonight. Glad they are back. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Rita, con very gratulations on six months sober!! Proud of you, girl!
    Tracey, I think Michele was wondering if some were jealous of the go fund me page or maybe about Kaitlyn and hubby trying the in vitro again. Are any of them wanting and not able to conceive? I don’t need to know the answer, just something to rattle around in your brain. Congrats on your schooling! I hope you are proud of yourself on two fronts. 1: you decided to change your trajectory by going back to school (not easy as a full grown adult I know!) and 2: your grasp of the subject is obviously very good, your marks are showing that!
    Heather, glad the family got home okay.
    Michelle in NV, I was going to suggest hard boiled eggs, I see Kylia beat me to it. They are great, I usually have some in my fridge. One of them with a cut up tomato and some cheddar cheese makes a good snack. A hot beverage can also help. Think herbal tea or bouillon. Hang in there, you can do this!
    Many more I wanted to comment on, but I must get myself to the gym!

    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the new gals!

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island where the temp has warmed up and we are melting! Yay!!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Tina: I accepted friend request and sent you a message. LMK if you haven't gotten it.

    Kylia and Ginny: So happy to you got to meet in person. Any photos?

    Lisa: Ten years???? I remember meeting you and Corey like it was yesterday.

    Once Lanette gets the teleporter running again it should be very easy for us to convene under one roof for a cuppa and good long yammer 🤗🤗🤗

    Okay, time for me to hit the gym. Then will get myself all cleaned and pressed for a casual dinner out with girlfriends. Love you all. Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Wouldn't that be such a hoot? As my mother would tell people, " come, lets drink wine, gossip and tell lies"! She would say that with a twinkle in her eye.💖🤗. No lie telling, really, or unpleasant gossiping though. Just easy conversation.👍🏼
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    The wind is roaring round the house. So glad the family are home. We might have gusts up to 80 mph.

    A ship we have been on, Spirit ofAdventure, (i have a marine app) is stuck in Portsmouth harbour for tonight. It's supposed to calm down by tomorrow a bit.
    Will have to see what Tuesday is going to bring. Might have to pick Bea up by car.

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    Heather - I sent you a friend request. I also follow you on IG if you want to message me there.
