๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€***JANUARY 2024 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€



  • ronicaw57
    ronicaw57 Posts: 117 Member
    @takinitalloff Thank you!
  • Farmeress
    Farmeress Posts: 190 Member
    October 2023 start weight 189 lbs

    January Start Weight: 173 lbs
    January Goal Weight: 170 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140?

    January 1: 173 lbs
    January 8: 172 lbs
    January 15: 173 lbs
    January 22: 171 lbs
    January 29: 173 lbs
    January 31: 173 lbs

    Not a gain, so that's good. Going to try doing things a little differently in February. So many folks are doing so well! Motivating!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,638 Member
    Oops I accidentally posted my Winter Challenge update here instead of over there. Sorry about that ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  • jlwalker6
    jlwalker6 Posts: 77 Member
    January Start Weight: 265.4
    January Goal Weight: 261
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 185

    January 29: 260.2. I finished my HealthyWage challenge and won the $500! Ordered my roller skates and gear (Sure Grip Fames in pink with Oasis wheels, Moxi Thick knee and elbow pads and Triple 8 certified sweatsaver helmet, if anyone is interested in that stuff. Also some fun rainbow laces. ๐ŸŒˆ Pumped about getting some Fundae wheels for my birthday also :))). I haven't been this excited about anything in a while--definitely going to do another HealthyWage bet (as soon as my celebratory pancakes settle). Money is a WAY better motivator for me than a nebulous idea of future health. A meteor could land on me tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‚ Give me the money so i can have fun NOW!

    January 31:

    @jlwalker6 Congratulations on the win! Enjoy those roller skating goodies you got yourself with your prize! Such an accomplishment!

    Thank you! I feel more accomplished this time than in past times I have lost weight. I appreciate these groups--you all really help to keep me honest and moving forward. <3
  • jlwalker6
    jlwalker6 Posts: 77 Member
    January Start Weight: 265.4
    January Goal Weight: 261
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 185
    January 1: 265.4
    January 8: 260.2. Not sure how that happened, but it's very encouraging! I must have been retaining some water somewhere because I was eating at maintenance trying to heal from being sick--craving lots and lots of oranges. At my goal for my HealthyWage challenge so i need to keep it up for the official weigh in. I plan to buy myself some roller skates with the prize money. I used to love skating as a kid; you couldn't keep me off the skating rink or out of the swimming pool if there was one nearby. Weird how when we get older we forget about things that brought joy and excitement to our lives. I didn't make resolutions this year, but as I have entered my forties, i have decided to prioritize my own health, mental health, and happiness. With roller skates :) See you all next week--lots of love!

    January 15: 260--been really hungry the last few days. I wish there was a way to track that on Fitbit the way you can track mood and look at the trends like in the menstrual health section (hint hint, Fitbit developers who may be reading this)

    January 22: 259.8 and grateful that the ice has melted and my Fitbit no linger thinks I'm dead. I tried taking the trash out, my legs flew out from under me on my first step off the porch and I strained my hip muscle. ๐Ÿซ  I just learned that there are things you can put over your shoes to stop that from happening. lol

    January 29: 260.2. I finished my HealthyWage challenge and won the $500! Ordered my roller skates and gear (Sure Grip Fames in pink with Oasis wheels, Moxi Thick knee and elbow pads and Triple 8 certified sweatsaver helmet, if anyone is interested in that stuff. Also some fun rainbow laces. ๐ŸŒˆ Pumped about getting some Fundae wheels for my birthday also :))). I haven't been this excited about anything in a while--definitely going to do another HealthyWage bet (as soon as my celebratory pancakes settle). Money is a WAY better motivator for me than a nebulous idea of future health. A meteor could land on me tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‚ Give me the money so i can have fun NOW!

    January 31: 260. My body seems to want to hang out at this weight. That's ok, I think. I'm happy with the progress I've made. Celebrating a little with a night at the coast, then back to it when we get home. Thanks for keeping me accountable :) Happy February!
  • californiajuls
    californiajuls Posts: 198 Member
    September 2023 starting @ 207.7

    September 2023 total loss 3.4
    October 2023 total loss 11.4
    November 2023 total loss 4.1
    December 2023 loss 0
    January 2024 current loss 3.3

    Total loss 22.1 pounds

    January Start Weight: 188.9
    January Goal Weight: 184
    Ultimate Goal Weight:142

    January 1: 188.9
    January 8: 191.4
    January 12: 185.1
    January 19: 185
    January 26: 185.5
    January 31: 185.6

    No excuses, Cancun October 2024
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    @enlightenme3 Thanks so much for starting the February challenge. I have posted the link below. Let's kick February's butt!

  • v1832155
    v1832155 Posts: 22 Member
    In Nov, I started at 160 lbs.

    January Start Weight: 159.5
    January Goal Weight: 157
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145

    January 1: 159.5
    January 8: 158
    January 15: 158.5
    January 22: 158
    January 29: 159
    January 31: 159
  • AllyNorth
    AllyNorth Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you @mtaratoot and @deepwoodslady and @takinitalloff for the information! I am ON it!
    @mtaratoot Thank you for this information! I looked into TrendWeight (I do use a fitbit) but see that I need a smart scale. My scale is not smart. Not sure if I want to invest in new equipment. (Though I do enjoy all the data.)

    Thank you for the kind words!

    A personal example: My scale weight this morning was up 1.6 pounds from yesterday. Stepping back for context, it was down 1.8 pounds yesterday from the day before. I didn't believe yesterday's number. It was a very weird anomaly because I expected it to be UP from muscle repair from a strength training session. Go figure. Maybe it was glycogen? Because I had a carb craving yesterday and fed it. Even just looking at today, yesterday, and the day before, the number has dropped, but only 0.2 pounds. That's reasonable, and I don't even really believe THAT.

    The weird part is that my trending weight is down 0.7 pounds over the two days, and I don't totally believe that either, but only because it incorporates the anomaly. It will level out in the coming days. I am down two pounds since last Wednesday by my weight trend, and I do actually believe that.

    There's some online tools that will do the math for you. I use TrendWeight. The only thing I don't like about it is you have to enter your data on the Fitbit website if you don't use a Fitbit, and I don't. One thing I do like besides the visual appeal of the graph they present is that you can superimpose your trend from 28 days prior. This gives all users a quick view of how they compare to a month ago, and it gives women who menstruate a measure of how today's trend compares to a previous month during the same portion of the cycle.

    You absolutely do NOT need a smart scale! I don't have one. You do have to take an extra step. It's a little tiny pain in the *ocelot* but I still do it. You have to enter your daily weight manually. Visit https://www.fitbit.com/weight. I don't even HAVE a Fitbit (I use a Garmin device), and I just go there every morning and plug in the number. Over on the right side; looks like this:

    To get to that part of their website without going directly to it, from your Fitbit dashboard, click on "LOG," and then you'll see the tab for "Weight."

    Also, I have a Google Sheets spreadsheet I'm happy to share that you can populate with your own data. I even built a graphing feature into it, but the one on Trendweight is nicer. I actually also have a different sheet for people who only want to weigh once a week, but I think to get the most benefit from a weighted moving average, you should weigh every day. Feedback is better.