New 30ds challenge and lose 10lbs by Halloween.



  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    L1D2 Done. The 3 lb weights don't seem to be enough for the chest rises (I think that's what their called - the ones when you lay on your back and raise your arms above you). I don't know if I want to spend teh extra money for just one exercise.

    Is it the chest flies? I was actually thinking the same today. Last time I tried 30DS they definitely seemed enough for everything, but I must have gained some strength from somewhere LOL as they seem too light for that particular part now.

    I agree, always thought they were too light for the chest flies, but I'm the same, I'm not gonna buy a new set just for ONE exercise....... annoying thing is we left a whole bunch of dumbells and loose weights at our old house before we moved grrr.

    well done everyone for sticking at it, and hello to all the new shredders! :)

    I did my 'Before' pics.... they are bluddy awful lol I can't wait to do the 'After' pics! hoping to see a BIG difference :D
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    I hate hate hate the side lunges and lateral arm raises. Everything else I'm okay with. Maybe the squat and presses can be a pain.
  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    my bladder hates the jumping jacks so I have to improvise that one a bit...still gotta get day 2 done in about 30 mins
  • GoCanada
    GoCanada Posts: 92 Member
    I hate hate hate the side lunges and lateral arm raises. Everything else I'm okay with. Maybe the squat and presses can be a pain.

    Day 2, Level 1 done. I agree with the hatred of side lunges. I have a really hard time finishing that one.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Side lunges and jumping jacks are a bit tough on my knee so I do a jog with arm movements for the jumping jacks and I do a modified squat for the side lunges. As long as you keep the cardio going with upper and lower body movements, it's ok to modify your exercises a bit without losing the stride of the workout.

    Daughter and I finished Day 2!!! Yay!!!
    We will actually finish on Oct 31 due to a few wknds in which she won't be able to workout but other than that during the week it will be at least 5 days of non-stop workouts.

    We are SOOOOO looking forward to the 10 and 20 day progress coming up!!
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    I've been picking up the weights periodically and just doing the upper body portion of the workouts I detest. Hopefully it'll make it easier for me when its time to actually do dvd.
  • lkcurvy
    Hi, I could use the support. I started 2 weeks ago but I'm not consistent. I'm on level 2 and it's tough! Lack of time is what holds me back from doing it everyday. I need to commit - would it be ok to join this group? I will do my best to follow the video daily.
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I hate hate hate the side lunges and lateral arm raises. Everything else I'm okay with. Maybe the squat and presses can be a pain.

    I hate those too, I have to modify them by the end by raising one arm at a time haha I'm such a weakling :)
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Hi, I could use the support. I started 2 weeks ago but I'm not consistent. I'm on level 2 and it's tough! Lack of time is what holds me back from doing it everyday. I need to commit - would it be ok to join this group? I will do my best to follow the video daily.

    of course you can join us! :)

    I don't really lack time, even with a 1 year old under my feet all day, I just lack the motivation lol I've found the best time for me to do it is morning, right after my eldest leaves for school (would do it before but he laughs at me jumping around the living room like a loon)

    I found I lost interest when I started level 3 I HATED it ended up giving up after 3 days of level 3 :(

    NOT giving up this time, no excuses.

    Come on, if we can all find 27 minutes then I'm sure you can too, just stick at it, and push through the levels that you don't like, even if you have to modify them lots, at least you are still moving. :D

  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    I'm just about to take my boy to school and then gonna do D3.

    I'd also like to dedicate a song to all of us new 30DSers:

  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I'm just about to take my boy to school and then gonna do D3.

    I'd also like to dedicate a song to all of us new 30DSers:


    PMSL!! haha :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Day 3 of Level 1 DONE! :D
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
    Level 1 Day 3 Done!
    It was a first for me today, getting up to exercise before work. 3:25 am and I think I need to back it up to 3:20. I wish you could skip all the intro. I did a little better today. I could actually do my girly pushups again. I was to sore yesterday. Kept track of how many situps I did also, so I will push myself harder. Good luck ladies!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done. I really had to talk myself into it today guys. What's sad is it wasn't because I was sore or anything, I just wasn't in the mood. BAH... But I'm really happy I did it anyway!
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    L1D3 done here too. I had to really talk myself into it too, it's glorious weather here, we're having an Indian summer (all 3 days of it LOL) and all I wanted to do was go out and sit in the sun.
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    What day are we weighing in btw?

    I already weigh in on a Friday and a Monday for various challenges, so either of those would be handy LOL. Gonna get quite confusing if I have any more weigh in days per week LOL.
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
    I usually weigh in every other day, but I've seen on here that a lot of people get discouraged because of the weight gain. So I'm just going to compare measurements and weigh in after day 10.
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    I usually weigh in every other day, but I've seen on here that a lot of people get discouraged because of the weight gain. So I'm just going to compare measurements and weigh in after day 10.

    I'm thinking about weighing myself after each level and doing measurements just for my own knowledge. I may also take a third set of pictures at day 15. I don't have a scale so my starting weight may be way off. I could be at 165 so when I'm home again and grab my scale I'll see where I really stand.
  • jaded618
    i actually started monday before even seeing your post so that worked well :)....i have tried doing the 30d challenge before and ended up slacking due to the school semester starting and me being so busy with work too. Im gonna try again, but this time i feel more confident because i have MFP to help me :)!
  • mssygayle
    mssygayle Posts: 21 Member