Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    MADDIE ASKED "Mama Buzz: I see you're doing South Beach. Using website or book? {{{{{{{{{{ :heart: }}}}}}}}}"
    Using all five of my SBD books, and they're great! Besides that wonderful moussaka, I love the New England fish chowder, and I don't even like fish! The SBD Supercharged is very good, and I get the SBD Newsletter in my email everyday, and often there's a good recipe in it! {{{{{{{{:heart: }}}}}}}}. So good to see you back here, dear, and you've done it before and you'll do it again. You've been through much trauma, and you'll be in charge of your life again with all of us who love you!

    Everybody else, I think I've finished with the redecorating after shimming up pieces to sit against crooked walls, putting felt sliders under furniture that was marking up the white floors, and getting rid of stacks of unread newspapers from the past week. The new "snack table" arrives tomorrow, and I'll breathe nicely after that! I don't think I'll ever move!!!

  • piquilter
    Leaving tomorrow morning at 8 for a 5 day quilting getaway :drinker: :happy: :happy: :love: :love: Don't know if I'll be checking in or not, would have to do it on the phone. Have been going like crazy today! Ran errands, had my yearly physical, fixed a roast and big pot of chili so dh won't eat only the rice krispie bars I made for him. Last night I decided to 'quick' cut out my granddaughters baby quilt that I hadn't done yet. It wasn't so quick and took a lot more time than I thought it would, but I did get it done an hour or so ago so it is packed to go along too. Have a great rest of the week & I'll check in for sure again on Monday.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member

    Jeri, your photos are just so perfect what kind of camera do you use? Does anyone live with your mom that she needs 3 freezers worth of food. :drinker: You know without saying that we are with you every step of the way with your radiation. :heart:

    Thanks Sandy. I use a Panasonic FZ35 I've had it for a couple of years now which is a stretch for me as I was in the habit of buying a new one more frequently. This one does what I want it to. As for my Mom, nope, just her. It actually is 1 large deep freeze and 2 fridges with freezer compartments. But she loves to cook. We moved over all sorts of stuff. Various soups, apple sauce, frozen beets, homemade pizza, homemade pizza rolls, a casserole or two, a bunch of frozen rhubarb, etc., etc.

    Thank you and THANKS EVERYONE ELSE for your support.

    Oh btw, I took Mom to the casino tonight and lost. Boo Hoo Oh, I wont $30 on a lottery ticket so I am even. But, I'd rather be up. For once my Mom won.

    Good night all and best wishes,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: Becky, The only way I can all those steps is to actually go for several long walks. Line dancing doesn't register as very many steps even when the dances are active. When I worked the fair for my business one year, I was on my feet walking around in the booth and registered very few steps.

    :bigsmile: Maddie, we will encourage you day by day to get back on track:bigsmile: :bigsmile: make a small change every day:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I get up between five and six every morning and walk the dogs one at a time, then have breakfast and take both dogs for a walk for at least an hour before I take a shower and get dressed to go to line dance or do other things. That's how I manage to have 8,000 or more steps before 8 AM.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Marie, it makes me so happy to know that you have found an eating plan that is not only taking off the weight but also have a positive effect on your health.

    :bigsmile: Chris, your canning sounds great. I have a canner and jars but have only canned once.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Buzz, I'm happy to hear that you survived the redecorating. It made me tired reading about it :laugh:

    :bigsmile: piquilter, your quilting get-away sounds like so much fun.......I know you'll have a great time.

    :ohwell: :flowerforyou: we spent two hours this morning learning about heat pumps so we can make a decision about whether to just replace our ancient furnace or get a new furnace and a heat pump
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all. Just a quick question. It seems to me that awhile ago someone mentioned freezing buttermilk. I can't tell you how much buttermilk I have thrown out over the years. Does it freeze well? What is the shelf life in the freezer? Such good tips found here.

    Jeri -- I think of you so often. I hope your appointment goes well this week. Hang in there, my friend.:heart:
    Take care, :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Sun is trying to come out, hope it does to brighten up our day!! :flowerforyou: The weathermen keep saying rain until Saturday. :grumble: :noway: Today is my granddaughter who is in the Peace Corps 22nd Birthday so I called her from Skype in Africa. She has no Internet service so no video call, just a regular phone call. :ohwell: I never made it to the store yesterday so I will go today and put a package in the mail for her, her parents said she wants some magazines so that is what I will send. :bigsmile: Other than that no plans for today so I will exercise and work on DVDs.

    Gayla, I have no idea about freezing buttermilk especially since I am not a milk drinker. :tongue:

    Barbie, between five and six every morning I am turning over and getting more comfortable. :laugh: I am a night person who stays up until one am and I sleep between eight and nine. :yawn: I wish I could get up early and get my exercise done at an early hour but I must admit I am too lazy. :ohwell:

    Jeri, your camera is working for you so I wouldn't change it, it produces beautiful pictures just like you. :heart: Your mom amazes me but so do all the others in their 80's who are so active, it sure is different from our parents and they died so young in earlier years. I want to live a long, long time but I want to be active and healthy. :love: Why does everyone win at the casino but me? :blushing:

    Jeanne, have a great time on your quilting getaway, will talk when you get back. :drinker:

    Buzz, so happy to hear both you and your hubby are both doing the South Beach, a couple that diets together stays together. (I just made that up) I love your dog tired pup. :love:

    Maddie, take it on minute at a time for now and do the best you can do. Taking the weakness food out of the house was very smart. It hurts my toes to cross them but for you I will. :laugh:

    Marie, it has to make you feel so good to be eating healthy and reducing your insulin. You are an inspiration to all of us. :heart:

    Chris, I do not know what an egress window is but I presume it is a window for your basement bedroom Congratulations on your casino win, what do you play? :wink:

    The groomer called she is not picking Daisy up until one and I waited to exercise because I thought she was coming at 11. I better get moving or I will not be doing any errands again today.

    Have a great day!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi sneakers, hope you are all slipping into fall easily. We are, so far.

    Gayla, we use a lot of buttermilk. First off, I often go past the expiration date by as much as three weeks without any adverse reactions at all. It is much differnt from milks shelf life. You can surely freeze it, but I dont know how long.
    Hope this helps.

    Sandy, tell Kate happy birthday and God Bless her. I sent a package, but not sure if she got it. She would probably tell you if she had received it. It may not have been enough time. Anyway, I have more to send, when I get time to ship them.

    Work awaits me, and oh yes, HI MADDIE
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    gayla, I have no ideal about freezing buttermilk. But i do know they freeze regular milk so I don't see why not

    When do you all have your thanksgiving/? I know it is a lot earlier than ours. I am already thinking aboutI what i will take. I know it will be veggies and some beans My month on this plan is Friday. Will change my wiegh on here then. At least I hope to..

    Nice posting here this morning Wonderful to read all tho I done forgot what I read.

    went to the store this morning and got some fresh green beans and new potatoes to cook. Yum

    Hello everyone since my mind is blank. I will reread the post again later
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Hi everybody,
    Sandy I play any keno sometimes poker on the machines. I don't win all the time but this week was good for me and my husband. My son won more than we did together. He lives 2 towns away from me and mostly goes there.

    My hubby is still digging, tomorrow our son comes to help and if they don't finish it the grandsons will come to help on Saturday.

    I have been trimming plants and trees back for the winter but our weather is still warm in the 70's. It's suppose to be in the 60's tomorrow. I am going outside to pick and taste the apples to see if they are sweet enough. The pears are still hard so I will wait on those. My kitchen looks like a farm house full of fruit and veggies.

    Fixed som pants for my hubby yesterday and have to fix one more pair. I had to take the hem up 1/2 inch on them. I will work on my granddaughters quilt too.

    This morning went to the dr and he had a call to go to the hospital so they cancelled my appt when I got there so will go in a week or so. I walked 46 minutes today so far, I am going to try and stationary bike later.

    Marie, You are so active, I don't know how old you are but all those steps, wow. The most steps I have done so far is 9000. i will try my ped. when I line dance tomorrow night. You mostly eat veggies? great job.

    This morning I ate:
    ww chocolate smoothe made with water.Coffee
    whole wheat 100 cal bun with 3 oz lean steak, sl. tomatoe and lettuce. Sweet tea
    ww pumpkin bread

    Not sure dinner yet but it will have lots of veggies and dessert will be apple,plum, and banana.

    Have a good evening
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    SANDY & anyone who wants a groove!!! Original by Marvin Gaye (copy, paste and go)

    I think I did pretty good today....I thought I would rest since I don't have Nate on Wed but I didn't. This afternoon, I did a bunch of stuff around the house to burn a few calories. Had Chili for dinner...lotta beans...say a prayer for my husband!!! :embarassed:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member

    Sandy, tell Kate happy birthday and God Bless her. I sent a package, but not sure if she got it. She would probably tell you if she had received it. It may not have been enough time. Anyway, I have more to send, when I get time to ship them.

    Hi Phoebe,
    Just to let you know that Katie received the package you sent her today and since today is her 22nd birthday she was very surprised to get a package from someone she didn't know. I did call her in Africa today as did her parents and while she was talking to them a friend brought her packages. I am sure she will thank you but with no internet and mail and packages taking over a month please be patient. I would just again like to thank you for your generosity and kindness, people like you are very rare and special.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member

    My bed was made perfect before Daisy's walk, this is what she did when we returned. Bad Dog!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris It i not me doing all f this walking It is Barbiecat and she is in her prime. All the walking I do is here in the house. But I do a lot of it. going from the front of the house to the back. stopping along the way to potty and thru the kitchen stoping to do any dishes if their is any. and usally there is then to my TV chair in te den. Then get up and make all the stops again to get back to my sewing room and computer Whew I am wore out.Also check and see if I need to fix any veggies if so throw some in my vented containers sprinkle some chicken brough put the lid on open the vent throw in microwave for 5 to 6 minutes Wow supper isready. Now everyonce in a while my dogie Sammy comes and get me and manage a little walk.
    Thats about sum up my day. We did go grocer shopping today.

    You are a ery busy gal with all of t=your canning. you are very luckie to have all of those fresh veggies and fruit. Texas weather was not a very good year for a garden Here. everything burm up
    What kind of quilt are you working on.

    Phoebe that was so nice of you sending Sandy grandaughter a pkg. and on her Birthday too.

    Sandy , Phoebe has a heart of gold. Love that gal.

    Now to talk to Irene. Have you been able to do any quilting lately? Tou are so good at it. I am wrking on some red, White and blue blocks to make a vest. This is vest kind of weather. Love wearing them for the stores keep their bldg. so cold. I don't have the patence to make a quilt doubt very seriously if I could handle one now a days. but love makig blocks. You were eatingabout a cup of beans at one time. Did they help your blood sugar They sure are mine. . Just wanted you to know I am forever thinking of you..Have a plesant night.:heart: Marie
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, it sounds like you have very busy days just in your own home. Good for you !!! We need to get whatever exercise we can.

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, thanks for the link to Marvin Gaye video. I am going to have to try it out.

    I wasn't here yesterday except for logging in at my dairy. Very busy day and today may be more of the same.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: aww, Maddie, Justin Timberlake singing Marvin Gaye's song. I like the music from the 50s and 60s. I guess we are may since we grew up listening to that.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    OMG I beat Becky here this morning I am sure she will be here shortly.

    had a very pleasant night here The tempture is going back into the upper 90's today.
    No plans today. Got plenty of veggies prepare so no cooking either yeah. !!!

    I can't believe i have stayed on my plan for a month now. I know why............. not wont to go back on all of those shots that makes a fellow stop and think twice before any goodies enter My mouth .beside I am seeing some result

    This is Thursday morning no rain to deal with Not much news either Be cjecking in later this morning.

    :heart: Marie
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, look again. I have already been here.:laugh: I am sure that you did beat me yesterday as I wasn't at any threads all day.:bigsmile: Wow, you are still experiencing hot weather !!! Our's is cooling off. So glad that you are seeing results. Keep up the good work.

    Has anyone heard of the cabbage soup diet? I am not interested in anything that I can't live the rest of my life on. But, I know someone here where I work who is doing this. She lost 10 pounds in two weeks. Wonder just how long those pounds will stay off of her.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: The sun is shining and the temp is supposed to go up to 70, but then high winds are coming, gotta love the Chicago area (Windy City). :grumble:

    Becky, seems to me someone mentioned the cabbage soup diet here once, but I can't remember who. I prefer counting calories and exercise, in my opinion the best way to keep off the weight, at least for me. :drinker:

    Marie, our nights have been great for sleeping also, love opening the windows with warm blankets to snuggle.:heart:

    Maddie, thanks for sharing and keeping us moving, so glad you are back. :love:

    Chris, maybe I better try some slots instead of the tables. :tongue: No one puts more steps on a pedometer than Barbie, I think she must walk and dance through her house every minute, but that is why she lost over 70 pounds. :laugh:

    Phoebe, I have decided you are another angel on earth just like Irene. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I have a meeting today so I better get moving and grooving. Have a great day!!
  • viliberty1957
    Marie, thank you for thinking of me. Thanks to all of you for your support as well. No, I haven't done any sewing for awhile. In fact, I "distributed" my fabric among my sewing friends. I have been trying to lessen stress by removing things that I feel I "should" do, and replacing them only with things I want to do. Sewing had become one of the "should be doing" things. I wasn't really enjoying it that much anymore.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone. God bless.